Writing about Mother's Love (8 high-quality articles)
2024-01-22 04:05:22
third year in high school

Writing about Mother's Love (1)

My brother was born in 1982, and I was born in 1992. My mother is in her twenties and thirties. She looks like an ordinary woman, but I think she is the best mother in the world. Let's just say that both our brothers are in poor health. They suffered from incurable diseases in their childhood, and can't take care of themselves. They rely on other people's help. We should thank our mother most. Our mother worked hard to bring us up. When we first got sick, we didn't remember much. My mother worked hard to bring up our two brothers. It can be said that it was not cold in winter and not hot in summer, and we were willing to eat three meals a day. It can also be said that although we were sick, our brothers could live as carefree and happy as normal people. My mother's devotion is selfless love.

My mother is also a brave and diligent person in the work unit. At that time, her salary was less than 100 yuan. To tell the truth, I think my mother is a very cheerful, optimistic person, or a person who takes no pains. So year after year until now. Mother is the most respectable person in my heart.

My mother's health is not so good. She has bronchitis and lung disease. I am not lying. These are my big truth and true confession. Seriously, do you have good people like my mother around?

At last, I told you to be a good person and a kind person.

Writing about Mother's Love (2)

Polygonum hydropiper belongs to me, and Artemisia pedunculata;

Mourning for my parents, I was born with travail.

The polygonum hydropiper is me, and the bandit is me Yiwei.

Mourning for my parents, I am tired.

——The Book of Songs

There is a person who is our dependence in childhood, our companionship in youth, our concern in middle age, and our nostalgia in old age. She has been silently watching us, silently working for us, silently educating us, and finally, silently dimming. She has a beautiful and moving name - Mother.

When I was a child, I was most impressed by my mother, who was very strict with me. Our 'relationship is not particularly intimate. Every time I like to sit on my father's knee and act like a coquette. The impasse lasted until that morning.

It was a winter morning, and I was sleeping soundly wrapped in a thick quilt. "Get up!" I was sleeping soundly, and a voice like thunder "burst" woke me up, shaking my eardrums. I couldn't help but get excited and sat up. I rubbed my bleary eyes, yawned sleepily, and saw my mother standing at the head of the bed. "Why are you so loud? Will you be late for school?" "No, it's only more than six o'clock now..." I didn't wait for my mother to say that it was "more than six o'clock", so I fell down again with a "thud". "Call me after six o'clock. It's not eight o'clock for school!" "No, I must get up now." My mother opened my quilt, "One day's work is in the morning. The time in the morning is precious. How can I just 'sleep'?" Unfortunately, I had to slowly get up, slowly get dressed, and slowly walk to the living room.

My mother handed me a copy of The Analects of Confucius and motioned me to go to the yard to read it in the morning. I listlessly took the book, slowly opened the door, and the cold wind poured in.

I took a deep breath and began to read aloud. The north wind froze my fingers and cheeks. I read weakly, and my heart was full of complaints about my mother. "What are you reading in the cold weather..." I murmured in a low voice.

As I read, I felt as if there was a burning look at me behind me. Looking back, through the huge glass window, I saw my mother standing in the room, staring at me, looking forward, gratified, loving, more of a warm emotion called "motherly love".

The morning reading soon ended. I walked into the warm living room and found that the table was already full of all kinds of breakfast I loved. "Have you been hungry since reading? My face is red with cold!" My mother came over and rubbed my face, saying with great pity. "Mom, your hand..." I asked, staring at my mother's red right hand. "Oh, I accidentally scalded the rice porridge just now..." My mother passed by lightly, "Eat quickly, or it will be cold!" I sat down and picked up the crystal rice porridge. The steaming heat blurred my eyes. In that cold winter morning, I suddenly felt the unprecedented warmth, as if through the white snow, came to spring.

Although my mother's love for me is different from the kind love that "when I leave, I am afraid of returning late", who dares to say that it is not a kind of maternal love? Motherly love has a magical power, which can help us in the "winter of life" and turn winter into warm spring.

Writing about Mother's Love (3)

Mother, you are like a river flowing with the source of life for my growth; Mother, you are like a poem, emitting the fragrance of pen and ink, which makes me think deeply; Mother, you are like a book, full of wisdom for thousands of years, and you are more and more new. The following is a selection of articles about writing mother's love, which I hope will help you!

[Chapter 1: Mother's Love]

Two years ago, late one night, the north wind was howling, and it was drizzling outside. It was particularly cold.

I suddenly had a fever. It happened that my father was not at home. Mother quickly brought me a thermometer to measure my temperature. "Wow! The fever is half degree." My mother screamed, and quickly took out a wet towel to cover my forehead, but the high fever still persisted. My mother then sent me to the hospital to see a doctor. She put on several thick clothes for me. She was afraid that I would freeze and wear a hat for me. Then put on my raincoat on my back. When I went out, there was no motorcycle or taxi on the way. Mother had to rush to the hospital for fear of delaying my illness. There was a cold rain on the road, and my mother kept saying to me, "Just hold my mother tightly, and go to the hospital to see a doctor. Don't be afraid!" She comforted herself. But crouching on my warm mother's back, I felt her sobbing softly. My mother was afraid that I would get caught in the rain, so she kept pulling the raincoat behind her to cover it for me. By the street light, I saw that my mother's head was all wet, but she ignored herself and went all out to run. I was so moved that I burst into tears. Half an hour later, my mother sent me to the hospital. After seeing the doctor, my mother picked up medicine and carried me home to give me medicine. Under the care of my mother, I recovered very quickly, but my mother caught a cold because of the rain.

Mother! In order to see me, you carried me to the hospital in the middle of the night without complaining. Everything you did was for your son, which is the mother's love!

[Chapter 2: Mother's Love]

Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, I was a fifth grade pupil. I also added many memories to my mind. But there is one thing I can never forget.

That day, I was enjoying watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, my mother came and said, "Son, it's time to do your homework." "Wait a minute!" I said to my mother. I don't know how long it took, but I still didn't respond. Finally, the mother could not help but shouted, "You watched TV so long! You hurt me?" "No! I want to watch TV and write at night, can't I?" I said loudly. After listening to this, my mother became more angry and hit me directly with a stick. After I saw it, I dodged immediately. Finally, my mother "caught" me and beat me severely. I had to do my homework as my mother said.

In the evening, I sat in bed and watched my Little Copernicus. At that time, I was still angry, angry mother hit people. Suddenly, I heard a familiar footsteps coming to my room. "It's mother!" I whispered. I was about to leave when my mother took a cup of hot milk and said to me, "I'm tired of reading. Come on, drink a cup of milk first, and do other things later." After that, my mother brought me the hot milk and left.

After drinking the milk, I regretted it. I was so disobedient that my mother still cared about me and cared for me as always. From this incident, I learned the truth: maternal love is great. No matter you are happy, depressed, painful, or confused, she will always walk gently on your path and accompany you quietly all your life.

[Chapter 3: Mother's Love Composition]

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Whenever I hear this song, a warm current rushes into my heart, making me deeply feel my mother's love. I remember one hot summer night when I was concentrating on my homework. Suddenly, it was dark in front of me, and the electric fan didn't turn. The whole room was stuffy and hot. It was power failure. Although my mother lit the candle for me, I could barely do my homework.

Seeing my sweat flowing from my forehead to the tip of my nose, my mother felt a little distressed. At this time, a cool breeze blew behind me. I turned around curiously to see that my mother was fanning me. The wind is cold, but my heart is warm, because it is mother's love. Another time, in the middle of the night, I suddenly had a high fever, and my mother was very worried when she learned about it. It was raining cats and dogs outside. Without saying a word, my mother sent me to the hospital alone.

In the hospital, my mother ran to the third floor and the first floor at a time, delivering water and taking medicine. She was very tired and panting. Unconsciously, I fell asleep in a daze. When I woke up, I found that my mother had stayed up all night for me and had been with me. Looking at my mother's bloodshot eyes, I was so excited that tears filled my eyes and I couldn't say a word. At this moment, my mother's love makes me feel that I am the happiest person in the world. "Who can say that every inch of grass will be rewarded by the sun," when I grow up, I must repay my mother's love for me.

[Chapter 4: Mother's Love]

Mother is the creator of us, and her love for me is as warm as sunshine; Soft as clouds; It's as broad as the sea

I remember that day, the final exam was coming, and I was racing against the clock to review. I stared at the textbook, and my pen was rehearsing on the nearby book. My eyes kept turning, and my pen was shaking regularly. I glanced at the pile of "small hills" like exercise books beside me and sighed helplessly. Just then, mother came in with a cup of hot milk in her hand. She has a sunny smile on her face, warm to my heart. She said kindly, "Drink it while it's hot, and be careful to catch cold." She handed the milk over. When I took the milk, I immediately felt the warmth from the milk cup spread all over my body, and every cell on my body was very comfortable.

At this moment, I accidentally met my mother's hand, but found that it was very cold. At this moment, I knew that my mother not only had to manage the family well, but also took care of me. It was not easy, so I must repay my mother when I grew up.

Mother's love for me is an endless song. She used her beautiful hands to weave her love for me again and again.

[Chapter 5: Mother's Love]

"There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." Maternal love is warm sunshine and gentle spring breeze. Maternal love is a caring word, a kiss or a hug. But in my memory, the scene in the rain was the most touching.

On a rainy afternoon, before my mother came to pick me up after school, I hid under the eaves to take shelter from the rain. After a long time, my mother came in a hurry. At this time, my mother took out her poncho to let me wear it. I saw there was only one poncho in the car, and said: "Mother, please wear it!" My mother smiled at me without speaking, but put it on me instead. She should be thinking: my daughter has grown up and become sensible. On the road, the light rain kept falling, and my mother was wet by the rain. I was very distressed, as if it had split.

My mother cared for me with all her heart. She cared for me with many ordinary little things and let me grow up. Thinking of this, I put my hand on my mother's head as soon as possible. I can shield her from the wind and rain and do something for her. I feel much better. When I got home, I quickly brought a towel to help my mother wipe the rain on her face. My mother also changed my wet clothes for me. I smiled and stretched out my hands. She also held me tightly in her arms. Ah, my heart is warm and my mother is happy.

Maternal love is like this. A small thing is easy to be ignored when you are around, but as long as you carefully experience it, you can feel the great maternal love.

[Chapter 6: Mother's Love]

Polygonum hydropiper belongs to me, and Artemisia pedunculata;

Mourning for my parents, I was born with travail.

The polygonum hydropiper is me, and the bandit is me Yiwei.

Mourning for my parents, I am tired—— The Book of Songs

There is a person whom we rely on in childhood, accompany in youth, care about in middle age, and miss in old age. She has been silently watching us, silently working for us, silently educating us, and finally, silently dimming. She has a beautiful and moving name - Mother.

When I was a child, I was most impressed by my mother, who was very strict with me. Our relationship is not particularly intimate. Every time I like to sit on my father's lap and act like a spoiled brat. The impasse lasted until that morning.

It was a winter morning, and I was sleeping soundly wrapped in a thick quilt. "Get up!" I was sleeping soundly, and a sound like thunder "exploded" woke me up, shaking my eardrums. I couldn't help but get excited and sat up. I rubbed my bleary eyes, yawned sleepily, and saw my mother standing at the head of the bed. "Why are you so loud? Will you be late for school?" "No, it's only more than six o'clock now..." I didn't wait for my mother to say that it was "more than six o'clock", and then I fell down again with a "clunk". "Call me after six o'clock. It's not eight o'clock for school!" "No, I must get up now." My mother opened my quilt, "One day's work is in the morning. Morning time is very precious. How can I just 'sleep'?" I had no choice but to slowly get up, slowly get dressed, and slowly walk to the living room.

Mother handed me a copy of The Analects of Confucius and motioned me to go to the yard to read it in the morning. I listlessly took the book, slowly opened the door, and the cold wind poured in.

I took a deep breath and began to read aloud. The north wind froze my fingers and cheeks. I read weakly, and my heart was full of complaints about my mother. "What are you reading in the cold weather..." I murmured in a low voice.

As I read, I felt as if there was a burning look at me behind me. Looking back, through the huge glass window, I saw my mother standing in the room, staring at me, looking forward, pleased, loving, more of a warm emotion called "motherly love".

The morning reading soon ended. I walked into the warm living room and found that the table was already full of all kinds of breakfast I love. "Have you been hungry since reading? My face is red with cold!" Mother came over and rubbed my face, saying with great pity. "Mom, your hand..." I asked, staring at my mother's red right hand. "Oh, I accidentally scalded the rice porridge just now..." My mother passed by lightly, "Eat quickly, or it will be cold!" I sat down and picked up the crystal millet porridge. The steaming heat blurred my eyes. On that cold winter morning, I suddenly felt warmer than ever before, as if I had come to spring through the white snow.

My mother's love for me is different from the kind love that "when I leave, I am afraid of returning", but who dares to say that it is not a kind of maternal love? Maternal love has a magical power that can help us transform winter into warm spring when we are in the "winter of life".

[Chapter 7: Mother's Love]

Every mother loves her children, and every child loves her mother, and I am no exception.

In my memory, whenever I was wronged or unhappy, my mother always held me tightly and patted me on the back. I don't know why. Every time I was held by my mother like this, I felt warm in my heart. I remember that it was after school. My mother accompanied me to learn piano on a weekend. While I was in class, I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my ankle. At that time, I felt a cold sweat, and almost fell on the ground. My mother was very nervous when she saw me. Although I was very tall, she still carried me down from the second floor and found a car to take me to the hospital, When I arrived at the emergency room, my mother comforted me and ran back and forth to find a doctor to take a film for me. Until the doctor told us that it was only growth pain with the diagnosis result, my mother took a long breath. Seeing my mother was nervous for me, I could not help but shed tears.

In fact, there are so many such things in my memory. My mother will take me to school with an umbrella in rainy days, take care of me day and night when I am sick, prepare delicious food for me when I come home from school, look at me happily when I eat fish and meat, shake her head and tell me: "My mother doesn't like it" when I say you have a bite

Mother's love is the most selfless, surrounded me every day, mother... I love you, I will use my own practical action to repay you!

[Chapter 8: Mother's Love]

My mother is cheerful and loves to laugh. When she smiles with her big eyes, she becomes two curved moons. She loves me very much.

I remember one time, when the weather was getting cold, I returned home from class to do my homework and found that she was looking for winter clothes for me in the wardrobe. I saw that all my clothes were too small to wear. They were old and covered with thick dust. Later, my mother took me to the shopping mall to find a suitable coat for me. It was not good to see this, nor that. She took me to the famous brand "Qibohui" store. After careful selection of my mother, I kept cooperating with her. Then I finally found a famous brand "Qibohui". She said, "How much is this one?" "I'll take it" "368" ". When I heard this, I was stunned and thought, "It's so expensive, I'd better not take it." To my surprise, my mother said without hesitation, "I'll take it." Just after the words were finished, we both came out laughing. I felt very warm when I put on my mother's new clothes.

My mother saw that I was in the fifth grade and was going to junior high school. My composition level dropped a lot. So, she asked her good friend, Miss Guo, to give me a make-up lesson in composition. Soon after, I made great progress in my composition and played five stars, which made me happy. After returning home, I told my mother about this. She listened to her and was proud of my progress. She continued to encourage me to write better and more wonderful compositions in the future. Now, I am more and more interested in composition, which can not be separated from my mother's little bit by bit. In my growing up, every step can not be separated from my mother's encouragement, as the famous saying goes: All the power in the world comes from maternal love.

A mother's love is like a big umbrella, which can shield me from the wind.

Writing about Mother's Love (4)

A great man once said that the most beautiful voice in the world is the call of mother. Indeed, motherly love is a ship that carries us from youth to maturity. Motherly love is the sea, giving us a happy harbor. People say that maternal love is selfless and great. Once, when I was ill, the hospital was very scary. It was my mother who made me no longer afraid of the hospital. Her warm embrace made me no longer afraid and gradually became bold. A book once said that maternal love is as gorgeous as flowers; The autumn leaves are as quiet and beautiful.

If you feel it with your heart, you will find that there is always a safe umbrella above your head; No matter where you are, it will always follow you and protect you. That is mother! Mother is like a star in the sky, illuminating the dark night sky and making light appear. When the child is on the edge of darkness, it is the mother who illuminates the bright road with love. While your mother is still alive, show your filial piety to your mother! I love my mother!

Writing about Mother's Love (5)

"Huh?" This time it was my turn to look silly. No, I don't want anything. It's just Mother's Day. Let me say something from my heart to make her happy!

"Isn't it? Every time you say something nice, you need to be paid."

"No?" I sighed. Remuneration? Mom said it badly. Did I do this before? I have to reflect on myself.

In fact, this is the first time I said it (after I remember it, I don't know whether I said it before I was three years old). I believe my mother is very surprised. After all, my daughter, who has always been rebellious and is happy to oppose her, will say such a sentence. She will be very happy whether she is sincere or not, I'm sure!

As for her ability to say such a destructive sentence, I can't blame her. Who let me have a 'criminal record'!

In fact, before I learned expository writing and argumentative writing, I had always been a good kid who was obedient and obedient, never disobeyed her words, let alone argued with her, hehe, my vocabulary was limited at that time! After I learned expository writing, I learned to explain my behavior in a practical way. After I learned argumentative writing, I began to debate with my mother. I thanked my mother for giving me the opportunity to practice tirelessly, which made my argumentative writing very good. Even after that, my sophistry ability far exceeded her.

On the other day, my second cousin came back from Shanghai and left a very good impression on my mother. So my suffering began. I was forced to listen to my mother's stereotyped praise (of course, my second brother) all day long, and she even alluded to my laziness, carefree and carefree. At first, I could pretend to be deaf and dumb, but later I really didn't want to hear it. I really don't understand how she would never tire of saying it, I'm tired of listening, but I can't contradict her. I'm afraid she will be sad, so I can only distort her meaning.

"Mom, since he is so good, why don't you consider him as a son? I would also like to have a brother!" I was reading a detective story on the sofa at that time and replied to her lazily.

"You --" Mom casually picked up the candy on the table and threw it at me, but it obviously deviated from the goal. This has happened many times. I already knew that she had posture but was not practical, so she didn't even bother to dodge.

"Mom, if I'm the same as my cousin, I won't be my aunt's daughter? What's good about that? Besides, your daughter has my own personality. Although my grades haven't met your requirements, it doesn't necessarily mean that I will be poor in the future. You can rest assured!" I put down the book, walked to my mother and said with a smile, Then she took the apple she had just peeled and happily chewed it.

"Glib!" my mother laughed and hit my brain.

In fact, I didn't mean to dislike my mother's cooking skills to attack her self-esteem, but I just learned a few moves from my uncle at that time, and I couldn't wait to show it. My mother often did everything at home, which made me lose the opportunity to play, so I just said that her skills were not good enough to win the chance to be a chef. Of course, if it wasn't for my father's support, I would be overwhelmed and my mother would repair me miserably, because I forgot that my mother's most pursuit of perfection is, naturally, not to allow her daughter to discredit her craftsmanship.

Sometimes I take a recipe and draw a gourd with a gourd. Of course, the first result is not very good, but my parents are willing to be 'mice' and eat sweet and happy.

The happiness of life is nothing more than watching your favorite people around you happily eat your own dishes, and chat happily at the same time!

I remember someone told me that if you want a person to live a long life, you should not let him live a peaceful and boring life. You should not let her get what she wants too easily, and occasionally lifting will also add to the fun of life. Of course, it is absolutely sure not to hurt her heart.

But even if I did, the years still left traces on my mother. Before I grew up, they began to grow old. I was really sad when I watched them pay for their children without regret.

If love can keep my parents' youth, I would rather devote my whole life to them, just as they love me!

Writing about Mother's Love (6)

Respected leaders, teachers and dear students

Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is "I love my motherland".

I love you China, I love your billowing South China Sea, I love your snowy North, I love your vigorous seedlings in spring, and I love your fruitful harvest in autumn!

When I look at the national flag, I will be excited. Full of pride. The five-star red flag is so bright and beautiful that many revolutionary martyrs have dyed it with blood! Five star red flag, we salute you.

As the successor of the Chinese nation, I love our motherland, love our country, duty bound, and duty bound. Whenever and wherever, I love my motherland!

If you shed a patriotism, you will reap an ideal. Around us, there are many examples like candles silently offering: before dawn, the hardworking cleaners began to decorate our home; In the evening, in the dead of night, only the teacher was busy in the room, dedicated his beautiful youth to cultivate the next generation of the motherland; At noon, the hot sun was shining in the sky, but the police uncle stood in the middle of the road like steel, commanding the traffic orderly and so on. These silently dedicated candle spirit is just a good example that I deserve to learn from! However, in our campus, there are such phenomena as wasting food, wasting resources, not studying hard, doing nothing all day long, making trouble in class, and going crazy after class. Is this just a manifestation of patriotism?

Liu Bei said in the Book of Commandments: "Don't do nothing good or evil!" Each of us was carefully cultivated by God. We grew up in our mother's swaddling clothes, babbled and babbled, learned to walk in countless falls, and worked tirelessly to read books. However, some students abandon themselves because their grades are inferior to others, and even complain about God. Is this God's fault? No, just like what Li Bai said, I am born to be useful. In fact, as long as I work hard, everyone is a winner. Just like the farmer uncle, you can shed a little sweat and reap a piece of fruit.

In fact, God must have appointed us to come to the world, so that we can know how to give, not to take.

If you are a grass, you will add a green touch; If you are a star, decorate a corner of the sky; If you are a big tree, you will shed a shade; If you are a clear spring, you will moisten the land. From now on, we should set a goal for ourselves and move towards it. I firmly believe that as long as we work hard and persevere, one day there will be a sea in front of you, and on the other side of the sea, there will be a new world that will illuminate your eyes in an instant!

Students, we must always remind ourselves that we are the best, come on! What awaits us after the storm will be the most beautiful rainbow!

I love my motherland, my motherland will let us each Chinese people put on the most dazzling rainbow!

I want to dedicate the most beautiful song to you, and I want to dedicate the most beautiful youth to you, my mother, my motherland!

Writing about Mother's Love (7)

I don't worship foreign festivals, but I worship my mother.

Mother gave her life to everyone and told him that there was something called * in the world. As a result, the child grew up and became a man. He knew that he should also give others the love his mother gave him. Later, this kind of love was passed on, through mother, through mother's love.

Mother is the communicator of civilization. If there is no such transmission of love, how many disputes can happen in the world? Even the most heinous person has a motherly moisture in his heart and a motherly good sky, just like the distant light in the dark night still shines in the darkness of his heart. Because it is an indelible seed, human beings can multiply because of it, because it can inherit the kindling of civilization and eliminate the terror of war.

Mother *, what a great word eye! Not only humans, but also animals and nature. Cattle and sheep have stored rich milk for their children. They eat grass, but milk is squeezed out. That kind of dedication is to integrate life into it; Swallows use saliva to hold mud to make nests, catch insects and feed them, and work tirelessly to and fro in the wind and rain; Falcons fly in the sky, risking their lives to hunt prey and return to their nests to feast their children; Gulls and herons rise and fall in the water, fight with the wind and waves, and pick up small fish to wrap their belly. Animals know that when danger comes, they can use their bodies to shield their children from the raging storms, wild animals and birds of prey. What a great mother!

Human beings have endowed the mother with the most noble love, which cultivates the most vulnerable life into the most intelligent life.

Maternal love sheds light on human beings. "Sheep have the grace to kneel and milk, and crows have the meaning to feed back". How can people be? Knowing how to be grateful and repay is a respect for maternal love. Although no matter how precious things are, they can not repay the kindness of mothers, but the spirit of maternal love was passed on at that moment. Whether it is feedback or dissemination, it sublimates human feelings. Mother didn't accept it because of her selflessness. She didn't want to return at the moment of giving. Her giving is her happiness, and her greatness lies in her dedication.

There is only one explanation. Maternal love has occupied the greatest feeling in the world, and it needs to spread this feeling to all directions and to the end of the species.

Chapter 2

Today is Mother's Day. What gift should I give my mother? Remembering my mother's love for me, I decided to make a special gift for her.

Mother's love is like the sun in winter, warming my heart. When I met with setbacks, my mother comforted me and encouraged me to get up my courage and continue to move forward; When I get excellent results, my mother's kind face will show a satisfied smile; When I do something wrong, my mother will seriously criticize me and teach me to correct my mistakes.

I know my mother likes sweet boiled eggs, so I decided to make sweet boiled eggs for her. I plugged in the electric cooker and switched to the cooking gear. In a short time, the water was boiling, making a loud noise and emitting white fog. I was a little flustered. I picked up an egg and knocked it on the edge of the pot. As soon as I tried, the egg was broken by me. The egg yolk, egg white and some eggshells slid down my fingers into the pot. I quickly picked out those eggshells. I picked up an egg again. This time, I didn't panic at all. I summarized the reasons for my failure last time and gained experience. I gently knocked on the edge of the pot twice, and then broke it with my hand. The egg slid into the pot, and the egg white, wrapped in yolk, floated in the water, and then immediately turned white flowers. I found two bowls, each with a spoonful of sugar and a few drops of sesame oil. I turned off the rice cooker, filled two eggs with a spoon, took one egg to my mother, and gave a bowl to myself. Mother looked at the bowl of poached eggs, looked at me again, and smiled.

On the occasion of this Mother's Day, I give this gift to my dear mother.

Chapter 3

Today is Mother's Day, and I thought to myself: What gift should I give my mother?

When I came home after school, my grandmother told me that today was Mother's Day. Are you ready for gifts? I buried my head in the quilt and thought for a long time, but I didn't think of it. I thought about it and sent fruit. My mother didn't like to eat and had no new ideas. I couldn't go shopping.

Help my mother clean up the house, even worse. If I break something, it's my fault. Alas! I'm not reconciled. These are all denied by me. I scratched my head and couldn't figure it out. Suddenly my eyes were attracted by the camera. I had an idea. My eyes lit up like a light bulb. I picked up the camera and ran out of the house.

When I came to the park and saw those beautiful flowers, I pressed the shutter; When I came to the mall and saw those beautiful clothes, my hand could not help pressing the shutter again. I ran home and saw my father rolling up his sleeves to work. I took photos again. I ran to the computer desk and sent the photos one by one, edited them, and matched them with my mother's favorite song, Two Butterflies. I also wrote a letter at the back: Mom, you have worked hard, and I will not let you worry about it. Look at the beautiful butterfly, the beautiful clothes, and Dad's hard work, which all show that we love you. Today is your holiday. I send this gift to make you feel good.

My mother came back in the evening. When she saw this special gift, she held me in her arms and said excitedly, "My child, you have grown up."

Chapter 4

Today, mothers come to a special festival - Mother's Day. I will give my mother a most elaborate gift.

In the morning, I was awakened by chirping birds. I found that my mother went to work early. She came back late every night and went back early in the morning. She ran around all day. (She came home at noon) How much sweat and effort she had paid for me. I want to use this Mother's Day to repay my mother. I want to fold 130 "heart shaped cards" for my mother. Because my mother has raised me for 13 years, I want to fold 130 cards to repay her love.

I bought 150 red and blue small square cards and left 20 for use. To start, I put the stacks of square cards together and began to stack them one by one. Fold the card in half and then fold it in half, and then split it again. It will be OK if one of the three corners is missing!

One by one, folded all morning, hands numb. I counted 135, too many stacks. I selected 130 out of 135 "heart shaped cards" that I was satisfied with and put them in a beautiful box with patterns. I wrote on the box: Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day!

After a while, my mother came back. I stood beside my mother and said, "Happy Mother's Day!" Then I solemnly presented the gift box hidden behind me to my mother. After that, my mother said with a smile, "Son, you are growing up and becoming more and more sensible.". She carefully opened the box, and I suddenly found my mother's eyes were red and wet. Mother said: "Thank you, good son!". "This is what I should do, Mom!" I replied.

Today, I gave my mother a most elaborate gift.

Chapter Five

Tomorrow is the annual Mother's Day. I have a small wish, that is, to give my mother a unique gift to express my deep love for her.

What can I give you? It's meaningless to send a pen; I don't have much money for cosmetics; The eggshell doll made for me is too naive! After thinking about it, I think it is most meaningful to make a greeting card by hand.

When I think about this, I can't wait to find out the drawing paper and colored pens. First, I cut the drawing paper into a rectangle the size of a diary, and then I drew a little girl in a beautiful dress on the left side of the paper. That's me, holding a bunch of carnations. At last, I drew a light red heart on the right and wrote a message:

My most beautiful mother, with you loving me, I am richer than anyone else. I want to tell you that you are my favorite person in the world, and my daughter will always love you deeply! I wish you a happy holiday!

When Mother's Day came, I got up early and put this special gift on my mother's pillow. My mother woke up and saw the gift. At that moment, I saw her eyes wet. A small card and a little sincere wishes can make my mother so moved. It seems that mother's love for her daughter is selfless and unrequited! I love my mother!

Chapter Six

When the annual Mother's Day came, everyone was busy preparing gifts for their mothers, some of them gave their mothers a handkerchief; Some gave their mother a flower... Xiao Ming also wanted to give his mother a carnation, but he felt his empty pocket and hesitated. So he lingered in front of the flower shop. Suddenly, he had an idea and came up with a good idea.

When Xiao Ming walked into the flower shop, he said to the woman boss, "Happy Mother's Day!" The woman boss was very happy. So Xiaoming asked the boss, "Aunt, if I help you clean the flower shop, would you like to give me a carnation?" The female boss said, "Why?" Xiaoming told the female boss truthfully. The female boss was very moved and agreed to Xiao Ming's request.

Xiao Ming quickly cleaned the flower shop. At this time, the female boss had packed flowers for him, and put a greeting card on the flowers and handed it to Xiao Ming. Xiaoming thanked the boss and went home happily. On the way home, he felt the sky was so blue and the air was so fresh.

At home, Xiaoming gave the flowers to his mother, who was very happy and put them in her favorite vase. This is. When my mother opened the card, it said, "This is the flower your son got through labor. Happy Mother's Day!". Mother understood that this was the flower that her son had used his spiritual wealth.

This is really a special gift for Mother's Day!

Chapter 7

This evening, my mother took out the materials for making sushi. I shouted happily: "Sushi, sushi!" Who knows, there are no cucumbers and carrots necessary for sushi at home, and my mother asked me to buy them alone. I think it's over. I've never been to the vegetable market alone. What should I do if something happens? However, I bravely walked out of the house. I ran quickly on the road and wanted to buy something to go home as soon as possible. On the road, whenever I met a suspicious person, I hid in the east, hoping to get rid of him as soon as possible. Finally, I came to the vegetable market. Seeing countless vegetables and meat dishes dazzled me. But I woke up at the thought of my mother's assignment. After buying, I returned home. When I knocked at the door, I heard my mother say, "Chen Yajing won't be back so soon, will he?"! When I got home, my mother praised me "awesome"!

As soon as we got home, we began to make sushi. First, I competed with my mother to peel, I peeled cucumbers, and my mother peeled carrots. My cucumber is smaller than my mother's carrot, and my mother still falls behind me and begins to peel it. However, I didn't expect that when I cut half of it, my mother had already cut it. Alas, it failed again. Then, my mother and I cut ham intestines, carrots, cucumbers and egg skins together. After finishing all this, my mother carefully wrapped them on the paved laver and rice, rolled them up with special tools, and then cut them into pieces, neatly put them in a basin. It's really beautiful! Like a flower. I tasted one and it was delicious. Eating delicious sushi, eh, I remember that today is Mother's Day, and I made a gift for my mother.

Ah! It's not easy to make sushi! Today, I successfully cooperated with my mother, and next time I will cooperate with my mother. After dinner, I took out a gift for my mother. My mother said happily, "Baby has spent a meaningful Mother's Day with my mother! Thank you baby!"

Chapter VIII

I have a female teacher named Cui who is our head teacher in our Chinese class. Mr. Cui is round and plump, and looks very sweet and lovely. Miss Cui always wears a smile on her face, which is as warm as spring. She gives us meticulous care in life and study. In the hearts of every student, she is not only a good teacher with profound knowledge, but also a kind mother.

Although the teacher's figure is a little round, in fact, Mr. Cui is puffy! When we were in the third grade, the classroom was on the second floor. Every time we have Chinese class, Miss Cui comes up from the first floor. When we see her, we already see Miss Cui panting. Yes, when we are in the fourth grade, my classroom will be moved to the fourth floor. I thought to myself: What should Mr. Cui do? She is breathless on the third floor, so she can't sweat on the fourth floor? In order not to make the teacher work too hard, we always go to help Teacher Cui get her handout folder, backpack, etc. You see, Mr. Cui is really a pudgy. But one thing changed my view of Mr. Cui.

That morning, Huang Xinyi in our class turned pale and lost her ruddy face. We went to her and asked her, "Huang Xinyi, what's wrong with you?" She answered us in her trembling voice, "My stomach... hurts.", Mr. Cui finally understood the basic situation of Huang Xinyi. Teacher Cui picked up Huang Xinyi and ran to the hospital. Suddenly, Mr. Cui stood like a giant in the heart of each of our classmates... Half an hour passed, because the teacher sent Huang Xinyi to the hospital. We quietly studied in the classroom, and suddenly heard clear footsteps. It was Mr. Cui who came. "Please open your textbooks and let's begin our class!"

In the last ten minutes of class, the teacher did not stand up, but sat on the chair, kept drinking water, kept breathing, and we were very distressed. I said to Teacher Cui silently in my heart, "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

Teacher Cui is not only our teacher, but also another kind mother. Teacher Cui cares for us and us like a mother, holding us tightly in her arms. Mr. Cui, you are our mother like teacher!

Chapter 9

Mother is a bright star, illuminating my life

Mother is a spring that irrigates my knowledge

Mother is a book, which records the truth, goodness and beauty. She has read and written the most beautiful poems for me

Mother is a strong belief. She encourages me and accompanies me through difficulties when I am defeated

Mother is a thick umbrella, which protects me from the heat and cold

Mother, it was you who gave birth to me and raised me. It was you who taught me how to be a man. It was you who gave me great power. It was you who irrigated everything in the world with your maternal love, fought back those thoughts with your belief. Your pure heart and pure soul are the nourishment of everything. You are the greatest, kindest and hardest working! I trust you. Yeah! What kind of thing in the world is greater than mother? My dear mother! Here, I give you my best wishes!

Chapter 10

I remember one afternoon, the wind was blowing hard, and soon the rain came. I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to wait anxiously for my parents to come to me in the hall. As time went by, my hands and feet froze. Suddenly, a thin figure, facing the wind and rain, came to me with difficulty. It was my mother who complained and shouted, "Mom, how did you come.

On the way, a gust of wind blew the umbrella open, and the rain hit my face. My whole body trembled. I wiped the water on my face. I didn't know whether it was rain or tears, so we walked home with difficulty step by step. Suddenly my mother coughed a few times, and I noticed that she was wet all over. It turned out that my mother was caught in the rain when she was on the way only to hold an umbrella for me. I quickly asked my mother to have a rest and take some cold medicine, but she went to the kitchen to cook delicious food for me.

When I was young, I didn't know how to appreciate this kind of love. Today, I finally understand this great and selfless maternal love.

Writing about Mother's Love (8)

Write a composition about mother's love [1]

Although my mother has died for many years, she is still so clear in my mind.

I remember one day when I was 8 years old, my grandmother was seriously ill, my father went on a business trip, and I was the only one left at home. I was still young and cried in a hurry. My mother came back and took care of her grandmother without changing her shoes. My mother supported the family alone. Sometimes, I can see the green hair shining in the sun on her busy face, And the wrinkles with smile. However, my family's bad luck did not end. One day, Grandma's illness suddenly worsened, making her mother have to go to work every day, take care of me and Grandma, and do housework. Like a big burden, it was heavily pressed on her. In the evening, my mother had not come back. Suddenly, a "rumbling" thunder called me out of my dream. I saw that it was stormy outside. After a while, my mother finally came back. Her body was soaked by the relentless rain. She didn't even change her clothes, so she hurried to take medicine for her grandmother.

On Sunday, I wanted to show my mother Friday's excellent results and awards, but one thing seemed to pierce my heart: my mother had cancer! Cancer! Cancer! I couldn't believe my ears. I threw myself on my mother's bed and cried bitterly. My mother seemed to be smiling and comforted me, saying, "Don't be sad, Xiaoying, you are so sad. How can my mother recover from her illness?"

My mother became an angel five years later. I really want to write off cancer and tear my mother's case sheet into a thousand pieces! Grandma's illness has been cured. The doctor said that my mother would be almost alive for one year, but my mother has created miracles for me and Grandma, and she has persisted for 4 years! At that moment, I learned the power of maternal love! My mother often said that when she could not live, I would learn to stand on my own feet. Without her, I would know how to encourage and persist. Don't let my mother down! He also said that I had to make shoes when I got well!

Mother, I will never forget you and what you said to me. You are like a bright light, guiding me in life, like a shining star at sunset, let me go straight to the distance with my ideal!

Write a composition about mother's love [2]

People often say that maternal love is like a trickle, gentle and considerate, and paternal love is like a blue sea, which is broad and unforgettable. However, for me, the most difficult thing to forget is my mother's love.

I remember one day, when I woke up in the morning, I felt deep body ache, and there were blisters the size of soybeans all over my body. My mother knew that I had chicken pox at first sight. She immediately contacted the doctor and fed me medicine. She was very worried. She walked around the room, flipped through various books, and wanted to find a recipe for varicella for me. From time to time, my mother went to bed and touched my back and forehead to understand and observe the changes in my condition. At night, I fell asleep, but she was waiting until the dead of night. The next morning, my condition improved. When I looked up, my mother's eyes were bloodshot and her face was tired. It was obvious that she didn't sleep well yesterday. But when she saw me wake up, she kept asking, "Tianyu, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling better?". I lay on the bed and nodded gently. My mother sighed with relief. For more than a week, my mother took care of me like this every day. My chickenpox disappeared completely under the care of my mother. But my mother's face was not as rosy as it used to be. Her face was pale, her eyes were red and swollen, and her face crept up with wrinkles. In just one week, I felt much older, but her face showed a relieved smile, and she sang songs from time to time, My heart was happy. What a pity!

Maternal love is so selfless and great, we must thank our mother, thank her for her love, and use our diligence and efforts to repay my mother who gave me life!

Write a composition about mother's love [3]

My mother is really great. She gave birth to us in October and raised us recklessly. She did everything for us, afraid that we would get sick and starve. Therefore, we should be filial to our parents, be a good child, cherish the present and grasp the future. A person's life will not be long, we should seize the opportunity, because once the time has passed, it will not start again!

It is not often said that "parents are the first teachers of children, and families are the first schools". From the time we learned to talk and walk to the time we grew up, our mother was always the first to accompany us; When we are ill, our mother always takes care of us carefully; On the way of learning, we always encounter some difficulties. Mother always patiently and carefully teaches us how to overcome difficulties; After we became sensible, our parents taught us how to be human, how to serve the society and contribute to the country. In fact, mother's hard work is the best example in our life, a model of growth.

Under the good influence of our families, we have become good children at home, the three good students at school, the young pioneers, and the red scarves in the society, all of which are inseparable from their careful teaching and correction. We advocate the greatness of maternal love because mothers have given us life, and in special circumstances, they can sacrifice their own lives for us. Maternal love is a kind of nature. Maternal love is the most selfless and unique. The mother once waited for her son to come back from school in the autumn wind and rain. Her hair was wet by the wind and rain, and her wrinkles were burned by the sun. The wayward son sometimes even made a fuss over an ice lolly. Sometimes, the son listened to his mother's nagging and covered his ears with impatience. Sometimes, the son is tired of the monotonous life at home because of the restlessness of some thoughts in his heart. I thought my mother would hate me and regret giving birth to such a naughty son. My mother would not forgive me for all the mistakes I made, but the answer was not as I imagined. My mother contained everything about me, still gave her son passionate love in silence, and brought her all the care.

Because mother does not extravagant pearly gems, not greedy for glory and wealth. On the contrary, she is simple, economical, and only wants a safe and healthy family. Although Mother's Day is a special day, I have never really expressed my gratitude to my mother in action. I hope this article can express my gratitude and respect for my mother.