I was very good at writing that time (16 high-quality articles)
Between two smokes and water
2023-08-03 09:28:19
topic of conversation

I was very (1)

Childhood is like a seasoning bag, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, everything. In the long river of childhood, there is a beautiful story in every small drop of water, but there is one that has been engraved on my heart for a long time, and I can't forget it. Whenever I think of it, I am moved. One thing

I remember that it was in the first grade of primary school. One chilly morning, I got up late, and my father decided to send me to school. As soon as I went out, a cold wind blew in my face, making me shiver all over. When I saw it, it snowed outside. The goose feather like snow fell from the sky. The ground and roof were white everywhere, and even the trees were covered with white snowflakes. Although the scenery is beautiful, I don't like it, especially in the morning when I'm going to be late, which makes me worried!

The cold wind is still blowing, and the heavy snow is still falling. A white world. Heavy snow fell on my father and me. Just as I was getting on the bus, something bad happened - Dad's car chain fell off. It's really 'falling off the chain at the critical moment'! I said anxiously: "Dad, I'm going to be late! What's wrong with you!" Dad was also very worried. He threw the car to the ground, quickly pressed the chain, and then helped the car up as fast as he could, so that I could sit on it and ride it.

When riding a bike, my father bent over, pressed the handlebars tightly, waited for the bike hard, and rode to school against the strong wind. On the road, many people were walking on the snow, and some fell with a "plop". I sat in my father's car with fear, listening to the wheels creaking in the snow. I thought: "Ride steadily, ride steadily, ride steadily, don't fall."

The wind is blowing harder and harder, and the snow is falling harder and harder. Dad sent me to school as fast as possible. At the moment when I got off the bus, I saw a beany sweat bead on my father's head, and his head was still steaming. My father gasped, "I looked at my watch and said," It's OK. I'm not late. There are still a few minutes left. "At that moment, I felt my father's deep and hard to express love! I walked towards the school gate with heavy steps and looked back at my father from time to time. I saw my father was still breathing, and there were still crystal beads of sweat on his head, constantly pouring up. My father slowly pushed the car away. His figure finally disappeared in front of me.

Although it has been four or five years, the sweat on my father's head and the worried expression are deeply in my mind. Whenever I think of it, I will be moved. My father's figure will always inspire me to move forward.

I was very (2)

Just like the morning mist enveloping the green trees, the feelings between teachers and students are hazy, and no one can easily express them. I thought you were just a passer-by in life, but I didn't want to be struck by the torrential rain.

The sky was full of black clouds of ink that seemed to coagulate. A moment later, it was stormy. I stayed in the classroom on duty and looked anxiously at the blurred scenery outside the window. When I was breathless and eager to rush to the rainy playground, the bus had already left. At that moment, my heart opened a big hole, and the cold water poured in fiercely, like falling into the vast sea in despair.

After being at a loss, I felt a pair of rain soaked hands gently patted my shoulder in fear. I could feel the subtle temperature coming into my heart from above. I turned back and saw you.

Your hair is glued to your face by drops of water, and your angel like face is full of surprises and anxieties: "What's the matter, kid? Why are you standing here alone?" You look at the open space around you, immediately understand, and say in a tone of great gratitude, trust and dependence, "It doesn't matter. The teacher will call your parents now."

"Thank you, teacher," I said, choking. In my previous study and life, I never felt that you were so kind. My introverted personality makes me always look as if I am aloof and respectful to you. Until now, in this cloudy, downpour and cold evening that makes me extremely warm, I just knew that you are my dearest teacher. People who want us to be safe are not people who are more like relatives than relatives. You moved me and warmed my heart.

The rain is still falling, but it is much smaller and softer. Maybe it's my illusion. Carefully, I reached out my hand and gently wiped away the tears that I did not know when they stole out. They mixed with the rain and were plated with a light warm color.

When my mother and I walked out of the school together, the white and thin rain in the sky and earth gathered again, just like a light white yarn. I turned around and looked at you. Your concern and clear eyes slowed my pace. On that day, I hate to say goodbye to you, and I hate to walk out of your eyes on that day.

Because that time, I was very nostalgic.

Because that time, I yearned for it.

Because that time, I was very moved.

A rain washed away my slight fear of you. The reflected light of the rainbow reflected in the water drops, containing the love like the sun, rippled my heart for a long time.

I was very (3)

In my heart, there has always been something I am ashamed of.

That year, the school broadcast that someone had come to repair the bench. My bench just broke, so I carried it to the place downstairs to repair it. There are so many people, I have to sit on the bench with the creaking sound and wait. After a while, I began to get upset, took out my pencil and scribbled on the bench. Unconsciously, everyone was gone, leaving only the old man who repaired the bench. I quickly took the bench to repair it. The old man smiled and said to me, "Child, don't scribble. The stool is alive. If you scribble on it, it will cry."? The bench repairer knows something. I turned my head in disdain.

After a knock, the bench was repaired. I was reaching for a bench when the old man said to me with a smile: "My child, although I have only read books for a few years, I have no culture, but I know that desks, chairs and books are learning tools, not for scribbling. You don't know, it was not easy for us to go to school at that time. We cherish everything in the school very much, and no one will damage it. You can't do this again." I was stunned. The old man smiled again, so kind. I stared at the figure of the old man, and felt how tall he was and how small I was.

When I think of it, I feel ashamed. Looking at the bench, I remembered the old man's loving smile.

I was very (4)

The spring of that year was like a cold winter to me. I entered the gate of No. 24 Middle School with heavy steps and complicated feelings. All this change, just because of my impulse.

The sentence "Take the key steps in life" is absolutely true. In 2007, I was admitted to Mengjin Bilingual School with my excellent results. This was a turning point in my life and an opportunity for me, but I failed to grasp it. Because of that mistake, I didn't choose reason and resolutely climbed the wall to go out, making my life suddenly fall into shadow. I did well in my first year of junior high school, and I was very hopeful to be admitted to Mengjin First High School. However, due to my bad habits and rebellious psychology in adolescence, I was completely ruined in my second year of junior high school. The pressure of study, as well as the decline of performance, has made me unable to reason. I escaped from school by climbing over the wall and suffered from hunger and cold outside. Finally, I returned home. No one can know the pain and struggle in my heart. That was the most depressing period for me. I had to enter the 24 middle school. After I calmed down, I could not forgive myself, full of self blame and guilt. I totally destroyed my life, I failed my parents, but it was just my impulse and self righteousness, and that insignificant grievance. I really shouldn't have fallen into the trap of running away from school. Now I think I'm not only guilty, but also ridiculous and hateful. My parents sent me to school, but I left over the wall, failing their expectations of me.

I thought about my past mistakes, my disrespect to my parents, my irresponsibility to myself, my wrong choices in life... I was full of guilt. People, must take every step, can not let themselves regret, if made the wrong choice, it will be your life can not make up for.

I was very (5)

The hot sun scorched the earth.

At noon, as soon as the school bell rang, I hurried home. My stomach was already growling with hunger. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I ran into the kitchen and opened the pot. It was empty. "Alas, Mom is really right. People are starving to death, and the food has not been cooked yet." I grumbled and walked out of the kitchen. My younger brother saw me after school and said to me: "Sister, my mother is working in the field. She said that she would not come back at noon, so you should send her something to eat after school." I answered, reluctantly loaded a few steamed buns, brought a pot of water, and rode a bike to send food to my mother.

It's so hot! The sun seems to be throwing all its heat onto the earth.

I rode to my house with sweat, set up my bicycle, and looked into the field with steamed bread and tea. I saw that under the hot sun, a piece of steam was rising in the loess field in the distance. A familiar figure was holding a hoe hard to hoe the grass in the field, and the field "puffed" with puffs of dust and smoke. My eyes were blurred by sweat, and the figure suddenly became much taller. My feet were nailed to the ground, and I even stood there.

"Jingjing? Take the food here soon." Mother stood up straight and called me from afar. I said "hey" and walked to my mother. Closer, closer, I saw the sweat on my mother's face flowing down her cheek, and heard my mother gasping. I tried to calm down and called out softly, "Mom, I gave you something to eat". My mother looked at me and smiled happily. She smiled so sweetly that she even lifted the towel on her shoulder to wipe sweat.

I handed her steamed bread and tea, and took the hoe. "Mom, I'll try it, too." Mom grabbed the hoe and said, "Go back, cook some food and take care of my brother." I pleaded again, "Mom, go back, you still have to go to school."

I threw down my hoe helplessly, looked at my mother affectionately, and then turned to walk to the ground. The sun seems to be more toxic. As I walked deeply in the ground, my legs felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead. Walking out of the field, I looked back at the picture that had been fixed in my mind: hot sunlight, yellow land, bowed figure, raised hoe

I stared silently, and the sweat blurred my eyes again.

I was very (6)

I don't know why. This winter, I like the world very much. It's early spring, but I still sprinkle "pearls" generously, wrapping the earth in a thick winter coat. Looking ahead, there is a vast expanse of white and lifeless

A gust of cold wind blew past, and I could not help wrapping up my clothes and speeding up the pace of progress. Suddenly I was attracted by the foreground. A grass stuck out its green head in the white snow, stood upright in the snow, and let the cold wind blow it upside down. But when the cold wind passed, he stood up straight and stood in the snow.

I can't believe it, but I found that I was moved]

Before I knew it, I had grown from an innocent child to a third grade Young Pioneer. I went through as many things as the stars in the sky. Some of them were my first school trip, some were my first birthday for my mother, and some were my first spring outings. In particular, that touching event made me unforgettable forever.

I remember that it was a squadron activity in the second semester of grade two. Nahao and Ouyang went into the classroom with a smile and said to the students, "Today, let's watch a video, students." Then they put a video for us to watch. I saw a story that in the middle of Wenchuan in 2008, a PLA man turned over a big stone and saw a mother holding a baby in her arms. The child survived under the protection of his mother. Seeing this, many students in our class shed tears!

This is something that moved me. It made me know how great my mother is and how valuable life is. So this event will never forget me.

I was very (7)

In life, some people you meet occasionally, or some things you have experienced, will stay in your heart for a long time, so that you can not forget. Looking back occasionally is also a beautiful scenery.

The summer rain is urgent and terrible, and the thunder is wanton. In this weather, I would rather stay at home and cover my ears than go to that boring cram school. But it's almost time for class. If not, the teacher of the cram school should call the parents again.

I finally made up my mind. So I took some books, opened my blue umbrella and went out.

It was raining harder and harder, and there was no sense of slowing down. Fragile me, suddenly regret at this time. I'm regretting, but I didn't pay attention to my feet. I fell down in front of a stationery store with a book and umbrella. The owner of the stationery shop is a middle-aged woman, but she is busy embroidering all day. I knew it later when I became familiar with it. Seeing that I fell down, she quickly put down her work, leaned out of the cane chair, and tried to stand up with her hands on the cane chair. After all, she didn't get up. She just looked at me with a smile on her mouth. Suddenly, a fire of anger ignited from my heart, Even if someone falls down and doesn't help me, they even laugh at me!

I fought back my anger, grabbed the books scattered in the mud, shook my umbrella, dragged most of my wet clothes, and hurried on, hoping to leave this shameful ridicule behind.

"Wait a minute, little girl." As soon as I ran to her door, I was stopped by her. "Do you think this is your book? You were here at noon..."

It suddenly occurred to me that my math book was missing. I walked up to her and took the book. There is no muddy water on it. She must have wiped it clean.

However, when I was so stingy that I turned and left without even saying "thank you", I was stunned. She doesn't even have legs!

Ah, I understand, I understand her smile, I understand her heart more. When I fell down, she clearly wanted to help me, and her smile was clearly comforting and encouraging me. At this time, I clearly saw that her heart was as beautiful as the embroidery in her hands.

I was ashamed of my bigotry, and I was moved by her sincerity and kindness.

In this rainy season, my heart suddenly becomes warm and moved for a long, long time

The summer rain comes quickly and goes quickly. After school, the rain had stopped. I walked slowly in case the road slipped again and I fell again. Another way to wrestle. I saw the stationer sitting on a cane chair looking at me. This reminds me of the scene when I fell down in front of her door at noon, and a trace of sarcasm on her mouth

Laugh, I get angry again. I stood up and strode past her. I simply ran to her. I didn't want to see her slightly sneering and strange expression again.

I was very (8)

Next to the girls' dormitory is the head teacher's office, and Fang Yi's berth is beside the wall.

Among all the teachers, Jia, the head teacher, is the most admired. Teacher Jia studies well, lives a decent life and looks handsome. Fang Yi is the representative of this department. She likes to go to Teacher Jia's office to receive and send homework, ask questions, and even listen to his voice. In Ai Fang's mind, teacher Jia is both father and brother, and Fang Yi is willing to tell him what he thinks.

Fang Yi's achievements are among the best. Teacher Jia also cares about her. For example, this time we arranged to live on campus: Aifang had a false alarm and fell asleep as soon as something happened. When she talks to Teacher Jia, she will lean against the wall, so that only one side is occupied, and when she sleeps, she will not be disturbed when she turns over to the wall. Fang Yi was very moved.

Ai Fang also kept a small secret in her heart: Teacher Jia worked at night once a week, and Ai Fang was inexplicably excited that day! Think about it, my beloved teacher fell asleep next door, only 24 cm away from a wall. That night, Fang Yi slept soundly.

Every year, the graduating class has a key place to go. Fang Yi didn't expect to fight because she thought she could be admitted on her own. Teacher Jia told her privately that he would recommend her to school according to the ranking of several model exams. Ai Fang was very moved by this. After all, examinations are risky. The matter hasn't been settled yet. Teacher Jia asked her to keep it a secret and not relax her review. This carefulness touched her even more.

The reason for all these changes is that annoying hole in the wall!

The dormitory was equipped with heating, and a hole was made in the corner of the room at the junction of the office, right at the foot of Fang Yi's sleep.

It was Mr. Jia's turn to be on duty that day. After studying in the evening, Fang Yi hums a song to brush his teeth and wash his feet, and then quickly gets into the bed that has just been exposed to the sun during the day, waiting for sweet sleep. However, an unpleasant smell always pierced her nostrils. She looked up for the source of the smell. It turned out that Xiaohua on the other side had put the shoes she had just changed in the aisle. Fang Yi kept a low profile and didn't want to waste words on trivial matters and classmates, so she kept sleeping with her head down.

The dormitory soon quieted down after the lights went out and the bell rang.

A familiar voice came faintly from the small cave. It's Miss Jia! Fang Yi instinctively pricked up his ears. The sound is not loud and intermittent. It's like telling people to walk, Vice President! Fang Yi suddenly remembered that the nephew of the vice principal was also in the class. Finally speaking of himself, the vice principal said, "What about the girl? How is her work?" Teacher Jia smiled and said in a magnetic voice, "No problem, my little girl is so deceitful."

Fang Yi doesn't want to hear the following. She silently raised her pillow and turned her head. She suddenly felt that there was a wall between her heart and Miss Jia, ten meters thick!

Disturbed by the bad smell, Fang Yi barely fell asleep. I woke up crying in my dream, and my pillow towel was wet. When she woke up, she thought, "I will make the last call to Mr. Jia tomorrow and ask him to adjust his berth. The farther away from the wall, the better.".

I was very (9)

Everyone has an unforgettable time in his heart, because that time will make him realize the truth of life. That time was like a sugar, sometimes it will make you happy, something will make you moved

When I was young, I had a fever. When my mother found out, she quickly picked me up and ran to the hospital. The hospital is far from my home. My mother carries me on her back, running and panting. I asked my mother if she was tired, but she said, "Not tired." I could see from her expression that she was very tired. When I arrived at the hospital, I had to prescribe medicine and pay for it. My mother ran here and there and was so busy that she was sweating. At five o'clock, we were finally finished. I lay on the bed with liquid medicine hanging. My mother sat beside the bed watching over me. Her eyes were blinking and blinking. It seemed that she was very tired! She was busy from morning till five o'clock at night. She was not tired yet! But she still sat at the bedside with me. I used to think my mother was not good, but now I think my mother is not afraid of being tired for her children. I was moved to tears. An ordinary mother is willing to stay until dawn for her children

The next day, I woke up and saw my mother sitting at the head of the bed. Seeing me awake, she gently said to me, "My child, you are awake!" At that time, I felt like eating honey and my heart was very sweet. Because mom is really great.

We are growing up, but my mother is slowly getting old. I want to accompany my mother, to be her umbrella, to accompany my mother, to be her crutch. When we grow up, we must repay the parents who gave birth to us and raised us to make them feel warm.

Finally, I want to say loudly: "Mom and Dad, I love you. How great you are. I will repay you when I grow up."

I was very (10)

In life, there are many moves. Moving lies in people's actions, words, expressions and other aspects.

Maternal love · touching

Love is a warm word. Everyone's heart is full of love. However, some love is a moving part.

Love can make you feel extremely happy or happy.

Maternal love is the most warm words and touching pictures in the world.

Once, I had to make up for school, and the tuition was also a big expense for my family. I don't want to go to cram school. My mother must let me go and said to me, "Learning is the only way out." Later, my mother saved money and was reluctant to buy a new dress. My mother still works quietly at home at night, so I won't know.

Once, my mother did not rest until midnight every day. The next day, I almost fainted when I got up to work even when I felt uncomfortable. I also told me: "It's OK." I knew my mother was afraid that I would worry about her and said it deliberately.

I am proud of having such a good mother.

I was deeply moved by my mother's love.

Students · Moved

In my class, I was friends with one of my classmates, and we quarreled as soon as we met.

Once, I was ill. The teachers were absent, and the other students did not know that I was ill, but she did. I think: she will laugh at me behind my back. She came to me quietly and said, "Are you all right? Are you all right?" How nice it is. But I said, "Don't worry about anything. I thought she had left? Unexpectedly, she said," I will accompany you to the hospital to see a doctor. "I was shocked. After a while, I said," OK. Then I will thank you first.

In the scorching sun, the cicada leaned down on the tree and prayed helplessly: "cicada, cicada, let the summer pass quickly!" The willow's graceful figure was lying down softly under the intense sun. Beans of sweat slid from my forehead, and I was powerless to support my body, holding my feet step by step, struggling to move forward. Suddenly my world fell into darkness.

Like a century······

When I opened my eyes, I saw her eyes full of anxiety and concern. At that moment, I understood that human nature was originally good. The warmth and simplicity in my heart were awakened by her. I tried to hold back the tears that were about to burst into my eyes, and said to her, "Can we be sworn friends?" I turned my face away in embarrassment. For a long time, the temperature of her palm passed through my shoulder and said, "OK!" Since then, we have become good friends

Moving is often a trivial action, an ordinary action. Write a happy and beautiful life for you.

Movements are everywhere!

I was very (11)

The journey of life is rich and colorful, some things are happy, some things are sad, and some things are unforgettable... And what I did at that time, let me regret.

That morning, the sky was cloudless, so was my mood. Today, I'm going to finish a Guinness Record - eat 50 ice lollies at one go, and then drink 5 bowls of hot water. Everything is ready, only the east wind.

The challenge began: I filled 5 ice lollies at a stretch, feeling like a telegraph pole. "No, this is just the beginning. We can't give up so easily." So, there are 10, 20, 30... Wow! It was finally eliminated. I hesitated. Next, drink hot water, 1 bowl, 3 bowls, 4 bowls... and finally complete this "challenge". No, my stomach began to "rebel", and I began to have diarrhea. In this way, from noon to the evening, I thought: When my mother comes back, I will let her cook delicious food for me.

"Where is this? How am I here?" I asked in surprise. I staggered to the window. "Eh? Why is it raining cats and dogs outside?" This is when my mother opened the door and walked in. I threw myself into my mother's arms. "Mom, where is this? Why am I here? How did you come here?" Ouch, my dear son, do you have a fever? I brought you here. You, you, I saw you fall on the floor when I came home, and vaguely said: "Mom, I want to eat the mountain you made... Zhenhai... Taste." As soon as I touched your head, you can boil water, so I brought you to the hospital quickly. The hospitals were closed in the evening, and it took a long time to find the only hospital that didn't close. "

"Eh, Mom, why are your head and clothes wet? I asked doubtfully. I was filled with tears, "No, no, can't cry in front of my mother, want to be a strong man." I choked to incoherent. "Mom, let's eat." At that time, I could hardly swallow the food I had cried. But my mother did it for me. She must eat this meal. This is the best meal I have ever had. At that time, I wanted to say to my mother: "You are lucky, you are the greatest mother in the world, mother, I love you!" But I didn't have the courage to say, so I had to cry silently in the bed.

If there is regret medicine in the world; If we can turn back time; If I had been brave

Mom, I love you!

I was very (12)

On a sunny morning, the sky began to turn dark gradually. After a while, it began to rain heavily. It was still raining in the fourth class. But I have to go home! What shall I do?

However, suddenly a smiling girl said kindly, "Don't you have an umbrella?"? Why don't we go home together! I said: No, I will go after a while. You are different. Your home is far away. If you haven't come home for a long time, your mother will be worried. Xiao Wu said, "I'm not afraid. Where is your home?"? I'll take you back. I said: Well, let's go together. It has been 20 minutes since I walked, but Xiao Wu hasn't worried at all. Instead, he chats with me from time to time!

When I got home, she smiled at me and said goodbye. The next day, I learned from my classmates that Xiao Wu arrived home very late at noon yesterday and had no time to take a nap after lunch. But Xiao Wu didn't complain at all. Suddenly, a warm current came to my heart. I was so moved!

Since that time, my friend Xiao Wu and I have become more intimate. Her spirit of helping others deeply touched my heart, making me cherish the friendship between us more, so that I understand the meaning of watching and helping each other. From then on, whether students, teachers or others, when I need help, I will be duty bound to lend a helping hand to help people in need.

Once touched, let me not give a reason, once touched, let me suffer a lot.

I was very (13)

"Sister", whenever you call me with that clear voice, I always think of that thing unconsciously.

That day, you and I left after listening to Grandma's words. On the way, I bought you a lollipop. Due to a delay on the way, we decided to split up when we arrived. Just after a short walk, you heard a scream of "ah" and quickly ran to see me. "Sister, what's wrong with you?" You asked me in that childish voice. I was afraid that you would become stronger and endure the pain and said, "It's OK." But when I looked down, I could not help but say, "Blood is blood, sister, you are bleeding!" My knees were bleeding all the time.

At this time, you held back your panic and took out the paper and lollipop in your pocket, and told me not to move around. You went home and gave me something to stop the bleeding. I sat on a big stone and waited for you to come back. After a while, you still didn't come back. Suddenly, my heart was mixed: Why hasn't he come back? He is younger than me. Why am I so careless? Is there anything wrong with him? I can't help thinking of these things any longer. Tears are already rolling in my eyes, and every drop of tears is emerging from my eyes.

But when I was desperate, you came back with a small box in your hand. You squatted beside me, opened the box, first stopped my bleeding with cotton, and then wiped the iodophor for me, and said to me seriously like a small adult: "Sis, bear the pain, and you will be ready soon." After wiping, you helped me blow a few breaths, let me relax, Finally, you wrapped it with gauze and tied a knot for me. Then you looked at me with your innocent eyes, as if to say, "Sister, I'm doing well!" At this time, I wanted to hug you, but I resisted. I just took out the lollipop from behind and handed it to you. Although the lollipop is not big, it contains my sincere thanks to you, Then you said in a proud voice: "It's a piece of cake." After listening, we looked at each other and laughed happily. It seemed that everyone could hear the laughter, but it was only buried in our hearts.

Sister, although you are my sister, two years younger than me, in my mind, you are always a small adult, and I also want to thank you for your tolerance, your selflessness, and your sister.

I was very (14)

The wandering of the remnant flowers touches the heartstrings and laments the zero adjustment of the flowers—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

A broken flower fell on my shoulder and slid down my body to the wheel. I was touched by this little desolation and pushed forward from the car. Not far away, there was a small tree, which was trying its best to bloom its last flowers. At the same time, those beautiful pink flowers could not resist the call of the cold wind, "Scattering into mud and grinding into dust." I held the car to the tree. It seemed that the nameless tree was passing a message about life, which was what I was touched by.

Another petal quietly falls on my left cheek, and then falls on my feet. I intuitively found that the word "autumn" was clearly engraved on the remnant flower. Once passionate and full of vitality, it can only be turned into fragments of life in this period. I can't help sighing: Why do flowers wither? Somehow in my heart, I felt moved and sad.

At this moment, I suddenly found that the nameless tree was secretly bearing a layer of green fruits. I don't know what it's called and what it does, but at first sight, I like the little green thing. Oh, the blooming flowers also wither just to breed this small fruit! In an instant, my heart was bright. The flowers and trees exchange the falling petals for the fruits of the trees, but what about our life? Those beautiful praises, persistent pursuits, and countless falls and climbs should all become personal lofty ideals like flowers, rather than painfully pity the cost of success.

Because the sound of falling flowers is beautiful and happy, they leave more important essence and more small lives for the continuation of life!

I was very (15)

Today is another Sunday, I dragged my lazy body out of bed "hard" to get up. After breakfast, I read some books. Because my father was on business today and my mother was not at home, I had to cook lunch by myself. Out the door, ah! It was a fine day, but it began to rain before I went downstairs. I have to go upstairs to get an umbrella. Down the stairs, came to the food market, only to see an old man sitting on the cement floor washed by the rain. The old man wore a military uniform in the 1960s, a pair of old football shoes, and a pair of sad eyes, which were inset on the wrinkled forehead, looked particularly sad. This is an old man in his late 60s, and I felt a cool wind blowing in my heart!

There is a lovely little girl beside him. A pair of big eyes embedded in the poor and lovely little face, wearing a dark coat, apparently modified with old clothes, and wearing a pair of rain soaked cloth shoes. I think it should be the granddaughter of the old man. A cool wind suddenly hit my heart again. The old man was selling: "Eight cents a kilogram of vegetables and nine cents a kilogram of water spinach??" Suddenly, the lovely little girl said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, I'm hungry!" The old man said, "Wait a little longer, let's buy a big steamed bun when grandpa has sold out the vegetables." After hearing this, I thought that they only had steamed buns to eat, and my heart was sore, Tears swirled in the eyes. I then took out a ham sausage from my pocket and handed it to the poor little girl. When the little girl was about to reach for it, the old man said, "Xiao Xia, don't take other people's things!" His voice was full of determination. The little girl quickly withdrew her hand. I said, "Grandpa, since she is hungry, let her eat it!" At first, I insisted, but later, I still couldn't beat me and let the little girl take the ham sausage. My heart began to feel warm.

It was noon, but there was still a lot of food on his stall. I handed over 10 yuan and said, "Grandpa, give me 2 jin of vegetables and 1 jin of spinach." I wanted to turn around and go, but I didn't look up and just walked forward. But the old man came all the way, panting and said to me, "Son, I want your money!" Just look at his count of one cent and two cents. I firmly refused him, but I didn't beat him this time. My heart is full of warmth. Although my plan to help others was broken, Grandpa let me really understand the power of ambition. Thank you, Grandpa, you have taught me a precious lesson!

I was very (16)

Mother love is great, father love is deep. In this heavy affection, the father's love that is not good at expressing often loses brilliance under the dazzling mother's love. In fact, under the seemingly wooden and serious appearance, there is also a passionate heart of caring for children.

The north wind whistled, and the biting cold wind blew on my face, just like many needles stuck in my face. I couldn't help running to school with my teeth clenched. One by one, time flies away quickly. When it was time for "ding ling ling" to finish school, the students came out of the classroom one after another, leaving me alone. Looking at the heavy snow outside the window and listening to the howling cold wind outside the window, I could not help but shiver. I thought to myself; Anyway, it's snowing heavily. It's better to study in class and go home when the snow is light. I concentrated on my study. As time went by, I was about to get up and walk, and saw that the snow was falling harder and harder. When I was extremely anxious, a familiar figure came to me slowly. I looked carefully, ah! It's Dad. My father came near with something wrapped in white cloth in his hand. My father said, "Come on, hurry into the classroom. We waited at home for a long time, and I sent you a meal if I didn't see you back. You see, I brought you your favorite fish flavored shredded pork. Try it quickly, it's still hot". At that moment, my heart was shocked. I listened to my father's words quickly, tasted and swallowed hard. I said "delicious". Then he ate it greedily.

My father looked at me silently and said, "My child, I'm leaving. You eat slowly and don't choke. There is still soup in the white bottle next to you. After eating, flush it." I nodded. Looking at my father's back, tears could not help falling down. So far on the road, my father is stepping on the snow, and the cold wind on the road is not biting? Aren't you cold? Suddenly, it occurred to me that I had not asked my father if he had eaten. You have to go back and forth for two hours. Can you stand it? I can't help regretting it. Your unspoken love, like a ray of sunshine, makes me feel warm.

Father love is like a mountain, father love is like an ocean, broad and solid. This heavy love is everywhere. We should always think about returning this love.