Nanjing Nanjing Film Review Composition High School
South of the sea is no longer blue
2023-07-13 23:04:09

In that hot era of 1937, China was suffering from the worst devastation. The Lugouqiao Incident and the Nanjing Massacre all made people feel miserable and sad. One of them is the Nanjing Massacre! The people of a whole city, as many as 300000 people, were slaughtered by the Japanese army in just three days. The cruel means and cold spirit were unacceptable.

Nanjing! Nanjing! Is a large documentary film with the historical background of the "Nanjing Massacre". I felt a lot after watching this film. In the whole process of watching the film, the feeling of powerlessness and pain of life has been closely around me, lingering.

Having seen Nanjing! Nanjing!, I felt sorrow and shock from the bottom of my heart. In the thick smoke suppression, Japanese soldiers with guns in armor and bayonets stepped through the broken Zhongshan Gate; Broken limbs, arms and naked corpses covered the streets of the city; The creepy heads piled up hills and covered the roadside riverbanks; Machine gun strafing, digging and burying alive, bayonet stabbing, oil pouring and fire burning are all extremely cruel and inhuman

There is not a drop of blood in the film for more than two hours, but people can feel the tragic situation of rivers of blood and bodies everywhere. Every life in the movie is fragile. No matter whether he is rich or poor, high or low, he will dissipate like fireworks at any time. I can't imagine how people live in this kind of hell on earth, or rather how they live. These are just artistic summaries of historical events. What's more sad is that the film may be dozens of times more implicit in reality. Only the compatriots who have experienced this disaster can truly feel the pain.

Our happy life today is hard won. It comes from the indomitable struggle of countless revolutionary martyrs, the bright red bodies of countless Chinese compatriots, and the unyielding backbone of countless clank iron bones. It is they who eulogize the pain and death of the eventful years with their vows, blood and life, write the immortal chapter of the Chinese people, and create a glorious era of national rise.

This period of history has already become the past, but we can't help but remember that although some people try to cover up their crimes by modifying textbooks, distorting history and hoodwinking facts. It would be sad for a country or a nation to have no courage to look back on its own history. We should not forget, but also transform the heaviness brought to us by that period of history into indomitable will, urge ourselves to keep moving forward, gradually change the humble situation of backwardness and being beaten, turn the pain into strength, and turn the weak into strong. Only through the joint efforts of our Chinese people, can we make our motherland truly strong and have the ability to prevent such things from happening again!

Don't forget the national humiliation. "Nanjing! Nanjing!" has brought me too much shock and sentiment. Cherish the happy life now. We should have a sense of hardship, understand that life is hard won, know how to be grateful and repay, and do our best to repay our parents and society. Only then can we be worthy of the cultivation of our country and the youth that will soon pass away.