Four Selected Classic Sentences 66 Sentences
Plain and light
2023-06-20 08:47:18
Complimentary sentence

1. You didn't return as scheduled, which is the meaning of departure.

2. Human feelings are like teeth. If they are lost, they will be lost. It is fake to install them again. Don't pick up the lost things. Accept the sudden loss and cherish the unexpected surprise.

3. No matter how excellent you are, someone will despise you. No matter how unbearable you are, someone will treat you as life. Therefore, don't be obstinate when you are strong, and don't degenerate when you are down.

4. You said you were lonely, just like the long star shining on the 13 state capitals long ago

5. I will keep looking at the moon until it is too bright and I close my eyes

6. When a person dies, his real life becomes a story.

7. Being superior to others is not noble. The real nobility should be superior to the past self. Don't rush to say that you have no choice. Maybe you will meet hope at the next intersection.

8. The second half of the sentence "Seeing things and thinking about people" is always the same

9. Any shortcomings you have will be described as characteristics at the moment of your success. So, stick to being yourself instead of being modified by others on the way.

10. I finally understand that some roads can only be walked by one person. Those who invite good companions will accompany the rainy season and go through the years together, but one day they will be separated at some ferry.

11. I wish myself a reunion with warmth after passing thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

12. You are in the left side

13. Most of the people who live well in the world are ordinary people who should eat, drink, dress up, read, pursue certain basic materials, and spend money to make their spirit happy.

14. See mountains as mountains, see water as water, see you as the world

15. Be cute and coquettish

16. No one needs to know the pain, and the vulnerability does not need to be exposed to others, because others cannot understand it, but it will only make you look more pitiful.

17. There are four things that will never come back after they have passed: words spoken, arrows shot, time passed and opportunities missed.

18. Say good night to your beloved world, the sun, the moon, the stars and the mountains.

19. Buddhism is pure. I am not a man of few desires. I drink, eat meat, move, anger, ignorance, love and hate.

20. I never envied anyone when you were there

21. You'd rather be a stuffy bottle than complain to people who don't care about you at all. People's feelings are like teeth. If they lose them, they will disappear. It is fake to pretend again.

22. How many roads and landscapes can I meet you

23. The wind in autumn comes from previous years-- Wooden core

24. Those who can travel happily must be those who travel light.

25. Hold on, the gentleness in the world is waiting for you.

26. Children who do not sleep well will be caught on the moon and punished.

27. I want to see people after seeing the sea for a long time

28. The rest of yogurt fermented by the moon is starless.

29. Only when children asked why you ignored me and whether you didn't like me anymore, adults were tacitly estranged from each other.

30. There are many people who say they love you but don't love you well.

31. Throw what you should throw, and give up when you should give up. From today on, you will be a layman for the rest of your life and live with your best attitude.

32. Under the baptism of time, there is nothing that can't get through. Sometimes it's just me and myself.

33. To really get something, you need to know whether you really deserve it.

34. I hope you will be happy forever, free and easy after any choice.

35. You can have everything, but not at the same time.

36. Facing the sea, spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

37. Relax, you don't have so many audiences

38. In the short decades of life, the most important thing is to satisfy yourself, not to please others.

39. Most of the pain is the result of refusing to leave the scene. There is no destined misfortune, only the persistence of dying.

40. The best time is on the road, facing the sun all the way

41. I am a sorrowful guest in the world. I know what you are crying about. I remember my life in the sound of heartbreak—— Nalan Rongruo

42. You are warm when the sun is good

43. Life is as beautiful as summer flowers, and death is as beautiful as autumn leaves-- Tagore

44. You may not say what you don't like now, but one day you will not be able to hide it.

45. If you care too much about other people's opinions, you will end up with two outcomes: either you are exhausted or you let others die.

46. Smoking relaxes men's spirit and makeup makes women feel comfortable. But in the end, after smoking, men should worry; When the heavy makeup is removed, should a woman be ugly or ugly.

47. Put down your impetuosity, your laziness and your three minute enthusiasm.

48. Someone will always know that you are afraid of the dark and hold you tightly.

49. The love exchanged on the premise of sacrifice can not win respect, but can only win unscrupulous and free will.

50. The reason why there are so many rules and regulations in the world is to tell you that you don't have to go all the way.

51. Your kindness is like a sugar to others, which will disappear after eating. On the contrary, your bad behavior is like a scar to others, which will remain forever. This is human nature.

52. You are my chance to meet, not to ask, not to stay, not to have—— Li Gongjun

53. Don't drink wine from strangers, let alone go with him

54. The so-called "strong" means having suffered the misfortune of life, but still looking forward to happiness; Have been betrayed by others, but still brave to love; I have seen the ugliness of the world, but I still pay good intentions.

55. The years are long and the mountains and rivers are safe, but you and I are no longer the same.

56. Years are numbered, and old friends are inferior to old ones.

57. When we meet at first sight, we will have a good time. Never tired of being around for a long time, warm and floating, unparalleled in the world.

58. Who says that the weeds and wild flowers on the slope are not one swing for one grass and one flower for one world?

59. I wish you all the things you ask for. I wish you a smooth journey, joy and peace.

60. If you remember one or two good things, it's enough to make wine

61. Don't buy things you don't need because of discounts, and don't love the wrong person because of emptiness.

62. You didn't return as scheduled, which is the meaning of parting—— North Island

63. A person has the best living condition, has his own life and interests, and strives to improve himself. Focus on yourself when no one loves you, and have the ability to embrace each other when someone loves you.

64. Either lonely or vulgar-- schopenhauer

65. A person's life is to meet again and again. A different choice may be to have completely different people around you. So don't miss the rare heart beat at the best age.

66. I think most of the time, many people understand, but even if they understand a lot of truth, they still fall into a dilemma when they really do it.