Donate clothes (5 in total)
Plain white skirt
2024-02-26 09:39:18
second grade

Donate clothes (1)

During the winter vacation, my mother sorted out many 80% new clothes for me. I'm too old to wear these clothes, but it's a pity to throw them away. When my mother asked me what to do, a picture in the TV news a few days ago came to my mind: children in poor areas, wearing thin clothes and worn shoes, walking on the road covered with ice and snow in the cold winter, their hands and faces were red with cold, and their feet and hands were covered with frostbite... So, I told my mother: "I want to give these clothes to the children in poor areas, so that they can wear warmer in cold winter!" My mother praised me as a good and caring child.

So my mother and I took advantage of the sunny weather to wash and disinfect the clothes first, and then hang them in the sun. Under the bright sun, the clothes became as clean as new, and there was a strong smell of the sun. After folding the clothes, I put them neatly into the bag.

It happened that there was a clothing donation station in the community. On the fourth day after the winter vacation, I carried my sorted clothes to the clothing donation spot in the community. I carefully took out clothes one by one from the bag and put them into the old clothes donation box. Watching the clothes in the bag put into the box one by one, I felt the joy of helping others.

Although the amount of clothes I donated is insignificant, I believe that with the support and care from all sides, children in poor areas, your spring is not far away! I hope we can grow together happily and healthily!

Donating clothes (2)

Today, the teacher asked us to take our old clothes to school and donate them to children in remote mountainous areas. I once saw the introduction of the mountain area on TV: the mountain there is very high, the water there is very clear, and the people there are very innocent. Just because the traffic conditions are not convenient, the living conditions of the children there are not very good. The thought of providing help for them makes me immediately happy.

After returning home, I told my mother about the school notice and my own ideas, and she agreed with me very much. So we rummaged around the house to find out: my mother was responsible for finding thick and warm clothes, and I was responsible for finding clothes that looked cool. Before long, we found several bags of clothes. Looking at them, I thought with satisfaction that the children in the mountain area would not feel cold this winter.

When I arrived at the class the next day, another scene was presented to me: the original podium, windows and blackboard newspaper were covered by bags of bulging clothes, and bags of clothes were neatly arranged on the floor. Every student's face was filled with happy smiles. I know that they, like me, are happy that children in the mountain area can get winter clothes immediately. After placing the clothes waiting for donation, we quickly sat down and read them early. Somehow, I feel that every piece of clothes waiting for donation around me is filled with the temperature of love, making the classroom in this early winter even warmer than before.

After lunch, we took our own clothes bags and prepared to donate. Along the way, although the bag was as heavy as a mountain, what we thought was that the young friends in the mountain area who were going to be able to wear winter clothes immediately gained strength. When he came to the auditorium, he saw a crowd of people inside: one student dragged two bags of clothes with difficulty, and sweat appeared on his face, but he did not stop to rest, but dragged on; Some students ran with a small bag and disappeared at the end of the corridor. When I was stunned, he appeared in front of me again, walked into the classroom, picked up another bag of clothes and ran to the end of the corridor; Other students worked together to move, with two dragging ahead; The two men pushed behind. With their concerted cooperation, they completely conquered the huge bag and obediently listened to the command to move forward. Unconsciously, I also moved the clothes I wanted to donate. I turned to leave the auditorium and looked back at the distant mountain from time to time. It seemed to be shining with golden light

That night, I had a very beautiful dream: I dreamed that these clothes had grown beautiful wings by themselves, flying over endless mountains and surging rivers, and came to the hands of the children in the mountain area. They wore these warm clothes, singing and dancing around the campfire, and their red faces showed a knowing smile. I heard that it was that night that I laughed in my dreams!

Donate clothes (3)

Today, Teacher Shi told us that children in many places have no clothes to wear in winter. I hope we can donate some clothes to children there so that they can have a warm winter! I can't imagine how cold it would be in such a cold winter without clothes.

In the evening, my mother began to tidy up the wardrobe, sorting out my cotton padded clothes and thick pants. My father and I also came to help. We folded our clothes neatly and put them in big bags. Looking at the large bags of clothes, I thought that the children there would not be cold when they put on my winter clothes, and my heart would also be warm. I also thought: Do the children there have skirts to wear in summer? So I opened my wardrobe and took out two princess skirts. My little hand gently touched the beautiful beads on the skirt. I really couldn't bear it. This is my favorite skirt! But when I thought of the children putting on the skirt, I picked up the skirt corner and gently rotated it. When the dancing skirt set off a bright smile, I did not hesitate to put the skirt into the big bag. At this time, my father touched my head and smiled. My mother said I was a good child.

On Saturday morning, my parents took me to the post office to post my clothes. Our teacher Shi has been busy there. Many children have come. Some mothers are helping to pack clothes, some are sewing bags, and some are filling out forms. Everyone has a warm smile on their faces!

Donating clothes (4)

Today is the first activity of our holiday team: clothes donation.

In the morning, my mother took out all my old clothes. Then he said to me, "We will donate our clothes that are not big enough to those children in the mountain area." At first, I was a little reluctant, because these are all my favorite clothes. My mother said, "The children in the mountain area can't eat enough and wear warm all day." After listening to my mother, I felt they were very poor. I immediately sorted it out with my mother.

"I'm finally finished, I'm exhausted!" I said. Mother said, "It's a happy thing to help others. How can we be tired?" We gave our clothes to the people who went to the mountains, hoping that we could send them Wen.

I hope everyone can lend a hand to help those mountain children who need help.

Donate clothes (5)

Today, my mother and I finished the housework. I washed dishes and she washed clothes. After washing the dishes, I saw my mother also take out the washed clothes and prepare to hang them on the hanger.

Mother beat her back. I think she must be tired of washing clothes. Let me help her! I hurried to my mother and said, "Mom, you can have a rest first, and I will help you dry the clothes!" My mother said happily, "OK, you can come, but you are short, I will hang it, and you can take it!" I said, "I have a way, you can watch!" I went to the first floor and took a chair, and climbed to the third floor with the chair, When I got to the third floor, I was out of breath and forgot what to do next? I'm so tired! I slowly put the chair in front of the coat hanger and stood on the chair. I picked up my pants, ouch! It's Dad's pants. How can I hang them? I thought for a while and asked my mother to come and help me. My mother pulled the trouser legs and I put them on the hanger and hung them on the hanger. I then hung my clothes and pants on the hanger one by one, and finally I clamped up my socks and underpants. Leba Khan said, "At last, it's all right!"

When my mother saw how wonderful I was, she made me a little embarrassed.