The short sentence of rainbow describes the beautiful sentence of rainbow (86 sentences)
Time doesn't lie
2023-07-01 00:31:54
Complete sentences

1. Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow

2. Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow.

3. After the rainbow storm, success is in details.

4. There is a clear sky above the dark clouds, and a rainbow after the rain.

5. A rainbow hung in the sky, emitting dazzling light.

6. No matter how long it rains, there will be a rainbow after the rain!

7. The rainbow is like a wisp of rosy clothes hanging in the sky, which is extremely graceful.

8. Life is like a rainbow after rain. If you gaze, it is eternity.

9. After the storm, there will always be a rainbow. We look forward to that moment!

10. It's raining outside. I can see a rainbow every time I open the window.

11. One day, the clouds darken the jade tower, and the silver world shakes with thousands of hectares of light. Snow Night

12. How can we see the rainbow without wind and rain? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.

13. A rainbow appears in the sky, like a bridge connecting the sky.

14. There is always warmth under the sun, and there is always a rainbow after the rain.

15. The rainbow after the storm is the most beautiful, and the fruits of hard work are the sweetest.

16. The remnant rainbow receives the rain and lacks the fresh flow on the bank. Chen Zhengjian's Boating on the Back Lake

17. Only by undertaking the hardships of the journey can we finally hold the rainbow sky.

18. When you are young, you should work hard for your dreams. The rainbow is at the end of the road.

19. People fall down, get up and start again. Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow.

20. After the light rain, a rainbow appeared, just like a beautiful colorful bridge.

21. Rainbow always comes after rain, sunshine always comes after dark clouds, and success always comes after failure.

22. After the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky, just like a colorful bridge hanging in the sky.

23. The rainbow rising from the tears of life is the most beautiful—— F Thompson

24. Our desire lends the color of the rainbow to a life that is nothing but clouds. Tagore

25. The beauty of the rainbow has taught us to be strong and to deal with sudden love.

26. After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appears in the east sky, like a colorful bridge.

27. The rainbow is so perfect that it makes people intoxicated and memorable.

28. After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, like a colorful bridge hanging in the sky.

29. In the stormy life, give yourself a smile. Life is to put happiness in your heart and move forward all the way.

30. Life is often like this. You can fight for yourself. Maybe there is a rainbow ahead after the rain.

31. I miss you, but I can't say to you that it's like a rainbow hanging high in the sky. Nobody can touch it forever.

32. The rainbow is like a colorful ribbon of a fairy and a colorful bridge to greet others, as if it can lead people into the mythical world.

33. Rainbow of wind and rain, sonorous roses let many people find a brave direction and goal in this song.

34. Some people may think that after rain, there will be a rainbow, but who knows that it is a rainbow, or a dark cloud.

35. The rainbow reflects the blue sky, and the cool breeze blows. The beautiful scenery on both sides of the Jialing River is more attractive.

36. The bright rainbow rises from the green fields and goes straight to the sky, really like a gorgeous overpass.

37. A bright rainbow rises from the green fields to the sky, really like a gorgeous overpass.

38. No matter how long it rains, there will be a rainbow in the end; No matter how sad you are, believe that happiness is waiting ahead.

39. Step forward in the direction of your dream. I believe that one day you will see your own rainbow.

40. Step forward in the direction of your dream. I believe that one day you will see the rainbow that belongs to you.

41. Family love is a perfect shell. When closed, the rainbow in my heart can withstand any storm in the world.

42. Looking to the east, an arc of translucent rainbow emerges in the middle of dark clouds, light brown, yellow and reddish, looming.

43. The colorful rainbow flies over the river, and the two colorful bridges on the water and the sky match each other, which is really like a gorgeous overpass.

44. This rainbow is like a balloon flower of a fairy, and also like a colorful bridge to welcome others. It seems that it can introduce people into the world of flood and famine.

45. It is said that after rain, there will be a rainbow. But has anyone said that the rainbow will stay in this world for a short time, and it will disappear in a blink of an eye?

46. After the rain, the sun shows a smiling face. A beautiful rainbow builds a beautiful bridge over the grassland.

47. Facing life firmly, what we give up is only trouble, but what we win is the whole life. Believe that there is a rainbow after rain, as long as you are strong.

48. It's like he draws a curved rainbow in your dream with a paintbrush, but it's two clouds that hold the rainbow in the end.

49. Rainbow will always appear only under the reflection of sunshine after rain, so we cherish that gorgeous ribbon of youth.

50. A rainbow appeared in the blue sky, like a huge arch bridge across the sky, like a jack poplar spreading its leaves.

51. There is an invisible rainbow in everyone's heart. What makes the rainbow appear is not rain and crying, but sunshine in your heart.

52. The rainbow slowly disappeared. It melted in the sky and in every child's heart, becoming a dream that will never solidify.

53. Simple life is an attitude. A glass of clear water can also reflect a rainbow of seven colors. Forget about troubles, and there is brilliant sunshine everywhere.

54. In my sleepless eyes, the rainbow looks like a halfway station between the world and heaven, specially letting those happy spirits go up and down.

55. Rainbows appear in the blue sky. All kinds of colors are woven together to create radiance. Like a golden bridge, they lie majestically across the sky.

56. Rainbow sister wears seven different clothes. The colors are red, yellow, blue, green, green, blue, and purple, which are not boring to see for a long time.

57. The thunderstorm fluttered across the field and disappeared in the distance. Rainbow lazily put on her colorful coat and flew on the green hillside.

58. When all the misfortunes come one after another, I can only stand still and face them calmly. I must see how gorgeous the rainbow is after the storm!

59. Mother said that one rainbow is half round, and two rainbows are reunion. One day, when there are two rainbows in the sky, I can reunite with my father.

60. The long rainbow stretches out in the clear sky in the west. It looks like a bridge, red, yellow, green, orange and purple. These colors are very bright.

61. A rainbow appears in the sky of Beijing. You are there and I am here. So far, so near. After a while, the rainbow slowly disappeared, and you also disappeared.

62. Love is like the shining rainbow after the rain. Red is fiery love, orange is gentle love, blue is pure love, and purple is strict love.

63. This rainbow is really like a colorful belt of fairies, and also like a colorful bridge to greet others. It is like the seven rainbows that can lead people into a mythical world. It is so beautiful.

64. Of course, I won't be proud to think that birds fly in the morning sun forest. Of course, I won't be proud to think that the wind and rain are chasing the rainbow. Of course, I won't be proud of the pure natural beauty.

65. They are like flowers, like a beautiful forest, like a rainbow in the sky. Their existence will only make people feel a little surprised in the ordinary life. Li Yinhe

66. The beautiful rainbow is after the rain. I really miss leaving. Good luck, good dreams, good mood. After you receive the message, dear friends, I hope that happiness is right beside you at this moment.

67. Don't regret or complain about your mistakes. There is no perfect person in the world. Fall down, get up and start again. How can we see the rainbow without wind and rain? I believe we will walk more steadily next time.

68. The beautiful rainbow is so soft and serene against the blue sky. It reflects the colorful, gorgeous and bright soft light and reflects the river rushing on the earth after the rain.

69. The beautiful rainbow is after the rain. I sincerely miss leaving. Good luck, good dreams, good mood. After you receive the text message, dear friends, I sincerely hope that happiness will be around you at this moment.

70. Some people are shallow, while others are superficial. One day you will meet a person as gorgeous as a rainbow. When you meet this person, you will feel that other people are just floating clouds.

71. White clouds in the sky, are you still lonely? Don't wait for the rainbow in your heart any more. Find a piece of rain quickly and leave. How can Rainbow understand the taste of waiting for this loneliness?

72. Rainbow is composed of seven bright colors, bent into a semicircle, like a colorful overpass hanging in the air. I was curious: Are there many fairies passing by?

73. When it rains, a person who has a rainbow in his heart can maintain a beautiful mood. When the rainbow rises, he will feel that both sunshine and rain are good, because without rain, the rainbow cannot be seen.

74. Rainbow always comes after wind and rain, autumn fruits always comes after spring flowers, loneliness always comes after rain, treasure always comes after missing, tears always come after injury, smiles always come after roses, and may your good mood always come after dawn every day!

75. In an instant, an arc-shaped half bright rainbow floated in the middle of the dark cloud, and the feet of the rainbow hung down one by one, like the practice hanging upside down beside the rainbow. The light brown yellow reddish heavy ring loomed.

76. What kind of emotion did you touch? What kind of fascination did you make me feel when I first met you? Rainbow comes to mind when it rains, smile comes to mind when it rains. It is so happy, there is no distance and strange dialogue.

77. I finally completely removed the umbrella that blocked my view. In a flash, I exclaimed that a rainbow hung high in the sky, curved and beautiful. I counted its colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple.

78. I Murong Yunhai swear to the earth, the sky, the clouds, the wind, and the flowers and rainbows that I will only love Chu Yunett in my life. I will let her live happily until she grows old and dies.

79. When I looked up at the sky, I was shocked. I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The rainbow had seven colors: red, yellow, blue, green, green, orange, and purple. It was beautiful and magical!

80. There are several white clouds floating in the sky. It is like the billowing white waves in the Taiwan Strait. The rainbow is like a bridge of friendship across the strait. It withstood the test and stood there unswervingly.

81. The rainbow should be the most beautiful in the world. It uses seven colors of all the colors in the world: red of the sun, yellow of gold, blue of the sea, green of leaves, orange of dawn, purple of morning glory, and green of grass.

82. After a storm, there is often a rainbow of seven colors in the sky. The rainbow only appears after the rain. How hard won it is! It has to fight with the storm to show its charm.

83. After a storm, there is often a rainbow of seven colors in the sky. The rainbow only appears after the rain. How hard won it is, it has to fight with the storm to show its charm.

84. Looking to the east, an arc-shaped, translucent rainbow looms in the middle of the dark clouds, light brown, yellow and reddish. The colorful rainbow flies over the river, and the two colorful bridges on the water and the sky look like a gorgeous overpass.

85. Missing is a white flower on a green vine. Even if there is a dispute, it looks clear and bright, like a candle light lit alone after the dark, and a rainbow appears in the sky after the rain. It is sad and beautiful. I am willing to indulge in such an idea.

86. When I look up again, ah! A clear rainbow cut through the blue night sky. When it comes out, I don't know; But now it is like a long bridge, from behind the white house on the top of the mountain in the east to a high green mountain in the north.