Forest fire protection (8 in total)
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2024-01-02 05:52:58

Forest fire protection (1)

As the main body of renewable natural resources and terrestrial ecosystems on the earth, forests play an irreplaceable role in the history of human survival and development. The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce oxygen needed by humans and other creatures. The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural reservoir, a natural air conditioner... The forest brings us endless benefits! Forest is the basis for the sustained, rapid and healthy development of the entire national economy, and it has an irreplaceable position and role in the national economic construction.

The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Fire can cause people to lose their precious lives! How many human civilizations have disappeared in the fire? How many precious treasures disappeared in the fire?

Here are some terrible lessons: In 2004, I was in a mountain farm in a town in Fujian Province. A farmer accidentally caused a forest fire by burning weeds in his vegetable field. The affected forest area reached 28 hectares, and the fire lasted 19 hours. The direct cost for putting out the fire was 26000 yuan! 8 people died! In 2006, a forest fire was caused by villagers smoking in a state-owned forest farm. More than 1000 mu of forest and grassland were damaged, and 4 firefighters died!

There are two causes of forest fire: human factors and natural factors, of which human factors account for the main proportion. Human factors mainly include the use of fire to open up wasteland in the wild; Use fire for heating in the wild; Use fire to drive animals away in the wild; Smoking in the wild, throwing cigarette butts, etc. Water and fire are merciless, but they are not for fun. There is an old saying that those who play with fire will burn themselves! One careless action of people can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to mankind! It is people's weak awareness of fire prevention that has led to painful consequences again and again! The earth is the mother of mankind. This blue planet provides the most comfortable living environment for mankind. Without the earth, there would be no human beings.

With the development and progress of society, people are increasingly aware of the importance and necessity of environmental protection. More and more "green" can be seen in life. From green food, green appliances, green materials to green planet, people care about the natural environment everywhere. So why does the environment suffer serious losses?

Even now the living standard of human beings has improved, most of them have built cement houses. But it takes wood to build a house! The desks and chairs we use are all wood, and we cannot live without wood. For example, in the lesson "Forest Sea" that I learned, Mr. Lao She's feeling of traveling in Anling is reminiscent of people's living and working in peace and prosperity from wood. The Great Khingan Mountains provide a large number of good materials for the construction of the motherland. Its beauty and construction are integrated. How much help these woods give us! Only then can our homeland have today's glory.

The trees in the forest are the only hope for human survival and the only home for animals and plants. What can we do to maintain a balanced development of green vegetation and benefit mankind forever? In order to make the country prosperous and have a beautiful home, the first thing to do is to prevent forest fire. The most important thing is not to burn mountains for land reclamation. Many people are contributing to environmental protection, but the environment has suffered serious losses. This is because some people do not pay attention to environmental protection and destroy the forest environment at will. They burn many trees carelessly, causing serious losses to the forest. Sometimes, floods or sandstorms occur, giving serious punishment to human beings.

To protect the environment, start from you and me, and start from the side. Who brings the information of spring to melt the ice and snow, sprout the trees and open the flowers, and make the hibernating animals wake up with sleepy eyes and gather like a fair to form a brilliant spring; Who is flashing thousands of golden lights, like crystal stars, playfully winking at people; Who jumped across the field and made it a golden ocean; Who is like a huge, soft wool felt, covering the vast desert, shining silver. Make the natural scenery infinite and charming. It is a green power that makes our lovely home so beautiful. Green is the source of life, and green is the hope of the world. Green is the harmony between man and nature, green is the home of animals and plants, green is peace and tranquility, green is the realization and dream!

Let's have more green environment and less fire hazard. Children, please join our team and add a green color to our beautiful home!

Forest fire protection (2)

Forest plays an irreplaceable role in the history of human survival and development. The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce oxygen needed by human beings and other creatures. Forest plays an irreplaceable role in national economic construction. But the forest is always threatened by fire! Fire can turn valuable resources into nothing, and can cause people to lose their precious lives!

In 2004, at a mountain farm in a town in Fujian Province. A farmer burned weeds in the vegetable field and accidentally caused a forest fire, which affected 28 hectares of forest. The fire lasted for 19 hours, and the fire fighting cost was 2. 60000 yuan, causing eight deaths! In 2006, a fire broke out in a forest farm in a country because villagers smoked. More than 1000 mu of forest and grassland were damaged, and 4 firefighters died!

The causes of forest fire include human and natural causes, of which human factors account for the main proportion. Human factors mainly include the use of fire for heating in the field, littering cigarette butts, etc. Fire and water are merciless. People can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to themselves if they act carelessly!

To protect the environment, start from you and me, and start from the side. Who brings the information of spring to melt the ice and snow, sprout the trees, and open the flowers, and make the hibernating animals wake up from drowsiness and drowsiness, and gather together like a fair to form an incomparably brilliant spring; Who wakes up thousands of golden lights like crystal stars, winking at people mischievously; Who is like a huge, soft wool felt, covering the vast desert, shining silver. Make the natural scenery infinite and charming. It is a green power that makes our lovely home so beautiful. Green is the source of life. Green is the hope of the world. Green is the harmony between man and nature, green is peace and tranquility, green is the realization of dreams!

Let's have more green environment and less fire hazard!

Forest fire protection (3)

After passing the little knowledge about forest fire prevention that the teacher showed us on Friday, I knew the meaning of forest fire prevention, the "five no's" after entering the forest, and two methods of putting out fire... and assigned three students to write a composition on forest fire prevention.

Before going to bed, I thought about how to write a composition... In my sleep, I heard the conversation between the Earth Mother and her moon daughter. Mother Earth said: "Daughter, what should I do? I have been selfless in my dedication, but since people have fire, the forest has often caught fire, which makes me very distressed, and many people have lost their loved ones." Moon daughter said: "Mother, I don't know what to do, but there is nothing I can do. Only human beings can save it!" Then Mother Earth told a story that happened in the big forest

One day, Little Squirrel moved to a new house and set off fireworks and firecrackers. As a result, a fire broke out. Little Squirrel hurried to ask for help. Little Deer came to help put out the fire. But the fire was too big to put out. Little Squirrel called the fire alarm number "119". "Hello, the fire brigade? The house we live in is on fire, the fire is too fierce, please come to put out the fire quickly." The firefighters quickly arrived at the scene, they divided the work to check, and soon put out the fire.

Water and fire are very ruthless. I hope everyone will not "one slip will lead to eternal hatred!" One blue sky, love one home together. Let us use our hands to protect our forests, love our earth, cherish life, and prevent the ruthless and hateful "fire". Protect the forest, fire prevention is more important than Mount Tai, let's act quickly!

Forest fire protection (4)

The coverage rate of forests in the world is very large. It can be said that forests are indispensable to our human beings. The forest can bring many benefits, such as: it can prevent the erosion of sand storms and floods, and it can also make the air fresh, so that people living in the metropolis can breathe fresh air when they are free, which can not only clear the fatigue of the day, but also strengthen the body.

Many small animals live in the forest. If the forest is damaged, they cannot survive. In addition to human wanton felling of trees, the most fatal cause of forest destruction is forest fire. It is now March and April. The grass is growing and the birds are flying. It is the spring season. The temperature is gradually warming up, but the climate is also drying. The drier it is, the easier it is to have a fire. We'd better not bring some kindling up the mountain when we climb the mountain, go hiking, and sweep the tomb, so that we can avoid fire.

If you find a fire accidentally, you should try your best to put it out so as not to cause a big fire from a small one, or the tall and straight trees will also be affected. If there is a small area of fire, you can beat the burning place with clothes or branches until the fire is put out. If there is a large area of fire, you should immediately call the police and ask the firefighters to help put it out.

My friends, nature is our indispensable friend. Do you have the heart to see the forest in your hometown destroyed? Do you want the fresh air to become polluted air? Are you willing to let those cute animals that once lived in the forest disappear? I'm sure you won't. Therefore, we should protect the forest, protect the ecological environment and prevent forest fires. Everyone should be a small volunteer for forest fire prevention!

Forest protection and fire prevention (5)

The lush forests covering the earth are a huge and precious "green wealth" owned by nature. It has played an irreplaceable role in the history of human beings and development. Because of this, our ancestors and grandchildren can live and multiply under their care.

The forest is the purifying substance of the air, and enjoys the laudatory name of "the lung of the earth". It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and harmful gases, and constantly produce the oxygen needed by human beings and other creatures. It can conserve water, and plays an important role in the natural cycle. "Green mountains grow, and clear water flows". The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, and a natural reservoir It is natural air conditioning... The forest brings us endless benefits. Look, how selfless the forest has contributed to our humanity! Therefore, we should protect the forest and protect it from any damage.

The forest is closely related to people's production and life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable natural resources into nothing! Everyone is responsible for protecting forests; Take care of the forest, the alarm bell rings. A little spark may cause great losses to people. Forest fire can not only burn many trees, destroy forest structure and reduce forest utilization value.

Water and fire are merciless. This is not a joke. There is an old saying: those who play with fire burn themselves! One careless action of people will bring disaster to the forest. Forest fires triggered in nature will bring endless pain to people. As a primary school student, we should start from ourselves, strictly abide by the rules for primary school students, and do a good job in fire prevention publicity. We should not play with open flames or set off fireworks in the wild at ordinary times, and do not panic in case of fire. We should learn to be calm and calm, quickly evacuate from the fire, and dial the fire alarm "119" to let firefighters start fighting.

Nature is our mother, and the forest is the source of life. It is they that give us the right to live and the need to live. Without nature, there would be no human beings. For our future life, please don't burn the green vegetation! Forest fire prevention depends on all of us starting from ourselves. Everyone should establish fire prevention awareness, attach importance to and do a good job in fire prevention. In this way, the lush forests growing on the earth will serve us better and send us more warmth.

Forest fire protection (6)

The forest has the laudatory name of the lung of the earth. It can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide and continuously produce the oxygen we need. The forest is an oxygen factory, a dust filter, a natural oxygen bar... The forest brings us endless benefits! The forest is closely related to people's life, but the forest is always facing the threat of fire! Fire can turn valuable resources into nothing!

Let me tell you a few examples: in 20XX, in a mountain farm in a town in Fujian Province. A farmer accidentally caused a forest fire by burning weeds in his vegetable field. The affected forest area reached 28 hectares, and the fire lasted 19 hours. The fire fighting cost was 10000 yuan! 8 people died! In 20XX, a forest fire was caused by villagers smoking in a state-owned forest farm. More than 1000 mu of forest and grassland were damaged, and 4 firefighters died! During the Spring Festival this year, several boys played with firecrackers and caused a fire.

There are two causes of forest fire: human factors and natural factors. Among them, human factors are more frequent than natural factors. Human factors mainly include playing firecrackers, smoking and throwing cigarette butts. Fire can be merciless, not for fun. As an old saying goes, those who play with fire will burn themselves! One careless action of people can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to mankind! It is people's weak awareness of fire prevention that has led to painful consequences again and again!

With the development of society, people are more and more aware of the importance of environmental protection. There are more and more green caring activities in life, so why does the environment suffer serious losses? Because we can't live without wood. How helpful these woods are to us! Only then can our homeland have today's glory.

The trees in the forest are the hope for human survival, and also the home for animals and plants. How can we make trees benefit mankind forever? For the prosperity of the country, and for our beautiful home, we should do forest fire prevention. In carelessness, we burned many trees, causing serious losses to the forest. Sometimes, floods or sandstorms occur, giving serious punishment to human beings.

To protect the environment and thus protect the forest, we should start from ourselves and the little things around us. It is a green power that makes our lovely home so beautiful. Green is the source of life, and green is the hope of the world. Green is the harmony between man and nature, green is the home of animals and plants, green is peace and tranquility, green is the realization and dream! Let's have more green environment and less fire hazard, and add more green to our beautiful home!

Forest fire protection (7)

On Sunday, I went to the forest for a picnic with some friends on a sunny afternoon.

We came to this forest, where the forest is very lush, and there are chirping birds, very beautiful. We went to the tree forest and prepared to use matches to make a fire. Because many partners brought a lot of uncooked things, such as lamb kebabs, beef, meatballs, corn rolls, chicken wings... a lot of things we wanted to eat, so we started to build a fire, "click", the fire started, after a while, the fire became bigger, and black gray smoke came out of the sky.

At this time, the forest ranger in the distance saw it, she rushed over and scolded us, "Put out the fire"! The ranger said to us, "What do you use to make a fire? You can't make a fire in such a place, you know?" We looked at each other and lowered our heads. The forest ranger said meaningfully to us: "Children, it is a very dangerous thing to start a fire in the forest. In addition, fires often occur in the forest. It will burn the trees in the forest, and the living things will be burned to ashes. Even the firefighters will not be able to put out the fire." We gave the match to the forest ranger, and we put out the fire, "We know we are wrong, thank you, sister ranger." So we took snacks from our backpacks and ate happily

I was very happy about the picnic, and at the same time, I realized the danger of fire.

Forest fire protection (8)

Since we humans learned to use "fire", humans have started to enter civilization. Human life cannot be separated from fire. Without fire, we humans will live in cold and darkness.

The forest is the "lung" of our mother earth. It purifies the air, regulates the climate, and protects our home. If there is no forest, we humans will always welcome mudslides, floods, tsunamis and other disasters, so that our good life will never return.

Fire and forest are our good friends, but we must not let them together, or the consequences will be unimaginable.

On February 14, 20XX, in Dake Mountain Farm, Xiachang Group, Longdou Village, Shuibei Town, Shaowu City, farmers burned weeds in vegetable fields, causing a forest fire, which resulted in a major accident that killed 8 people and affected 27 forest areas. 5 hectares, the fire lasts for 19 hours, and the direct cost of fire fighting is 2. 60000 yuan; On February 28, 20XX, in Huluban Mountain Farm, Xiayong Village, Shangyong Town, Dehua County, Fujian Province, four people died in a forest fire caused by the impact of the pin insulator that broke away from the high voltage pole crossbar; On December 21, 20XX, in Lailing Mountain Farm, Shibi Village, Ansha Town, Yong'an City, two people were killed and one was injured due to the forest fire caused by Zhu Yunyu, a villager, burning the grass on the ridge. After nearly 19 hours of fighting, the fire was finally put out, with an area of 51. 7 hectares, 26 hectares of affected forests, and 2 direct fire fighting funds. 30000 yuan.

The shocking data and bloody lessons remind us all the time to strengthen fire source control and do a good job in fire prevention. There are two causes of forest fire: human factors and natural factors, of which human factors account for the main proportion. It mainly uses fire to open up wasteland in the wild; Use fire for heating in the wild; Use fire to drive animals away in the wild; Smoking in the wild, throwing cigarette butts, etc. We must be careful, careful, careful again, guard, guard, guard again!

Fire and water are merciless. This is no joke. There is an old saying: those who play with fire will burn themselves! One careless action of people can bring disaster to the forest and endless pain to human beings! So everyone is responsible for forest fire prevention!