Composition for Morning Reading (5 in total)
A man of peace
2024-05-05 03:40:30
Grade 6

Composition for Morning Reading (1)

The ancients said: spring is the plan of a year, and morning is the plan of a day. In the morning, the crisp bell gently awakened me from my sweet dream, and I ushered in my happy morning reading time.

My happy morning reading time. When I hold the book, I will be surprised to find that reading can make me enter different time and space, making people intoxicated, just like a jar of mellow wine that makes people unable to extricate themselves into the book world.

My warm morning reading time, when I wander in the ocean of knowledge and feel happy, I always stubbornly believe that these things can guide people to grow from childhood to adulthood step by step. In "Reminding Happiness", I feel that happiness is the expression of the world's gorgeous, colorful, open-minded and time-honored. It is a pool of water, a sunset, an endless sea, and a silent horizon

When I think about my serious morning reading, I always think of Feng Zikai Soldier's chariot ride While enjoying the bloody sea, Emperor Wu has no idea how great their feelings are. They are great in my eyes. They make me become thoughtful and rational.

My sentimental morning reading time, when I hold each novel, I always fall into the world in the book, infatuated with the characters in the book, cried for them, and became crazy about them. The poem depicts a wise life, and the Analects of Confucius has gained wisdom and thought. It is these elements that make me stick to the faith in the end, let me put on wings and take me to the heaven of knowledge.

Peng Xiaofang, Junior One of Qinjing, Dongguan, Guangdong

Composition for Morning Reading (2)

One day, the language and article teacher talked to me. She said that my Chinese performance was unstable, but as long as the method was right and I studied hard, I would certainly learn well! She told me that she had been sticking to the habit of getting up early and reading in the morning for decades, and told me that if she could persist in reading in the morning and read the text thoroughly in primary school, she would be able to learn Chinese well! It occurred to me that Miss Zhang's Chinese class was very wonderful. She often spoke out of her mouth and quoted classics, so that the whole class could listen attentively. It turned out that this was Miss Zhang's good habit of persisting in morning reading and learning. She must have accumulated a lot of Chinese knowledge to make the Chinese class so lively. Teacher Zhang's words woke me up. Just as I opened the window to learn Chinese well, I admired Teacher Zhang and believed in her method.

I set an alarm clock and took the initiative to get up and read in the morning every day. I don't sleep late even on weekends! I persisted day by day, week by week, month by month. I found that morning reading really helped Chinese learning, and I also benefited a lot!

Adhering to the morning reading, I mastered more knowledge in the text book and consolidated the basic knowledge of Chinese. I have read the texts and new words of each unit well. I found that the original homework and exam are based on a solid foundation. The accuracy rate of homework has improved significantly. The basic knowledge of each exam is almost no longer deducted. I no longer resist Chinese.

Adhering to morning reading, I increasingly like to read aloud texts and ancient poems, and my sense of language has improved. Every time I read the text with emotion, I found that I could not help but enter the context, become the author of the text, and more deeply understand the essence of the text. I found that the original language is so interesting that it is worth exploring.

Adhering to morning reading, I unconsciously accumulated a lot of good words and sentences, which made my composition more convenient. No wonder the ancients said that if you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can recite even if you can't write poems. All kinds of good words and sentences about scenery, people and events are constantly pouring into my mind. Every time I write a composition, I can use some of them, and the composition becomes better. I also like writing compositions more and more!

Morning reading has opened my window of Chinese learning. Outside the window is the broadness and profoundness of Chinese. As long as I work hard, I will be able to appreciate the more colorful Chinese outside the window and be a proud Chinese!

Composition for Morning Reading (3)

Today, I came to the classroom early, but the whole person was listless. The books were spread on the desk, and only the naughty wind turned the pages randomly, making a disturbing "whoosh" sound. The morning fog has not cleared up, and my heart is as heavy as that of the dark sky. My mother's helpless appearance appears before my eyes, and my voice cries at the top of my head. I don't understand how the originally intimate bond between our mother and daughter turned into a fuse in an instant. My eyes were wet unconsciously... The students came to the classroom one after another, and the sky was gradually brightening. I was afraid that everyone would find me strange and bury my head deeply in my arms.

When I looked up again, the clouds broke and the sun rose. I turned my head and looked out of the window at the golden patch. All things were immediately attached with a long dark shadow. My thoughts are as free as a kite that has broken free from the spool. Every morning, when the sun rises in the east, any small fluctuation will be cast a huge shadow under the oblique light of the morning light. At noon, the sun is high, and no matter how high the mountains are, there can be no shadow. Only at dusk, when the setting sun approaches the horizon and the warm rays of the sun again slant on everything in the world, it seems as if it has returned to the sunrise, and those continuous ups and downs will once again be infinitely extended. Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help but clunk. Isn't it just like the metaphorical life we are trudging through? At 14 or 15 years old, we are like the rising sun, eager to show our individuality and radiate exclusive light. We are sensitive and sharp. We hurt others unintentionally, and we are often moved or sad for a long time because of a small matter. When we grow up, we will be as strong as the sun at noon, and all the big and small things will become so light that we can't make heavy marks in our hearts. But when we get old and become the sunset on that day, everything seems to return to the appearance of our youth. The details that once shocked us are recalled again, leaving indelible shadows and scars on our already unrecognizable hearts

The disorderly morning reading interrupted my thoughts, and I smiled bitterly as I watched everyone's attention. "Mother" is supposed to be the warmest word in life. How can I see it so hostile? Once upon a time, we walked and shopped hand in hand, talking and laughing; Once upon a time, we were squeezed in the same bed and opened our hearts to each other... Since when have I become so rebellious? Repeated entanglement in trivial matters has led to friction between the two quick temper tantrums. "Alas!" I sighed for a long time. I can't let the "scar" get worse. Let the damned face go to hell! When I came home from school, I apologized to my mother. In the future, I will try to adjust my mind, control my mood, and believe that all the haze will disappear. Indeed, there is no "scar" that will not be good. What else should I worry about?

I took a deep breath, picked up the book and began to read in the morning. The genial sunshine came into the window, illuminating the whole classroom and my heart.

Composition for Morning Reading (4)

I walked along the bluestone slab with the sound of reading in my ears, and the willows brushed my cheek, very comfortable. Looking up at the sky, the sky is blue and clear. The weather is really good. I think so, and my feet are much lighter.

I found a place to sit down, took out a book and began to read. I found that it is the sixth year since I entered the primary school. Today is the first time to sit by the lake to read. I feel very good. The air is fresh and the spring breeze is gentle. It's strange. Why didn't I find it before?

A piece of dandelion flew in and fell on my book. I picked it up gently and put it in the palm of my hand to have a closer look: there is a fluffy flower with a small seed in the middle, so simple, dandelion ah dandelion, it is so light and so heavy! I gently exhaled, it left, to find a farther place to belong to it - to stay and take root.

Smile slightly, in fact: people, why not?

Just as I am reading here, it is my destination at this moment: I like to simply read, feel the people and things in the world, get close to the pure land, breathe with perseverance, share happiness and sorrow, and quietly daydream and meditate. Until the end

If I choose this road, whether it is a path of sheep's intestines or a broad road, whether it is accompanied by friends and relatives or lonely silence, I should stick to it.

Slightly squinting, the sunlight presents colorful colors; Take a nap and feel the warmth; There came the sound of children laughing. It was very funny.

After finishing the work, I picked up my familiar bag and sang Wang Zheng's song "The Simpler, the happier" in MP3, "The simpler, the happier. My heart is like a tree full of flowers. It's not hard to love deeply. The more simple, the happier in the rain, looking forward to a new rainbow..."

I hummed softly, close.

Composition for Morning Reading (5)

Suddenly, a solemn sound of footsteps came from the door. We immediately sat up and returned to the original quiet atmosphere, but it was not our teacher who passed by. We finally quieted down for a while, but this bird came to another "aerial stunt", and we fell into the noise again. More than a dozen discipline commissioners and monitor were all on the ground. They seemed to have reached the end of the world. They had no confidence in the world and said, "No wonder our class is called" the loudest class in the world ". Our class can't be quiet."

Suddenly, the bird flew away and came back with a good friend of its own. We all jumped up and said, "Yeah!" as if we had beaten chicken blood. Some of us just laughed and slapped. In fact, we were very excited. The administrator fainted again and again, and expressed his helplessness.

"Da Da Da Da" The teacher came. The teacher saw that everyone was sitting very well, because when the teacher came, there was a lot of movement, and the two birds also ran away.

This morning reading is really interesting.