Interpersonal Relations (17 excellent articles)
Companion is better than a thousand words
2023-12-01 00:49:53

Interpersonal relationship (1)

The word "reasonable" is very important in interpersonal relationships. Different people have different ways of treatment. It is divided into three parts, namely, superior, peer and subordinate. As the saying goes, different people treat people differently. You should pay three points of respect to the leader. Even if he wrongly blames you, you should also bear the impulse and save face for him. Otherwise, if he loses face, he will only pay attention to your mistakes in the future and make you difficult to fly. When dealing with the same level, we should be considerate. If you embarrassed me, I would return a tooth for a tooth. When dealing with subordinates, we should discipline them. Of course, this is when they harm their own interests. Therefore, when dealing with people, we must distinguish between the objects, and we should not act on purpose.

Being careful is the best way to control the other side. Chinese people usually think that being careful is the best way to restrain the other side. If I don't give the enemy a chance, he will certainly not deceive me. You can trust others if you are careful to sail for thousands of years. But you must be careful to guard against others. You must remember not to let the other party know too much about your own private affairs. Maybe one day you will turn against each other and harm your own interests.

In pursuit of reasonableness, one should never be complacent. One should leave a way behind when doing things and be tactful when speaking. The same thing can be found in the future after leaving a way behind. One should believe in the ability of Chinese people to reverse right and wrong. However, if one starts by saying the same thing, there will be no power to revive the world.

Interpersonal relationship (2)

In this rapidly changing society, we must know how to get along with people and how to deal with the relationship between good people.

First of all, we must boldly get along with others and correctly deal with the contradictions arising from the relationship. We should rationally realize that it is normal to have some conflicts and disputes with relatives, friends, classmates, teachers and even with everyone. For example, sometimes the teeth and tongue will "fight", which is inevitable and is an experience that every one of us has had. This is like our interpersonal communication, will experience this kind of contradiction. There is a saying: "No gold is red, no man is perfect." Each of us inevitably has some shortcomings. When opinions diverge and interests conflict, we often expose our selfishness and shortcomings, and haggle with each other. This is where conflicts arise, disputes arise, and harmonious and friendly interpersonal relationships are overshadowed. If we can't treat it correctly and resolve it in time, it will easily expand the contradiction and even cause unimaginable consequences. On the contrary, if we have close and harmonious interpersonal relationships, we can be like fish in water.

Friends should not be so important, but friends are really so important. There may be no moving, no victory, no harvest, no tears after cherishing in life, but there must be friends. Friends can walk in the rain with umbrellas; You can fight in the classroom all day long, but your face is still full of happy smiles; We can roll together on the school playground; It is a kind of reverie that can be indulged in some kind of music together, and a masochistic novel. The feelings of friends are more vivid and precious. Even if we don't have long-term friendship with friends, at least, once I walked the path of friends with you

The way of getting along needs us to experience with practical actions, test with years, witness with laughter and tears, and repay with gains!

Interpersonal relationship (3)

There is no interpersonal relationship that can not be improved by following these 10 rules

Wen/Xu Tiansheng

1. Determine your own value and affirm your existence

Anyone's opinion of you should always be given to you as a reference and advice - because that is more representative of himself. If you affirm yourself through the eyes of others, you will surrender the sovereignty of your own life; This is the most easily made mistake in all interpersonal relationships.

Only you can decide who you are. Therefore, don't let others see you instead of yourself. A really great person is one who can see great things in others' lives; The reason why a person is great is that he can see the greatness in all people's hearts.

2. Let people around you feel great because they are with you

This is not to make us arrogant, but to feel that we have the ability and confidence to handle things well.

Only when you can remove the dust from others' appearance, see their inner uniqueness, and let people around you feel great because you get along with them, can you become the person who finds the beauty of pearls.

People naturally hate to associate with people who can only project negative energy. Seeing those who radiate the light of life and positive power will re enlighten our inner message of youth and vitality.

3. No matter how much deception you encounter, you still believe that human nature is good

In the process of learning and creation, ignorance and destruction sometimes occur. If we only judge the value and essence of human behavior, then people will never have a chance to turn around. What we need is a kind of tolerance and acceptance that truly conforms to the spirit of the new era.

4. Ask yourself what you can give and share in interpersonal relationships

Many people hope to have a good interpersonal relationship, but in fact, they are as poor as beggars, only begging for love, care and pay. Sometimes the same is true in marriage and relationships. As a result, interpersonal relationships become a kind of transaction. Many people only expect others to give something, but do not reflect on what they can give.

In interpersonal relationships, if you just wait for others to give something, you will get nothing, but if you give love and blessings, you will get love and blessings.

5. Those who attack others are basically attacking themselves

There is a very important new era maxim: "According to the laws of the universe, whatever you pay will eventually return to yourself."

The fifth interpersonal relationship rule can be derived from this sentence: those who attack others are basically attacking themselves; He who hits others on the right face is hitting his own left face. If you take the method of controlling evil with evil, what you give will eventually return to you. In interpersonal relationships, people often fail to see this clearly.

People must learn to take responsibility for themselves, otherwise not only the interpersonal relationship is in chaos, but also will always feel lost. You take action to be kind to others for your own sake and to understand who you are. We should return to our own heart instead of haggling with others all day long.

6. Let internal emotions and external weather get close recognition

Whenever you feel angry or sad inside, you should learn to transform their energy into meditation. Especially when the wind is blowing and the rain is howling, try to throw out the negative emotions instead of venting them on your family or children, and learn to let the external weather and internal feelings get close recognition.

People often accumulate negative emotions and conflict with others when they are angry, often hurting others and themselves. At this time, we might as well do a meditation exercise, regard ourselves as the ground wire, and connect with the earth, so that we can relieve our emotions. In fact, the air flow in our trachea is the same as the air flow roaring across the valley. The soul and energy flowing in our body are also the same as the energy of the earth. Therefore, if we feel that the inner pressure is accumulated or conflict is about to break out, this meditation is a good practice.

7. Give the other person what they need, not what they want

This problem often leads to the entanglement of love and hate in interpersonal relationships. Especially in parent-child or friend relationships, we often make ourselves hot faced and cold buttocks, and feel very depressed.

Therefore, interpersonal communication should not be suspicious, but should directly ask the other party: What way do you want me to treat you? This is a moving elixir. It may be the first time someone has asked him such a question for a long time!

Everyone hopes to understand and accept each other and be treated in the way they like. Therefore, do not hesitate to release the message of "I want to know more about you" to others. Especially when managing parent-child relationship, we should hold the attitude of "children, how do you want your parents to treat you?" "children, parents want to know more about you", and manage parent-child and interpersonal relationship without criticism.

8. Let go of your own position and viewpoint and see things from the other side's perspective

The biggest killer of interpersonal relationship is criticism. Keeping a distance between people is often out of defense, because we don't know how others will view us or whether we will be hurt. Therefore, if we don't want to be the object of criticism from others, and don't want to be restricted by the framework of other people's values, we should try to face people around with a more flexible and receptive attitude. Any criticism you project will inevitably bounce back to you; Those who refuse to make others happy will inevitably have a hard time.

Only when you jump to the other party's position first, and then jump back to see the whole thing, will you consider other people's decisions and actions. People are strange animals. When they find that others are thinking for themselves, they will give up selfish departmentalism and start thinking for each other. After such interpersonal relationships are gradually expanded, the great love of the whole human race will emerge.

9. Affirm others and like others

Don't belittle yourself because of your lower rank or position, and assume that you are too small and have limited influence.

There is a difference between empathy and compassion:

The same reason is to look at each other's life from the perspective of empathizing. For example, when we see a beggar, we will squat down and chat with him to understand his life;

Sympathy is to look at each other from their own position, so they will pity each other's situation, but they are separate from each other's position and mood.

These two feelings are totally different levels. The same is a deep understanding.

Nobody likes to be pitied, but everyone likes to be treated the same way!

10. Truly express your feelings, and don't blame or blame the other party for their mistakes

Finally, I would like to mention a situation: sometimes there will be obstacles in interpersonal relations, perhaps because the other party does not want to hear your explanation, or you think that the current is not the right time to communicate with the other party. At this moment, we should master an extremely important principle: communicate with others, and really express our feelings, without blaming and blaming the other party for their mistakes.

When faced with criticism from others, one's first reaction is to defend and fight back. We should learn to open the door of our heart and express our true feelings.

For example, an employee who works hard but is not favored by his boss can honestly tell his boss: I need your affirmation.

Therefore, in interpersonal communication, it is important to tell the other party your true feelings directly and open your heart. Let people around you feel great because they are with you.

Interpersonal relationship (4)

Four suggestions to make your interpersonal relationship more harmonious

Wen/Xiao Ou Bucai

Whether in life or in the workplace, we have to deal with people, and a person's interpersonal relationship to a certain extent determines his happiness index.

So we should learn how to deal with people to improve our happiness index.


When you can't answer the other person's words, you must not change the topic at will

When the other person brings up a topic that you can't catch up with, you don't need to change the topic. You can try to listen or understand.

I believe many people have encountered such a situation. For example, if you say a topic, but someone else doesn't even say a word, he or she directly and forcibly changes the topic.

Does this feel good? I think it's uncomfortable. It gives people a feeling of not being valued and respected. Such an experience is not wonderful for anyone.

Therefore, when someone says a topic you can't catch up with, you can try to understand or simply listen.

Don't change the topic suddenly, because you and I both know that this feeling is not good, then we should avoid such things. We should let the other party know that we are listening and respecting him. In this way, people are more willing to talk with us.


Praise others in a specific way

Praising people is an art. Praising well can lead to the relationship between two people. Praising badly can make people have a gap.

What is the highest level of boasting? It means that what you praise is not against your heart, and others are happy when they listen to it.

However, some people are just wrong. Praise others in a broad way, which will not only make people feel distracted, but also give people a very hypocritical feeling.

For example, some people look ordinary, but you have to say that they have high face value; If you fail to pass Grade 6, you should praise your hard work; If a colleague is approved by the leader, you should also say that he has won the heart of the leader. Such praise will not make people think you are friendly, but will destroy your feelings.

So how should we praise others? In fact, it is very simple. Observe carefully, find out the characteristics of others, and praise them in detail. This will make people feel that your praise is sincere and impressive.

I have a roommate who knows how to praise others in college. For example, if someone wears new clothes, she will praise her for her good matching skills, and the clothes are of good quality. For example, if someone shares a group of pictures in the space, she will say that the angle is good and the shooting is beautiful. Another example is that if someone writes a good hand, she will say how envious she is and teach me

However, not everyone can appreciate these careless compliments, because not everyone is so careful to find out that others are wearing new clothes or writing good characters today... So, in ordinary times, we should learn to observe and find out the characteristics of others, so that we can praise others from the heart.


Don't fight for the so-called win or lose, take a step back and show more dignity

If you meet someone who has to fight with you for a win or a strong position. If taking a step back will not harm your interests or violate your bottom line and principles, let the so-called victory go to the other party. This will not only show your tolerance, but also make people more willing to interact with you.

There is a classmate beside me who wants to win or lose whatever she talks with others. Once we watched a TV play together and talked about a star. Another student said that the star was average in appearance and acting skills.

She began to be indignant. She said that your vision was too high, and there were so many requirements. There were many people who liked that star... In short, she just wanted to impose her own views on others until you could not bear to admit that she was right.

However, the acknowledgement of others is not from the heart, and she won the so-called victory, but took away the pleasure of others to get along with her, and people will gradually alienate her after a long time.

In such a situation, we should not argue with each other, and let it go with a smile. If you argue with her seriously, it will not only make people think that you are too critical, but also hurt their feelings, and even others will classify you as the same kind of people.


Never ask about people you just know, and learn to put yourself in others' shoes

The conversation between good friends and relatives does not need to be taboo too much. On the contrary, it is only interesting to talk more deeply. But this kind of communication does not apply to people who are not familiar with each other.

If you ask someone about your salary the first time you meet? How was your academic performance? Whether there is a boyfriend or not will not only make people feel that you do not respect others' privacy, but also that others will misunderstand that you are aggressive.

No matter you or ta, I believe you don't like to be questioned by people you know for the first time. First, you are not familiar with the it, second, it involves privacy, and third, if you get hurt.

So when communicating with others, we should learn to put ourselves in others' shoes and think in other's shoes. Usually, the questions that we don't want to be asked by others are also those that others don't want to reveal.

So what can we talk about when communicating with strangers? Such as social problems, such as the scenic spots of the residence, and such as hobbies. Never talk about controversial topics or topics that the other party does not want to reveal.

Finally, I wish our interpersonal relationship is getting better and better, and our happiness index is getting higher and higher.

Interpersonal relationship (5)

It seems that the quality of interpersonal relationship with classmates does not determine one's academic performance. Now many people no longer attach importance to interpersonal relationship with classmates, but concentrate on learning. But I don't think so. I think Ren Boone has no friends. In the long road of life, there are many companions and bosom friends! We should improve the interpersonal relationship with our classmates, and we should maintain the pure friendship between our classmates.

In a twinkling of an eye, three more spring, summer, autumn and winter passed. Looking back on the past, I can clearly remember the sadness. Among them, we once shed excited tears, showed beautiful smiles, and felt cordial concern.

"It is difficult to find a bosom friend in the vast sea of people". In the long river of life, what we need to do is to make achievements. In the process of our hard struggle, we get the support of friends. With friendship, people can often be positive and develop together; With friendship, one can often find his way back after losing his way; With friendship, you can feel the joy of life more.

Looking at the pictures of the students of the past year, I can't help sighing that time is fleeting. Time is gone forever, so we should cherish our study, life and even our friendship after losing the former beauty. The beauty is easy to lose, because what awaits us ahead is always the bumps on the road and the hardships on the learning road. We will have no time to care about the beauty of the past and the noble friendship before us, but we just need to take the frustrations as small stones on the road of life, kick them away, turn all the worries into nothing, and feel the warmth brought by friendship.

Pure friendship can often cover up the unhappiness in life. A look, a smile, and a blessing can always eliminate the clouds above our heads, so we should cherish the friendship now. Don't always think that these are things other than struggle. In this way, people will only lose their way, become weak and be lonely for a lifetime.

Friendship is the weight of our hearts and can always adjust the balance of our hearts. As time goes by, friendship will be diluted, but we should not wait until we lose it to cherish it. We should grasp the present friendship and face it bravely. This may have a great impact on life. In life, there are several forces working together, and the dawn of success may come earlier.

Let us cherish the present together, grasp the friendship, go hand in hand on the road of life, and strive for our own ideals.

Interpersonal relationship (6)

"Carnegie Interpersonal Relations has only one purpose, which is to help you solve your biggest problem: how to get along better with people in work and life, and how to influence them."

When the book was published in 1937, it began with the above paragraph. At that time, people thought it was a useful book, but the sales volume was not good, so at the beginning, only 5000 copies were printed. But overnight, Carnegie Human Relations made a sensation in the United States, and soon spread to the world, becoming one of the best-selling books ever. Almost every language has been translated.

How to become a popular person? There are too many such books now, but there are few evergreen trees like Carnegie. Because they violate a basic principle: genuinely care about others. Even many institutions that use Carnegie books as training materials treat readers as fools. Look, I'm smarter than you. Let me teach you.

Carnegie's way of telling stories is easy to learn, but Carnegie's basic principles are not easy to learn.

In summer, I often go fishing around Maine. Personally, I like fresh cream strawberries, but for some strange reason, I think fish would rather eat worms. So when I fish, what I think is not what I want, but what the fish want. Instead of using fresh cream strawberries as bait, I use worms or grasshoppers, and then I can say to the fish, "Do you want to try them?"

This was exactly what British Prime Minister Lloyd George did during the First World War. Some people asked him how many wartime leaders, such as Wilson, Orlando and Clemenceau, gradually faded in people's minds. How could he still occupy the important position? George replied: If it must be attributed to one reason, that is, what fish do you have to watch and what bait to use.

Why mention our needs? How childish and absurd that is. Yes, of course, you pay attention to your own needs, but no one is interested in it except yourself. Just like you, we only pay attention to our own needs!

Interpersonal relationship (7)

In our life and study, communication and cooperation are essential. We should learn to interact with society and people around us, and also learn to cooperate.

In social life, everyone wants to be the most competitive person, but do they know that competition and collaboration complement each other, and the most competitive person is often also the best at collaboration. Modern society advocates competition on the basis of cooperation. As far as I know, in some examinations for selecting high-tech talents today, in addition to basic theory, professional knowledge and hands-on experimental ability, there are also several indicators that specifically evaluate the cooperative ability and spirit of candidates with others. That is to say, if you want to become one of the high-tech talents in the future, being good at collaboration is one of the very important qualities.

Collaboration is not a simple combination of collaborators, but requires mutual cooperation and support. Not to mention the need for cooperation in human life, even in the world of animals, they also need to cooperate with each other: everyone knows that crocodiles living in African rivers are ferocious by nature and often hurt people and animals, which is frightening. But who would have thought that it and the cute Qianniao were actually a pair of good friends and never hurt them. When the crocodile has a full meal, Qianniao always comes to tidy it up. The crocodile obediently opens its mouth and asks Qianniao to carefully clean its mouth. Sometimes the crocodile closes its mouth because it forgets Qianniao. Qianniao gently stabs the crocodile with a hard feather, and it immediately opens its mouth to let the bird continue to work. The sensitive thousand birds will disperse and chirp as long as there is movement around. The crocodile will be ready or run away. In addition to crocodiles and thousands of birds, there are also rhinoceros and rhinoceros birds that live in harmony, and animals that live by themselves, such as termites and hairpins, all survive in cooperation with each other.

From the above points, mutual cooperation is very important for people, animals, and any living thing in the world. It is very important to cooperate with others, but cooperation is based on communication, so we should learn to interact with others, so that we can better cooperate with others. We gain knowledge, build friendship and grow up in communication. When we came to the world, we began to communicate with our parents and relatives. We grew up in their embrace, kiss and play. We also learned to sing, dance, play games and learn all kinds of knowledge under the teacher's education. If we are not born to interact with others, we cannot become normal people. The tragedy of "wolf boy" proves this.

Maybe you have heard that in the 1920s, someone found a boy in a wolf den in a mountain in India. Because of his long-term company with wolves, he has no human habits and does everything like a wolf. People made great efforts, and he learned some human habits. That is to say, no matter what we do when we are babies or when we grow up, we can never do without interpersonal communication. Everyone wants to find a bosom friend. How can he find a bosom friend if he doesn't get in touch with society and people around him? Everyone has personality. Some people think that only people with the same personality can become good friends, but they are wrong. People with different personalities can still become friends. The key is how to get along. As long as we understand and respect others and get along well in the process of communication, we will have many friends.

In daily life, some misunderstandings may occur between people. If we don't clear up the misunderstanding in time, it will hurt the friendship between the two sides, and sometimes break up the friendship. We should not only eliminate misunderstandings, but also prevent them from happening: in the process of communication, we should carefully express opinions, have a basis for other people's comments and criticisms, and do not speculate, let alone speak ill of others. When you hear someone say something bad about your friend, make sure before you judge. As middle school students in the 21st century, we should learn to interact and cooperate with others. This will help us to survive and develop better in the future society.

Interpersonal relationship (8)

Interpersonal relationship is an important part of our life. If we do not have a good interpersonal relationship, it will have a negative impact on our work, life and mental health

It is normal and understandable that there is a certain gap in the mind caused by the differences in work and life. If you can't get along with all people in work or life, it is abnormal. You need to adjust yourself and change it. It seems that your situation belongs to the latter

People play different social roles according to their age, gender, occupation, position, environment, etc. When contacting people, different roles have different codes of conduct, so when dealing with different people, there are different requirements and skills. Here we will only express some opinions on your questions, namely how to get along with colleagues

First of all, we should always be considerate of others and avoid egotism. To improve the relationship with colleagues, we should learn to consider problems from other perspectives and be good at making appropriate self sacrifice

In order to do a good job, we should always cooperate with others. After we have made achievements, we need to share them together. We must not show ourselves everywhere and take everyone's achievements as our own. It is essential to provide opportunities for others to help them achieve their life goals

Being considerate of others also means extending a helping hand when others encounter difficulties and setbacks. A good interpersonal relationship is often a two-way benefit. You give others all kinds of care and help, and you will be rewarded when you encounter difficulties

Secondly, you should be open-minded and be good at accepting others and yourself. You should lose no time in praising others. But you should pay attention to the sense of propriety and not just exaggerating, so that people will feel hypocritical and lose others' trust in you

Thirdly, you should master the skills of talking with colleagues. When talking with colleagues, you should pay attention to listen to their speeches and give appropriate feedback. Focusing on listening represents understanding and acceptance, and is a bridge connecting the soul. When expressing your thoughts, you should pay attention to implication, humor, simplicity and vividness. Implicitness not only shows your elegance and cultivation, but also plays a role in avoiding differences, explaining opinions Don't hurt the role of relationships, raise opinions, point out other people's mistakes, pay attention to the occasion, and use gentle words to avoid hurting people's self-esteem and creating resistance psychology. Humor is the spice of language, which can make conversation lively and interesting. Simplicity requires that when talking with people, you should master what you should say, and not say what you should not say. When talking with people, you should have self emotional input, Only in this way can we move people with emotion. This is called vivid. Of course, we need to master the skills to express ourselves. We need to practice constantly, and constantly increase our cultural awareness and broaden our horizons

Finally, take time to get together with your colleagues. It is also a good way to cultivate your interests in many aspects and make friends with your hobbies. In addition, exchanging information and learning from your own experience can help you to build a harmonious interpersonal relationship

Good interpersonal relationship is an art. All people need constant learning and practice to become proficient. I hope you can make a self analysis according to your own specific situation, so as to break through the fence of self isolation, be open-minded and establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship

Interpersonal Relations (9)

The book "Human Relations" I selected is just one of many books with the same name. But I believe that many versions of Human Relations

agreement! Among them, the definition of interpersonal relationship in the book is also widely discussed. As for my reference and understanding, and the summary of the author in the book.

The definition of interpersonal relationship is as follows: interpersonal relationship refers to the interdependent and interrelated social relationship formed by communication among social groups, which belongs to sociology

Category. In Chinese, it often refers to the general term of interpersonal relationships other than kinship, also known as "interpersonal relationships", including friendship, Xueyou (the same as

Student) relationship, teacher-student relationship, employment relationship, comrade in arms relationship, colleague and leader led relationship, etc. Man is a social animal, and each individual has its own uniqueness

Special thoughts, backgrounds, attitudes, personalities, behavior patterns and values, however, interpersonal relationships have a great impact on everyone's mood, life and work.

It even has a great impact on organizational climate, organizational communication, organizational operation, organizational efficiency, and the relationship between individuals and organizations.

With the rapid development of economy and civilization, interpersonal relationship is becoming increasingly important. How can we say that the military

Political and economic diplomacy, as small as our daily life, work and study with a variety of people, all of which involve interpersonal relationships.

As college level student cadres, we can say that interpersonal relationship is our required course. Why are you say that? Let's take the officers of our departments to the student union

Let's talk about our work. Basically, there is a relationship between the departments in our student union to cooperate with each other to complete tasks or work

It is a kind of interpersonal relationship. Moreover, as an officer of the Sports Department, I also need to deal with my senior brothers and sisters and colleagues at ordinary times to exchange and arrange work tasks.

Know each other; The activity plan made needs the approval of teachers and the cooperation of relevant associations. No doubt we are dealing with them again (or need to)

Has. This is also interpersonal relationship. To work out, you should deal with your boss; Managers should deal with subordinates; Dealing with customers in business; wait.

this is not the only one. In short, everything in life is closely related to interpersonal relationships, whether big or small, or close or only related, or long or instantaneous

So interpersonal relationship can be said to be the attraction, rejection, cooperation

The interaction of competition, leadership, and obedience also includes the cultural system model and social relations in a broad sense.

The importance of interpersonal relationships may not need me to say more, but more or less clearly know!

No amount of words can describe the wonder of "interpersonal relationship". Go find it yourself

In Carnegie's Interpersonal Relations, although he did not directly teach us how to deal with interpersonal relationships, he taught us how to be a popular person. Carnegie said that when others make mistakes, especially those who are less experienced in society, we should not criticize them directly, because when we think they are wrong, others do not think so. When you want to lose your temper and lecture others, first say to yourself, "Wait", pause for a minute, and then consider the problem from the perspective of others, When you seriously consider his position, you will find that you have become less angry. This method will make you become a patient and tolerant person. If you want to surpass yourself in the way of leadership and want to change the attitude and behavior of others, please remember "give others a good name and let them strive for it." So, when others make mistakes, please change your perspective to "educate" them, so that they can readily accept and be willing to correct it.

It benefits me a lot

Interpersonal Relations (10)

English Composition of Social Interpersonal Relations [1]

With the development of our society, the connection between people becomes inevitable. People need to communicate with others as long as they are in the world. As a result, the interpersonal relationship becomes more and more important.

First of all, a good interpersonal relation promote people become successful. Through the human history, we can summarize that no one can do everything well and become successful alone. Most of the great men have a good relationship among people. For many peole, interpersonal relationship and their ability are equal important to their success. Keeping a good relationship with others, peole can easily get assistance from others when facing difficulties. In other words,excellent interpersonal communication skills can help remove obstacles on the way to success. Secondly, a good interpersonal relation can help people live a happy life. Living in a harmonious environment need people keep a good relationship with the people around. The friendly people will form a happy atmosphere. That will make people work efficient and keep a good mood in the daily life. It is certain that people will receive happiness in the end.

To sum up, as interpersonal relationship is so essential to people’s success and happiness, I advocate people get along well with with others. The first thing is smile more everyday.

With the development of society, communication between people becomes inevitable. As long as they are still alive in the world, they cannot avoid communication. So interpersonal relationships become more and more important.

First, good interpersonal relationships can promote people's success. Throughout human history, we can conclude that no one can do all things well and succeed alone. Most great people keep good relations with others. For many people, interpersonal relationships and their ability are equally important on their way to success. Keep a good relationship with others, and people can easily get help from others when facing difficulties. In other words, good interpersonal relationships can help remove obstacles on the road to success. Secondly, good interpersonal relationships can help people live a happy life. To live in a harmonious environment, people need to maintain good relations with people around them. Friendly people will form a happy atmosphere. This will enable people to work efficiently and keep a good mood in daily life. In this way, people will surely be happy in the end.

In short, because interpersonal relationships are so important to people's success and happiness, I encourage everyone to get along well with others. The first thing to do is to laugh more every day.

English Composition of Social Interpersonal Relations [2]

For college students, the stage of going to college is like the turning point of their lives. If they study well and have clear aim about their future, then they can get successful much more easier. But the interpersonal relationship can’t be ignore, it is also the very important lesson for students to learn.

When students come to college, learning the knowledge is not their only purpose, they also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only person in the world, it is necessary for us to make connection with others. It is very important skill to make a living.

In the college, interpersonal relationship can be tracked in the small issues, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don’t know the rules to live with so many persons. It is important to be tolerant and nice to others, we need to consider things from the common interest. If we can handle this well, then we have the good social skill.

So having the social skill is the indispensable lesson for us.

For college students, college is like a turning point in their life. If they study hard and have clear goals for their future, then they can more easily achieve success. However, interpersonal relationships cannot be ignored, which is also a very important lesson in students' learning.

When students enter the university, learning knowledge is not their only purpose. They also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only people in the world. It is necessary to communicate with others. This is a very important skill to earn a living.

In college, interpersonal relationships can focus on small aspects, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don't know the rules of living with so many people. It is important to be tolerant and friendly to others. We need to consider issues from the perspective of common interests. If we can handle this well, then we will have good social skills.

So having social skills is an indispensable lesson for us.

Interpersonal Relations (11)

Composition 1 on interpersonal relationship

As the saying goes, "At home, we rely on our parents, and when we go out, we rely on our friends."“

Indeed, walking in the journey of life, if there is no friend, it will never be a big thing. So on the journey of life, we should make as many friends as possible.

If you look at the winners carefully, you will find that they have one thing in common, that is, their interpersonal relationship is quite good. Only with a wide range of interpersonal relationships can a huge information network be established, so there are more opportunities and bridges for success than others.

The success of former US President Linton in winning the election is also inseparable from his extensive interpersonal relationship. In the process of his selection, friends with high visibility played a pivotal role. These friends include his playmates in Hot Springs when he was young, his classmates at Georgetown University and Yale Law School when he was young, and his old friends who will become Rhodes scholars in the future.

These friends went everywhere to support Clinton's success. So after Clinton became president, he said with great emotion that friends are the greatest comfort in his life.

If you want to succeed, you must have a good interpersonal circle. You should know that it is difficult to complete your own career only by one person's ability. Only when someone is willing to help you and provide you with various resources, can you have more chances of success.

Of course, the friends you make may be bad friends, but that can be avoided.

So for the sake of your future, do a good job in interpersonal relations!

Composition 2 on interpersonal relationship

The interpersonal relationship between students is something we will feel every day. The students can get along well with each other and help each other because of the friendship between students. Friendship is indispensable in our life, and friends are very important. A philosopher once said: "If you tell your friends happiness, you will double happiness. If you tell your friends pain, you will reduce pain by half." Friendship can become an encouraging sight, enabling you to gain strength in failure; Friendship can be turned into a compass, when you are confused is to guide the direction; Youyi can wash away all unhappiness; To rekindle hope in the extinguished lamp.

We met in the sea of people, this is fate. We walk together on the road of life, which is called fen. Our accidental encounter doomed the friendship in our youth. We seek friendship everywhere, but it is difficult to find our own, so we cherish our friends especially. Friendship is a simple feeling, and we should treat it with a pure heart.

Friends should be frank with each other and should not hide anything. Only when we establish emotional foundation and trust each other can our friendship be deeper and stronger. But this does not mean that there is no privacy between friends. Some private matters are better kept in mind. As Confucius said, "If you have too many friends, you will become estranged from them.". I remember hearing a story when I was young, saying: "There was a group of pigs with thorns, and they spent the winter together again. But there was a problem that puzzled them, and they didn't know what distance to keep between them. They were too far away, felt cold, too close, and the thorns were too prickly. Finally, they found a suitable position. They kept the collective warmth without hurting each other." After all, Distance can produce beauty!

Friends should understand each other, and should not hurt the harmony for a little friction. No one is perfect. Since you have chosen her, you should accept her character and everything. We should learn tolerance. Tolerance is a virtue and one of the deepest virtues in the world.

Friends should help each other in learning, life and emotion. But not all of them can help. You can do everything for your friends, but you can't blindly pay attention to "fraternity". It is OK to have a sense of justice, but we must adhere to principles. This kind of fraternity is extremely negative, and it is easy for young people to take an illegal path. Its envelope is "scholars die for friends" and "share difficulties", which completely distorts the meaning of the word "righteousness" and is not the true friendship between our classmates.

There is no need for sweet talk between good friends. Only those who have ulterior motives and are extremely scheming will say some sweet words. These villains who want to seek personal interests by unscrupulous means often dress up as a kind face. Therefore, make friends carefully. For a true good friend, plain language is enough.

In today's society, the material life is more and more rich, but the interpersonal relationship is more and more cold. Before we really enter the society, cherish this pure friendship. Students, this will be the wealth of our life!

Interpersonal Relations (12)

In fact, if you are bullied at school, no, it's just some interpersonal relationships. Sometimes if you don't handle it well, you will feel aggrieved. At that time, you will feel that the school is a place where people will be bullied. It is a place where people will be depressed and you will feel uncomfortable. But other events such as campus bullying, In fact, it never happened to me.

This is also from the perspective of their own growth environment. After all, since childhood, parents are more rational, stable, and reasonable civilized people. Even if they are already in their border area in front of outsiders, if they make a mistake, they can also admit their own mistakes without arrogance, and if others make a mistake, they will take the initiative to bring it up.

They just talk about things, and those who would have been criticized by them and pointed out their mistakes did not leave them because they were criticized and did not interact with them. On the contrary, their relationship is still good, and they will still treat each other in that way. In fact, that kind of relationship is comfortable to get along with, which may also affect myself. Later, the criteria for choosing friends, so in fact, my former deskmate said that he envied me because those friends around me were sincere.

It is said that all my friends around me are sincere to each other, they are very sincere to me, and they are also very good people. In fact, there are many, especially my new good friends, who are really always emphasizing this point. In fact, I do know, I also understand, so I am grateful to the stars. They are the ones I meet, so that I can feel the truth, goodness and beauty in human communication.

Interpersonal Relations (13)

The rain is still falling. I lean against the window and look at the drizzle. The cool wind blows my cheeks and my hair. In the twilight, ripples rise in my heart and my heart strings are gently plucked. Rain, like an artist with magic, always makes me think deeply

In the holy and civilized campus, there are always some self righteous students. I hate them, even hate them, because I can't stand their arrogant and selfish behavior. I think students should live in peace and help each other. But in the process of getting along with my classmates, I didn't see love, kindness and tolerance, but only envy, selfishness and vanity, which are not what we should have! The purity, innocence and loveliness of the past have long been forgotten, and more are only hypocrisy, jealousy and calculation, so that they dilute the original principles and fairness. Usually you are kind to others, but will others be frank with you?

On our way to success, we need the help of many people, and friendship is certainly essential. However, these things that make us hate make me feel that hope is so slim and dreams are so far away. I can't go to success alone, but I don't want to be like them. I want to live my own character and wonderful life. Although there is light and darkness in my heart, they will fight and make a sky for themselves. I firmly believe that the bright will win forever!

I often think seriously about some very realistic problems, but when you are hesitating, the world is very big. When you take the first step bravely, the world is very small. When you become your own favorite one day, who will question your choices?

In front of my eyes, the dim yellow light turned into a gray black, and a winding road appeared in front of me. The road was dark. I raised my head and looked hard. I wanted to see through the darkness. Suddenly, it seemed that there was a ray of light shaking in the distance, but the light was not far away. However, I would set out with hopes and dreams to find the exclusive land of the light, no matter how far the road was, I will never give up, because in my heart, from beginning to end, there is a belief that light will come after the darkness.

The rain is still falling, just like the ding dong brook hit by rocks in the valley, like a woman's thin finger, playing such a lingering meaning. I want to be calm in my heart, without any emotion, because I have the faith of struggle!

Don't care about anything else. Only we have dreams, courage and determination. All the obstacles that make us look bad or hinder our progress are vulnerable! come on.

Interpersonal Relations (14)

”The master replied, "Because I play a tired traveler who goes a long way to let his shoelace loose, which can show his fatigue and haggardness through this detail." "Then why don't you tell your disciples directly?" "He can carefully find my shoelace is loose, and warmheartedly told me that I must protect his enthusiasm and encourage him in a timely manner. As for why he should untie his shoelace, there will be more opportunities to teach him to perform in the future, you can talk about it next time."

A man was forced to sell his new house because of business failure, and even his beloved sports car was taken off and replaced with an electric bicycle. One day, he and his wife had an appointment with several couples who were very close to each other. The newly married wife of one of his friends, because she did not know the details, saw that they had taken a motorbike together to the appointed place. She blurted out, "Why did you come here by motorbike?" Everyone was stunned, and the scene became very awkward, But the wife replied slowly, "We ride motorcycles because I want to hold him."

A scholar went to buy firewood. He said to the man who sold firewood, "Come here!" The man who sold firewood could not understand the words "wage bearer" (the man who carried firewood), but he could understand the words "come here", so he took the firewood in front of the scholar.

The scholar asked him, "What's the price?" The firewood seller could not understand this sentence, but he could understand the word "price", so he told the scholar the price. The scholar then said, "The outside is solid but the inside is empty. There is more smoke and less flame. Please damage it. (Your wood is dry on the outside, but wet inside. If it burns, it will be smoke and less flame. Please reduce the price.)" The firewood seller could not understand the scholar's words, so he took the firewood and left.

Managers should usually use simple language and easy to understand words to convey information, and should have a good grasp of the object and timing of speaking. Sometimes excessive modification can not achieve the desired goal.

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how hard everything was. She didn't know how to cope with life and wanted to abandon herself.

She was tired of fighting and struggling, as if a problem had just been solved when a new problem appeared.

Her father, a cook, took her into the kitchen. He first poured some water into the three pots, and then put them on a high fire. Soon the water in the pot boiled. He put some carrots in one pot, an egg in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the last pot. He dipped them into boiling water and boiled them without saying a word.

The daughter smacked her lips and waited impatiently, wondering what her father was doing. About 20 minutes later, he turned off the fire, fished out carrots and put them in one bowl, fished out eggs and put them in another bowl, and then scooped up coffee into a cup. After that, he turned to his daughter and asked her, "Honey, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, coffee", she replied.

He asked her to come closer and touch the carrot with her hand. She touched them and noticed that they had softened. The father asked his daughter to take an egg and break it. After peeling off the shell, he saw that it was a boiled egg. Finally, he let her drink coffee. Tasting the fragrant coffee, my daughter smiled. She timidly asked, "Father, what does this mean?"

He explained that the three things faced the same adversity - boiled water, but their reactions were different. Carrots are strong, firm and show no weakness before being put into the pot; But after entering the boiling water, it became soft and weak. The egg was originally fragile, and its thin shell protected its liquid viscera. But after boiling, its internal organs became hard. Powdered coffee beans are unique. After entering the boiling water, they change the water. "Which one is you?" he asked his daughter. "When adversity comes, how should you react? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

One day, famous American host Linklater visited a child and asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The child naively replied, "Hmm... I want to be a pilot of an airplane!" Linklater asked, "If one day, all the engines of your plane fly over the Pacific Ocean, what will you do?" The child thought for a moment: "I will first tell the people on the plane to fasten their seat belts, and then I will hang up my parachute and jump out." When the audience at the scene laughed unsteadily, Linklater continued to look at the child to see if he was a smart aleck. Unexpectedly, the child's two lines burst into tears, which made Linklater realize that the child's compassion was far beyond words.

So Linklater asked him: "Why do you want to do this?" The child's answer revealed a sincere idea of the child: "I want to get fuel, and I want to come back!!

When you hear someone talking... do you really understand what he said? Do you understand? If you don't understand, please listen to others. This is the "art of listening": 1 Don't listen half way. 2. Don't project your own meaning onto what others say.

Interpersonal Relations (15)

Pictures of interpersonal relationships

Model Essay I of High School English Writing on Human Relations

Classmate conflicts among senior middle school students are often heard on campus over recent years. These conflicts make the excitement of campus life grow grey and have bad effects on both their living and learning.

It is often heard that the conflicts between students in senior high schools have occurred on campus in recent years. These conflicts make campus life gray excitement and have a negative impact on their life and learning.

Classmate conflicts often rise from daily tiny things such as space where to store books or notes. When personalities don’t mix, the specifics can tear classmates apart and sometimes even lead to serious conflicts. Besides, the fact that classmates hold different attitudes towards certain issues is another factor causing these conflicts.

Classmate conflict often increases the space where daily small things such as books or notes are stored. When personality is not mixed, details can tear apart classmates, sometimes even leading to serious conflicts. In addition, the fact that students have different attitudes towards certain problems is another factor that causes these conflicts.

Classmate conflicts are harmful and need to be settled. Though many people think that school discipline can soften the conflicts, I believe learning to be tolerant with each other can play a more constructive role because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise. Meanwhile, communication contributes to the solution to this problem since many of these conflicts result from misunderstanding.

Classmate conflicts are harmful and need to be resolved. Although many people believe that school discipline can soften conflicts, I believe that learning is mutual tolerance and can play a more constructive role, because it teaches students flexibility and the art of compromise. At the same time, communication helps to solve this problem, because many such conflicts cause misunderstanding

Model Essay II of Senior High School English Writing on Human Relations

Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Interpersonal Relationship in the Modern World” In the essay, you should (1) descr

ibe the picture (2) interpret its meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon . You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

The picture is talking about a story about neighborhood. Two ladies living in the opposite apartments say “hello” when they happen to meet each other in the corridor. One of them says, “I moved here 5 years ago, but I never met you before. Could I ask your name please?” The other says,” I have been here for 6 years. How should I call you?”

It seems very ridiculous that people living so near don’t know each other for such a long time. However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. It is the exact reflection of interpersonal relationships in the modern world. In the modern world, most people live in apartments. They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from work. If they live alone, they will kill their time by watching TV or reading magazines. They don’t have any connections even with their closest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street. They become more and more indifferent.

This phenomenon is no good to us, nor to our society. People will feel lonely more and more. The world becomes so indifferent. Interpersonal relationships are not harmonious. It’s time that we took some measures to improve it. People living in the same zone can be organized to have some activities together. We should call on people to be friendly to each other. As a popular song says,” If everybody gives a little love to each other, the world will become the sea of love.”

Model Essay 3 of Senior High School English Writing on Human Relations

Interpersonal relationship in modern society

Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Interpersonal Relationship in the Modern World” In the essay, you should (1) describe the picture (2) interpret its meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon . You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

The picture is talking about a story about neighborhood. Two ladies living in the opposite apartments say “hello” when they happen to meet each other in the corridor. One of them says, “I moved here 5 years ago, but I never met you before. Could I ask your name please?” The other says,” I have been here for 6 years. How should I call you?”

It seems very ridiculous that people living so near don’t know each other for such a long time. However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. It is the exact reflection of interpersonal relationships in the modern world. In the modern world, most people live in apartments. They close their doors and never go out as soon as they get home from work. If they live alone, they will kill their time by watching TV or reading magazines. They don’t have any connections even with their closest neighbors, who seem no different from people they meet everyday in the street. They become more and more indifferent.

This phenomenon is no good to us, nor to our society. People will feel lonely more and more. The world becomes so indifferent. Interpersonal relationships are not harmonious. It’s time that we took some measures to improve it. People living in the same zone can be organized to have some activities together. We should call on people to be friendly to each other. As a popular song says,” If everybody gives a little love to each other, the world will become the sea of love.”

Model Essay 4 of Senior High School English Writing on Human Relations

How to establish good interpersonal relationship?

Dear editor,

Recently our class have had a heated discussion on how middle school students should make friends.

As we all know, good interpersonal relationship plays an important role in building harmonious society.

Many people suggest that they should make friends who are of great benefit to their studies, so they will help each other and make greater progress with their studies. Some believe that they should have friends related to their life. Whenever they have difficulty dealing with problems in terms of life, they can help rid themselves of the problems. In addition, others agree that they should have some friends who can listen to them attentively and share their bitterness and joy.

What I want to stress is that each of us should have a true friend. To make friends, we should try to remember the names of the people we contact and learn not to judge people by their appearances. Besides, we need to be friendly and care about them. When disagreement does occur, it's wise of us to talk it over to others. In brief, making true friends can really enable us to improve ourselves.

Model Essay 5 on Writing Interpersonal Relationships in Senior English

With the development of our society, the connection between people becomes inevitable. People need to communicate with others as long as they are in the world. As a result, the interpersonal relationship becomes more and more important.

First of all, a good interpersonal relation promote people become successful. Through the human history, we can summarize that no one can do everything well and become successful alone. Most of the great men have a good relationship among people. For many peole, interpersonal relationship and their ability are equal important to their success. Keeping a good relationship with others, peole can easily get assistance from others when facing difficulties. In other words,excellent interpersonal communication skills can help remove obstacles on the way to success. Secondly, a good interpersonal relation can help people live a happy life. Living in a harmonious environment need people keep a good relationship with the people around. The friendly people will form a happy atmosphere. That will make people work efficient and keep a good mood in the daily life. It is certain that people will receive happiness in the end.

To sum up, as interpersonal relationship is so essential to people’s success and happiness, I advocate people get along well with with others. The first thing is smile more everyday.

Model Essay 6 of Senior High School English Writing on Human Relations

For college students, the stage of going to college is like the turning point of their lives. If they study well and have clear aim about their future, then they can get successful much more easier. But the interpersonal relationship can’t be ignore, it is also the very important lesson for students to learn.

For college students, college is like a turning point in their life. If they study hard and have clear goals for their future, then they can more easily achieve success. However, interpersonal relationships cannot be ignored, which is also a very important lesson in students' learning.

When students come to college, learning the knowledge is not their only purpose, they also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only person in the world, it is necessary for us to make connection with others. It is very important skill to make a living.

When students enter the university, learning knowledge is not their only purpose. They also need to learn how to get along with others. We are not the only people in the world. It is necessary to communicate with others. This is a very important skill to earn a living.

In the college, interpersonal relationship can be tracked in the small issues, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don’t know the rules to live with so many persons. It is important to be tolerant and nice to others, we need to consider things from the common interest. If we can handle this well, then we have the good social skill.

In college, interpersonal relationships can focus on small aspects, such as how to get along with your roommates. Most students never stay away from their parents, so they don't know the rules of living with so many people. It is important to be tolerant and friendly to others. We need to consider issues from the perspective of common interests. If we can handle this well, then we will have good social skills.

So having the social skill is the indispensable lesson for us.

So having social skills is an indispensable lesson for us.

Model Essay 7 of Senior High School English Writing on Human Relations

The Impact of Internet on Interpersonal Communication

When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughter's school life. To my surprise, the girl told his father to read her blog so that he can get what he wants.

When I first saw a father and daughter, I heard my father asking about his daughter's school life. To my surprise, my daughter told my father to read her blog to know what he wanted to know.

Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.

Now the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in our life. It has a great impact on us, especially in our interpersonal communication.

For one thing, the Internet makes the interpersonal communication more convenient. We can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Internet makes full use of time and space. What’s more, we can also share our daily life and knowledge through QQ, MSN, and blog with others. For another thing, the Internet speeds up our interpersonal communication. We can save time to do our work. However, the Internet also brings about many problems, such as safety problems, cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they don't have time to interact with person in real life, which result in the absence of ability in communication in reality.

On the one hand, the Internet makes communication between people more convenient. We can contact each other whenever and wherever. The Internet makes full use of time and space. More importantly, we can also share our life through QQ, MSN and blogs. On the other hand, the Internet helps our interpersonal communication. We can save time to work. However, the Internet has also brought many problems, such as security problems, cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they have no time to communicate with people in real life, which leads to the lack of communication skills in real life.

It has both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet. We can get to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest, we have to talk with people and develop our ability to communicate in reality.

Communication through the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. We can work on our problems and study them. Last but not least, we must communicate with others in real life and develop our communication ability.

Interpersonal Relations (16)

[Composition Title]

"@ China Meteorology", a Chinese meteorological video network, posted a microblog to interpret interpersonal relationships with meteorology.

The interpersonal relationship is also a meteorological circle, with sunny and cloudy, windy and rainy, warm and cold currents. Everyone's weather influences and shapes each other. You turn yourself into an Antarctic glacier, and others repay you for the cold; You turn yourself into a subtropical high, and others will repay you for the heat. Therefore, give people more warm and humid air flow, and they will return you abundant rainfall and warm weather.

Please write an article of 600 to 800 words according to the meaning of the above materials.

[Note] ① The topic is self drawn and the purpose is self determined. ② In addition to poetry, the style is optional. ③ It is not allowed to plagiarize or apply large-scale crops. ④ The name of your school, as well as the real names of the faculty, students and myself shall not appear in the text.

Comment: The composition of the Hangzhou Middle School examination paper uses the microblog words with the flavor of the times to guide students to focus on the relationship between themselves and others through the weather phenomenon. The topic space is large, easy to write but not easy to work. "Mutual influence" and "mutual shaping" are the key words in the question, which reveals the butterfly effect that one's own behavior can affect the behavior of others, thus affecting the entire social environment and ultimately affecting oneself. Therefore, to purify the environment and change others, we must first start from self improvement. Of course, it's OK to write about pay and return. The key is to see if the meaning of pay and return is revealed. (Hangzhou Xiacheng Teachers' Training School Jinling)

[Excellent Model Text]

interpersonal relationship

From primary school to junior high school, from young to mature, we are in the transition period of psychological changes, psychological problems more or less surfaced, and as an indispensable "communication" in growth, how much do we know?

Interpersonal communication is a necessary thing in daily life. Even the dumb people know how to use sign language to communicate with people. However, today's urban people are at a loss in social communication.

Therefore, through the psychology class, I learned that if you want to understand communication, you must create space for communication and actively interact with people. Positive interpersonal communication will enable our physical and mental health to develop, which will help us in all aspects: we can talk about our suffering during this time; You can share what you see, hear and feel; They can solve problems they don't understand.

Look, interpersonal communication can give us so many benefits. Why do people feel so helpless about it? This is precisely because people do not know how to create appropriate space and time for interpersonal communication. It is easy to have disagreements, quarrels and disagreements in life. At this time, communication between people plays a very important role. You can create a space and time for yourself and the other party to express your ideas and let the other party understand. Wouldn't it be nice not to be looked down upon by others, to make the atmosphere strange, and not to be afraid of being heard by a third person, who also knows his own thoughts? Therefore, time and space are necessary.

Through psychology class, I also know how to actively interact with people. When communicating with people, you should act naturally and generously, use civilized language, do not sensationalize, keep a proper distance, etc.

Interpersonal communication, correct interpersonal communication will add a beautiful scenery to our growth path! Every bit of beauty has been added!

Interpersonal Relations (17)

In a twinkling of an eye, three more spring, summer, autumn and winter passed. Looking back on the past, I can clearly remember the sadness. Among them, we once shed excited tears, showed beautiful smiles, and felt cordial concern.

"It is difficult to find a bosom friend in the vast sea of people". In the long river of life, what we need to do is to make achievements. In the process of our hard struggle, we get the support of friends. With friendship, people can often be positive and develop together; With friendship, one can often find his way back after losing his way; With friendship, you can feel the joy of life more.

Looking at the pictures of the students of the past year, I can't help sighing that time is fleeting. Time is gone forever, so we should cherish our study, life and even our friendship after losing the former beauty. The beauty is easy to lose, because what awaits us ahead is always the bumps on the road and the hardships on the learning road. We will have no time to care about the beauty of the past and the noble friendship before us, but we just need to take the frustrations as small stones on the road of life, kick them away, turn all the worries into nothing, and feel the warmth brought by friendship.

Pure friendship can often cover up the unhappiness in life. A look, a smile, and a blessing can always eliminate the clouds above our heads, so we should cherish the friendship now. Don't always think that these are things other than struggle. In this way, people will only lose their way, become weak and be lonely for a lifetime.

Friendship is the weight of our hearts and can always adjust the balance of our hearts. As time goes by, friendship will be diluted, but we should not wait until we lose it to cherish it. We should grasp the present friendship and face it bravely. This may have a great impact on life. In life, there are several forces working together, and the dawn of success may come earlier.

Let us cherish the present together, grasp the friendship, go hand in hand on the road of life, and strive for our own ideals.