Mother's impressions
Quietness follows fate
2023-11-19 05:44:19
Junior two
reaction to a book or an article

Gorky said that "books are the ladder of human progress"
This sentence always inspires me. After watching Gorky's Mother, I understand the meaning of this sentence more.
Mother is supreme. The hero of this book, Pavel, is a dutiful child. After his father died, he learned to cherish his mother. In the book, my favorite is Gorky's ordinary but silent mother.
After reading this book, I was filled with emotion. I realized my mother's good intentions in the book, and understood the truth of how to behave. We should learn to be grateful. Our life is given by our parents, and this is an endless "debt"!
The ancients created characters very well. Didn't mothers consist of women and horses? Isn't the world's mother like a hard working horse, paying for her children? Mother only pays, but never asks for return. With such a broad mind, how many people in the world except her?
If home is compared to a harbor, then mother is a ship to shelter from wind and rain. Without mother, we will become seedlings that are free from wind and rain; If you compare home to a cup of bitter coffee, your mother is a sugar. If you put it in the coffee, the coffee will be very sweet. Without your mother, life will be dull.
Great mother, I praise you!