600 words composition (6 articles)
Keep up with money
2024-04-21 04:48:24

Warm by your side Composition 600 words (1)

In the morning, the pale golden sun shone gently on the earth, bathed in the sun, my whole body was warm, walked briskly to the school, and a new day began.

As soon as I walked across the flag raising square, I climbed up to the fifth floor breathlessly and came to the classroom. At this time, there were not many people in the classroom. In a twinkling of an eye, I saw the familiar figure sweeping the floor again. "Shua, shua," the not so light broom waved gently in her hand, and there was no dust flying in the past, leaving only a clean place. We know that sometimes this job is not for her, but she never cares about it or complains, just because of her responsibility. In order not to affect students' learning, she always arrives at school early every day to show us a pure land. Whenever I see her cool back and clean ground, I can't help but feel warm in my heart.

At noon, when I walked into the campus again, the lazy sun shone on me. However, no matter it is windy or rainy, when we enter the campus, the teachers and students on duty have already arrived. Under their command, all students enter and leave the campus in an orderly manner, and the teachers on duty who stick to the dangerous intersection near the school are our security guards. Whenever I see their persistent figure and orderly team, I can't help but feel warm in my heart, which is warm in the loyal teachers and students.

In the evening, the beautiful sunset clouds passed through the clouds, and her golden gauze clothes reflected yellow half of the sky. The day ended like this. When we packed our heavy schoolbags and prepared to go home, I saw another person, who was our desk organizer. Whenever others have carried their schoolbags home, she always stays at the end and silently arranges the desks that deviate. Whenever I see her silent figure, neat tables and chairs, another warm current comes to my heart, warming my classmates who don't complain.

No matter how tiring the schoolwork is, there are always small but warm things around me every day. It is like a good medicine for relieving fatigue, driving away fatigue and warming my heart.

It's good to have warmth around me.

Warm by your side Compose 600 words (2)

Warmth is the most sincere feeling in people's hearts, which can make people very moved. Do you have any friends? I have.

I am a child of office workers. My parents are very busy and seldom have time to accompany me, so I usually stay at my grandma's house. Grandpa picks me up every time I go to and from school. I rank sixth at home, with three sisters and two brothers. As time goes by, the age of Ye Nai has gradually increased, and she has reached the gate of 80. Also because of the work, the old cold leg has always been with grandpa, unwilling to leave all the year round. Especially in winter, the pain is so serious that I can't walk. Our family are worried, but we can't do anything about it. Grandpa is very cheerful, always smiling and saying to us: "It's OK, it's OK, the bike is my leg, and it runs fast!"

When I saw that my grandpa had not come to pick me up, I was immediately "thumping". I was worried about whether my grandpa would encounter any trouble on the way, but I didn't dare to think about it. I stared at the school gate, stared at the path to the school, and prayed again and again... Finally, my grandpa's figure appeared, and I felt a sigh of relief, The stone in my heart fell to the ground. I watched him gasp and pedal slowly. I asked my grandpa anxiously, "Are you all right, grandpa? If you are late, you will be late. Don't worry on the way." My grandpa apologized and said with a smile: "It's all right, it's all right. Go home quickly. You must be hungry." Then he turned around and took me home. I wanted to continue questioning, but when I saw the dirt on Grandpa's shin, I was stunned and my mind went blank. Restrained not to ask, Mumu sat behind his grandfather, while the north wind was blowing. The wind went through my clothes and made my heart cool. It seems that a hammer is pounding my heart, and I am silent in the car. Later, I learned that Grandpa was afraid that I would come out early, so he had to wait in a hurry. He rode faster on the road and slipped on a dark ice at the corner, but he came to pick me up with pain. At this moment, a warm current came to my heart and I felt very warm.

Although this matter has passed for a long time, whenever I see my grandfather walking in a precarious manner, I will think of my grandfather's dusty arrival that day. When I think of my grandpa's old leg, I really want to be my grandpa's leg. It's also my wish to take him around the great rivers and mountains of the motherland to fulfill his wish.

With a country, a family, and relatives, the heart is always warm.

Warm by your side Compose 600 words (3)

Many moving things have happened around us. They have illuminated the earth and warmed our hearts like bright stars. Now, I will take you to pick a beautiful star!

At that time, I was waiting for the bus at the station. One minute later, two minutes later, 10 minutes later... The bus still didn't come. I walked around impatiently and kept shouting, "Why hasn't the bus come yet? I'm really bored." At this time, a little girl in a white skirt and shoes came bouncing up and down, An old man with a Tai Chi sword followed. Obviously, the two had just finished their morning exercises and came to deliver letters on the way.

My eyes were attracted by them. When they came to the mailbox, the little girl put the letter in, blinked her big eyes and asked the grandpa, "Grandpa, can Mom and Dad receive the letter I wrote?" "Of course! Xiaomei." The grandpa replied. At this time, a motorcycle came, followed by a large truck. In order to let the truck pass first, the motorcycle rode to the puddle at the side of the road. As soon as the truck left, it started to throttle away, but we were covered with mud and water, even the poor mailbox was not spared.

I quickly took a piece of paper to wipe away the muddy water on my body. I became more and more unhappy and thought: How can I be so unlucky! Not only did he not wait for the bus, but he also "got into trouble" with mud and water. When he returned home, his mother would "beat him up" again. I suddenly thought of that little girl. Her clothes are dirty too. She can't cry, can she? Thinking of my head up, I was shocked by the sight. The little girl was wiping the mailbox with her handkerchief! She even ignored her skirt and wiped the mailbox with her handkerchief. Suddenly, I was shocked. Ah, that little girl knew how to care for public property at a young age, but I was still complaining about why the bus had not come, complaining about God. But that little girl is so young that she has the heart of being selfless and dedicated to others. I am so old that I always think of myself.

After a long time, when the bus came, I realized that the little girl and her grandfather had gone home, and the only thing left was the clean mailbox. Before getting on the bus, I looked over there again. Ah! The sun has come out, and the mailbox is shining with gold. I was very moved. I thought to myself: the little girl is not only drying a mailbox, but also making me learn that as long as we have a kind and golden heart like a little girl, the world should be warmer and more beautiful. Let's work together!

600 words composition (4)

I looked out of the window at the setting sun, the birds flying freely in the sky, and the branches and leaves were gently blown by the breeze. I could not help thinking of the warmth when my mother was around last winter.

Last winter, the cold wind was biting to the bone. Even at home, I felt a bit cold. But there will always be someone who will warm his heart like a cup of hot wine in winter. I kept wandering at home, worried about whether my mother would be disappointed with me after the exam results came out. The more I thought like that, the more I felt uneasy and afraid. I am afraid of my mother's disappointed eyes, and fear that my mother no longer holds hope for me

My behavior seemed to attract my mother's attention. My mother walked up to me and asked, "What's the matter? Are you worried about something? Tell her about it." Indeed, my mother is so different. Any little worry will disappear in front of her. What should I do? Should I say that the exam results may be very unsatisfactory? Should I say that? Or do you swallow what you want to say Forget it, let's just say, face all fears calmly. "I think I will not do well in this exam, because I don't know many questions..." I answered my mother with apprehension. To my surprise, my mother didn't disappoint me, but held me in her arms and said to me gently, "In fact, my mother doesn't care about your grades, she just hopes you are happy. Even if your grades are not ideal, we can work hard to win the next exam! Come on, my mother believes in you."

My mother's words are like the sunshine in winter shining into my heart, which makes me feel extremely warm. Maybe this is warmth around me. I immediately felt that I had received a lot of encouragement and support. I reviewed half of the knowledge again. I believe I can do it. At the same time, I thank my mother.

Last winter was very warm. This is the warmth around you. Mother is like a walking sun. Wherever you go, there is warmth.

600 words composition (5)

The white snow, seething in the air, connects the world in a vast expanse. There is only a plum tree standing between heaven and earth, budding in the cold.

Although the morning sun has risen, the world around me has been decorated with snow. Taking advantage of the scenery along the way, carrying a happy mood, listening to the music of stepping on the snow, I walked to my home.

I do not know when, the sky scattered pieces of crystal snowflakes, like the willow catkins, but also like the east of the spirit, playing in the sky, dancing. The wind, like their dancing partners, is dancing in the air. Slowly, a large group of snow and wind opened a grand dance in the air. Beauty is beauty, but there is an inexhaustible chill. I gathered my sleeves and ran home quickly.

After a while, I stopped at a place not far from home. At the entrance, there was an open space surrounded by snow. In the middle, there was a girl as big as me kneeling down, with thick snow on her head and shoulders. It seems that I have been here for a long time. It occurred to me. Then look at her. Her face is pale, and her thin face is full of haggard. She is wearing thin clothes, and the wind is pouring down her collar, making the already spacious clothes even fatter.

It's not hard to imagine her paper like figure hidden under her clothes. In front of her, there was a piece of torn old cloth, a broken bowl, in which pieces of paper money lay on the surface, bleak and lonely. Looking up again, she put her arms in her arms and shivered, as if she would go back with the wind at any time. Looking at her, a trace of impatience flashed in her eyes, holding the only 30 yuan in her hand, but she could not decide. In my heart, when angels and demons continue to pull together.

A clear childlike voice sounded not far away: "Big sister, take this money." Looking up, a girl about 7 or 8 years old squatted in front of the girl, and continued: "It's so cold, let my sister put on my clothes." Then she reached out to take off her clothes. The girl looked up at her and tried to stop her, "Thank you, sister," she said hoarsely. "Your money has helped me a lot. You can wear your clothes yourself. It's still snowing." The girl looked firm and insisted: "It doesn't matter. My home is over there." She pointed to the building not far away. "The teacher said that when I grow up, I should learn to help others." Then she quickly took off her clothes, put them on the girl's shoulders, and ran away.

The snow gradually stopped, and the sun spread on the girl, weaving her a golden cotton padded jacket. The girl's tears burst out colorful light under the sky.

Looking at the girl who was getting farther and farther away, I was ashamed. I lowered my red head and walked to the girl. I put down my money and left as if I were running for my life.

At that moment, the cold heart gradually melted, bubbled into the heart, and the cold wind turned into a spring wind. I know that warm current is called warmth! The heart throb is for thanks!

In the snow, the plum blossom opens quietly. The flowers of a tree and the elegant fragrance seem to answer the sentence "Mei Xu is inferior to the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance."

That winter, under the plum blossom tree, I felt warm, understood how to help, learned how to give, a thousand words, all in one sentence——

Little girl, thank you, it is you who gave me warmth and made me feel warm and moved!

600 words composition (6)

In this world, warmth exists in every place and every corner. It may be just a small thing, but it can remind you of that warm memory in your heart.

Once, I stayed at home and watched TV. The scene on TV deeply attracted me: a man was running hard in the street. He was wearing a scarf and a down jacket, and his face was red with cold; The cold wind blew his hair in the winter night, and the passers-by looked at him puzzled. What was it about? I can't see it, I thought.

He seemed to have run a long distance to a baby shelter. The loud crying of the child made him feel relieved, and he picked up the child and smiled gently. I seemed to understand something. After searching for the film on the Internet and watching its previous episodes, I knew that the child was a poor man abandoned by his parents. Because his mother put the child at his door, he somehow got involved with the child.

Because he had to go to work and had no time to take care of the baby, he wanted to put the baby in the nursery for the nurse to take care of him, but he forgot to ring the bell for the nurse to take him away, so he tried to 'run back to see if the baby was safe, and decided to raise the baby. After watching it, I was deeply moved. It reminded me of what my mother said to me. She said that she once took me out to see a doctor on this cold winter day. After careful thinking, isn't it similar to what is shown on TV?

I seriously imagined the scene at that time. It was the same cold wind in winter, the same scarf and down jacket. It was also for my safety. I ran so hard because I was afraid of traffic jams. The cold red face and disordered hair were different from those on TV? Thinking about it, I burst into tears. What does our parents bring us is a kind of warmth? Maybe everyone has had such an experience, but no matter how many times it is repeated, it is warm in retrospect.

We all live in the warmth of our parents and society. Their love, like the sun, warms our hearts.