Composition of Loving Mother 600 (6 required)
Looking at the empty moon
2024-04-21 09:41:54

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (1)

One day, I was having a fight with my classmates and accidentally dropped a button on my clothes. I was afraid of it. I didn't dare to make a noise and put the button into my clothes timidly. When I got home, I put my clothes in the corner of the sofa.

In the evening, I got up to drink water, opened the door, and saw the orange light squeezed out from the crack in the door of my mother's room, casting a light and shadow. I gently pushed open the closed door, and saw that my mother was still awake, sewing buttons for me, and the light pulled her shadow long and thin, like a statue with soft lines. Her body leans forward slightly, and her long hair hangs down gently, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. The dim light made a halo on her tired face. She squinted and focused her eyes on her hands. The needles and threads were flying. The silver needles went in and out of the buttonhole, so soft and clumsy. My heart is rippling. Mother noticed my movement, smiled at me, quickly put something on the table into her pocket, and said softly: "It's cold, go to bed quickly." The light shone on her tired face, looking pale. Guilt flooded into my heart like a tide. The room was extremely quiet. It seems that there is a kind of soft and soft voice flowing, diffuse, diffuse - with the orange light, I fell asleep.

When I went to school in the morning, I got on my mother's electric car. It was cold, and I couldn't help shivering. My mother said kindly, "Let's be cold. Put your hand in my pocket. It will be warm inside." I pressed my mother's back, and her temperature pressed on my face through layers of cloth, warm. I reached into my pocket and felt really comfortable. Suddenly I touched something and took it out quietly. It was a paper ball. The white paper was stained with little blood, just like red plum blossoms in the snow, so beautiful and dazzling. Thinking of my mother's clumsy appearance when she sewed buttons on me at night, my nose became sour and tears welled up.

I held my mother tightly, and my heart was filled with acerbity and sweetness. Mother's love is like the warm sun in winter, warm but not scorching.

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (2)

I still remember that when I was in the third grade, school was over, and I just wanted to go home, but it was July in summer. The sky changed like a child's face. Just now, it was sunny and cloudless, but now it was covered with a layer of shadow. Suddenly, a flash of lightning cut through the sky, thunder broke, one by one, and then the rain poured down. I was worried and thought: Dad was on a business trip, Grandma lived far away, and Mom was sick in bed. Who can send me an umbrella? I saw that the students were taken away one by one. My heart was like adding fuel to the fire, and I was very anxious. I sat depressed on the seat, with only my desk in front of me. I was lying on the windowsill, how I hoped that the familiar figure would appear at the corner! But fortune will never fly over me. The rain outside is getting heavier and heavier, and my hope of being picked up by my mother is getting weaker and weaker. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the rain curtain, limping in to the school gate. I shouted excitedly: "Mom is coming." I put my schoolbag on my back, rushed out of the classroom, and threw myself into my mother's arms. My mother stroked my face with her icy hands, but I felt warm all over.

I looked up and down at my mother: she was wet all over, her smiling face was not a little red, and her eyes were full of red blood. Mom, you work hard for me day and night. I wonder how many wrinkles have been added to your forehead and how much silver has been added to your hair!

On the way home, my mother kept pushing the umbrella towards me, but she herself had more than half of her body exposed. I pushed the umbrella over and said, "Mom, you'd better cover it!" My mother smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Mom, as long as you don't get wet." After hearing this, my tears burst into my eyes, and I didn't know whether it was tears or rain.

This time I experienced the greatness of maternal love, which is the greatest love in the world!

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (3)

After taking a nap, I forgot the time of the cram school. I sat up, my mind was blank, and I was stunned for a while. I kicked my feet and lay down again.

In a trance, I heard my mother's heavy footsteps stepping into the room, probably telling me to pack up my schoolbag and prepare to start, but I thought it was a dream, so I didn't take it seriously. The sound of footsteps stopped in front of my bed, and I heard my mother take a breath, ready to wake me up, but in the middle of the air pressure back, sat on my bed.

I fell asleep again

When I fell asleep, my mother was still sitting on my bed, making my quilt so that I could not change my movements. I kept the original movements, but my legs were hard enough to start to numb.

After sitting on the bed for a long time, she raised her head and whispered to me, "Siyan got up and was late for class!" I thought it was a dream, so she was indifferent. When my mother saw that I didn't answer, she took a hard breath and tried to raise the volume. But she swallowed her breath back in the middle of the way, and whispered to herself, "My hair is so greasy, go take a bath." He turned and walked out of my bedroom.

After a few minutes, there was a clatter of water in the bathroom. My bedroom is not far from the bathroom. The sound of the water I heard was like thunder and lightning, which shook my ears and pulled me out of my subconscious. I suddenly opened my eyes, sat up in fear, looked around carefully, and now I felt that my eyes hurt. I quickly blocked the sun with my hands, climbed up from the bed, pulled the curtains, and slowly returned to the bed, I finally got used to the light, and now it's dark again. I can't care so much, so I groped and lay on the bed.

Immediately fell back into the heavy.

This time, I slept for a long time, sat up with difficulty, leaned against the bed, recalled those dim memories, but the more carefully I thought about them, the more I could not remember.

I looked up and saw my mother had taken a bath and dried her hair. She was sitting on the chair in front of my bed. There was a desk in front of the chair and a computer on the desk. My mother was tapping the computer and processing documents.

I got out of bed, stretched, went to my mother and sat down.

"Wake up! You are too tired. Have a good rest!"

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (4)

I remember that I only got 78 points in the first exam in grade one. After school, I stood at the door of my house and dared not enter. It happened that my mother opened the door and asked me, "How was the exam?" She looked expectant. I could not speak. My mother guessed eight or nine points, and her face turned from sunny to stormy.

"Come in!" She looked serious, like a fierce lion.

"Oh!" I said innocently, "Oh, I'm going to be beaten!"

However, to my surprise, my mother not only didn't hit me that day, but also explained my test paper to me again and again for an hour. She pointed at the red forks and asked me repeatedly, "What did you think then? Can you do it now?" She also took out a small notebook and gave several similar questions to rest assured. When she set the question, I secretly took a look at her eyes - a big black eye circle, and my mother hasn't had a good rest these days. However, from beginning to end, my mother did not cry tired, said a thirsty.

After telling me about the test paper, my mother told me, "If there are any questions that I can't answer, you can continue to ask me..." Then she stretched her hands up for a long time, and walked into her room while beating her back. I looked at the test paper again and found that I still couldn't answer one question. I timidly asked my mother. She was lying on the table, asleep. I didn't dare to disturb her. I picked up the blanket, gently covered her, quietly turned off the light, closed the door, and left the room... I knew that she was so tired because I couldn't study well. If I hadn't made so many mistakes, she wouldn't have told me the test paper for so long, nor would she have been because of me... So I would study harder in the future, To repay my mother for her education.

Look! This is my mother, a good mother who loves her son as well as her life!

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (5)

I remember when I was seven or eight years old, my mother took me to climb mountains. We set out together to the top of the mountain, but the mountain road was steep and the weather was hot. In order to take care of my aunt, my mother found a path halfway down the mountain and led us to the square down the mountain so that my aunt could rest. When we arrived at the square, I liked this place. There were slides, swings and fitness equipment on the square, which were the favorite of children.

In the process of our rest, the little friends came down one after another, and we happily went to play on the swing. At that time, the three of us chose a big swing to sit on. We chose the most powerful and energetic one to push behind us. I sat on the swing with another partner and enjoyed ourselves very much at first. But later, I didn't know whether it was because he pushed too hard or the big swing was not stable. The swing suddenly fell down and hit the glass table in front of the swing, It's terrible. The glass table just broke. I was heavily pressed under the swing, and my knee was directly pressed on the broken glass, which made me cry out in pain. When my mother heard my cry, she hurried to my side. Then she thought again, it was not a quick step, but a gallop to my side like a horse. My mother first pushed the swing away from me, then pulled me out, picked up the injured me, ran to the open place, and put me on the chair. My mother looked at me anxiously and asked me where I was injured. I cried and said, "Knee and thumb". My mother looked at my hands and found that my thumbs were black and blue, and the wound on my knee was bleeding. My mother immediately brought me mineral water to deal with the wound. My feet were too painful to land. It has always been my mother holding me, and now I remember the warmth and strength of my mother's embrace.

When I was young, my mother protected us like a talisman, so I wanted to say to my mother, "Mom, I love you, you have worked hard".

Composition of Loving Mother 600 (6)

Every night when I do my homework in the study, you always bring me a pot of fresh fruit, which frees me from the "Battle of Titling the Sea" temporarily and relaxes my mood. You don't eat a piece of it yourself, just look at me with a smile. Whenever this happens, I always feel that I am the happiest person in the world.

What happened that night made me more grateful to you. It was Friday evening. After I finished my dinner, I started to write. When I was trapped in a reading question, you gently pushed the door open, walked in and touched my head. You kindly asked, "Yang Yang, are you tired? What fruit do you want to eat?" I immediately relaxed and said, "Eat some oranges!", Smiling, she said, "Mom will cut the fruit for you right away." Then you ran to the kitchen to cut the fruit. After a while, you came with a basin of fresh oranges. You sit down next to me and let me eat more. I said, "You also eat some." You listened, but waved: "No, I'm not thirsty, you'd better eat!" When you waved, I suddenly found a band aid on your hand. I couldn't help asking: "Mom, what's the matter with your hand, how can you have a band aid?" But you just smiled, He said: "Nothing, just accidentally scratched by a knife. It's nothing, just a small wound, and I will recover in two days." I heard a warm current surging in my heart. Mom, you work so hard every day, and you have to manage my life and study at night, and worry about me, but there is no complaint. My eyes were wet. I opened my mouth and my throat seemed to be blocked by something. I really wanted to cry

Dear mother, I will never forget your selfless love. Under your careful care, I grow up day by day, but you grow old day by day. Your love is like the spring rain, so exquisite and long, silent, but tightly wrapped, let happiness around me