About Strict Love (Collection 12)
Should not be reluctant
2024-04-19 03:57:52

About Strict Love (1)

Eating delicious food and tasting the power of love, my mind drifted back to the past

When I was a child, although I was curious about everything, I didn't like to eat anything. When my parents found out, they were very worried about me and worried about my growth. For this reason, my mother was cruel and had to let me fall in love with eating.

One day, I didn't want to eat anymore. My mother tried to persuade me, but I still ignored her. When mother saw that it was no good to overcome hardness with softness, she came to "overcome softness with hardness". She deliberately took away her job. When I saw her, I danced with joy. Unexpectedly, my mother killed a "comeback" and left a sentence: "You can't eat snacks today"! I thought to myself, "If you don't eat, you won't eat. I won't miss meals. Don't snacks tempt children?"? My mother saw that I was indifferent, so she deliberately took snacks and ate them in front of me. My mouth is watering. Then she coquetered in front of her mother: "I want to eat, I want to eat!" Her mother said firmly: "No, who told you not to eat? If you want to eat, you can eat after dinner." My mother and I had a hard time, but I couldn't beat her, so we had to leave.

Later, as soon as I saw the food, I felt fragrant and ate it all every time. I was afraid that my mother would do this again. Now of course, I'm used to it!

Sometimes, "strict" love is more delicious than "gentle" love, because mother's sternness also contains deep love! I like this strict love! Also know that love contains a strong mother daughter relationship between my mother and me!

About Strict Love (2)

Today, as usual, my mother got up early and made me a rich breakfast. I ate with relish and I was very happy.

At noon, my mother told me to write a composition. I stayed in the room for a few minutes and played games all the time. Later, my mother cooked lunch and asked me to eat. When she found that I hadn't written a word, I took the opportunity to find an excuse. I said: I have been thinking about topics, but it takes me decades to think about them? Mother is annoyed by me.

My mother was so angry with me that she beat me to tears. I cried very sad and cried for a long time. Before dinner, my mother said: You must write the question "I hit you". Do you know? I said I knew. I immediately started to write the topic. I wrote a lot. I also knew that my mother was supporting me and loving me.

My mother doesn't beat me very often, but I do too much, so she is willing to beat me. Usually, my mother just talks about me. I also know that my mother is still good for me, but also for my future. Now, I beat me to tell me, so that I can do better. I also know that I was wrong at that time, and I will work harder.

After this day's struggle, I also understand that love is not for you. Give you what you want. Mom, although you didn't let me eat anything expensive, you didn't let me hungry. Mom, although you didn't give me many good clothes, you didn't let me freeze. Mom, I have a mother like you in this world, and I am satisfied. Love is to let you know to become better, Mom, I love you. Mom, this fight is not for nothing!

About Strict Love (3)

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Everyone says that maternal love is great, and paternal love is sometimes strict, but it is also warm, selfless, and beautiful.

Every day when I came home from work, whether I was in the study, dining room or living room, he would greet me with a smile. But as soon as it comes to learning, his face becomes very strict. If his handwriting is not neat, he will relentlessly ask for rewriting. Who is this person? Yes, he is my father! Once when I was working on a question, I thought it was very simple. Instead of writing the process, I wrote the answer directly. My father stood up and said earnestly: "Although the answer is correct, there is no thought process. It can be seen that your thinking is not rigorous, and it is absolutely not helpful for you to work on the question. Although the correct answer is important, the thought process is more important." It is this strict fatherly love, Let my grades rise steadily.

Besides tutoring and learning, I admire my father when it comes to playing. He is proficient in basketball, football, table tennis and badminton. He never lets me play with him. He always lets me lose without mercy. He will defeat me no matter how much I cry. Losing is losing to me. Badminton is getting better and better. Gradually I learned that there is a strong hand in the strong, and there is an able person behind the able person. I learned to work hard and fight hard. Strict fatherly love makes my football skills better and better.

As the saying goes, "Strictness is love, leniency is harm". Strict this special love can let me thrive.

About Strict Love (4)

You gave me the best love, in the most special way.

I remember that I refused to take medicine when I was ill. You shouted and scolded me. The power of giving me medicine exceeded my imagination. But how would you treat my sister? You gently coaxed her, and bought a lot of sugar to coax her to take medicine... So I was so paranoid that you didn't love me, and you only loved my sister

I forgot to come back when I went out to play. You dragged me back hard, even my hands were blue. Grandma's hand shaking when wiping medicinal wine for me, she said: "Girl, what's wrong with your mother? Didn't she go out to look for you because she was worried? It turned out to be like this..." I laughed at myself, would you worry about me? This is the biggest joke in the world!

Grandma asked me to call you for dinner. I was unwilling to rush into your room, but I saw your thin back, your shoulders shaking up and down, and the pen in your hand moving away. I rushed behind you, a naughty one to seal your eyes, but the hands became wet. I knew it was tears, but I was going to make fun of it and say: "Mom knew she was going to eat, but her mouth watered. Hee hee, I'm going to wash my hands. Mom is not ashamed..." You suddenly got angry and shouted at me to go out.

One day when you were not at home, I was curious about what words flowed from your wandering pen tip, so I walked into your room door, and I saw a book lying on the table, the handwriting fainted - that was because your tears wet the book.

"The girl is very ugly. The doctor said that she was anemic and her face was as pale as a piece of paper... She was ill and refused to take medicine. I remembered that the doctor said that she could not take medicine while taking sugar. She had to pour it down hard. Maybe with more force, she would forget the pain of the medicine... She didn't come back late today. I'm afraid something might happen to her. Several children in the village were drowned when they went swimming secretly I'm really afraid of losing her like that... I finally found her and took her home to find her hands turned blue and blue. I was too afraid that she would disappear so quickly, so I couldn't even grasp her strength? In the future, I must pay attention... "Looking at your handwriting, my eyes suddenly became wet. It turns out that you have always loved me, carefully guarding your love for me, guarding me around. I no longer envy that other children can take medicine while taking sweets when they are ill. I am determined to listen to you well and not let you worry.

Mom, you gave me the unique love in the world. You loved me quietly in a unique way.

About Strict Love (5)

Today, I want to talk about my mother. She is very beautiful and has a kind face, but there is a stern temperament in her kindness.

She supervises my homework every day and helps me check it. As long as I don't study hard, she will look at me with those stern eyes, which makes my heart grow hairy.

I remember once I went out to play without finishing my homework. My mother was very unhappy when she found out, so she immediately went out and found me. As soon as she pulled me home, she said to me: "My child, you only know how to play all day long. You don't get good grades. What can you do when you grow up? We place all our hopes on you, but you... Alas!" When she said that, her mother sighed a long time. I didn't realize my mistake, but I thought my mother was too strict, so I was even more angry. Although I am sitting at home, my heart is out playing with my friends. Therefore, I am absent-minded when doing my homework. After a while, I said to my mother: "Well, I'm ready. Now let me go out to play!" My mother said: "No, you can go out after I check."

When my mother checked, she found that my homework was in a mess today. She immediately stared at me with severe eyes and said, "Why are there so many mistakes today? You check and correct yourself." I just didn't hear it and sat still as usual. Mother got angry, picked me up, picked up a stick to hit me. When I saw that today's situation was not right, I quickly admitted my mistake to my mother and pleaded with her, "Mom, stop fighting. I know I was wrong, and I shouldn't be angry." The angry mother put down the stick. Now I have begun to do my homework obediently and seriously.

From then on, as long as I saw my mother's strict eyes, I would learn consciously and obediently.

About Strict Love (6)

My father, in the eyes of my brother and I, is so strict and not easy to get close to...... The word "father" sometimes makes me feel strange and afraid, sometimes.

My father, in the eyes of my brother and I, is so strict, so difficult to get close to

The word "father" sometimes makes me feel strange and afraid, and sometimes makes me feel intimate. I don't know how to describe it.

Dad, he is very strict with us at ordinary times. As long as the test results do not meet his father's requirements, he will blame me. I am very sad. But I know that when some students' parents even snub them, I am not sad at once, because I understand that the reason why my father will blame me is that my father cares about me and cares about me.

Dad, sometimes he is very gentle to us, which makes us feel that this is not our father. When we were young, my brother and I were always bullied by some people. Every time, my father would "revenge" for us, (teach them well) let them know that it is wrong to bully the small and bully the weak.

Dad, why is your love so hard to approach; Why is your love so hard to understand; Why is your love a mess that you can't understand; Your love, why - wear a mask.

Love - Can you take off your mask?

About Strict Love (7)

If you want to say who has given me the most love, it is really far away and near in front of my eyes. She is my mother.

Every mother expresses her love for her children in different ways, and my mother's way is absolutely unique.

Mother is usually very gentle to me, but when it comes to homework, she is as fierce as a devil. Far from it, today I was reciting the Chinese book of Level 5 Volume 1. After only five minutes, she asked me to recite three ancient poems that I had not yet learned. But I recited one word wrong in the first one, and was attacked by my mother's spitting stars like a storm. Suddenly I became a defeated cockerel.

However, strict love really has a very powerful force.

So I decided to memorize those three ancient poems. Then I picked up the book, carefully read the three ancient poems many times, and finally recited them silently before I went to check with my mother. I finally learned it by heart. My mother smiled like sunshine and gave me a thumbs up sincerely. She said: "You are really a smart child. Nothing is difficult as long as you put your heart into it. My mother believes in you and you can do it."

Suddenly, I felt that I was surrounded by love, as if my whole body was full of strength. I must work harder in the future to live up to my mother's love and expectations for me.

About Strict Love (8)

I believe every child has experienced severity! Of course, there is no exception

"Play" is a child's nature. If you just play and don't tidy up, the family will be in a mess. Anyone who sees it will be annoyed and scolded by parents. I have also experienced the same. I am born to paint, and today I want to paint again. I moved my tools to the living room and started painting. Time flows slowly, and my painting is finished. I will go to watch TV immediately, I packed my things early. I forgot everything, but I suffered

Some children don't want to listen to nagging, but do they like it? Why are they doing this? Who are they doing this for? Some children think this way: they must like it. They must be happy when they look at our expressions. No, it is wrong to think this way. They waste their breath and are thirsty. They are stubborn educators. This kind of education is love, a kind of strict love

Motherly love, no one can repay; No one can understand father's love; Everyone has experienced the most mysterious and severe love, but no one can know, no one can understand, and no one can experience it. Now study hard to repay our parents and our motherland. Let our home, our only motherland, have a better tomorrow! Let these flowers of the motherland cultivate new perfect seeds, let the motherland have more brilliant!

About Strict Love (9)

I was born lucky. Along the way, there are always flowers and applause. The four seasons I have traveled through have always been sunny and sunny. Even if there are a few sad clouds floating over occasionally, they are just fleeting.

From childhood to adulthood, I never lacked encouragement and appreciation from people around me. Teachers and relatives love me very much, and my parents' colleagues and friends appreciate me a lot. These gorgeous things always haunt me. They really gave me the impetus to move forward.

Only my father is different.

On that day, I just went back home to the kindergarten and jumped happily. Because I got the first big red flower since kindergarten, and was the first child in the class to get the big red flower. Although the big red flower is just a piece of ordinary red paper for me now, it represents the supreme honor for me at that time. I was excited to take the big red flower and jump around the house, waiting for my father to come back from work. The doorbell finally rang, and I rushed to open the door with big red flowers. As soon as I opened the door, I was happy to hold the big red flower in front of my father. I said proudly to my father, "Dad, Dad! Look! Big red flower!" I thought my father would praise me well, but I didn't think he just said to me, "Oh, really? You should work hard instead of being proud." The bland tone and the expression of no appreciation completely dampened all my joy. Loss, incomprehension and a kind of inexplicable grievance swept me like a black tide from heaven to hell.

After that, no matter how much I have achieved, in my father's opinion, it is reasonable and nothing is worth cheering on.

The years make the growth rings overlap one by one. Now I also understand that behind my father's sternness and indifference is his love and ardent expectation for me. Indeed, everyone's growth is bound to be rewarded and appreciated, but perhaps my father's stern and indifferent fatherly love will enable me to walk more smoothly in the future.

About Strict Love (10)

"Go and do your homework! Don't play with the computer!" My mother yelled at me. Seeing this, Dad ran away immediately. "Play a little more, please." "No, do your homework quickly!" Mom's voice raised eight degrees. No, it's not good. I quickly shut down the computer and rushed to the writing desk at the speed of "Shenzhou VI", and quickly started to write my homework.

"Wow! How delicious!" It was dinner. I rushed to the kitchen and said to my mother, "Is dinner ready?". After reading the book, the food was cold. My mother said to me, "I will be hot." Then she went to the bedroom to be a "TV fan". "Alas, I will be hot." I said to myself.

After dinner, I just wanted to have a rest. Mother is giving orders again. "Go and practice five pieces of calligraphy." I whispered: "It's not good to have a rest for a while." Who would have thought that the voice was heard by the mother of "Shunfenger". She said, "I asked you to do homework, read books and practice calligraphy in order to let you learn more knowledge, and let you cook for yourself in order to increase your ability to support yourself in the future." "Oh, you love me very much." After that, my mother and I hugged each other tightly. Special love composition, thick love composition, strict love composition

About Strict Love (11)

"Don't play with mobile phones". Grandma threw her mobile phone to the ground angrily. What happened? Let me tell you!

On Saturday night, the weather was cold and cold, as if it was going to rain. The trees and grass at the door were also depressed and hung their heads, like children criticized by their mothers.

Back home, I was bored to death, because my homework had already been written, so I picked up my mobile phone and opened the mini world game, and played happily.

Seeing that the "Weiying Dragon" was about to be defeated, my grandmother suddenly said to me, "Haohao, stop playing with my mobile phone..." I hardly heard what my grandmother was saying, so I said, "OK!"

After a while, Grandma could not bear it any longer. She grabbed the phone in my hand, picked it up and fell to the ground. When I saw this scene, I heard the sound of "thumping" in my heart. I knew that I had no good results.

As I expected, my grandmother's eyes were round and said angrily to me, "Go and tidy up your schoolbag.

The war finally calmed down, the room was quiet, and I was peaceful for many times. Many times I wanted to pick up the fragmented mobile phones in the corner, and many times I wanted to apologize to my grandma. But because of my face, I still didn't pick up the phone. At this time, Grandpa came in, slowly picked up the phone, and repaired it.

I pouted and dared not look at my grandmother, but I glanced at her unconsciously. I saw crystal tears on her face. It turned out that when she hit me, my heart was also very painful. I was extremely ashamed and wanted to slap myself.

Through this incident, I learned that strict love is the most precious love, and there is deep love behind strict love.

About Strict Love (12)

Composition I on Father's Strict Love

When everyone thinks of the word love, they will associate it with kindness, gentleness and other words to modify it. But I feel that love is strict, and it will not allow you to make mistakes, not allow you to learn, not allow you to play······


When I was young, I felt that my father would only beat me. Whenever I made a mistake, he would beat me severely. Every time I was beaten, my father's ferocious eyes were that I didn't dare to look straight at him.

When I was a little older, my father would often discipline me in my study. Whenever my academic performance declined, my father would severely teach me a lesson. Sometimes, when my academic performance plummeted, my father would beat me severely. The pain was indescribable.

In this way, the distance between my father and I was getting bigger. Once, I was scolded by my father for not completing my homework. The pain accumulated in my heart for many years finally broke out. I cried to my father and shouted, "You never cared about me, just hit me and scold me!" Then I threw the door and left. I walked alone on the street and disappeared. I walked on the street, There is a cotton candy stand in front of me. A father is feeding his child cotton candy. When I see this, I play back pictures of my father beating me in my mind. My heart is very sad. My tears are streaming down my face and my heart at the same time. I cried, lost my strength, and fainted on the ground. After a while, I woke up and found that I was lying in a white room, surrounded by a thick smell of medicinal liquid. It was a hospital. I stood up, and my father and a doctor rushed to me. They asked me questions. It was that my father was very kind, and I suddenly realized that my father's sternness was not a love that did not love me, but a love that hated iron but not steel.

Love is like this. It is more severe than kind. We can see a lot from the word "severe", but none of them is more prominent than the meaning of love.

Composition II on Father's Strict Love

I love my mother and my father very much. Although my father's love is not as gentle as my mother's love, I can feel his deep love for me when I get along with him. My father's love is full of happiness, like a game machine that doesn't need to be charged. Every time I get bored, he always brings me surprises and plays games with me, making me happy. Dad's love, full of severity like a whip, reminds me all the time. Once I played in the yard and burned the grass. My father was very angry when he learned that he severely criticized me. I couldn't help being garrulous. Unexpectedly, my father came to the truth. Yiyang pointed down and opened my buttocks.

In my impression, my father's love pervades every detail of my life. In learning, he uses his eyes to convey it; In the game, hand transmission; In life, by passing. But there is another kind of love, called sternness.

Dad's love is strict. It is inevitable that you will fail in the exam, and you can't escape the signature after your failure. As soon as I got home, my thoughts were no longer flying. The whole collection was on the signature. I can't help it. What's the letter calling me so careless? I want to hide the examination paper. No way, the teacher's criticism is inevitable, and that's a mistake added to a mistake! I don't want to be a bad boy. I walk to my father step by step with the examination paper engraved with bad scores. "Well, my father signed it." I had tears in my eyes before I showed my father the examination paper. After a while, my father's eyes had changed, and my tears fell down like broken beads. Dad put down his examination paper and, as usual, interrogated me: "What's the score of 100? What's your number? Why is it wrong? What are you doing in the exam?" These questions have become my sworn companions, but they can only be answered truthfully. Dad stared at me with serious and slightly angry eyes while listening to my answer. After saying that, he signed his name on the examination paper. But the stern eyes were still lingering.

Of course, Dad doesn't always have a straight face. He is also very humorous and makes people happy. Last year, on my birthday, he arranged the room very warmly. When I came into the house after school, I heard that there were birthday songs playing continuously! Sometimes, he also pretends to be naive. Once, when I was bored with my homework, he covered my eyes with his hand and asked, "Guess who I am?" Of course, there are only two people, and it must be him.

My father's love gave me the motivation to learn; Give me the source of happiness; Give me the power of spirit; Gave me the secret of confidence. This reminds me of two famous sayings: Romance: maternal love is a huge flame; Gorky: Father is water.

Composition 3 on Father's Strict Love

I always thought that my father was probably the last thing I knew in this family, because he loved to discipline me and I was afraid of him. I was a timid, indecisive child in front of him, and I even thought he disdained me for understanding him. But I learned about him who didn't expect me to understand

For the first time, I had the idea of being angry with him. At that time, we still lived with our grandparents. It was a weekend. My mother wanted to get the secretary's license, so I was busy. My grandfather also went out to study with his colleagues. My father began to have a sense of responsibility to be the pillar of the family. He worked hard to start a business outside and quit a job with a higher income, At the end of the day, I couldn't see him several times. In that month, Grandma became the only one who could take care of me. She was busy all day and never had a chance to see her sitting on the stool, because no one in the family was there and there was no washing machine at that time. Once in a while, for some unknown reason, my father suddenly came back in the afternoon and saw my grandmother mopping the floor while I was watching TV leisurely. My father first glared at me and then "fired" at my grandmother, saying, "You can't stop for a while! This mopping is not an imminent thing. Why do you always make me angry?", My father went out with great gusto. I was very angry at that time. The last thing I could understand was that Grandma was still smiling. I could not help thinking angrily: Who dare make you angry! You are not angry with yourself. You can stare at me. Why say grandma! Grandma has worked so hard, you still talk about her!

This matter has become a good excuse for me to contradict my father before I went to middle school. Every time I mentioned this matter, my father always seemed to lose his usual morale, and this matter has never been mentioned since the summer vacation after my primary school graduation.

It was an accident. As I grew up, I began to care more and more about my grandmother's generation. After graduating from primary school, I originally said that I would go to my grandmother's house in the middle of July, but I persuaded my parents. As soon as I had a holiday, I came to my grandmother's house and opened the door. I saw my grandmother washing clothes by hand. I was a little angry for a moment, because my grandmother promised me that she would wash clothes with a washing machine, but now she has not kept her promise. A kind of heartache and unknown feeling made me sob and yell: "Why are you so worried? You can't stop for a while. You don't need the washing machine, and there's me! I helped you clean it..." In the dim light, I saw Grandma showing the same smile as her father when he said about her

I suddenly understood my father's love for my grandmother. I understood that his love for my grandmother was just like his love for me and every family member. His love was so deep that I, the owner, was proud and proud!