There is a short sentence (77 sentences) in the heart of a woman who is tired and stressed
Can't forget
2023-03-10 21:31:28
Complete sentences

1. Beautiful, solemn and powerful, there is an active life here.

2. I'm really tired this time. I really want to let go.

3. The value of life is to create a valuable life.

4. I don't want to base my dream on destroying your life.

5. Sometimes I will be sad, but pride will not let me say.

6. It is life with bitterness and sweetness, and life with joy and sorrow.

7. It's not arrogance or nonsense, just tired of all dependence.

8. You have returned to this city, but we have no contact anymore.

9. Often struggling in memory, there are many past can not be relieved.

10. The habit of idleness is the most unfortunate disaster in life.

11. As for what will happen in the future, we have to go hard to know.

12. You are always so calm, it seems that I can do without you.

13. No matter how beautiful it is, it can't stand forgetting, and it can't stand time in sadness.

14. My leaving will make you happy. If you want, we will make a deal.

15. Not meeting does not mean not missing, not contacting just to cover up attachment.

16. No matter how painful it is, it can only be a story when it comes to others.

17. There are two tragedies in life. First, everyone is disappointed; The other is complacency.

18. Why prove something to others and live a better life is for yourself.

19. Have you ever liked a person so much that you don't see anyone else?

20. We kept rummaging through our memories, but we could never find ourselves back then.

21. Real feelings do not need to be learned. When feeling is true, it starts from the heart.

22. There is no one like you in the world. Let me beg for more.

23. Later I learned that it is not easy to let go of a person who really likes him.

24. I always look forward to meeting you again somewhere, but never again.

25. Love is not enough. Money comes to collect money. There are a group of dogs behind the rich. Without money, society is difficult.

26. Now, any thinking and trivia is a kind of anxiety and helplessness.

27. How far a person can go depends on himself. You can never know without trying.

28. Don't be confused with your heart or trapped in feelings. Don't fear the future, don't think about the past. So, it's safe.

29. Everything in life is just like this; You are always the best in my mind.

30. The day you left, I decided not to cry, but to hold my eyes against the wind without blinking.

31. At the age of 70, there is no sorrow; at the age of 18, there is no waiting at the age of 80.

32. What I love does not belong to me after all, and what accompanies you to the end is not me after all.

33. It's better to be alone than covered with scars. I don't want wine and loneliness. Let me go.

34. Most of your life, mine, his, her life, is just like the first time.

35. I am like a fly lying on the window. The future is bright, but I cannot find a way out.

36. Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles, and sniffles account for most of them.

37. All changes and charms of life. All beauty consists of light and shadow.

38. Welcome the sunshine every day with a grateful mood, and grasp life with a firm and powerful hand.

39. When I wait for your good news, I can't wait for any words of comfort, only you are full of disgust.

40. The wind is blowing, the leaves are yellow, and the weather is cool; Tired work, tired heart, busy days.

41. If you don't get a reward for your efforts, you should know that enough is enough. Otherwise, you will disturb others and hurt yourself.

42. I am like a fly lying on the glass. The future is bright, but I cannot find a way out!

43. If I have seen the world you have seen and walked the way you have walked, will I be closer to you.

44. There is no absolute pain and happiness in life, but a comparison between one state and another.

45. Life means that if we don't have hobbies, we are just as bored as a poorly managed theatre.

46. People can live more meaningfully by thinking beyond money and keeping a little pride in themselves.

47. Life only has more than 30000 days and nights. Don't regret that you wasted so much time on the last day.

48. Some people are very happy, but they seem very upset; Some people should be worried, but they seem very happy.

49. If I like you, even if I give up a thousand times in my heart, I will say a nice word to you and go all out again ten thousand times.

50. I look for hope in this world, but I can't find it all the time; So I can only get despair in another world.

51. Traumas are the best gift from life, because each trauma marks a step forward.

52. Pain makes people wake up. Everything in life should be on their own. The pity of others cannot bring about a better future.

53. Feelings don't come first, but I met you first, but you gave all your gentleness and patience to the later people.

54. What kind of mourners and happy people are true warriors who dare to face the bleak life and the dripping blood?

55. Eggs are food when broken from the outside, and life when broken from the inside; In life, breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth.

56. Understanding is to find an acceptable reason for the other party's fault, but the truth may not be what you think.

57. Wandering, blooming in the farthest horizon, in the yellow sand all over the sky. Look for, lost vows, lost, in endless thoughts.

58. A love of literature and art can help people improve their taste and cultivate their spirit; And then it can be extended to help the peace of society and enhance the happiness of life.

59. You should be able to withstand betrayal, indifference, and injustice. The thinnest thing is not love, at most it is not God's will, and at the deepest it is not people's heart.

60. A person who has survived all the hardships does not expect to be with anyone; I tried hard, but I don't want to say the end.

61. The forest flower withered the spring red. It was too hurried, but the cold rain came in the morning and the wind came in the evening. When will the rouge tears become drunk? I hate water and east forever.

62. Human beings often write a history of what happened in a career and look at life from there. In fact, it is just hidden. Life is internal.

63. Anyone who encounters misfortune in life, and then meets others who sympathize with his pain, whether true or false, is always most likely to arouse his favor.

64. There are not so many assumptions in life, but the reality is a real slap in the face. There is no doubt that you will cry out for pain, and you can only move forward.

65. We do not look back on the past, nor mention the youth we once had. We just stare silently, then turn around, with dim tears, and go our separate ways.

66. You must keep your spirits up. Don't be a little depressed. There will be bad times in life. The less complacent, the more energetic, it is not difficult to win.

67. If people are honest, there will be more people lying to you. If you are useful, there will be more people with you. If you are useless, there will be more people away from you. This is the reality.

68. The most painful thing in life is waking up with no way to go. The dreamer is happy; If you don't see the way to go, the most important thing is not to wake him up.

69. Some love gives you many opportunities, but you don't care about it. When you want to pay attention to it, there is no chance to love. Sometimes life is always ironic.

70. I only hope that after many years, no matter what your relationship with me is, when you talk about me, you can squint and smile and tell others that you loved me and never regret it.

71. Yes, being a man is tiring. I feel that as a poor person, I am a gift from God, which has trained me, although I have not tried to enjoy it. What's your opinion?

72. When you are tired and bitter, you should grit your teeth and persevere, because there is still a home behind you that needs you. All the difficulties are shouldered by oneself. This is responsibility.

73. When destiny wants you to grow up, it will always arrange some people or things that make you unhappy to stimulate you. Life is a process of tempering. If there are no ups and downs, you will never mature.

74. Maybe there is a person hidden in everyone's heart, just like a scar that can never be healed. No matter when it is mentioned or touched lightly, it will hurt faintly.

75. Please don't say that I have changed, because I have not changed, but just learned how to treat others as they treat me. Love yourself, let the sunshine live in your heart. Be the most authentic yourself, and your life does not need others' affirmation.

76. Life is too short. Why do you always live unhappily. All who should come will come, and all who should go will go. Don't resist, don't detain, don't give up, and don't worry. Don't cling to the things that have passed away, because they don't belong to you.

77. There are many things that can be put down in life. Only when it can be put down can it be taken up. Simplify your life as much as possible, and you will find that the scenery blocked is the most suitable life. Never be too persistent, and make yourself carry a heavy burden.