Experience of military training 600 (19 articles)
accomplish sth. lasting by leading a quiet life
2024-01-02 07:58:17

Experience of military training 600 (1)

Military training experience diary 600 words 1

Military training not only cultivates people's spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work, but also can temper people's strong will. Su Shi once said, "In ancient times, people who made great achievements not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance." This sentence means that the door to success has always been open to strong willed people, or even only to strong willed people.

Military training in my mind is full of drillmaster's reprimand; Military training in my mind is a combination of tension and hardship; The military training in my mind also sounds the whistle of the collection, as well as the large gathering and strict training under the pouring rain; The military training life in my mind flashed in my mind and eyes hundreds of times. But I still embrace the military training I have been longing for with joy and confidence.

In the military training, it is very hard and tired, but this is a kind of life experience, the best opportunity to defeat yourself and exercise your will. Although there are unspeakable ups and downs in my heart, and my skin turns dark in the scorching sun, is it not a kind of happiness, a kind of courage to better move forward towards the goal of life, and more confidence to improve myself?

I started the real training with confidence. The instructor gave patient guidance over and over again instead of severe reprimand. On the training ground, there are not only our neat steps, but also our loud slogans and our loud military songs.

Standing in the military posture gives you the unyielding body of the Chinese people, and also gives you the infinite perseverance of the descendants of the dragon. The practice of turning around reflects the active and agile thinking of human beings and the greatness of collectivism. No river or sea can be formed without accumulating water. Without the efforts of each of us, it is impossible to have a complete and high-quality team. Each action of the training made me deeply realize the strength of unity, cooperation and the importance of team spirit. I believe that it will benefit me for life, no matter where I am.

In fact, on the road of your life, you should also print a path of your own footsteps, even if the road is full of thorns, even if every step of the road is so muddy and bumpy, you must let yourself step on, step on, explore, and march! I think that way is the true self portrait, and there is no false pretense.

Military training experience diary 600 words 2

As time goes by, if a traveler hurries by, everything in the past will gradually disappear. It will be treasured in everyone's heart and become an eternal memory.

When the breeze blew, I woke up to find that I was already sitting on the return bus. Time is really fast. In a twinkling of an eye, nine days of military training life has become a memory of the past. Recall that when I first entered the military camp, the strangers had become familiar, those who were uneasy had become calm, all the bitterness and sadness had passed away, leaving only the memory and endless nostalgia for that precious experience of life.

After nine days of living together, I became familiar with my classmates.

When I came to the car, I still remembered the strange faces and sad or happy expressions. But now it is so familiar, like friends who have known each other for many years, everyone's face is full of happy smiles and sincere and cherishing between chatting and laughing. Only then did I really understand the purpose of military training. Friends, sincere, cherish.

After nine days of living together, we became friends with the instructor.

On the sleepless night before returning to school, we talked with the instructor for a long time and left contact information with each other. We were still reluctant to part with the teacher until he came to make rounds. After the performance the next day, we boarded the return bus, and the instructor sent us one by one to the bus, standing in a row at a distance, watching our departure. The eyes are full of attachment and reluctance, glittering with crystal tears. Looking at them, we are not like this, but we are going to leave after all. Let all of this turn into memories and treasure them up.

Here, I would like to thank this military training, because it enabled us to learn these things that ordinary people may not be able to learn in a lifetime; I would like to thank the instructors who taught us, because they let us understand these invaluable truths; I want to thank the school, because it is the school that has given us the opportunity to attend this important course in life and this precious memory.

As time goes by, things will fade and people will grow old, but memory will never change!

Military training experience diary 600 words 3

After the military training in the first day of junior high, I learned what is iron discipline, what is the strength of unity, and what is true endurance.

In a group, each of us represents not only our individual, but also the collective. One wrong step will affect the tidiness of the whole team, and one slow action will affect the beauty of the whole team. Therefore, in addition to being afraid of hardship and fatigue, we should carry forward a spirit of cooperation and help each other, Make progress together and strive for more honor for our collective. From this, I also think of our classes, grades and even the whole school in the future. If each of us can play such a spirit of collectivism, what difficulties can we not overcome and what difficulties can not be overcome?

I deeply realize that "unity is strength"!

I don't know what is sweet without suffering, I don't know what is happiness without experiencing hard work, I don't know what is prosperity without tasting the simple life of soldiers

Whenever I stand unsteadily and want to fall, I clench my fists and tell myself that persistence is victory.

Although the military training life is very tiring, we have learned a lot of things, such as "standing at attention, taking a rest, turning left, marching in unison, and running". I firmly believe that these are all useful for us all our lives, because these are not only some standard actions, but also the first step for us to learn how to behave and live. In the "military camp", my classmates and I established a sincere friendship, with the collective concept of solidarity, mutual help, and class as home.

In these seven days, we have exercised our bodies, strengthened our physique, improved our perseverance, and also experienced the fatigue and sweet and bitter of soldiers at ordinary times. We have developed a strong will. We love learning, and are not lazy. Each of us is as handsome and upright as a soldier.

The military training was over. On the playground, we tried our best. Everyone was enthusiastic and tall, because we knew that no matter what our achievements, the military training life would be the most brilliant in our life.

Military training experience diary 600 words 4

Just entering the gate of the middle school, we were greeted by a military training. Military training can be described as "tired" in one word, but there are both bitter and sweet. I also learned a lot from the hard training.

The first thing to learn in military training is standing posture, which is simple and difficult to say. The difficulty lies in being still in the sun. At the scorching noon, the clouds seemed to be burned by the sun. We were facing the sun, which pierced our eyes like a bottle of hot pepper water. Everyone was sweating and fell into his eyes. The strict instructor was not allowed to wipe sweat or close his eyes. We persevered with amazing determination and perseverance.

The instructor's surname is Bai. Everyone calls him Bai Instructor. During the training, instructor Bai was strict and responsible. He patiently guided us in every movement. He stood with us in the hot sun, sweated and trained with us. In order to train a small detail of our movements, he often sweated. What a good instructor! During the break, the instructor was also a music teacher, teaching us to sing. His voice is mellow and mellow, and his military songs are sonorous and powerful, which often cheer us up. Professor Bai is really versatile.

Walking in unison is the most difficult in military training, which requires us to coordinate our actions, but it is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do. In order to cooperate with others, tall people can only shorten their pace and take only one small step at a time. As a result, they often lag behind others when they reach the end; The shorter ones either increase the pace length or speed up the frequency. They not only disrupt everyone's pace, but also walk much faster than others. Instructor Bai not only analyzed and found out the reason, but also came up with the solution: when walking, we should keep pace with the people beside us, not fast or slow, and let us shout out the password, each password corresponds to each foot. This method has effectively solved the situation of scrambling for steps. Instructor Bai is really smart.

The life of military training is full and busy. For us, this is the beginning of life for middle school students. In just four days, I learned that we should not only have perseverance and determination to do things, but also be afraid of hardship and tiredness. Cooperation with others is also very important, which is beneficial to my junior high school study.

Although the calisthenics performance only won the second prize of the class, we were very happy because it was the first middle school honor we earned with sweat!

Military training experience diary 600 words 5

In this short five days, we have to hone ourselves, challenge ourselves and be strict with ourselves.

A series of activities carried out during the military training strengthened our collective sense of honor and organizational cohesion, and let us experience the importance of good teamwork spirit and flexible response skills in our future practical work; Training programs such as standing still, taking a break, turning to the right place, walking in unison, running and walking in the right direction have made us realize the fine tradition of hard work and endurance in building the socialist modernization cause in the new century. Strict management and rigorous training also increase our self-discipline and sense of time.

Military training is sour. Every day we train for more than two hours in a row, holding our head up and chest up, which are the most basic requirements. In less than a day, my neck, shoulders, wrists and legs are sore.

Military training is hard. After three days of training, it is needless to say that my back is sore, and my thighs are painful even when I walk. But what does all this tiredness count for? Enduring the pain, I still try my best to take every step well and stick to the end, although it contains many hardships.

Military training is hot. Strict discipline is indispensable in military camp life. If you don't listen carefully to the drillmaster's command or complete a bad standard action, you will be called out to practice alone. It's really hard to feel the burning taste on your face.

Military training is sweet. It is appropriate to use the words "sweet after suffering" to modify military training. Five days of hard training finally resulted in the fifth day, the last day.

On the parade ground, rows of neat "standing" on the top is a piece of green. At this time, the sun rises from the horizon on time, jumps out from the top of the mountain, and emits dazzling light. Successive rays of sunlight sprinkle on the rows of camouflage, forming a strange landscape, adding vitality and vitality to the world.

The whistles, the footsteps, and the commands play out the qualities of soldiers, the souls of soldiers, and the true colors of camouflage.

Experience of Military Training 600 (2)

Mountains are no longer steep without cliffs, seas are no longer magnificent without rough waves, rivers are no longer magnificent without ups and downs, and plum blossoms will not become beautiful and warm colors in cold winter if they do not stand upright in the cold wind and fight against frost and snow; If the lotus does not have the consciousness of coming out of the mud without being stained, it will not become a bright star under the scorching sun. If we do not have the perseverance to persevere in the end, we will not successfully and smoothly complete this military training.

On the playground of the base, a group of "green ants" stood motionless under the scorching sun, sweat drops falling on the ground like rain. Although Father Sun showed no sign of "backing down", each of us had the perseverance to persevere in the end. Thinking of this, each of us was "full of electricity" again and got up the spirit. In the past five days, we have gained a lot. We have learned many simple actions, such as "standing in the military posture", "squatting", "turning right or left", "turning back", "taking a rest", "walking in unison", "swinging arms", "standing on the ground"... These actions are not simple or difficult to say, but it is not easy to meet the requirements of instructors!

Let's talk about standing posture. Keep your hands close to your pants, keep your stomach tight, keep your chest straight, and relax your shoulders. Keep your feet 60 degrees apart. Even if mosquitoes bite you, you must stand still. Alas, this military posture makes our hands and feet hurt!

Our instructor is a seven foot man who is warm blooded and square steel. He gives me the impression that "public and private are distinct". When "public", he is very serious, demanding the best and striving for the best. When he was "private", he was amiable and much gentler, talking and laughing with us all. What a "versatile" instructor!

Military training improves our own quality, strengthens our physique, and strengthens our patriotism and national defense education philosophy. From then on, we bid farewell to the "sweet girl" and the "little emperor", and "little soldiers" were born. We should have the same quality as the plum blossom, and like the lotus, we should "come out of the mud without staining". Although it is not the best, we need better. Come on!

Although military training is hard, we are happy to open our mouths

Experience of Military Training 600 (3)

Military training is an organized activity. Military training is a test, training and mature activity.

The week-long high school military training made me understand too many philosophies of life. Only one sentence made me feel the most. No pains, no gains. After military training, we really feel its connotation.

With the relentless sun, all the students should stand up to the sun. The sun in the south is hot on the skin, which is even more unbearable for students in the north. I can't open my eyes when I'm sunbathing. This is what I feel deeply. Even so, everyone did not flinch and fought against the Sun. In the standing posture, the more sweat students pay, the stronger their will, the better they stand. Training such as walking and running are very physical activities, and you can walk and run together as long as you do it carefully. The same is true for internal affairs training. Take folding quilts. If you press them for a long time, they will be thin; The quilt can be better shaped if it is buckled for a long time.

Military training, I believe that people who have experienced or have not experienced it are tired and bitter. Indeed, strict work and rest time, long training, hot and dazzling sun... This makes us who have always been spoiled a bit impatient. But people who have experienced military training, besides feeling bitter and tired, believe that there will be another feeling. I am like this. I still believe that there must be a rainbow after the rain.

When people grow up, they should adapt to various lifestyles. They can no longer rely only on their parents, but on friends and classmates when going out. The military training gave me a process of adaptation. During the 15 days of training, my homesickness for home was alleviated, and the tiring training also reduced my homesickness. It eliminates our sense of strangeness to the school, but also exercises our potential to bear hardships and live independently. I also learned the benefits of military training, enhanced my patriotic awareness, and let myself take some responsibilities. I feel that I have really grown up.

Experience of military training 600 (4)

Military training is not only a test of our body, but also a test of our will.

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from bitter cold". People grow up in constant training, just like a small tree. Only through the baptism of wind and rain can they grow into towering trees.

Military training is hard and tiring, but it is a kind of life experience and the best opportunity to defeat oneself and exercise will. The ancients said, "When the sky is going to place a great responsibility on us, we must first work hard and starve our bodies." This is exactly the case in military training, which includes sour tears, bitter sweat, flying songs, and happy laughter.

Yes, military training is very hard. Looking back, I suffered from the blisters on my feet, the numb legs for the forward step, and the tired waist when I stood in the military posture. Military training is so hard, and I certainly have time to retreat. But I persevered. Military training is a process, a process of testing and honing oneself. It is a shame to give up halfway. Everyone clenched their teeth and never stopped training until they had to. How many people fell down standing in the fierce sun, and how many people went to rest next to them after being persuaded by the instructor. To understand that military training is to hone our will and our body, why should we put it down? Thinking of this, I will grit my teeth and survive. Maybe perseverance will accumulate in the tired waist, and finally will be firm, straight and unyielding. Perhaps these are not bitter, but a kind of harvest, a harvest that has benefited me all my life. What I have gained is endurance, perseverance, courage, unyielding, and team spirit. No matter what I will do in the future, all difficulties and obstacles become indifferent when I think of the hardships and gains of this day.

I think this has reached the goal of military training.

Experience of military training 600 (5)

More than 20 days of military training passed in a hurry, but left me many unforgettable memories. Looking back on the days passed, it was really bitter, sweet, sour, hot, everything.

Our instructor is a handsome and handsome Erpao student. From the first time I saw him, I was secretly glad to meet a good instructor. But the good times are not long, and the hard days are still ahead. We have been standing in the military posture for more and more time, but the instructor has gone to send short messages with his mobile phone. What we can't bear most is that we have to stomp hard when we are walking forward in those gray brand rubber shoes. Not only did my feet suffer so much, but my hands were no exception. When waving his hand, he accidentally hit his classmate's hand, which made him wince. Our goal is to shoot like an arrow and kick like lightning. In short, one word, bitter!

In the evening, it was a bittersweet experience. It's time for a party. On the open-air stage, students sang loudly to vent their anger of the day. The singing is heard all over the sky. It seems that the students in the surrounding dormitories don't want to sleep anymore. The female students in our platoon did not want to be outdone. After several songs, they fell in love with the audience, and the male compatriots rushed to the stage to send flowers. The small trees around the stage are so unlucky that their branches are almost pulled out. Everyone is responsible for protecting trees!

Acid is also common, but it is not heart ache, but leg ache. In training, the end leg is the most uncomfortable. I remember that one of the seven Quanzhen disciples stood on the edge of the cliff for a day, and that was called true kungfu. But we can't. We can't stand it in less than five minutes. At the critical moment, the students around us are loyal. We hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, and singing together is strength. With such a brother, I am not afraid even if there are great difficulties in front of me.

We should be the hottest when we are trained, and it is also quite hard to listen to the officer's report. They always talked so much that at first they could hear a few words, but later they failed. Finally, the students could not stand loneliness and began to express their opinions. A single spark could start a prairie fire. In a short time, the atmosphere of the meeting became lively. Some seniors thought we were having a debate. After the meeting, of course, there was a war of words. After a bloodbath, we were like defeated roosters. We never dared to look up again. It was really hot!

In this way, we have spent more than 20 days of life. Perhaps more than 20 days in life is not too long, but we have learned a lot from it, which is worth our lifelong aftertaste.

Experience of military training 600 (6)

Last week, the school sent a notice that we would hold a comprehensive practice activity. When I received the notice, I expected that the hard day was coming. But when I thought I could have delicious snacks, I still asked my mother to put a tick in the box. How quickly the days passed. We were about to leave in the twinkling of an eye. When the instructor came in to introduce us, I silently thought: this military training must be very happy. Everyone must think that military training is very hard. Because when the instructor entered the class, I found that the instructor's humor must not be fierce. Upon arriving at the Yuanshan Base, the instructor began to get off the horse... On the second day of military training, the instructor taught us a lot, such as: six thinking hats tell us that everyone has their own thinking, and the talent code tells us that everyone has different talents, both strong and weak.

These are the second, the most challenging and enlightening thing is the last activity team bridge on the last day. On the last day, we participated in the last activity, "Team Floating Bridge". This activity is like this: two people carry a board face to face, and then one by one students climb up the bridge. When students climb over the bridge, you may have a heavy feeling, which is not usual. An instructor said a sentence on it, which made me cry. He said, "When students climbed the bridge, did you ever think about the burden on your parents' shoulders, did you ever think that your parents could quit their jobs for you, and did you ever think that your teachers could leave their families to come to our base to study and live with us..." When Huo said it was my tears that had spilled on my face. I am not an excellent role in the class. I am not as dazzling as a gem. I am just a listening role. When I climbed up the bridge, I really wanted to say: Thank you! Military training is the most unforgettable moment in life. There are always some things I can't learn in class in military training. How dazzling and painful the three days of military training are!

Experience in Military Training 600 (7)

Since I learned that I was admitted to No. 1 Middle School, I have become arrogant. I have encountered difficulties in my study and life. I no longer break the casserole to the end like a primary school; When I run, I don't run down with perseverance like in primary school. In order to change my pride and arrogance, my father specially reported for me in the military training.

When we came to Xiexiu Middle School full of expectations of junior high school life, military training began. On the first day of military training, the instructor taught us to stand in military posture. The instructor asked us to stand up for half an hour. Then he went to have a rest under the shade of a tree. After a while, we felt very sore in our back and arms. The sun was like a fire floating in the air, and the earth was like a big steamer, which would scorch us. Sweat, like small insects, slid from our faces to the ground. The arm is sore like a needle, the time seems to have stopped, and a second is as long as a century. Many students have reported to the teacher that they are going to have a rest.

I also want to have a rest. Just raising my hand, I thought again. What's the purpose of coming here? This is not to temper their will, exercise their physical quality? I can't give up so easily. I will change myself through this military training. I read it silently in my heart. I clenched my teeth and thought to myself. I don't know how long later, the teacher suddenly said: "All rest!" How happy I was at that moment, my heart was as sweet as honey.

Not long after the military training, the new semester began. Different from the past, I could solve the same problems in my study and life: I did not rush through math problems as before the military training, but broke the casserole to the end; In endurance running, I didn't run a little and walk a little like before military training, but I ran down with perseverance

Military training has tempered my will and my physical quality. Military training changed me.

Experience of military training 600 (8)

Military training, a memory that once made me laugh, a term that I didn't care about, has now become a memory woven by sweat and perseverance This is just the beginning of a long junior high school life.

Early this morning, I was cruelly dragged up by the "human body alarm clock" while still immersed in my dream. Yawning into the campus, until the beginning of military training, then naturally awake. Prepare for the gift that military training brings us.

I thought the military training meeting was easy and simple. But I didn't expect that at the beginning I received the first blow... "Oh," I frowned, suddenly felt breathless, and my stomach ached, "I've only been fighting for a few minutes, what's the matter?" I asked the teacher for leave, and had a rest next to me... The time of flag raising finally passed, but what will come next is

"Please stand up well, stand for 15 minutes, and start the calculation!" the director said solemnly with the microphone. I looked at the dazzling sunshine, and silently said: No, 15 minutes, the sun is so big that it will not be "scorched"...... Each student stood straight and dared not move again. The hot earth, the scorching sun, the flaming sun is so relentless. One minute, two minutes... The time is so long, at this time it is so quiet. My feet began to tremble slightly, my heels also felt tingling, my hands tightly grasped both sides of my clothes, and my head was full of sweat... But I knew that this was to exercise us, so that we could bear hardships, and we must also exchange perseverance and sweat. "Time is up." Finally, this long and hard time has passed. The students wiped their sweat and began to rest under the arrangement of the instructor

In the afternoon, we also carried out the task of standing in military posture, which was much better than that in the morning. Although our feet were still sore, sweat was still falling down, and the sun was still relentless, we persevered and overcame the difficulties.

Military training is like a gourmet jar, which can feel sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty. It also gives me courage and perseverance to go on and overcome all difficulties.

Experience in Military Training 600 (9)

Military training is the first class in the university. There is strict discipline, tension and laughter in this class. The hot sun is baking the earth and our bodies. These days are like centuries of hardship for me. I really want to find a reason for myself to escape. The instructor taught us to do everything possible to overcome all difficulties, complete all tasks and win all honors. My mind began to change. Getting into college does not mean getting through once and for all. In life, there are many gateways to pass, many responsibilities to fight against, and many obligations to do. University is only the first step in the long march. The idea that ships arrive at docks and vehicles arrive at stations and weapons are put into storage by Ma Fangnanshan is not healthy for the growth of contemporary college students.

Military training is not only a test of our body, but also a test of our will. At the same time, it improves our ideological level and team spirit. The sword edge comes from the sharpening. Plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold. People grow up in constant training, just like a small tree that can become a towering tree after experiencing wind and rain, I was deeply impressed by the soldiers' temperament and steel like will, as described in the lyrics of a military song: it is stronger to return iron than steel. In our military training, we soldiers and students learned a lot about military life, experienced the hardships of soldiers, and felt the heroic spirit of soldiers. They shoulder the responsibility of defending the country, and enjoy the hardships. The instructor said: "I regret being a soldier for two years, and I regret not being a soldier for a lifetime.".

The dedication and selflessness of the soldiers deeply touched each of us. Our new class teacher explained to us the things we should pay attention to in life to prepare for our future study and life. The counselors and teachers looked after us like big brothers. There are bitter tears, bitter and salty sweat, fluttering songs, and happy laughter. These are like eternal notes beating endlessly. We are full, we are happy, and pain and fatigue have turned into beauty and sweetness.

Experience in Military Training 600 (10)

In the afternoon of August 25, 2020, the bus arrived at the fire training base. Military training is one of the compulsory courses in senior high school, and it is also the first lesson for freshmen in senior high school. Military training is to train like soldiers and feel their life. God doesn't care about us. As soon as they got off the bus, it began to rain heavily. The first task of military training was to get wet.

The raindrops rolled down the brim of the straw hat, and the rain fell down one by one, then became bigger and capricious. The recruits were still standing upright, although their clothes were wet and close to their bodies, they did not dare to ignore them. The grinding training is going on quietly. Guided by the rain, the recruits completed the 30 minute startup task.

After a short stay at home, as an injured person, I walked between the meeting place and the canteen. It's only a minute's journey from the meeting place to the canteen, but it's a long journey for me, who is inconvenient. Fortunately, the weather was good, which did not exacerbate the situation. I have left the team and am limping along the road. When I watched the Haichuang recruits marching at a regular pace, I suddenly felt like an "alien", as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at me, and I was embarrassed. It's like I wear simple short sleeves and jeans to a party, while others wear gorgeous evening dresses. This situation forced me to quicken my pace. Before the military training, the head teacher told us that the instructor was the most responsible instructor, and of course, it would turn sour when it reached our students. However, "Go slowly. It's OK. When you meet the pool, go around." The voice came from behind me. Very warm, brushed away the restlessness in my heart. Those big and deep eyes left a deep impression on me. I am very grateful to the instructor who has always accompanied me, comforted me when I was embarrassed, and gave me a different military training experience.

At this moment, I hold a pen in my hand and write my inner music. Although I can't really participate in military training, I also have different tastes. Military training is still in progress. I hope Haichuang recruits will stick to the end and meet the glory of victory!

Experience in Military Training 600 (11)

Following the bright sunshine, we came to Yali Experimental Middle School to start the hard and exciting military training. At 8 o'clock, all the classes gathered on the playground on time to have a rest and begin our first day of military training.

After the super strength training in the morning and afternoon, the students did not flinch because of their pettiness, and relied on their strong willpower to tide over difficulties one after another. Although everyone has suffered psychologically, the physical reaction is constantly telling the word "tired"!

First of all, we practiced standing posture, and then we stood, except that the waist should be straight, the legs should be straight, and the head should be raised high. Therefore, under the scorching sun, many students began to sweat. Most of the students' sweat even flowed into their eyes, seriously affecting their vision, but each student still insisted on standing upright and motionless, Later, our deputy head teacher, Mr. Chen, felt really distressed and took a tissue to gently try to remove their sweat. Of course, I am also "tired". Although I am not sweating, my feet and ankles are sore. The taste of soreness spreads from my feet to my whole body, and then I even stand until my knees bend. My legs are shaking all the time. But I am glad that I have persevered.

Later, we also carried out relaxation, cross standing, squatting and other training. But these are the last words. I think that although standing posture at the beginning is a basic skill, it is also the hardest and most tiring. I have learned that all success should be based on a good foundation, and basic skills are the most important.

Finally, the instructor concluded that the next two days would be more bitter and tired, but I was a little excited. I believe that we are a group of petrels. Even if the storm comes again, we will become more and more brave. We will walk forward without hesitation in the face of the wind and waves, and greet the joy of success with a smile. Isn't this what a middle school student should do?

I believe that no matter how difficult we may encounter in the future, as long as we recall this military training, all difficulties will be solved.

Experience in Military Training 600 (12)

Autumn is the harvest season. The wheat grows golden through efforts; Small trees grow stronger through efforts; Farmers harvest hope through hard work; We learned what persistence is and how to grow through military training.

Although military training is hard and tiring, it exercises our bodies, strengthens our sense of unity, increases our instruction literacy, and improves our ability to be independent. Therefore, this military training, I dare say that our suffering is not in vain, and our sweat is not in vain.

As the saying goes, body is the capital of revolution. We have just entered the university, and we are confident and energetic to devote ourselves to university study. University is different from high school and junior high school. It talks about the combination of experience and practice. Imagine how we can complete our college courses if we don't have a strong physique. So military training has cultivated our good exercise habits.

One song sings well: unity is strength. Yes, I learned unity and cooperation in the days of military training; Clean and carry water together. Our laughter flowed everywhere during the rest on the training ground.

At the same time, the army also arranged national defense education courses for us. It is because we have learned more about the national conditions of the world and China. It has greatly enhanced our sense of mission as Chinese people. It has set the right goal and direction for us.

Living in the honey pot, we are like little princesses at home, lacking the ability of independence. A week of military training taught us the ability to handle affairs independently. It eliminates the pettiness developed at home and adds a bit of military fortitude. On the training ground, from being afraid of dirt and fatigue at the beginning to being able to walk in the dust without frowning; From being picky and anorexic at home to what you eat after training. All this shows the great role of military training. It affects not only our military training life for one week, but also our three years of university and even our future life.

Thanks for the military training, which gave us the opportunity to exercise. Thank you for giving us the conditions for growth. Thank the drillmaster for giving us meticulous care.

Although the military training has passed, we always remember the essence of the military: unity, tension, seriousness and liveliness.

Experience in Military Training 600 (13)

The military training is over. Looking at the two suntanned arms, you can remember the sweat under the scorching sun. But sweat can't drown all my memories, because there are more things to enrich me. I remember when the military training started, it seemed so silent, and it didn't waste too much time for me to be mentally prepared to deal with it. In such five days, little by little gains gradually branded in my memory.

The content of military training may be monotonous. Every day I do the same action, complaining that my sweat has been wasted for several feet. Under the guidance of the instructor's standard, I slowly found that my usual habits and those of my classmates were so awkward. It is always difficult to correct mistakes. The scorching sun seems to burn every inch of its own skin in order to punish our children with bad habits. However, the power of hard work is huge, and mistakes will not last forever. Although there is still a gap between teachers and teachers, progress is in everyone's eyes.

Military training is not always boring. Every day's military songs are the regulators of monotonous military training. The "primitive roar" heard in the military song is the sound of laughter. Every trace of laughter can awaken the body to collapse.

Military training is not only a training of behavior, but also a deepening of spirit and thought. Facing the dazzling sunshine, every day begins like this. Tired after a day, I found that there was another kind of life outside the cool air-conditioned room; Let me find that I am still very young. The soaking of sweat needs patience, the baking of the hot sun needs patience, and the occasional hunger also needs patience. It seems that everything needs patience constantly. In this imperceptible patience, the underlying strength was gradually dug out. In the last few days, almost everyone can finish the day's training with a smiling face.

There are many people we should thank in military training. We would like to thank the instructors, who sweat more than we do; We work hard, and instructors work harder than us. It was they who let us see the appearance of a real soldier. I can clearly remember the command of the drillmaster in our ears.

The most unforgettable is the teacher. In five days, the teacher followed us like a shadow.

Experience in Military Training 600 (14)

The summer vacation has finally passed, and the long-awaited high school life has also followed. When starting high school life, the first thing to do is to welcome military training.

In the high school military training, it was very hard and tired, but it was a kind of life experience, a good opportunity to defeat yourself and exercise your will. Although there were untold ups and downs in my heart, the instructor patiently guided me over and over again instead of severely reprimanding me in the scorching sun. On the training ground, there are not only our neat steps, but also our loud slogans and our loud military songs.

Success is more likely to be achieved by tempering tenacity through sweat: the persistence gained through tears will one day disappear with time. Like a soldier, I experienced the tenacity of iron and honed the will of steel. Although knowing tomorrow is still a mystery, a strong heart can see tomorrow more clearly. I think of many difficulties in life. As long as I have a strong will and firm belief, I will be able to defeat myself.

During the military training, I laughed and cried. Today, I experienced wind and rain, and bear the hardships. Tomorrow, I welcome the beautiful rainbow. Bitter, I cherish the sweet now. Tired, I experienced the pleasure of exceeding the physical limit. Military training has taught me how to face setbacks, how to overcome difficulties in the future life, how to overcome difficulties, how to achieve self-control, self love, self-care, self-improvement, go out of their own sunshine road, and create their own sky.

Standing in military posture gives me infinite perseverance. The practice of turning around reflects the active and agile thinking of human beings and the greatness of collectivism. No river or sea can be formed without accumulating water. Without the efforts of each of us, it is impossible to have a complete and high-quality team. Each action of the training made me deeply realize the strength of unity, cooperation and the importance of team spirit. I believe that it will benefit me for life, no matter where I am.

Experience in Military Training 600 (15)

Military training is a new life challenge for every new high school freshman. This 6-day military training has become my unforgettable memory.

Military training taught me to bear hardships. In my heart, I often recite the slogan of "bleeding, sweating and not crying", which is what kind of perseverance in life! Flowing clouds float over the sky above the training base, and the sun is still confused. In the scorching sun, we were all sweating. Although we often had water to replenish, the big sweat still flowed from our forehead to our cheeks one after another, and then fell gently on everyone's coat, so the white T-shirts were soon soaked with sweat. However, despite the scorching sun, each of us did not retreat. When we stood in the military posture, we did not move, Really reached the state of standing like a loose.

Military training has taught me unity. "Unity is strength" sings our hearts and our friendship. In the hard training process, everyone's every move not only represents an individual, but also represents the image of Class Five. Therefore, at this time, learning to unite is the first step to success.

Military training gave me confidence again. I was hesitant to do things before, and I clearly recognized myself in the hard military training life. It turned out that as long as I had confidence and insisted that I was the best, I could do everything perfectly, even if it was a difficult task, I would do it well and splendidly.

Although it was only six days of military training, I learned, learned, and had a lot. This may be my first perfect and full lesson in the Third Affiliated High School! I believe that in the future, I will carry forward the fine quality and style inherited in military training, and strive to improve myself. I hope to give parents, teachers and myself a satisfactory answer in high school study.

Experience in Military Training 600 (16)

On the morning of August 27, we set out in the heavy rain!

We are going to the military training. Everyone starts out with curiosity, while I have a kind of respect and curiosity: what does the military camp look like? How hard will our training be? How tired? Which army is our drillmaster? Will they be strict with us? A series of questions appeared in my mind. I am looking forward to military training and even more to military camp life. I got off the bus thinking about it.

We are passionate and ready to find a true self here. We live on the 9th floor and are very tall. It takes a lot of energy to go upstairs. However, I said to myself, "Come on! I will do it!" We came here to train us. It's no big deal to go upstairs. After the military training mobilization conference, we began to train. Our training was much harder than I expected. Our instructors were from the People's Armed Forces, and the armed forces trained harder than the normal army forces. Therefore, the instructors' requirements for us were also stricter than those of other companies. When we didn't practice well, the instructor asked us to squat down. Several times we were about to shed tears. However, I held back because our battalion leader said, "Men have gold under their knees, and they don't fall behind if they lose their skin or their flesh. Tears in the barracks are not worth money, and blood and sweat don't shed tears." I had to be strong, so I just gritted my teeth and survived. I am homesick in the dormitory. My roommates have been having a good time. I also calm down and play with them to enjoy the happiness. Our military training is both bitter and sweet.

On our way to military training, the instructor also played with us, and we trained together in happiness. Our head teacher told us during the military training that each company can select four pacesetters, and I really want to be a pacesetter, so I have been training hard these days, and I try to do my best. Although I do not do so well, I also try my best. I hope my efforts will not be wasted.

My efforts were not in vain. I became a pacesetter. When I came to the stage to receive the award certificate, my heart was very excited. My eyes showed the joy of success and the light of victory. I became a pacesetter, my heart is very happy, my efforts in these days have not been in vain!

I attach great importance to the military training these days. I want to exercise myself and temper my will. I think that after such hard military training, I have persevered. What's the hardship of returning to school? I will work hard to be a pillar of the motherland.

My understanding of this military training is that we must do a good job and work hard if we don't do a good job. Even if we encounter difficulties, we will not shrink back. Persistence is victory. As long as we work hard, we will succeed. We should also work hard on learning. We should face learning with a positive attitude. As long as we study hard, we can solve even if not. We should think hard, then what problems will not be solved?

This military training has deep feelings and insights for me. I hope there will be military training in the future, and I will actively participate in it and work hard!

Experience in Military Training 600 (17)

In the twinkling of an eye, the third day of military training has come. Under the instruction of instructors, the team spirit of Class 17 Senior High School has gradually been established, and everyone's hearts have gradually gathered together. Both the orderliness and momentum have been significantly improved, which makes me feel very happy as their senior.

This morning, under the early morning rain, the site became a bit wet, but the sky was very clear, and the temperature was quite comfortable, making people feel that it was a day suitable for military training. The military training at 8 o'clock started on time, and everyone stood in a more energetic posture than the previous two days. The body stood very straight, and the eyes were also fierce looking ahead. They learned the mental outlook of soldiers, which represents a great opportunity to win glory for the country in the future! Then I learned to walk in unison. At the beginning, everyone was inevitably not very orderly, but after a lot of training, we overcame this difficulty and walked very orderly, which is very gratifying! Although it was raining heavily in the afternoon, the students still did not give up their training. They went to a place with rain cover to practice running, and also overcame this difficulty. Whether it was sunny, windy or rainy, they also braved to face the difficulties and overcome them. They are worthy of being the descendants of Chinese soldiers! In the evening, my partner and I taught them the slogan of singing and the importance of momentum, and their reaction was also quite positive. The whole class gathered together and vowed to pull the opposite side down, so that they wouldn't have any temper!

But when they were studying at night, they were very curious and had not yet started their classes. They could not wait to advance to the sea of new knowledge. So were some students who were rude on the surface, the so-called rough with fine!

I will seriously take charge of my work and lead them to a higher level. I believe they will also carry forward their spirit of unremitting efforts and hard work and build themselves into better new middle school students!

Experience of Military Training 600 (18)

In August, when the osmanthus is fragrant, the flowers are blooming, the clouds are rolling and the clouds are relaxing, and everything is so energetic. When we are young, we are naturally unwilling to lag behind. With excitement, we embarked on the long-awaited military training trip, and wrote our wonderful youth with sweat.

I stepped on the bus, took off my luggage, and walked to the instructor. Everything was so familiar. I felt a rush again, as if I had returned to the first day of the junior high school. The past military training life was vivid, and our hearts were shouting, and our blood was boiling. We firmly believe that we will work harder and better than before.

The whole earth seemed to be covered by steamers in the scorching heat, emitting huge heat. The students were serious, obeyed the instructor's instructions, immediately made actions, stood in good posture, faced the front with eyes and lips tight, as if the enemy were in front. Even if the sun is dazzling, the firm eyes are still staring at the front, and the big sweat drips down one after another, we do not shrink or move.

At that time, there was only one belief in our hearts: persevere, persevere, and persistence is victory. We should sweat heartily and strive to surpass ourselves.

Here we learn the rigor of soldiers, feel the strict discipline, and understand the high standards and strict requirements to achieve amazing results. On the training ground is our upright posture, and on the runway is our neat and powerful step. The baking of the scorching sun will not dim our firm eyes, the baptism of the rainstorm will not make our orderly and powerful steps a bit messy, and the criticism of the drillmaster will not make our heart to persevere in the end a bit relaxed.

In this way, we are not afraid of hard training every day. Sometimes we complain about the teacher's reprimand, bad weather, and high intensity requirements. But when we think about our study life in the next three years of high school and the dreams we have firmly in our hearts, we become energetic and ambitious again.

Just as a young man is in his prime, full of scholarly spirit, and full of chivalry, the seven day military training is just a new starting point, and more unknown and difficult things are waiting for us to explore and challenge. After the baptism of military training, I believe that every day in the future, we will firmly believe, tenacious struggle, bloom vitality, and harvest success.

Experience in Military Training 600 (19)

Time flies like a fleeting horse. In a twinkling of an eye, the five-day military training life has ended.

Although I was very tired during the five days of military training, when this was the first step I really took towards growth, I would like to thank the instructor who taught us first. He taught me to bear hardships and stand hard work. In the five days of military training, the weather of the first two days was still good, but the next two days were more rainy and less sunny, so there was not much time for training. Although every student in our class was very tired, he could not drive away our final determination to win in any case, because each of us was confident of winning first.

How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, it's the last drill. After the drill, when the school principal won the top three classes, he first read that the third place was Class 1, and then when the second place was Class 4, I silently read in my heart: the first place must be our Class 2, and we must be Class 2. When the headmaster announced that the first place was our Class 2, our whole class cheered and applauded loudly. When the commendation is over, we hold the instructor and ask him not to leave. Then we all went back to the classroom. After we returned to the classroom, we took a group photo with the instructor and sang a farewell song to the instructor. The song we sang was three times in total, and we only sang it once. If we wanted to sing it again, I think we would cry. When the instructor walked off the platform, some students saw his eyes red, If we want to sing again, we will really cry.

In fact, the first prize is our gift to instructors!

Instructor, please remember that you once led the students of Class (2) of Chengnan Middle School!

Although we only got along with our instructor for a short period of five days, our feelings between us are already very deep! Instructor, we can't bear to part with you!

Part II

In the golden autumn of September, our first graders from No. 17 Middle School had a four-day military training in the Children's Park. Soldiers have always had an irreplaceable sacred position in my mind, because they are not afraid of hardship and fatigue. I admire their spirit to the ground. When I grow up, they have the same spirit of hard work.

Entering the Children's Park, we continued to enter the team amid the whistle of the instructor. The instructor announced: the first is to stand at attention. "Isn't it standing? What's the difficulty?" I thought to myself. The drillmaster seemed to see through our thoughts and said to us, "Don't laugh at the need to stand at attention! For example, hold your head up, look straight ahead, and keep your middle finger close to your pants line..." The drillmaster said so much in one breath. "Mommy! There are so many requirements for standing at attention!" I thought to myself. When I saw other students, I was also surprised. It seems that standing at attention is really not easy!

"Standing at attention" followed the drillmaster's loud voice. We all stood up reluctantly. The class immediately fell silent, and the sweat on the forehead trickled down one by one, forming a "stream". My neck was straight and my legs were sour. When my hands were slightly off my pants, the instructor slapped me. It was really unpleasant! I felt that I was going to fall down many times, but when I saw the drillmaster's serious expression, I held back. The time is so long. It's like a year. The old man of time seems to be playing tricks on us. It's really painful!

Then we had a line up exercise, and the instructor showed us many times, but we never reached the goal. Seeing the drillmaster's standard posture, we all felt extremely envious. After a day of training, we felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't even lift our legs.

After 4 days of military training, I finally felt the quality of hard work of the PLA. When I grow up, I also want to be an excellent and qualified PLA.

Part III

At the beginning of school, we ushered in the first lesson of the new semester - military training. Military training is mysterious and strange to me, and I am curious about it. On the first night of military training, I lay in bed tossing and turning for a long time and couldn't sleep. I always wondered what military training was like? Will training be terrible?

I remember that on the first day of military training, we came to the school playground and saw the instructor of our class. He stood upright, had a pair of bright eyes, a blue military uniform, and a wide belt around his waist, shining in the sun. "What a Chinese soldier!" I couldn't help sighing. What impressed me most was standing in the military posture. The instructor said to us seriously: "In standing in the military posture, you should raise your head, straighten your chest, close your stomach, look straight ahead, place your thumb on the second joint of your index finger, place your middle finger close to the pants seam, clamp your hands, close your heels, keep your toes about 60 degrees apart, and lean forward. Now stand in the military posture for 20 minutes.". As soon as the words ended, we quickly followed the instructor's instructions and stood still on the playground. I thought happily to myself: "It's only 20 minutes. It seems that it's not as terrible as I imagined." Time went by minute by minute. The 20 minutes that usually passed quickly seemed to be as long as 20 days today. My hands were tired, my legs were numb, and I felt as if I had been filled with lead. I really want to relax my body. At that time, even a second or two of activity would make me feel comfortable and enjoy. When I thought of this, my hands slowly relaxed. "Wow, it's so easy." I thought, and suddenly a loud cry came from my ear, "Clamped hands!" I was shocked. I thought I was found. Huh, it was someone else. Suddenly, I involuntarily clamped my hands, thinking: "It seems that I can't be lucky!" I bit my teeth when I thought of this, Finally, he persisted until the end of training.

Military training has taught us how to be a man, how to bear hardships and stand hard work, how to meet challenges, and how to grasp the scale of freedom and discipline. Military training is both an opportunity and a challenge for us to increase our talents. This requires us to learn, refine and sharpen with our hearts. After 5 days of military training, I deeply realized that we should be strict with ourselves in everything we do, and we should not relax ourselves.