Listen to the Heart (19 refined articles)
losers are always in the wrong
2024-04-07 01:41:32
Junior 1

Listen to the Heart (1)

Once upon a time, I hesitated among various opinions and could not find the way forward; Once upon a time, I was confused in the words of others, lacking a pair of eyes to find beauty and wings to fly away from confusion; Once upon a time, I didn't have the courage to stick to it or listen to it, and I didn't have a piece of light in my heart to illuminate the way ahead, but I didn't flinch because the road was dim... friend! Don't take discouragement as an obstacle on the way forward. Please listen to the call of your heart for truth, goodness and beauty, and let the light of your heart guide you!

Yes, listen to the call of the heart! Turning to history, you will see that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty had to break his family and die without good advice. Xiang Yu was besieged on all sides without listening to Fan Zeng's advice. When you close the window of your heart and no longer communicate with the outside world, you will be closed in your mind, sad, and never feel the freedom to fly in the blue sky of life!

Your heart is murmuring when you are sad; You smile, your heart is singing. Other people's criticism and criticism will only reflect your courage and measurement. As long as you have a clear conscience, your steps will be more stable. Listen attentively to the advice of others, or charming praise? When it is difficult to fill in the cravings, choose endless self expansion, or a maxim - "If you don't want, you will be just" As long as you stick to the expectations of the light of the heart for dreams, it will always guide you in the most correct direction.

Listen to the call of your heart! Don't pretend to be indifferent. Please give your feet a motive force to move forward and let them go far away. friend! We don't give up, let alone admit defeat. Please believe that if you have the light of your heart to guide you, your life will be smooth!

Listen to the call of the soul, and let life always be sunny!

Listen to the Heart (2)

My name is Susan. I work at the information desk. People often call "105" to ask me what time it is, what the weather will be like tomorrow, and the departure time of the train

But that day when I was working at the information office, I received an unusual call. A little boy got through the phone and cried that his hand had been hit by a hammer. So I thought about it and said to her, "Can you get the ice in the refrigerator? If you can get it, put the ice into the sink and put the injured hand into the ice." There was no sound in the microphone, I think he did it my way. After a while, the little boy came to me and said that his fingers really did not hurt. I felt sweet when I listened to his tender voice.

Since then, I became good friends with the little boy. He often asked me many things, such as "how to calculate the area of a rectangle", "where is the first time in Spain", "how to spell the word" repair "". I always patiently explained to him. He told me his name was Tommy, and I also told him my name was Susan. "Information office" is the secret language calling me.

One day, Tommy told me that his beloved canary sang every day, but why didn't he move? I thought for a moment, and then said to Tommy, "Do you know that this lovely bird is going to sing in another world." Tommy believed my words after listening to it.

Ten years later, I received an unusual phone call again. The person on the phone said to me, "Susan, can you tell me how to spell the word 'repair'?" I suddenly remembered the child ten years ago, and said, "I hope your fingers are better." We both laughed. He told me how important it was to do everything for him when he was a child, He also said that he would come back to meet me again. I was very excited, but I was getting worse day by day, so I wrote a piece of paper to Tommy and told my colleague that if a person named Tommy called, I would pass this sentence on to Tommy, and I thought he would understand.

It said: Tommy, I'm going to sing in another world.

Listen to the Heart (3)

Fill your hurried steps and have more time to taste the art around you. A song, a picture, a handicraft. A dance lets us listen to the art around us with our hearts. That is a beautiful song. That, the euphemistic and melodious sounds of nature. That is fascinating, indulging in the music of dreams. More time to feel music, more time to enjoy the sounds of nature, more time to dissipate sadness.

"If pride is not captured by the current sea, we will always know how hard we must work to reach the distance. If the dream has not fallen off the cliff, it is a close call, how can small persistent people have invisible wings".

With the hurried pace, people go to work early and come back at night. People forget the art around them, forget the sounds of nature, and forget to talk about their feelings. That hurried pace, every morning to work and night to and fro back. Became the "culprit" who forgot the art around him

Fan Weiqi's "Initial Dream", let's enjoy both refined and popular tastes, to taste her voice of nature, and indulge in the song where I want to go. This song encourages me and encourages me. As long as the dream lasts, it will come true. Comfort me when I failed. I like this song very much. I sing "Art" for 15 minutes every day.

Fill your hurried steps and have more time to taste the art around you. A song, a picture, a handicraft. A dance lets us listen to the art around us with our hearts. That is a beautiful song. That, the euphemistic and melodious sounds of nature. That is fascinating, indulging in the music of dreams. More time to feel music, more time to enjoy the sounds of nature, more time to dissipate sadness.

Listen to the Heart (4)

"Cuckoo, Cuckoo" The beautiful song of the cuckoo bird came out from the quiet mountains... "Tick, tick, tick" The beautiful music of the rain drop baby came out from the white earth... "Quack, quack" The cheerful loud voice of the frog came out from the quiet fields. The most beautiful voice in the world is just like this, but I heard a music performance that shocked my heart... When I was young, I was fascinated by the old telephone at home. As time passed by, I knew that there was an elf living in it.

One day I was hit by a hammer on my finger. He told the elf. She asked me to apply it with ice, and it really didn't hurt at once. In the days to come, I would secretly chat with the elf and ask her something, such as the death of the canary, the capital of Spain, and so on. I know his real name: Susan. I also told her my name: Tommy.

When I grow up, I want to know Susan, who is like my second mother. So I dialed the phone and chatted with her again.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Susan died

After reading it, I can't help thinking a lot. What I can't forget in my mind is Susan's words to Tommy before she died: Tommy, I'm going to sing in another world. Yes, another world, a world called heaven or hell. In people's words, good people will go to heaven. Susan must be looking at Tommy in the corner of the sky. She remembered that Susan had given her mother's love to a child she had never met before, until she died. After his death, he made Tommy optimistic about life. As the saying goes, when you give roses to others, you will find a lingering fragrance in your hands. As long as you call your heart with your heart and embrace love with love, the world will be more beautiful.
The world is full of love, such as the Wenchuan earthquake

I remember that one mother was buried under the ruins. When the ambulance found her, she had stopped breathing. But people soon found a child sleeping under her eagle like arms. The rescuers immediately rescued the child. At this time, everyone was crying. It turned out that the mother sent a message to her son: "Dear baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you"... Susan is the same to Tommy, and so is the mother to her children. Love has occupied their hearts

The most beautiful voice in the world is not just the word "voice", but the moving voice from the heart - love

Listen to the Heart (5)

A sunny morning

Pleasant breath calls dreamer

Staring at the new signs alone


A scenic spot integrated into nature

Noon with interlaced sound sources

The crisp tone ripples beside your ears

Sing the melody of success alone

Place of investment.

The night when the stars fall

Shining light shines on the eyelids

Think about the ideal navigation alone


Send away the light of this day

Listen to the Heart (6)

Early autumn is dusk. The sky is full of intoxicating shrimp red, and where the water and sky meet in the bleak autumn wind, there is only a touch of sunset and solitary geese flying together. The tip of the leaf is already yellow and falling leaves. Growing alone in the deep forest, listening to the bell of the heart.

Beauty! Melodious! It seems that there is no word to describe this scene. The chirps of several kinds of animals are intertwined with the swaying of the leaves. In the chaos, there is silence, and in the silence, there is a sense of mystery, just like a landscape without any decoration, which is also mixed with the mystery and harmony of nature.

Touch the scenery, love comes from the heart. How can one not indulge in such beautiful scenery on such a long day? It seems that all the troubles and unhappiness are turned into smoke, and quietly disappear with the wind. The beauty of harmony and ease is irresistible. In a trance, a melodious bell reverberated in the valley, lingering in the ear.

Clear your mind, and retreat from the refreshing bell and flower fragrance, while the rest still has the faint fragrance of vegetation.

Recall the mystery of being alone in the deep forest, but think of Li Bai, the "Poetry Immortal". "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky". Li Bai also admired the beauty of Lushan Mountain. The beauty of nature lies in it!

Remembering the harmony of being alone in the deep forest, I also remember Tao Yuanming, "Mr. Wuliu". "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". Instead of bowing down to five bushels of rice, you are willing to pursue the beauty of nature in the countryside. You can plant chrysanthemums in the morning and pick them in the evening. Who would not want to pursue such a comfortable life.

Remembering the comfort of being alone in the deep forest, I think of the "Su Shi", a hermit in Dongpo. After being demoted, he was helpless and melancholy, and he was calm and stable in the natural beauty. The beauty of nature will always let people relax their troubles, pursue nature, pursue ease, and enjoy the beauty!

It is the wish of the ancient people and also my expectation to pursue the harmony and ease of nature, explore the mystery of nature and stand aloof from the world.

"The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk". Looking at the sky, the setting sun is just behind the sky, and everything is quiet. Only the bell is still reverberating in the deep forest valley.

Meet in nature, meet in the bell of the soul.

Listen to the Heart (7)

Listen to the dream, listen to the dream;

Listen to the deep valley and spring, listen to the foam gathering and dispersing;

Listen to the beautiful songs of orioles and birds and the happy words of roses;

Listen to the beauty of the song, listen to the dream of the heart;

Listen to rain tears, listen to sincere poetry;

People, listen -- listen with your heart;

Let the weak become strong, let the confused no longer waste time.

Listen to the Heart (8)

In today's red light and green wine, when the prosperity is exhausted, people come and go, and have already drifted with the tide. Who ever listened to the pure cry of the soul.

"Wise men use their hearts to monitor their bodies, while fools use their bodies to monitor their hearts" is a very popular signature on the Internet. When everyone sees this sentence, they think they are wise men. They despise this sentence with a smile, but do not know that at that moment, they have entered the list of fools.

"Is the pure cry of the soul drowned? Is it forgotten by people?" Thinking of this, a beautiful song attracted me to the past. I listened carefully to this song, every note and every melody, full of confidence and courage to never give up. The voice gradually stopped. I came to the singer, wearing a pair of black glasses and holding my favorite yellow guitar. I didn't look like a wandering singer in my dress. Maybe I have been watching him for a long time. He found me and looked at me and smiled. I asked him: "Are you a wandering singer?" He shook his head and said with a smile: "I am a person who pursues dreams." Later, he walked with his guitar and looked at his leaving figure. There was a strange admiration.

Later, I heard that he was a rich second generation, and his family was very rich, but he resolutely gave up inheriting his father's property, ran away from home, and was willing to live a poor life, only because of the cry in his heart that he would fight for his dream and realize his dream. When I think of this, my mouth is slightly raised. Although the world is prosperous, there are always some extraordinary people who simply listen to their own heart's cry. Such people are the most kind of God.

Dear friends, let's put our ears to our hearts and listen to what we really want. Don't be confused by tall buildings, red bricks and green tiles. To do so, we should be true to ourselves: pure ourselves, a person who is willing to listen to the decisions of the heart.

Listen to the Heart (9)

Have you ever heard the call of the soul when you are lonely and helpless? When you are sad, have you ever heard the call of your heart? Have you ever heard the call of the heart when you were in shock? Have you ever heard the call of the soul when you are entangled? Is honor or honesty important to you? Listen to your heart

Never be depressed when you are lonely, helpless, sad, disconcerted, and tangled. Look, at the other end of the world, listen to the call of the heart!

I remember when I was in the third and fourth grades, I got 99 points in a math test. At that time, I was already a little aloof. It was because I was aloof that I did not review at all in that month. As a result, unexpectedly, another exam was held. Because I didn't review at all, the score dropped to 79, which made me start to fantasize. How to make the right moral choice? How to choose, whether to sign for parents or not? I thought to myself. Where will the balance of morality lean? This is what I think all the time, which makes me restless and uneasy.

"Do I say it or not?" My heart is in conflict. " Yes, maybe my father will beat me and scold me... Well, if I don't tell him, maybe he won't know my 'failure'... But if I don't tell him, I will betray my conscience... Tell him that he will be beaten and scolded, or don't tell me... No, if I don't tell him, I can't get by myself... "It seems that there are two elves fighting in my heart, but in the end, I still chose to tell my parents.

"Bang", the door opened, and my father came in. I could not control my mood all the time, so I had to walk towards my father. I gave the exam paper to my father and whispered, "I only got 79 points this time!" I closed my eyes tightly and never dared to look up at him. Maybe I would feel more secure if I hit me a few times. However, he didn't. He just asked me to sit down and patiently teach me these questions

I listened to the call of my heart, which led me to the light and balanced my first Libra. At the other end of the world, there is an unobtrusive elf, which is the soul. Let's listen to the call of the heart!

Listen to the Heart (10)

what? Susan's gone? When I heard the news, my expression immediately became depressed. The microphone slipped from my hand and fell to the ground with a bang. I slumped down on the ground and cried like a child. After a while, I got up. I thought sadly: Susan, why did you leave me so soon and go to another world alone! If you are like this, I won't have a good friend to talk to! You are so considerate. You gave me the warmth of my mother when I needed help most in my childhood. But why did you leave me like this! God, why are you so unfair to her! If you lose her, you will lose a person who listens to children's heart with heart, and a person who helps children with love. You are so kind, how can you keep her away from me? Am I right? God, I beg you, let her live! I ran home quickly, doing over and over again, "Pour the ice in the refrigerator into the kitchen sink, pick up another one and put it on my finger and touch the cage of the original canary", and kept shouting "Susan, Susan...". After a long time, I suppressed my sadness and called the information desk to ask the woman to read the message on the note again. Immediately, the words came from the other end of the phone: Tommy, I'm going to sing in another world. When I slept at night, I had a dream. In the dream, Susan was using his sweet voice to solve problems for me, which made me laugh. I woke up in the laughter. Susan, Susan, where are you? I'm going to sing in another world. The next morning, after having breakfast, I quit my present job and decided to be a "elf" like Susan. Be a person who listens to the voice of children with heart and helps children with love.

Listen to the Heart (11)

There is a voice in the world that still rises in the heart when everything is quiet - that is, the voice of your own heart. There is a language in the world that you and I are familiar with although you have never said it - that is your own heart language.

When I let go of all things, when my heart is silent and I listen carefully to my heart, I suddenly feel that I am not as strong as I imagined, even a little lonely and cowardly. Everyone actually has two ears. One is to face the noise outside, and the other is to listen to his own voice. Everyone has two pairs of eyes. One looks at the prosperity outside, and the other looks at his heart. The voice of his heart is a wonderful voice, like the voice of birds, the voice of stars, the voice of mountains, the voice of the sea, and the voice of his heart is always the most beautiful in this world.

It is my character to do what I agree with in my heart and say what I should say in my heart. Although it is said to be casual, it is really my choice. Zhuangzi lives in seclusion in the mountains and is often forced by life to fish for a living, but he still lives a leisurely and refined life. He dreams of turning into a butterfly, but I don't know who turned into who. When officials and coins are placed in front of Zhuangzi, he "ignores". This is his choice. There must be people in the world who laugh at Zhuangzi's foolishness, but they don't know who is. Chuang Tzu listens to his heart and feels life with heart. "Ignoring the pole" is just his extraordinary performance and his understanding of heart. Otherwise, how could Tao Yuanming have the leisure of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the Nanshan Mountain leisurely"; How can there be Li Bai's elegant free and easy way of "laughing up to the sky and going out, we are not Penghao people". Choose your own heart to go on, I feel that this way of living is particularly practical, I feel that this way of living is not tired, I feel that this way of living is not sad, I feel that this way of living is happy and happy.

I like standing at the corner of the street, watching people coming and going, and sighing about the vanity of the world. I also like to pick up shells at the seaside to watch the passage of time. I prefer to write my favorite words from my heart, guide with heart, and ask us to put aside our preconceptions, let go of obstacles, infect life with sincerity, impress people with sincerity, feel the little things around me with heart, and explore the meaning of life. Listen attentively to the beauty of nature, the joy of things, and the beauty of life. All things in the world can be tasted only by feeling and understanding with heart. Listen attentively, let us truly accept the things around us, let us truly feel life, let us truly realize the value of life, life comes from the heart.

Go to accept the voice of my heart, like these beautiful voices, like these real voices, they are like friends in my life who accompany me along the way. Listening to such a simple voice is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of happiness, and even a kind of happiness.

Listen to the Heart (12)

Zhang Ailing said: long is suffering, short is life.

In the face of the bumpy and winding road of life, some people can't bear the busy old dreams and fleeting years, and choose to sink in the noisy voice, playing with the mediocre life at random; Some people, however, bravely obey the call of the soul from afar, and play the melody of amazing time upstream in the long river of years.

If you scan the shining celebrity list carefully with a pair of eyes, you will find that everyone who left traces in the world has explained this to us well - only by listening to the voice of the heart can you reach the holy land of your own life.

When the literati and literati broke their heads for the Nobel Prize, Thoreau came to Walden Lake quietly, describing the eternal silent lake in the history of literature; When countless tourists set out for the scenic spots, Sanmao came to the desert and wrote many unprecedented works; When people around were busy bending down to pick up sixpence on the floor, Stukelen in Maugham's pen looked up and saw the moon; All of them took faith as the rudder and Mingzhi as the sail to sail a journey of soul collision, burning the river of history.

Listening to your inner voice also means not being influenced by others' slander. Schwarzenegger has always harbored the dream of being elected President of the United States since he was small, thin and sickly. From bodybuilder to governor of the United States, and then to the king of Hollywood without a crown, even though the final distance from the presidency is only one step away, this period of life, which has been going back to the end, is finally condensed into a swansong like nature, echoing in every young heart for a long time. Although he suffered too much ridicule and ridicule, he never let the noise outside disturb his belief. Instead, he kept his original intention and kept moving forward. Only then did he break away from the tough guy image on the screen and put on the "official robe" of the governor of California.

Some people are searching for the holy land of their own lives, so they are searching hard; Some people have a comfortable nest, so give up! How many people are used to let their dreams wander helplessly and their spirit become destitute. However, when you are in the busy world, will you ask yourself: what is the meaning of life? Is it to pour a bucket of cold water on reality to calm down when the dream is boiling? Is it to follow the secular voice to become one copy after another? Or firmly listen to your inner voice, to live romantically and beautifully, because of love and faith? In my opinion, if the material high-rise buildings must be built on the fragile spiritual foundation, then I would rather pursue the music in the depths of life in the eaves of willow shoots - a song of return on the heartstrings.

Why do I often have tears in my eyes? Because I love the holy land of life deeply. Listen to your inner voice and run towards the sun at six o'clock in the morning. Even if the road ahead is long and the wind and rain are going, you will finally arrive at the paradise of spring water, spring forest and peach blossom.

Listen to the Heart (13)

"How delicious!" I used to squint again, but my eyes were shining. "How cold! Even my courage to walk has disappeared! However, I am satisfied with such delicious food!" I shrunk my neck and stamped my feet.

"Girl, go to school?"

"Hmm..." I answered when I was rubbing my hands. Then I looked up at the aunt who made the egg cake: her short and medium hair up to her shoulder was mixed with a few messy silver threads; The wrinkled face at the corner of the eye shows a soft warm color against the mist and smoke rising from the stove; Skid the arc of the egg cake with both hands very skillfully, sprinkle with scallions and sauce

"Well, girl, eat while it's hot! Warm your body!" Aunt reminded me to interrupt my observation of her. I reached out to take "Yummy", said thanks, and hurried to school.

The cold wind crept into my collar without hesitation and could not help shivering. I clenched the warm egg cake in my hand, and the warmth spread from my fingertips to my whole body in an instant, which seemed to eliminate the cold. Looking back, the light smoke coiled around my aunt, but soon dissipated... Aunt, you are actually cold!

It's still such a cold day, or in front of that booth, or that aunt, or that skillful way, or that dialogue

As the days went by, my aunt was still there, but the difference was that her hands seemed swollen and red, and the hands that beat eggs would tremble slightly... Why did she set up a stall in this winter? Is life forced? Once I couldn't help asking her. She said: "It's not only to make money, but also to make it convenient for you kids who don't remember eating at home for breakfast!" I was shocked. She pulled her hair off her forehead and explained to me: "I have a daughter who often doesn't eat breakfast when she goes to school like you, especially when she goes to school hungry in winter... Since then, I have started setting up a stall. Now, she has gone to college, and I am used to going out to do breakfast every morning... I have no culture, so you should study hard!"

At the crossroads of life, we have faced such choices for countless times: love and hate, joy and sorrow, joy and pain, gain and loss... When we are in a dilemma, there is always something that someone does that will make us calm down to listen to the voice of the heart and make the right choice.

The real society makes us "mature" ahead of time, and we deeply "know" that the old people and children who beg on the roadside may come to cheat money; The old people who fell down on the sidewalk may also be deceptive... However, there are always ordinary people in the world who care about people and things around with a loving heart, just like an aunt. I can't say how great she is, but at least she obeys her heart and does ordinary things, not high profile, not show off.

"Auntie, an egg cake!" "OK, girl, wait!" The swollen hands still draw the most beautiful radian. "Well, girl, it's cold, so keep warm!" "Thank you, aunt!"

Friend, if you are lost at that fork in the road, think of the person who has no relatives or reasons with you, and think of the nagging that is warm as your mother in the cold wind, you will know that you can calm down and listen to the voice in your heart!

Listen to the Heart (14)

The past is the familiar back in memory; Now, it is the warm voice of the telephone; In the future, guard this unforgettable family relationship.

past times

When I was young, I was a naughty boy.

Whenever someone bullies me, I always say to them, "I will call Dad." Then I cry and run home to find Dad, but I always sleep sweetly under the comfort of Dad. With my father, I'm not afraid of the sky falling down.

Dad loves me so much, but he doesn't spoil me. Every quiet night, I followed him out for a walk, but he quietly walked away from me. I had to cry alone, but I had to go back by myself. When I came home with tears in my eyes, my father always came out to greet me and gave me a deep hug.

I learned how to live in this solemn father's love, and how to look up to the blue sky freely in the silent father's love.


Maybe the sky gave me so many beautiful marks, and then passed away one by one. Maybe it's because we entered the so-called adolescence. There are more and more contradictions and deeper barriers between us. Gradually, when I was alone with my father, we had nothing to say.

Such silence made me feel sad, and I knew that my father must also feel bad. But every time the exchange is less than a few words, I will quarrel with my father again. I'm confused.

On a rainy afternoon, a TV program gradually opened the lock in my heart, and I realized my mistake. Dad, forgive my ignorance.


In the future, I will try to adjust myself. Because the road ahead is still very long. I will grow up slowly. I will always think of my father and his care. I also want to constantly show my achievements and repay the deep love of my father with practical actions. I want my father to see that my daughter is growing!

My father gave me selfless fatherly love, which is the eternal touch of my life and teaches me to work hard at all times.

The familiar melody rings in my ears: I always ask for something from you, but never say thank you. I didn't know it was easy for you until I grew up. Thank you for everything you have done. I always try my best to give the best to me. The child you care about has grown up!

Listen to the Heart (15)

One flower, one world, one bird, one heaven!

In the autumn season, the yellow flowers are piled up and hurt, the autumn wind is wandering, and the blood colored setting sun is slowly engulfed by the darkness, rolling up the sorrow of injury; That window lattice, melts into the melancholy part; The windowsill was yellow and blank!

I hesitated under this sad cloud and rain, sighing with the shadow of the receding achievements, and melancholy with the cold of the large tracts!

Wandering again and again, there is no room for my own worries, where I can carve my own memories where there is no place to run aground. A gray cloud is thrown into the sky, woven into a cocoon, and I curl up in it, let the pain torment the broken heart!

A dark yellow autumn leaf flashed past my blurred eyes and hit me in the same broken dream!

However, what I can see is that a piece of deep yellow autumn leaves, like a boat floating in the middle of the river, is filled with the memories of childhood. It falls on the yellow soil, is gently blown by the autumn wind, and there are dots of dust. Then, it is held up like a baby, spinning and falling in the direct sunlight, and the bright yellow autumn wind is whistling, Like a rich and strong song in summer, fluttering autumn leaves, like a beautiful fairy tale!

I fixed my eyes on the steering wheel of time. There was liquid flowing through my heart. I felt rusty and cool. My tight eyebrows had a tendency to stretch!

I squatted down laboriously and stroked the stem of the undulating autumn leaves, which made my hands tremble. The stabbing pain on my fingertips led to a slightly broken body, which reflected the unforgettable memory and exhausted the crystal dry, beautiful like a summer quatrain!

A tear falls on my fingertip, I shake it off and hold it in my hand, solidifying it into a drop of beautiful face and an indelible memory!

The soul is shocked and moved. It is the sublimation of the spirit to the body, the extension of the soul to the body is suffused with transparent yellow, with deformity, so that the perfect soul has completed a leap, an eternity!

I slowly stood up, and my body seemed to fly. I knew that it was my soul's desire to move. The gray picture of the past was stained with orange, and the broken moment of the past turned into perfect persistence!

I came out of the cocoon with colorful clothes, which is the color of the soul!

Flying your mind in the blue sky is a kind of spirit, but also a kind of realm!

Listen to the Heart (16)

Listen to the bell of the soul in early autumn, at dusk. The sky is full of intoxicating shrimp red, and where the water and sky meet in the bleak autumn wind, there is only a touch of sunset and solitary geese flying together. The tip of the leaf is already yellow and falling leaves. Growing alone in the deep forest, listening to the bell of the heart. Beauty! Melodious! It seems that there is no word to describe this scene. The chirps of several kinds of animals are intertwined with the swaying of the leaves. In the chaos, there is silence, and in the silence, there is a sense of mystery, just like a landscape without any decoration, which is also mixed with the mystery and harmony of nature. Touch the scenery, love comes from the heart. How can one not indulge in such beautiful scenery on such a long day?

It seems that all the troubles and unhappiness are turned into smoke, and quietly disappear with the wind. The beauty of harmony and ease is irresistible. In a trance, a melodious bell reverberated in the valley, lingering in the ear. Clear your mind, and retreat from the refreshing bell and flower fragrance, while the rest still has the faint fragrance of vegetation. Recall the mystery of being alone in the deep forest, but think of Li Bai, the "Poetry Immortal". "Flying down three thousand feet, it is suspected that the Milky Way is falling into the sky". Li Bai also admired the beauty of Lushan Mountain. The beauty of nature lies in it! Remembering the harmony of being alone in the deep forest, I also remember Tao Yuanming, "Mr. Wuliu". "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". Instead of bowing down to five bushels of rice, you are willing to pursue the beauty of nature in the countryside. You can plant chrysanthemums in the morning and pick them in the evening. Who would not want to pursue such a comfortable life. Remembering the comfort of being alone in the deep forest, I think of the "Su Shi", a hermit in Dongpo.

After being demoted, he was helpless and melancholy, and he was calm and stable in the natural beauty. The beauty of nature will always let people relax their troubles, pursue nature, pursue ease, and enjoy the beauty! It is the wish of the ancient people and also my expectation to pursue the harmony and ease of nature, explore the mystery of nature and stand aloof from the world.

"The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk". Looking at the sky, the setting sun is just behind the sky, and everything is quiet. Only the bell is still reverberating in the deep forest valley. Meet in nature, meet in the bell of the soul.

Listen to the Heart (17)

In daily study, work and life, many people have written compositions. Compositions can be divided into primary school compositions, middle school compositions, and college compositions (papers). I believe that many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is the life needs to listen to the composition of the high school entrance exam with your heart, which I hope can help you.

It was a snowy winter weekend, and my friend Bin came to the remote forest town where I worked. As soon as he entered the door, he painfully described his failed first love.

I took Bin's hand and sat with him on a fire of burning coals. I looked up and listened carefully to his stories one after another. When I was excited, I clenched his hand and cried with him when I was sad. During this period, I almost didn't insert a word of comfort and listened to him silently for a full day. Finally, he stood up, smiled and said to me, "I feel much more relaxed after telling you everything. I really should thank you for listening."

Later, Bin finally found a happy love. He told his friends about that snowy winter day more than once. He said that he was very depressed at that time. It was my attentive and trusting listening that made his blocked heart pour into a breeze

Oh, it's so simple to comfort a person with deep psychological trauma - listen.

Yes, as long as we love life, we must learn to listen. Among other things, just the beautiful sound played by nature is worth listening to - listen to the depth and vastness of mountains, the rushing and noise of rivers, the cry of a grass swaying in the wind and rain, the calm of a red leaf moving towards late autumn, the unrestrained rendering of flowers, the silent declaration of fruits, and the raindrops like broken pearls at the eaves, Listen to the birds on the winding mountain road

To enter the boiling 'life, we need a pair of listening ears. In front of the podium, in the flow of people, in the depth of the alley, on the balcony of high-rise buildings, on the Mercedes Benz train, in the warm small home, as long as you want, you can listen at any time and anywhere, and you can listen to many voices worthy of our lifelong aftertaste: listen to the old man who repaired shoes on the street and explain his brilliant views on life; Listen to a seriously ill patient, and frankly face the confession of life; Listen to the tragic experience of the man who has suffered and stood up repeatedly; Listen to that successful person's eloquent speech; Listen to the glorious past soaked in sweat and wisdom; Listen to the moving plots that make the blood rush... Listen to the fresh stories and the true footnotes, and we will understand that this day is really wonderful, this life is really beautiful, and this life should be interpreted as picturesque.

In listening, I will feel that the leaves of life are not only in autumn, but also melancholy and sadness can not stay in the heart for a long time. Loneliness is also a kind of beauty; In listening, you will understand the difficulty and importance of understanding. Even a smile from a stranger is enough to dispel the chill; In listening, I will understand that the sun shines on you and me fairly, shining brilliant and ordinary; In listening, you will find that you are talking with a broad world. All the wind, frost, snow and rain, all the vicissitudes of life are just a free cloud, just a pendulum ticking on the wall.

Listening is an indispensable part of life. It is listening that enables us to understand what is true, good and beautiful. It enables us to hold each other's hands more tightly and keep our hearts closer. It enables us to accumulate many rare experiences and avoid many unnecessary detours; It is listening to let a simple word have magical power, let those trivial things suddenly become incomparably friendly, let those ordinary days suddenly add a moving luster

Life is a long and thick volume, which needs the attention of the soul, but also needs the listening of the soul.

Listen to the Heart (18)

Yes, listen to the call of the heart! Turning to history, you will see that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty had to break his family and die without good advice. Xiang Yu was besieged on all sides without listening to Fan Zeng's advice. When you close the window of your heart and no longer communicate with the outside world, you will be closed in your mind, sad, and never feel the freedom to fly in the blue sky of life!

Your heart is murmuring when you are sad; You smile, your heart is singing. Other people's criticism and criticism will only reflect your courage and measurement. As long as you have a clear conscience, your steps will be more stable. Listen attentively to the advice of others, or charming praise? When it is difficult to fill in the cravings, it is still a maxim to choose endless self expansion - "If you don't want, you will be just". As long as you stick to the expectations of the light of your heart, it will always guide you in the most correct direction.

Listen to the call of your heart! Don't pretend to be indifferent. Please give your feet a motive force to move forward and let them go far away. friend! We don't give up, let alone admit defeat. Please believe that if you have the light of your heart to guide you, your life will be smooth!

Listen to the call of the soul, and let life always be sunny!

Listen to the Heart (19)

Listen with your heart 600 words

When you are happy, sad, sad, angry, you always hope that someone can listen to your story with heart.

And the text of Listening with Heart mainly tells the story between the author and Susan, a staff member of the information office. Over the years, Susan has helped "me" solve many, many questions in my mind on the phone, and become a person "I" never met, but like "my" second mother.

It was mentioned in the article that when "I" was young, she always asked Susan some childish and boring questions, but Susan always listened to the voice of "I" with her own heart, always patiently answered "I" questions, and explained to me again and again. From here I can see Susan's love. If it were us, we might have been impatient. I saw Susan's rare love. As usual, I ask my parents: "Mom, why do I call it Ye Hongguo instead of another name?" Why do the four seasons always change colors? "My parents can always patiently answer. If I still don't understand it, they will repeat it to me again and again, guiding me to find relevant information in books or on the Internet. Although, sometimes when I ask a question that is too childish, my father always smiles and knocks my little head to warn me not to ask questions that do not correspond to my age.

When "my" beloved canary died, "I" confided this unfortunate thing to Susan. Susan recognized "I"'s fear of death from "I"'s voice, so she told me that the little canary was going to sing in another world, which gave a little comfort to "I"'s young heart. She taught "I" to face death optimistically from childhood. Yes, she can be optimistic about death. Even before she died, she still remembered me and left a note to tell me that she was going to sing in another world.

I will also learn to listen to the voice of others with my heart and communicate with others with my heart.

Listen with your heart 600 words

Today, after reading the text "Listening with the Heart", I will recall the content below, which is really memorable

How great is Susan's love for Tommy! So that Tommy regards Susan as his second mother. No matter what difficulties Tommy encounters, Susan is the first person he thinks of. After Susan's earnest teaching, he would always be immediately enlightened. Susan always stroked Tommy's young heart with a caring heart!

Man is an animal with feelings, and also the spirit of everything. The relationship between people can only get along with each other by love, and can weave everlasting and unforgettable. If you pay attention to it a little, the word "love" will appear and disappear everywhere, and live in love all the time. I can't help thinking about others.

In the morning, my mother felt uncomfortable, and I would quietly put the pills under her pillow; On the road, a child fell down, I will gently lift him up; After PE class, my classmate is sweating like rain. I will hand him a tissue... caring for others starts from these little things.

Sometimes, when I find my classmate's face full of gloom, gloom, and loss of soul, I will take the initiative to chat with him and eliminate his troubles... caring for others, start from small things!

Learn to care about others, it will make you not isolated in the crowd, and will always be loved by others. When you are in trouble and are walking up and down, a large group of people will appear in front of you and extend their hands to help you solve the problem. Learn to care about others, it will make your life full of flowers, sunny every day, full of laughter! Let's talk, laugh, play, taste life, confide in each other, imagine a better future, share happiness and happiness together, and taste the joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows, and bitters of life together! Learn to care about others, it will make your life more colorful. The structure of the word "people" is to support each other. People should love each other since they are born, because no one can live independently.

In the world, "the weather is unpredictable, and people are doomed". The mountains may collapse, the sea may be dry... But love will always be in our hearts, forever, forever