Chinese composition paragraphs (3 high-quality articles)
Worries of Old Men
2023-10-09 02:09:34

Chinese Composition Paragraph (1)

Exquisite phrases are often a combination of ideas, personality, verve and rationality. The choice without thought is like a painter without innovation, lacking spirituality; A choice without personality is like a poet without life, lacking verve; A choice without edge is like music without passion and lack of ideas; No rational choice is like a life without spirit and vitality. May the accumulation of little by little be like grains of yellow sand. One grain today and one grain tomorrow will become a tower.

1. Have you ever envied Tao Yuanming's life? Yes, he retired to the countryside, tasted the light wine in the countryside, and watched the chrysanthemum in the wind. How natural and comfortable he lived! However, do you feel the helplessness in his heart? He also has the ambition of helping the world, but he has no way to show it. In that dark era, he can not tolerate this clanking Wei and Jin character, so he chose to be born in endless frustration. His helplessness, his anxiety, his pain, do you understand?

Yes, you haven't seen it. You only smell the fragrance of chrysanthemums in front of Mr. Wuliu's house, and you are only intoxicated with the mountains and waters of Nanshan. So you envy their lives and complain about their anxiety and fatigue. When will you know how to face up to the joy of your life and smell the fragrance of gardenias by the window lattice? (Gardenia beside the window lattice)

2. What is Li Qingzhao singing? I believe that she is not singing the "sad and miserable" autumn, she is feeling the spring, spring is too beautiful, too gorgeous; She is grieving the summer, summer is too fierce, too determined; She was in a bitter winter, too cold and penetrating. All of them bring her former peace and happiness. Only autumn, with her bleak mood, told her that there was another season in the world that could be a footnote to her life. (Season)

3. Will Su Shi's "hanging sparse trees without moon" not make people daydream?

How many people have realized Zhu Shuzhen's idea of "making a bed full of cool parasol trees, and the moon is bright in the absence of parasol trees"?

Li Yu's "Lonely parasol trees lock the autumn in deep courtyard", the moon is like a hook; Who can not feel the loneliness of autumn?

What a bleak autumn! What an emotional autumn! In autumn, I took a photo with Indus, Mianyu and the missing moon. That photo can only exist in our hearts forever. That photo is a true portrayal of autumn. Perhaps the jackdaw refused to live in the parasol tree; The rain, perhaps the geese envy; The lack of moon may be the emotional sustenance of literati. (Season)

4. When you were down and out, he gave you a helping hand; When you are frustrated, he turns on the navigation light for you to guide you; When you fail, he has laid a foundation for you, which will lead you to success; When you are sad, he brings you joy; When you are unlucky, he sent you happy bluebirds; When you... however, when he fell down and fell ill, what did you send him and what did you bring him? Is it apathy, or is it more caring? (How can you repay a drop of kindness?)

5. Away from impetuosity and return to our mother tongue, our soul will be more substantial and beautiful. The Songs of Chu in the Pre Qin Dynasty, the Yuefu in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the elegant poetry in the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, and the novels and essays in the Ming and Qing Dynasties will continue to nourish our spirit. "Qingqingzijin, leisurely my heart" is thirsty for sages; The sentimental feeling of "fifty strings of brocade without reason, one string and one column miss the Chinese year"; The ambition of "filling up the Great Wall and promising to be empty, and the sideburns in the mirror have been spotted first" is hard to pay; The magnificent scenery of "Cangshan is negative and the candles are bright in the south" is deeply impressed in our soul. (Mother tongue)

6. I still remember that the Han woman named Li Chunyan married into the Miao village and has become the moon illuminating the Miao family ever since. In the stilted building where she lives, she sorted out her IOUs under the dim light. Her posture of rushing to the cottage for medical treatment appeared again and again in my memory. The longer the time, the longer I was moved. Her selflessness, her dedication, and her persistence are just like a rose, emitting the fragrance of great love, which permeates in the memory. The longer the time goes, the stronger it becomes. (The Flowers Bloom Across the Taiwan Straits)

7. It was a drizzly morning, and we were walking on the muddy mountain road. The mountain is not high, there is a stream flowing away, and the cold wind blows against my face.

light rain. The rain swirled in the air and hit my face, cold and cold. The thin rain, extending towards the distance, has finally become a white curtain, shielding the world. As we move forward in the rain, let the heaven sent rain wet every corner of our body. From head to foot, from mouth to heart, there is a poem flowing in our heart. It overflows over our heart, quietly overflowing "free flying flowers are light as dreams, and endless rain is thin as sorrow" ("Poetic Life")

8. It seems that grandpa has been busy since I can remember. He carried a hoe and went out to work on his farmland and land; He planted vegetables and fruit trees in the garden; He went to help others as much as he could... very healthy, happy and comfortable to live. Grandma fed her chickens at home, yelled at two dogs, washed grandpa's clothes, and waited for grandpa's unchanging "order" for many years: "What are you doing, old lady? Make tea quickly!" Grandma put down her work and pretended to complain, saying, "Come back and have a rest so soon." Then she seriously went to make tea for grandpa and sent it to grandpa, Sit with him and chat while drinking tea. (Living Poetically)

9. When it rains, the rain drips down and covers the ancient lane, as if you are carefully bathing a baby. The moss on the tiles and the budding flowers are happily sipping the rain. People don't go out very often in rainy days. They make a pot of tea and sit on a cane chair. They turn over old thread bound books and chant "Rain Lane". There will also be naughty children playing in the rain. The crisp laughter is like a wind chime hanging on the cornice corner. A beautiful, sweet, clove like girl, holding an oil paper umbrella, disappears in the alley, leaving a figure for reverie. Everything here is like a graceful poem. Every flower and tree is full of aura, creating a poetic atmosphere. (Living Poetically)

10. Clouds are the makeup of the sky. The clouds in the morning are dyed fresh pink, like the cheeks of a newborn baby. Dusk clouds are gilded with golden orange, like patches of rust, shining with the glory of the passing of lonely years. There is an idiom called "White Clouds and Green Dogs". Every day, there is a movie called "White Clouds and Green Dogs" in the sky. The audience includes young children and old people who are dying. They can find the sweet cotton candy they tasted in childhood or the country of clouds in fairy tales from the unpredictable clouds. (Thinking of the Sky)

11. Our thoughts are like young birds wandering at the crossroads. There are our possible footprints in every direction. We are constantly picking up or losing happiness in a variety of ways of thinking. Without thought, happiness is delusion. Some people say that we are the "Beat Generation". I disagree! Because we have thoughts and know how to embark on different thinking journeys to find happiness. Some people say that we are new new humans of "Ah Q" type. I disagree! Because our new ideas are not as ignorant and insensitive as Ah Q. We are happy, our happiness is flexible left hand; We think, our way of thinking is rational right hand. When thinking turns the wrong corner, it will enter the happy cemetery. When the left hand and the right hand meet and blend properly, it is a poetic place to live. (Left Hand, Right Hand)

12. And tea, born on the shady slope of a secluded valley, soaks in the gentle breeze and drizzle, absorbs the serenity of the moonlight and starlight, and is filled with the mountain mist and wild dew that seems to be absent, which is full of tranquility. Then pick the tender leaves carefully and develop them by hand. When the night is quiet, the crescent moon is like a hook, a pot of purple sand is poured with hot water, the height is gentle, and the foam is slowly brewed. Don't worry, wait for the water to gradually dissipate, and then go to taste the tranquility on the tip of your tongue carefully, vaguely feel that the faint fragrance melts into the moonlight mountain feeling: into a blank of thoughts, so the oriental who likes to drink tea is calm and wise, everyone is a philosopher and a thinker.

Being a man is like drinking tea. With the faint fragrance of indifference and gossamer, you can give more space to your thoughts and life so that you can be calm and leisurely. (The solo dance in the blank)

13. Chinese painters, on the other hand, will draw those lonely mountains on a long roll of rice paper in a large blank, and then there will be only a lonely leaf, staying helplessly in the large blank, as if it were wandering in the heaven and earth alone. The description of poverty shows infinite feelings. Among them, blank, a simple and profound form, takes on this important task. Use the nihilistic and substantial carrier to bear a situation where the sky is flying high and the sky is overflowing with emotion.

This is the choice of the wise. Maybe people's hearts are like pictures. Sometimes a little blank will hide the big world. People who understand the world's affairs must realize the blank. (The solo dance in the blank)

14. Tagore said that the brand of death will brand the essence of life on the coin of life, so that it can buy those really valuable things. Only by living poetically can we treat the world of disputes calmly and clearly, and let the troubles go.

When a thousand barges pass by, there is a vast ocean. Caishiji alone counts the reflections. The turbid waves are a cup of boiled wine. Li Bai was drunk with a chronicle of the Tang Dynasty. Li Bai, who wields his sword at the ends of the world, chose to live in a poetic way, so he left the history with the carefree figure of Qing Lian, a green donkey and a green shirt. Li Bai found the true happiness of life. (Living Poetically)

15. Through the dance of Zhuang Zhou's dream of butterflies, beyond the perilous barrier of Hangu where Lao Tzu rode a green ox, and across the unfailing eastward water at the foot of Confucius, we lived poetically. When we looked back, life smiled. Du Fu, who has written thousands of volumes, chose a poetic life, so he added a sage in poetry to his history. Even if it is the sadness of "what is floating like, heaven and earth are a sand gull"; Even if it is the sadness of "old illness has a lonely boat" and "tears flow through the pavilion"; Even if it is the dilemma of "rolling the triple thatch on my house" and "the tall one hanging on the tree tops"; Shaoling did not change his mind. With a giant pen like a rafter, it restored the historical image and the sufferings of people's livelihood. A small boat and a cool quilt made Du Fu realize the value and significance of life. (Living Poetically)

16. Living poetically in this ancient lane, I listened to the girls in the neighborhood sing and listen to the swallows' whispering. Look at the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, and look at the clouds rolling in the sky. At dusk, walk in the sunset, and only sigh "The sunset is infinitely good", no matter whether it is near dusk or not. Break a weeping willow and insert it into a bottle filled with water. The sharp buds look like a new dream just budding. In the mirror, there is a flower like dimple. The flowers are matched with each other, keeping a childlike innocence and purity, to feel the beauty of life, and to brew every emotion like writing poems. This is the common feature of people in ancient alleys. I love this land. The pure soul and sky here, even the smell of the air has the fragrance of cotton candy. When my hair is white, please ask the wind of my hometown to bring me back here again to play a flute sound and live here poetically for the rest of the year. (Living Poetically)

17. I know that you love life, especially the piano. From high mountains to flowing waters, a piece of music of nature comes slowly, which is slightly dispersed by the morning wind, soaked by the night fog, and covered by the leaves along the way. The five lines of music of jumping are so intoxicating that you don't hesitate to choose it, Planting it quietly and attentively in your own "private land", because you love it, you make a secret decision, because you love it, you wear out your fingers without giving up, because you love it, you let tears and sweat flow together, so you drop on the black and white keys to play the unique sound of your life. (Living Poetically)

Chinese Composition Paragraph (2)

20xx Chinese composition material for college entrance examination: excerpts from excellent passages

Rigorous structure at the beginning and end

1. (At the beginning) At the end of the city, there is no bustling street, shining neon; At the end of the city, there are only dilapidated shantytowns, which have experienced life; At the end of the city, there are people like them.

(End) The sun rises from the horizon, illuminating the end of the city and their life.

They will eventually become us. (They)

2. (At the beginning) Standing by the Seine River, you can touch the fashionable and elegant pulse of Paris; In the Fifth Avenue, you can feel the gorgeous and gorgeous atmosphere of New York; Walking on the streets of Ginza, you can enjoy the ancient and modern culture of Tokyo; Stay by the Huangpu River to experience the compatible and unique spirit of Shanghai

(End) I face the city in infinite thinking, touch its shell, and desire to touch its soul. I hope that one day its inner quality can be as beautiful and moving as its outer shell. I hope that those false and frivolous will become real and solid. I hope that it will be "clear after the clouds and rain". I hope that we can re touch the flower like beauty of the city from the inside out. (Touch the City)

3. (beginning) The wind is clear outside the window, and birds are chirping. The sun beats in the window, and the dream is sweet. The boat of time slipped into the dream and opened the bleary eyes. The windmill of life turns round and round every day, but I don't feel that it is a faded sculpture, because I am moved to walk with me every day.

There are moving everywhere in life, even if it is a plant, a flower and a stone. Starting with a touch, I found that in the river of life, every kind of water drop collision sound is so clear and pleasant.

(Ending) Set out with a touch, and you will enrich your luggage every day, whether you are happy or worried. I always feel that it is a code in my own experience. (Depart with Movements)

4. (At the beginning) The inexhaustible desire of human beings is the driving force to push the wheels of history forward.

Where does desire come from? From the curiosity that human beings are born with.

(Conclusion) Curiosity - it is promoting the progress of the world, but also accumulating the power to destroy the world.

What should we do to deal with the growing curiosity? (Curiosity)

5. Why?

Why should we shout every few minutes in a house that is only a few meters away when both of us are old?

Every time I go to Grandma's house, this always reminds me of my curiosity.

(At the end) I think the so-called love is like this. The people I love, the people I miss, must exist well where I can see, where I can reach, where I can go.

I'm glad that I have curiosity, so I can know the care, warmth and love of the grandma generation. I know that the call is saying that the whole world is here with you. (Curiosity)

6. Life is a web of joys and sorrows, beauty and ugliness. It passes through time and space and still shines. We need to constantly explore and think about life. As long as we can constantly add sand, water and stones to our thinking, life will become full.

Chinese Composition Paragraph (3)

When reading Chuang Tzu, I read that his mind is as clear as autumn water. If he does not tie the boat, he is willing to be a tree to guard the moon.

Reading Li Bai, what I read is natural and unrestrained. "Go out with a laugh in the sky, we are not the people of Penghao" has made him heroic and elegant. "I am born to be useful, and my daughter will come back when she is gone" stirred up his confidence and broadness. When the wine enters Haochang, seven percent of it will become moonlight, and the remaining three percent will become sword spirit, and half of it will be a prosperous Tang Dynasty when the embroidery mouth spits out!

When I read Sima Qian, I read about rigidity and tenacity. In the face of cruel punishment and public ridicule, he did not yield, and he still stood on the peak of history. "Through the changes of the past and the present, we can become a family." We should be honest and upright, and keep it as a good spirit to fill the world; Resentment, sorrow and indignation, which is written in a letter, reflect the world. It was the awe inspiring righteousness of Tai Shigong that made him stand on the peak of life and shout: "Death is inherent in human beings, either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

When I read Li Qingzhao, I read sadness and sadness. "Flowering flowers and flowing water" is a trace of melancholy. What kind of sadness is "parasol trees and drizzle". How solemn and stirring it is to be a hero in life and a ghost in death. "I'm afraid that the Grasshopper Boat in Shuangxi will not be able to carry it, and there are many worries".

"Only the breeze on the river and the bright moon in the mountains can make you sound when you hear it, and make you look beautiful when you see it". Su Zi is very ambitious. Although he was exposed to the waste water from the officialdom and the literary arena, he is still very ambitious. "He likes fish and shrimp, but he likes elk". You can see that he is open-minded. "Anneng broke his brows and bent his waist to deal with the powerful, which made me unhappy". Li Bai, who was slandered, was given back by the Emperor Xuanzong with gold. Although he had the virtue of being a star, the sun and the moon were shining together, and finally turned into nothing, he was still full of energy. "He raised his glass to invite the bright moon, and became three people against the shadow". Three thirds of the wine into the moon, seven into the sword, and half of the Tang Dynasty came when Xiukou vomited. How could he have such an open-minded mind if he was unmotivated?

Ruan Ji witnessed the world's muddleheaded state and the strange body of his friends, and escaped from reality by getting drunk. He has been escaping, escaping, escaping all his life, but eventually he was spurned because of a piece of "Notes to the King of Jin for Zheng Chong". Ji Kang lived completely in reality and refused to make any compromises to life. Finally, Guangling San became a masterpiece. In fact, one step forward from Ruan Ji's drunkenness is Ji Kang's "Guangling San", and one step backward from Ji Kang's "Guangling San" is Ruan Ji's drunkenness. The circumstances of different paths leading to the same destination are so different. If two people take a step in the middle of each direction, and slightly neutralize fantasy and reality, they may not be able to hide the living into illusion, and the dead into the sky, leaving only endless frustration for future generations.

In that era when everyone complained, Mr. Shen Congwen still wrote the small town in the south of the Yangtze River as a paradise with beautiful mountains, water and people, though he paid attention to the cruelty of reality. The reality did not obliterate his hope for life. He looked at the society and his life with the most primitive feelings and a pure heart. He did not indulge in his fantasy nor let reality numb his mind.

Is it the residence of Sanlihe where Qian Zhongshu once lived? A great scholar who has learned both Chinese and Western knowledge, but does not want to know much about others, "Let's listen to his voice and ask for his friend's voice." The great scholar has passed away, but later generations can still feel the rigorous style of scholarship when they look at him. Pacing past, I seem to see the figure of a lonely lamp compiling the Pipe Cone.

Su Dongpo was demoted to Huangzhou after the Wutai poem case. He was poor in material resources and depressed in spirit, but suffering finally made him cheer up and mature. The howling mountain wind stops at the mouth of the valley and turns into a gentle thing; The fast river slows down at the mouth of the river and becomes vast; Brilliant life ends in misery and turns into maturity and indifference. So Su Dongpo broke through the siege of Huangzhou and finally became the Red Cliff Two Odes and the word "Dajiang", which has been famous for thousands of years and has benefited countless scholars and poets in later generations.

I thought of the short Beethoven, who grasped the throat of fate with his whirlwind like music. Miller spent his life as a farmer to resist the exquisite studio art in Paris. He always had a quiet contempt for the upper class. When people tutted him about the scene of the prince's naming ceremony, he sighed: "Poor little prince!" He was just so stubborn in painting the farmers in his pen. Under the calm and serenity laid by the copper, I suddenly understood his soul, It was a kind of spiritual excitement and unspeakable inner palpitation. For Miller, no wealth can stop him from pursuing perfection. He just bravely pursues the purity of his soul and will never give up a place the size of a wooden shoe on his own land.

Kawabata Yasunari's simple sentence, "At four o'clock in the morning, I saw crabapple flowers not sleeping", instantly touched many hearts. This is the perfect combination of dream and reality, which makes those worldly things collapse in an instant, and warms the mind that is becoming numb in reality.

I remember Heidegger once said that life is full of achievements, but also needs to live poetically on this land. I would like to thank Heidegger, the spiritual explorer, for leaving a blank in my heart. When I am upset, I can think calmly and recite a sentence, "Life is like a fleeting moment, suddenly"; In my busy life, I can steal a half day's leisure and enjoy the revived love of "he was a Toad Palace guest at the end of his life, not at the plum border but at the willow border". For example, Mr. Wuliu said, "Go alone when you have a good time, or plant a stick to sow seeds"; For example, Mr. Dongpo, "The poem of eulogizing the bright moon, the chapter of graceful singing"; Like Thoreau guarding Walden Lake, like Hemingway looking at the snow of Kilimanjaro. They are all poets, living poetically in their own blank world.

From Pushkin's surging "To the Sea" to Bing Xin's "Spring Water" full of maternal love, innocence and nature, from Wen Yiduo's long aftertaste of "Red Candle" to Shu Ting's implicit "To the Oak". There are thousands of pieces of green money. Shampoo is floating on the surface. It smells like nothing. It seems as if you are at a distance. This is the publicity from one kind of thought to another, from one kind of personality to another. The edges and corners of their thoughts are shining with scorching light.

The legendary woman Sanmao, who has wandered around the world for decades, has seen all kinds of wind on her hair. When she came to the south of the Yangtze River, she cried. It was like meeting a kind old grandmother. She finally found a place in her life where she could rest her heart. After the ups and downs of the shopping mall, Shen Wansan, a magnate in the south of the Yangtze River, finally settled down at the waterside of Zhouzhuang and stopped striving for fame and profit. There are also unknown scholars and hermits. Maybe they also wanted to win the imperial examination and become successful in their official career. However, day after day intrigues and intrigues finally made them tired, so they packed their bags. I will die in Jiangnan.

I think Qu Zi is crystal clear. From a distance, I can see his magnolia in the morning and his home in the night. What is Jingying? From a distance, his childlike heart, the clear heart of "coming to me first". What about his flaws? I would rather compare his flaws to the complicated and tortured soul like ordinary people. Look at his flaws, the competition of Shangguan adults, and the fatuity of the King of Chu. How many people can see his flaws? Jingying is a kind of pure heart, and slight flaw is a result of suffering. However, Jingying is also a kind of belief, and slight flaw is also a kind of hardship after belief.