2023 Mature signature of male students
Self floating forest
2023-03-04 07:03:30
Complete set of signatures

1. Look at people with time and heart instead of eyes and gossip

2. Sometimes flowers bloom and sometimes they fall. There is no need to linger, and what should go will go; There is no need to be demanding. What should come will come sooner or later

3. A strong person is not able to cope with everything, but can ignore all the injuries.

4. The fastest step is not to leap, but to continue; The slowest pace is not a small step, but wandering.

5. When it's time to take action, you can only take soy sauce.

6. Sunflower smile, I will try to find it back

7. No one needs to give away the sun, we are the sun.

8. There is always a new story to look forward to on the rotating earth

9. Don't stay in the past, don't remember the past, time will bite, you don't go, will be covered with scars.

10. My youth should not be left blank, I dare to imagine that it will open.

11. The most powerful spiritual pillar of man is not will or belief, but habit.

12. We must make ourselves better

13. Do what you said and say what you can do.

14. Really want to break the past and let tomorrow continue

15. To make others happy is compassion, and to make yourself happy is wisdom.

16. Before everything gets better, we always have to experience some unhappy days.

17. Those who always want to win will lose, and those who are not afraid of losing will win

18. Once hurt, you won't be given a second chance to hurt yourself

19. Everyone knows the big truth, but it is difficult to control the small emotions.

20. It's better to work hard now than worry about the future. Only hard work can give you a sense of security