What are the 66 verses of patriotism
be cynical
2023-05-29 09:57:52
Complete Poems

1、 Worry can rejuvenate the country, relaxation can lead to death. Ouyang Xiu

2、 Devote oneself to the task and die—— Zhuge Liang

3、 The husband swore to the country, but he was angry and regretful—— Du Fu

4、 Always worried about tears, lonely clothes towel—— Du Fu

5、 Poor years worry about Li Yuan, sighing the heat in the intestines—— Du Fu

6、 Never forget to worry about the country when you are in a low position. --- Lu You's "Learning from Sickness"

7、 I often think of being desperate and dying for the country—— Sima Qian

8、 Who would have guessed that my heart is in Tianshan Mountain and my body is in Cangzhou—— Lu You

9、 One inch of devotion is for serving the country, and two lines of clear tears are for missing relatives—— Yu Qian

10、 A cavity of warm blood is hard to cherish. If it is sprinkled, it can turn green waves—— Qiu Jin

11、 The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in vegetation in spring—— Du Fu's Spring Outlook

12、 He could not bear to see his friends become new ghosts, and angrily looked for poems in the sword cluster—— Lu Xun

13、 The Zhumen sing and dance in silence. The horses in the stables are fat and the bow is broken—— Lu You

14、 He looks at a thousand fingers coldly and bows his head to be a willing ox—— Lu Xun

15、 The beautiful rivers and mountains are well organized, and all the people are the masters—— Zhu De

16、 Three hundred and sixty days a year, most of them are straight away—— Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders

17、 Is life rich and noble? Men should die in the country of Neng—— Li Mengyang

18、 I'd rather not know the city and the country—— There are beauties in the north by Li Yannian

19、 In those days, we fought like a tiger—— Xin Qiji

20、 The sword stroking trombone returns, and the wind and rain howl in the mountains—— Kang Youwei

21、 Yi Shuihan, once the hero is gone, he will never return—— Yi Shui Song

22、 Patriotism is as good as life—— Cai E's Message to Bai Wenwei

23、 Su Chen said that there was a good way to guard in the four barbarians—— Tian Xi's Song on the Stopper

24、 Just look at the Tianchan Ferry. If you don't believe in the Central Plains, you can't be called Zhu—— Zheng Chenggong

25、 But he made the Flying General of Dragon City stay here, and did not teach Huma to spend the Hell Mountain—— Going Out of the Frontier

26、 To die is to know that everything is empty, but not to be sad—— "Demonstrations"

27、 Life is a hero, death is a ghost. Up to now, I miss Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong Summer quatrains by Li Qingzhao

28、 It's really famous after birth. Who can be as famous as Bo Zhong after thousands of years—— Lu You's Book Anger

29、 The Zhumen sing and dance in silence. The horses in the stables are fat and the bow is broken—— Lu You's Guan Shanyue

30、 In autumn, Xinhong is sent to mourn the destruction of the country, and hungry tigers gnaw at the empty forest in the daytime—— Zheng Sixiao's Erli

31、 When hearing of the emperor's envoy, he followed the soap to cover his ministers—— Wang Wei's Sending Judge Li to Dongjiang

32、 You will die if you serve your country, and your sideburns will never turn green again—— Lu You's Mooring the Water Village at Night

33、 Never forget your country in the face of adversity—— Zuo Zhuan, Thirty one Years of Xianggong

34、 But he made the Flying General of Dragon City stay here, and did not teach Huma to spend the Hell Mountain—— Wang Changling's Song of Going Out of the Frontier

35、 Play Kaile, return to the imperial capital, and Ban Jue presents the captured country for entertainment—— He Chengtian's Battle to the South of the City

36、 Return to register the Lord and restore the old China—— Yue Fei, Send Ziyan Zhang to the Northern Expedition

37、 Yellow sand wears gold armour for every battle, and will not return until the Loulan is broken—— Wang Changling's Journey to the Army

38、 Seven countries and three sides did not come to worry, thirteen people attacked Fuping Marquis—— Li Shangyin's Fuping Young Marquis

39、 In the wind, they are drawn by the wind—— Li Shimin's Banner in front of Xingguo Temple

40、 If you pity the chrysanthemum in your hometown, you should open it near the battlefield—— Cen Shen, "On the 9th March, Thinking of Chang'an Hometown"

41、 A white horse and a golden saddle follow the Emperor Wu, and a hundred thousand banners and banners stand tall—— Wang Changling's Two Songs of Brothel

42、 When the body is dead, the spirit is the god, and the soul of the son is the ghost

43、 The shame of Jingkang is still fresh; When will the courtiers die—— The River is Red, Southern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei

44、 One is loyal to the country, and two lines of tears are loyal to the family—— Ming Dynasty, Yu Qian

45、 Never do anything that is hidden from others, never do anything harmful to others, and never avoid anything that is beneficial to the country—— Lv Kun

46、 White bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles—— The Three Kingdoms · Cao Cao's "Journey through Artemisia"

47、 The beard is not extinguished, the sideburns are autumn before, and the tears are empty. Who would have guessed that my heart is in Tianshan Mountain and my body is in Cangzhou—— Lu You

48、 A few memories, the old Chinese sea bass, before the frost and after the wild geese—— Pan Xibai's Nine Days

49、 The Jade Emperor opened and fell, and the silver world lost its dusk—— Mao Pang's "Immortal Linjiang · Capital New Year's Eve"

50、 Only loyalty can serve the country, and there is no paradise for home—— Dong Biwu Occupying Liu Yazi's Charm on New Year's Day

51. Pity the bones along the Wuding River. They are still people in the dream of spring boudoir—— Tang Dynasty, Chen Tao, Traveling to Longxi

Fifty-two, hold a silver lamp to celebrate your longevity—— Xin Qiji's Feeling the Imperial Grace, Chuzhou as Fan Shou

Fifty-three. yu mei is thin and hates the eastern emperor—— Wang Yuanliang's "Rumor about the Jade Maiden on Qiantang New Year's Eve"

54. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to the past—— Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang, Crossing Lingding Ocean

55. It's a pity that there is no way to serve the country—— Yang Yanzheng, "Water Melody Leader, Climbing the Multiview Building"

56. Worrying about Li Yuan in poor years, sighing the heat inside the intestines -- Tang Dufu's "Going to Fengxian from Beijing to chant five hundred words"

Fifty seven. Before the beard goes out, the autumn comes before the sideburns, and the tears are empty. Who would have guessed that my heart is in Tianshan Mountain and my body is in Cangzhou—— Lu You's Confession of Love

Fifty-eight. Drive north and south to report your love, and the grass beside the river will laugh all your life. Three hundred and sixty days a year, all of them are fighting at once—— Military leader famed for combat against Japanese pirate invaders

59. When will the courtiers' hatred die! Drive a long car to overcome the shortage of Helan Mountain—— Yue Fei's "Manjianghong · Write Huai"

60. Where to look at China? Beigu Building is full of scenery—— Xin Qiji, Nanxiangzi, Feeling Huai in Beigu Pavilion at Jingkou

61. The picture of the country's rivers and mountains entering the war, the living people He Jile and Qiao Su—— Cao Song's Two Songs of Youhai, the First Year of Emperor Xizong's Guangming

62. The people of Yifu and Shenlu, the land of God, have looked back—— Xin Qiji's "Water Dragon Chant, A Birthday of Han Nanjian"

Sixty three. The long breath covers the tears and mourns the hardship of people's livelihood—— The Warring States Period, Chu and Qu Yuan's Lisao

Sixty four. Do not hesitate to look for the eyebrows of Luo Jin, and wash up day by day, watching the change of flower shade—— Chao Chongzhi's Feeling Imperial Grace, Cold Food Not Too Long

65. Overlooking the Luoyang River, Hu soldiers walk in the vast expanse. The blood smears the weeds, and the jackals and wolves do their best—— Ancient Style (19) by Li Bai, Tang Dynasty

Sixty six or thirty thousand miles from the east into the sea, and five thousand feet into the sky. The adherents wept in the dust, and looked at the king in the south for another year—— Song Dynasty, Lu You, "Feeling cool at the beginning of autumn night"