Your own birthday copy
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2023-07-25 01:23:57
Complete sentences

1. The worst way to lose someone is to be sitting right beside him as if he were far away. Happy birthday to myself.

2. Delicate flowers have opened for you; A good day has come quietly. happy birthday to me!

3. Happy birthday to myself! The new year also needs a good duck.

4. There are only two kinds of people, depending on life or on oneself. So, do you know how to rely on yourself on the way of adhering to your dreams? Only through our unremitting efforts can we achieve our dreams.

5. Years old, shining like gold, fragrant like roses.

6. Dear self, today is your birthday, happy birthday, trust your intuition, don't provoke others, and don't let others provoke you.

7. I like the word "everything wins" because I hope that in the new year, I will always get more than I lose, and the results of everything will be better than you expected. Happy birthday!

8. How many unscrupulous, turbulent days, in the years. This one-way street, I have fought the horse.

9. My birthday also wishes my relatives happy life every day! Bless all my friends to share my happiness and be happy forever!

10. Honesty is part of eloquence; We convince others because we are earnest and sincere.

11. Having ideal is only a kind of intelligence, realizing ideal is a kind of ability!

12. The yard with trees in Houhai, and the jade with work in Xia Dynasty. At this moment, you are in your twenties.

13. My birthday also wishes my relatives happy life every day! Bless all my friends to share my happiness and be happy forever!

14. Yesterday will be the past, and tomorrow we will start to make our efforts brilliant!

15. Look at the sky, the sun and the moon, always silent; Green mountains and long rivers stretch from generation to generation; Just like in my heart, you never leave and never change. Happy birthday to myself!

16. Congratulations on my birthday! May your plans come true and my life be beautiful forever!

17. Dear self, you can be disappointed but not despair. You should always believe that tomorrow is a new day!

18. Youth, sunshine, laughter, dance to a happy beat for my day. happy birthday to me!

19. No matter how good others are, they are also others. No matter how unbearable he is, he is also his own unique self. As long as you try to be your best, life is enough. Be responsible for your life and pay for your dreams.

20. From today on, let yourself live quietly, learn to love yourself, you are unique, and be the most authentic, happy and sunny yourself.

21. The most romantic thing in the world is to go a long way alone to do what you like and wish yourself a happy birthday.

22. Friends: Happy birthday to me today! Wish me health and safety! I would like to express my deep gratitude to my friends! I wish everyone happy every day. May we live in peace in the future. It is smooth, profitable and happy. Happy, happy forever.

23. It's another beautiful beginning. May my sincere wishes bring me a successful year and a happy birthday!

24. In three years' time, my sister will be on her third birthday! At this point 27 years ago, mother, you worked hard!

25. Although it is just a small greeting, it is my miss; Although it is just a gentle blessing, it is my heart's voice; Although it's just a heart song, it's tied to our friendship. Wish you a happy birthday!

26. I wish myself a happy birthday. Year after year, I hope I am closer to my dream, not farther away!

27. Happy birthday, always healthy and beautiful!

28. May my blessings haunt me in my colorful life journey and in the rainbow sky I fly. Wish: Happy birthday! Good mood every day! Always beautiful!

29. I hope the best wishes I can send you are the freshest and most enjoyable. I wish you a happy birthday!

30. Today's birthday, only Tencent remembers what I should say. Happy birthday to myself!

31. May there be lights in the dark and umbrellas in the rain for the rest of my life; May I never be afraid of loneliness for the rest of my life. Finally, I wish myself a happy birthday.

32. Today, like a bird with new wings; Tomorrow, like an eagle, may I have a happy birthday!

33. If you give me a tear, I can see all the oceans in your heart. Happy birthday to myself!

34. Belief is the starting point of success, and persistence is the end point of success. Happy birthday to myself!

35. I want you and me for a lifetime. Happy birthday to myself.