At the most () (15 articles are recommended)
Himura Kenshin
2023-12-01 09:42:37
fourth grade

At the most () (1)

In the depths of memory, what never goes away is the back of parents. When the sun goes down when I go out for fun, I always lie on my father's generous back when I am sleepy; When I went to the hospital emergency room in the middle of the night, I always saw my mother's busy and thin back when I was struggling to sleep; In the middle of the night, I saw my mother doing housework under the light

"Where have my glasses gone again?" My mother's irritable cry interrupted my thoughts. I quickly got up and rushed out of the bedroom. I first rummaged on the sofa and looked around in the bedroom, but I never saw my glasses. Alas, my mother's eyes may have aged recently. She always takes off her nearsighted glasses when looking near, but she has to wear glasses when looking far away. As a result, this scene is always on. My father and I have more jobs looking for glasses. After nearly 10 minutes of searching, I finally found it on the bed! "Can you stop being so careless next time?" I complained, but what can I do?

By chance, I can find the old photo album. It is a beautiful woman who frequently appears. She has long black hair, two willow eyebrows, big charming eyes, and beautiful youth on her face. My eyes flashed, but my heart shook. This was my mother when I was young! It's time to grow old. Now, my mother has some crow's feet on her eyes, and white hair has quietly grown... Before I knew it, my sight began to become blurred.

The once young mother was early engraved by the time machine because of her busy family and career. My little growth and achievements are hidden in the wrinkles on my mother's face. The turning of growth rings and the creases of time, just when I was cared for carelessly, youth no longer exists.

I am very upset about one thing. When I got home that time, I slowly took out the paper from my schoolbag and handed it to my mother with some shame. When my mother took the test paper, I lowered my head and dared not look into her eyes. After a long silence, I heard the "rustle" of pencil writing. I looked up in doubt and saw only the back of my mother. The thin figure and towering shoulders immediately made me ashamed. Yes, does Mom need to say anything more? The cause of the problem has been analyzed many times, and I have already called exhortations and reminders as garrulous. The experience I imparted has also been submerged in my irritable attitude. As a mother who loves me, what else can she do? Be careful of my feelings, take care of my poor self-esteem, and heal my adolescent rebellion. She silently tolerated and tolerated my mistakes. Behind this lies the great love and wisdom and open-minded character.

Suddenly, a kind of sadness came to my heart, and I felt that I had driven myself into a cold and dark corner. Since then, I have become calm and quiet.

Like an angel, my mother gave me the softest and most exquisite love in her heart. The time spent with such a mother is the happiest.

At the most () (2)

In the depths of memory, what never goes away is the back of parents. When the sun goes down when I go out for fun, I always lie on my father's generous back when I am sleepy; When I went to the hospital emergency room in the middle of the night, I always saw my mother's busy and thin back when I was struggling to sleep; In the middle of the night, I saw my mother doing housework under the light

"Where have my glasses gone again?" My mother's irritable cry interrupted my thoughts. I quickly got up and rushed out of the bedroom. I first rummaged on the sofa and looked around in the bedroom, but I never saw my glasses. Alas, my mother's eyes may have aged recently. She always takes off her nearsighted glasses when looking near, but she has to wear glasses when looking far away. As a result, this scene is always on. My father and I have more jobs looking for glasses. After nearly 10 minutes of searching, I finally found it on the bed! "Can you stop being so careless next time?" I complained, but what can I do?

By chance, I can find the old photo album. It is a beautiful woman who frequently appears. She has long black hair, two willow eyebrows, big charming eyes, and beautiful youth on her face. My eyes flashed, but my heart shook. This was my mother when I was young! It's time to grow old. Now, my mother has some crow's feet on her eyes, and white hair has quietly grown... Before I knew it, my sight began to become blurred.

The once young mother was early engraved by the time machine because of her busy family and career. My little growth and achievements are hidden in the wrinkles on my mother's face. The turning of growth rings and the creases of time, just when I was cared for carelessly, youth no longer exists.

I am very upset about one thing. When I got home that time, I slowly took out the paper from my schoolbag and handed it to my mother with some shame. When my mother took the test paper, I lowered my head and dared not look into her eyes. After a long silence, I heard the "rustle" of pencil writing. I looked up in doubt and saw only the back of my mother. The thin figure and towering shoulders immediately made me ashamed. Yes, does Mom need to say anything more? The cause of the problem has been analyzed many times, and I have already called exhortations and reminders as garrulous. The experience I imparted has also been submerged in my irritable attitude. As a mother who loves me, what else can she do? Be careful of my feelings, take care of my poor self-esteem, and heal my adolescent rebellion. She silently tolerated and tolerated my mistakes. Behind this lies the great love and wisdom and open-minded character.

Suddenly, a kind of sadness came to my heart. I felt that I had driven myself into a cold and dark corner! Since then, I have become calm and quiet.

Like an angel, my mother gave me the softest and most exquisite love in her heart. The time spent with such a mother is the happiest.

At the most () (3)

Su Shi once said in his poem, "You must remember the good scenery of a year, especially when it is orange and green.". In addition, because "orange" contains a "auspicious" "auspicious", many people will buy orange potted display. My favorite fruit is oranges. Every autumn when the osmanthus is fragrant, all kinds of oranges just come on the market. There are many kinds of oranges, including Babu orange, Jinqian orange, sweet orange, sour orange, Miyagawa orange, Xinjin orange, Weizhang orange, Wenzhou orange, Sichuan orange, etc. Every day after school, on the way home, there are many cars parked at the roadside filled with golden oranges. The farmers' uncles stood by and shouted, "Oranges are cheap, five yuan and three jin, come and see We would stop to buy some fresh oranges.

Once, the weather was overcast and dark clouds were wandering in the sky. It seemed that it was going to rain, so we rode home quickly. When we passed the Shuiximen Bridge, several fruit selling cars stopped there. Because we were afraid of rain, the fruit would be damaged. The traders on several cars were trying to sell it. It was five yuan and four jin, much cheaper than usual. After the car, I reminded: "Dad, today's oranges are so cheap, let's just buy some." "Well, you can go down to see which oranges are good, you can choose some, but hurry up." I walked to several cars to have a look, and finally stopped in front of a young couple's car, and selected some, quickly loaded, praised, and paid, just 10 yuan. When I got home, my father just wanted to eat. "Let's use the simple name at home to see if we are short of weight." I reminded my father in time. "Ha ha, my daughter also knows how to check the scales." I hooked the orange on the scales. Once the scales were just right, I poured out the oranges again and counted a total of 20. I just learned multiplication and division recently, and my father wanted to test me: "20 oranges are 10 yuan, if each orange is the same size, how much is each orange?", "How many are left?" "18, that's too simple." "How many are each of the three people in our family?"

"Six, Dad, don't take the exam, I'm doing well in math", "If every person in our family eats two oranges a day in a week, how many oranges do we eat in a week. "Wow, that's great. How do you calculate it?" "There are three people in our family, each of whom eats two every day, six a day, seven days a week, and 67% is 42, right?" "Exactly right." Dad suddenly asked, "How many oranges were sold just now? Why did you buy so many oranges from young couples?", "I saw a child about my age in the driver's cab of his car. Reading in it, I thought it was going to rain, so I bought more and let his parents and children go home early to have a rest!" My father stared at me in a daze, suddenly hugged me and held me high, while rewarding me with two oranges. He also praised me for my love, which is worthy of being his child!

Dad said that although it was a small matter, what he saw was that his daughter had grown up, could think, had thought and had love. Indeed, the education in our school not only teaches me knowledge, but also integrates the principles of being a man, so that I can learn to understand and integrate into the society in practice.

At the most () (4)

She noticed that she was just because the goose was standing beside him for a few seconds. The wild geese returning from the south stopped beside him for a few seconds.

He didn't know that the look followed the wild goose to him.

Since then, he never went to brainwash again. After class, he just waited for him to pass by the window, stood by the window, and blocked himself with a curtain. He did not know that her heart was beating like a deer.

At the age of sixteen, she is the joy of the beginning of a flower.

It is the fate of a flower. She pays attention to her every move like a thief. Occasionally, she hurried on, but was hit by him. In a moment, everything was no longer important.

What a beautiful smile he has! She thought to herself. He lifted her up and smiled politely. At that moment, she forgot the year, the month, and the last name. If only the time could stop.

I was late at last. But she did not regret it. Maybe if she had come earlier, she would not have seen him! Full of joy, those happy petals like a piece of her own spring.

Later, there was none. He eventually turned to another school, and she never mentioned the past of green plum to others.

However, she leaned against the window alone in the desolate campus that year. He never knew all her intentions. Her likes, in fact, have nothing to do with him.

And he is her. When I came to Moshang, I was young.

At the most () (5)

Outside the window, the dark night was accompanied by the heavy weather, which made me breathless and my heart sank bit by bit. On the ground, there was an examination paper. The score on it hurt my eyes. I didn't look at it anymore, but it still kept telling me what had happened.

Time and time again, the wind and rain, the thorns along the way, will hurt my whole body. I can only struggle feebly, hissing, and letting tears streak my cheeks.

"Knock, knock, knock". The door of the room was gently knocked. I raised my arm to wipe my tears and said in a hoarse voice, "Come in." My mother came in at the sound, took a cup of coffee, a cup of milk and a small plate of sugar, gently put them on the desk, looked at my red and swollen eyes, looked at the underground test paper, and turned out of the room without saying anything. With the light sound of the door, the room fell into silence again. I went to my desk and sat down. As usual, I picked up the milk. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. The milk that was about to be sent to my mouth was replaced by coffee. I took a small sip of bitter, which was the first feeling when I entered the coffee. After a few more sips, he added milk to the coffee and watched the black and white blend into each other, circling in the cup. Struggle and finally merge. Pick up the cup and taste it. It's mellow, slightly sweet, but still full of bitterness. Add sugar, it is a unique taste, both sweet sugar, milk fragrance, but also bitter coffee. I suddenly opened up and my mouth slightly rose.

Oh, I see.

There is always bitterness at the beginning of life, but you can't be defeated by the bitterness. You should learn a lesson and grow up in the bitterness. As long as you survive the bitterness, you will have the joy of progress, which is a unique taste. When you succeed, sugar is also readily available. These three different flavors are mixed together, which is the taste of joy. It contains the bitterness of coffee, the mellow smell of milk, and the sweetness and joy of sugar. But if you make a mistake, you will not have this unique taste. In the process of progress or success, there is still bitterness mixed in it. Therefore, coffee is indispensable in life, and so is bitterness.

Outside the window, the dark night sky is extremely quiet. Occasionally, I heard several cicadas chirping and bright moonlight on the earth. I know it will be sunny tomorrow.

At the most () (6)

"You are the marshmallow in my heart, a sweet dream. The world has changed with you, even if the day is coming..."

Humming the "Cotton Candy" to the top, I feel particularly bright. The sun is shining outside the window, the sky is so blue, and the grass is so green. I was really not resistant to this environment, so I walked out of the door gently. Ah! The air is so fresh that from time to time one or two butterflies fly into the flowers. Slowly open your arms and feel the beautiful world at this moment. Choose a tall elm to sit down and enjoy the state of birds singing and flowers fragrance alone. Looking up, the sun was cut into sections by elm leaves, and scattered on the grass. At this time, the quiet and beautiful, no words to express, only a smile.

Immerse in a quiet atmosphere, unable to extricate themselves, take care of their own hearts and enjoy their own calm. Quiet feelings are not to give up the right to speak, but to believe in the greatness of nature and the inevitability of laws.

Compared with the noise of the city, this kind of silence is noble and elegant. You will know what you are in the artistic conception of "You can't be tired of seeing two things, only Jingting Mountain".

At the most () (7)

Wandering in front of your window

I want to give Xin'an a home

Let eternity and eyes stop wandering

Let loneliness and youth no longer wait


A lamp opens at night

Ignite thoughts into the window lattice

The familiar figure is beautiful and affectionate

The joy of feeling is full of smiles


I like the old dream very much

Not because there are so many dreams

Because when I dream of you

Young breath will be full of passion


How much pain

Discarded hazy nostalgia Honesty

Tearful sadness contains tenderness

Fragile despair and obscure mood

//The age that yearns for understanding has also hidden the love with red glow. Remember that this initial pure state of mind, the love of keeping watch, is the witness of youth and romance

At the most () (8)

Su Shi once said in his poem, "You must remember the good scenery of a year, especially when it is orange and green.". In addition, because "orange" contains a "auspicious" "auspicious", many people will buy orange potted display. My favorite fruit is oranges. Every autumn when the osmanthus is fragrant, all kinds of oranges just come on the market. There are many kinds of oranges, including Babu orange, Jinqian orange, sweet orange, sour orange, Miyagawa orange, Xinjin orange, Weizhang orange, Wenzhou orange, Sichuan orange, etc. Every day after school, on the way home, there are many cars parked at the roadside filled with golden oranges. The farmers' uncles stood by and shouted, "Oranges are cheap, five yuan and three jin, come and see We would stop to buy some fresh oranges. Once, the weather was overcast and dark clouds were wandering in the sky. It seemed that it was going to rain, so we rode home quickly. When we passed the Shuiximen Bridge, several fruit selling cars stopped there. Because we were afraid of rain, the fruit would be damaged. The traders on several cars were trying to sell it. It was five yuan and four jin, much cheaper than usual. After the car, I reminded: "Dad, today's oranges are so cheap, let's just buy some." "Well, you can go down to see which oranges are good, you can choose some, but hurry up." I walked to several cars to have a look, and finally stopped in front of a young couple's car, and selected some, quickly loaded, praised, and paid, just 10 yuan. When I got home, my father just wanted to eat. "Let's use the simple name at home to see if we are short of weight." I reminded my father in time. "Ha ha, my daughter also knows how to check the scales." I hooked the orange on the scales. Once the scales were just right, I poured out the oranges again and counted a total of 20. I just learned multiplication and division recently, and my father wanted to test me: "20 oranges are 10 yuan, if each orange is the same size, how much is each orange?", "How many are left?" "18, that's too simple." "How many are each of the three people in our family?"

"Six, Dad, don't take the exam, I'm doing well in math", "If every person in our family eats two oranges a day in a week, how many oranges do we eat in a week. "Wow, that's great. How do you calculate it?" "There are three people in our family, each of whom eats two every day, six a day, seven days a week, and 67% is 42, right?" "Exactly right." Dad suddenly asked, "How many oranges were sold just now? Why did you buy so many oranges from young couples?", "I saw a child about my age in the driver's cab of his car. Reading in it, I thought it was going to rain, so I bought more and let his parents and children go home early to have a rest!" My father stared at me in a daze, suddenly hugged me and held me high, while rewarding me with two oranges. He also praised me for my love, which is worthy of being his child! Dad said that although it was a small matter, what he saw was that his daughter had grown up, could think, had thought and had love. Indeed, the education in our school not only teaches me knowledge, but also integrates the principles of being a man, so that I can learn to understand and integrate into the society in practice.

At the most () (9)

Seeing that autumn is coming, the ripe fruit lowers its head. It is not self admiration, not narcissism, nor is it lamenting the fate of his impending transition from prosperity to decline. Looking at the fruits before us, and looking back on the past days, from the fullness of life to the fullness of life, along the way, in addition to the hard work, more is the happiness of harvest. It lowered its head and asked itself: "How am I mature? If it is not the wind, I am afraid that I have already rotted; if it is not the rain, I am afraid that I have already withered; if it is not light, I am afraid that I have already become pale; if it is not hot, I am afraid that I have already become haggard."

Learning its appearance, I also lowered my head and began to meditate.

Not parents, I'm afraid I have lost my strength. In the years of growing up, I cried, laughed, fell, crawled, and my parents never left. The betrayal may be friends, the loss may be happiness, but regardless of my hypocrisy, affectation, happiness or sadness, or being abandoned by my own persistent things, or being hurt by life, my parents will stick behind me, and when I want to escape from pain, they will firmly tell me: no matter what setbacks you encounter, you must be strong and brave to face them. Life is like a gamble. You need to figure out many mysteries that you can't figure out. Even if you lose everything, we will still support and trust you behind you as always. Now that I have grown up, I can face all my experiences alone. They taught me all these things. Because of my parents, I am strong and persistent.

Not a teacher, I'm afraid I have lost my ideal. How many failures beat my thin ideal, but there is always a beam of light that leads me to find my direction again. The competition for the college entrance examination is so fierce, the book mountain is so lofty, and the sea of questions is so turbulent. I can't remember how many times I was lost. The road is ahead, but I can't find the direction. The teacher's words echoed in my ears: Don't give up, remember what you want, learn a lesson from this failure, pay, there will always be gains. Time and time again, because of the teacher, I have gained after every setback.

I'm not an opponent. I'm afraid I have lost my fighting spirit. Now, what supports me is not only the care and encouragement of my parents and teachers, but also the ridicule and disdain of my rivals. People may be born with a stubborn and unwilling. The more you say I can't do it, the better I will show you. In fact, most of the time, people are forced to a desperate situation. In addition to hard climbing, there is no way out. In such a difficult life, I think we all need such an opponent to help you force yourself into a desperate situation and then rebirth. I yearn for such a life posture - to die and survive. Without rivals, I don't think I can find such a gesture to surpass myself. Because of my opponent, I am full of fighting spirit and hope for the future. After unremitting efforts, I will certainly surpass myself.

Step by step, don't allow time to swallow yourself up: year by year, find yourself full of vitality in your life. Eighteen years, eighteen years of wind and rain, because of them, I understand the true meaning of maturity. I will always remember that what I have experienced will always belong to me. In fact, pain and suffering are the most beautiful memories. I appreciate what I have experienced, thank you.

It is necessary to remember the trials and hardships at the same time, because it is the most bitter and mature time.

teacher commenting

People only admire the flower of success for its present brilliance. However, its original bud is full of tears of struggle and blood of sacrifice. Fortunately, with parents, teachers, friends and encouragement from rivals along the way, we finally have the fragrance and fullness of autumn fruits. The article rationalizes the use of materials, relates to their own lives and feelings, tells the truth, explains the true meaning, has a rigorous structure, clear thinking, and poetic language.

At the most () (10)

Su Shi once said in his poem, "You must remember the good scenery of a year, especially when it is orange and green.". In addition, because "orange" contains a "auspicious" "auspicious", many people will buy orange potted display. My favorite fruit is oranges. Every autumn when the osmanthus is fragrant, all kinds of oranges just come on the market. There are many kinds of oranges, including Babu orange, Jinqian orange, sweet orange, sour orange, Miyagawa orange, Xinjin orange, Weizhang orange, Wenzhou orange, Sichuan orange, etc. Every day after school, on the way home, there are many cars parked at the roadside filled with golden oranges. The farmers' uncles stood by and shouted, "Oranges are cheap, five yuan and three jin, come and see We would stop to buy some fresh oranges. Once, the weather was overcast and dark clouds were wandering in the sky. It seemed that it was going to rain, so we rode home quickly. When we passed the Shuiximen Bridge, several fruit selling cars stopped there. Because we were afraid of rain, the fruit would be damaged. The traders on several cars were trying to sell it. It was five yuan and four jin, much cheaper than usual. After the car, I reminded: "Dad, today's oranges are so cheap, let's just buy some." "Well, you can go down to see which oranges are good, you can choose some, but hurry up." I walked to several cars to have a look, and finally stopped in front of a young couple's car, and selected some, quickly loaded, praised, and paid, just 10 yuan. When I got home, my father just wanted to eat. "Let's use the 'simple weight' at home to see if we are short of weight." I reminded my father in time. "Ha ha, my daughter also knows how to check the scales." I hooked the orange on the scales. Once the scales were just right, I poured out the oranges again and counted a total of 20. I just learned multiplication and division recently, and my father wanted to test me: "20 oranges are 10 yuan, if each orange is the same size, how much is each orange?", "How many are left?" "18, too simple", "If the rest is equally distributed to three people in our family, how many are each?" "6, Dad, don't take the exam, I'm doing well in mathematics", "If every person in our family eats 2 oranges a day in a week, how many will our family eat in a star period?" This is a bit difficult, I stopped eating, and calculated in my mouth, 42 will be calculated in a moment. "Wow, that's great. How do you calculate it?" "There are three people in our family, each of whom eats two every day, six a day, seven days a week, and 67% is 42, right?" "Exactly right." Dad suddenly asked, "How many oranges were sold just now? Why did you buy so many oranges from young couples?", "I saw a child about my age in the driver's cab of his car. Reading in it, I thought it was going to rain, so I bought more and let his parents and children go home early to have a rest!" My father stared at me in a daze, suddenly hugged me and held me high, while rewarding me with two oranges. He also praised me for my love, which is worthy of being his child! Dad said that although it was a small matter, what he saw was that his daughter had grown up, could think, had thought and had love. Indeed, the education in our school not only teaches me knowledge, but also integrates the principles of being a man, so that I can learn to understand and integrate into the society in practice.

At the most () (11)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. You are familiar with composition. With composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the 800 words of the most unforgettable accompanying composition compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. I hope it can help you.

A trickle of water converges into a river of life. You and my story can not be separated from each other to blend in, giving a name, kinship - that is also a river.

When you were three years old, I also came, and naturally became your sister. Brother, since I remember, you are my black cat police chief. It has been more than ten years since you started fighting and making troubles.

The white lightning shone on my brother's face through the window - white, "boom..." The thunder came one after another. This scene scared the baby, so I cried even harder.

When I was five years old and you were eight years old, my grandma suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. My parents went on business again. My aunt had to tell you to help me sleep, so she hurried to take care of her grandma. "Sobbing... I want grandma." I cried loudly while pulling your clothes and wiping tears. "All right, all right, crying kid." With a look of disgust at my crimson face, you wipe away my tears with your hand. "Cry again and again! Hehe... The bad people outside will catch you when they hear your voice." "Whoa..." I cried even harder. "Turn on the light! I want to turn on the light!..." "Turn on the light and sleep!" You jumped out of bed, "You still can't sleep! Don't go to the house to uncover the tiles for three days!" You want to scold me, but I want to cry but can't bear tears. "Oh, I lost to you, and tell you a secret... I'm a black cat sheriff, but now I have to rest without wearing a police uniform." I sniffed and rubbed with your clothes. "Cheating ghosts, the sheriff will not be so fierce." "Tut, as a hero, you need to be serious to beat the bad guys away, don't you! Fool!" I wanted to refute you, but you have covered me and your body with hands and feet and quilts, "Don't talk anymore!" You warned me.

Until now, I still remember your stinky appearance and warm body like Grandma's.

That thunderous night, we were together.

"Oh, I know." The voice of the receiver on the phone was still ringing in my ears. My elder brother, who was supposed to go home with me after school, stood me up for my classmate's birthday, and let my younger sister, who had never come home alone by car, exercise her courage in the name of the United States? Oh, wait and see! I'm not a coward!


The wind made my face ache, until the lights were bright, I got on the bus calmly. "Ringing..." The person who said "Black Cat Sheriff" came to check the guard. "Why?" I said angrily. "Did you get on the bus?" "Well, thank you for your concern. I'll hang up if I have nothing to do." I was calm on the surface, but I was hurt and afraid in my heart. In the evening, a girl took a taxi home by herself. "Wait! Don't hang up until you get home. You didn't dare to sleep alone when you were young... Well, I mean, I'm afraid you'll be bored, so I'll chat with you." He knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he said in another way. My mouth was slightly bent, and his head was filled with remorse. "I see," I said.

It was quiet all around. I could only hear his steady breathing coming into my left ear, which gave me a sense of security and warmth like the thunderous night that year.

We stayed together on that cold night when the wind blew.

The most unforgettable companionship, companionship is the longest confession.

Brother, I always want to tell you that you are my black cat sheriff and my true hero.

Thank fate for making us brothers and sisters.

At the most () (12)

I remember at that time, I had never seen such a beautiful sunset for a long time, and the golden color struck me, which deeply shocked me and made me stand between heaven and earth for a long time.

The branches of the maple trees led the maple leaves, and almost no gaps filled the whole field. It's like walking into a dream, completely warmed by red.

Static autumn, very beautiful.

Walking on the path in the field, the soil is fresh and fresh, and listening to the flute of Golden Rice swaying in the wind, it is hard to say how beautiful it is. Autumn's silent music enveloped me and asked, "Do you also want to sing a song?"

"Can you sing? Can you sing a song for me?"

Qiu asked.

Yes, autumn is the best time to sing.

When the heart enters the moment of beauty, it will see a different world. Yes, what Lin Qingxuan said is quite what I think.

In autumn, Tian Yuan is beautiful, and as long as you think of a poem, the beauty will pour and flow like music. "Nine Songs" was originally a song of worship to the gods. When I thought of those white orchids, they were fragrant. I kept the scenery of Qiuxiang in mind, hummed the melody gently, and gradually moved away, until they merged with the autumn scenery

Autumn is the best time to sing, invite you and me to listen to the flowers and enjoy the autumn scenery of the river.

At the most () (13)

It is not like spring light, but rather like spring light. It is a vast river with thousands of miles of frost.

What will you do in this golden October? Do you want to walk on the road as usual, or do you want to calm down and enjoy the chrysanthemum sea?

It was Saturday. It has just rained, and the air still has the smell after the rain. So when the teacher said that we were going to see chrysanthemums, I laughed in my heart - now, I'm afraid we have to go to see "chrysanthemums still have Aoshuang branches". However, before I came near, the golden color and lingering fragrance made me ashamed of my superficial understanding. Chrysanthemum, so different!

The square decorated with chrysanthemums and crowds came into sight. People shuttling in the sea of flowers either leaned down to watch the chrysanthemums competing for beauty, or stood with their families for a group photo... I carried my schoolbag and rushed to the chrysanthemums step by step.

After watching for a long time in the venue, I found a clump of chrysanthemums that I could hardly move from an inconspicuous place - it was a white cloud, so inconspicuous among the red and purple chrysanthemums in the garden. Its white petals are in full bloom, and at the end they roll back to the stamens, and its slim body sways slightly in the wind. I leaned down and smelled a heavy aroma. Like the shy but bright smile of a girl in the prime of life.

I looked at it crazily, and I saw a pool of wet rain and dew in its nutmeg like stamens, which were the traces left after it fought with the wind and rain. I know that it not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a strong and fearless heart.

It is not the peach blossom that can blossom freely only in the spring breeze, nor the plum blossom that can blossom alone in the cold and severe winter. The former is too pompous and the latter is too cold. Only it can have the beauty of peach blossom and the character of plum blossom. It is a wide sleeved hermit, quietly opening in the autumn wind.

That's why so many people love it. From Tao Qian's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can easily see the Nanshan Mountain" to Yuan Zhen's "not preferring chrysanthemums among flowers, this flower is even more flowerless." to Zheng Sixiao's "preferring to die with incense on the branches, never falling into the north wind." From ancient times to the present, how many literati and writers have splashed their ink and left many famous poems about chrysanthemums.

The sentence "Chrysanthemum is the hermit of flowers" in "Love Lotus" has been read for thousands of years. Sister Lin's question, "Who can hide with her? The same flowers bloom late?" still rings in her ears.

When people talk about chrysanthemums, they always talk about their loneliness.

Indeed, flowers are like people. Tao Qian loved chrysanthemums thousands of years ago, and he himself was also a chrysanthemum. His poetic talent is like the beautiful posture of chrysanthemums, and his pride, which he does not want to associate with the powerful, is the most similar to chrysanthemums. Before Tao Qian, a great poet wrote in his famous poem, "When you drink Mulan in the morning, you will see the dew fall; when you eat the chrysanthemum in the evening, you will see the fall of the flower." The great poet was Qu Yuan. He loves chrysanthemum and knows it well. The chrysanthemum Aoshuang blooming alone is the true portrayal of his "everyone in the world is drunk and I wake up alone".

Chrysanthemum rhyme, in the final analysis, is its pride of "not dancing with the yellow leaves in autumn", and the people who love Chrysanthemum and understand Chrysanthemum have a mind as indifferent to fame and wealth as Chrysanthemum, just like its fragrance, which is almost imperceptible. In time, this breath of refreshing fragrance has soothed the impatience of many people due to their fame and wealth.

At the most () (14)

"Six, Dad, don't take the exam, I'm doing well in math", "If every person in our family eats two oranges a day in a week, how many oranges do we eat in a week. "Wow, that's great. How do you calculate it?" "There are three people in our family, each of whom eats two every day, six a day, seven days a week, and 67% is 42, right?" "Exactly right." Dad suddenly asked, "How many oranges were sold just now? Why did you buy so many oranges from young couples?", "I saw a child about my age in the driver's cab of his car. Reading in it, I thought it was going to rain, so I bought more and let his parents and children go home early to have a rest!" My father stared at me in a daze, suddenly hugged me and held me high, while rewarding me with two oranges. He also praised me for my love, which is worthy of being his child! Dad said that although it was a small matter, what he saw was that his daughter had grown up, could think, had thought and had love. Indeed, the education in our school not only teaches me knowledge, but also integrates the principles of being a man, so that I can learn to understand and integrate into the society in practice.

At the most () (15)

I heard early that Zhanghe's famous for its honey oranges. In an orange season, my mother, I and some of my good friends went to Zhanghe, a beautiful summer resort, to pick oranges.

After several days of rain, it finally cleared up. The bright sunshine is scattered in every corner of the villa, and the forest after the rain is getting more and more green. The birds fly up into the sky and stand at the top of the trees and sing beautiful songs.

In the morning, after breakfast, we went to the orange orchard near the Villa to pick oranges under the guidance of the hotel lady. Along the way, the Zhanghe River beside the road is sparkling under the sunlight, like the sun dancing in the water, like thousands of butterflies dancing in the water. The grass on the ground is covered with water drops, as if inlaid with bright pearls. Everything is so fresh and beautiful.

After passing a section of Quqi's path, we walked into an orange garden with a barking, and a faint fragrance came to us. Only the lush orange trees were covered with red lanterns of oranges. Next to the orange garden, there is a little brother who is concentrating on his homework. Two rough high benches make up a table, and one low bench is a chair. Maybe the sound of the dog startled him. He looked up and saw us. Then he stood up and looked at us, but did not speak. We chattered to him that we wanted him to buy oranges here and asked him: "Are your parents at home, He was not tall, about 12 or 13 years old, with dark skin and round head and big black eyes. "Oh, you are really good. You can help your parents at such a young age." After listening to my mother's words, I thought to myself that it would be great to sell oranges. If I were born in an orange garden, I would also. Just then, I stood beside the boy's "desk", and I took up his book unconvinced. It was a composition book. I thought that every time I wrote a composition, my mother would give me repeated inspiration and revision to complete it. The country brother, without guidance, certainly could not write a good composition. But when I opened a piece of "Picking Beans", I was attracted by the vivid description. Then I casually opened an English book next to it. It seemed that the English letters were typed by a computer, and the teacher typed very good on almost every page of homework. Seeing that the little brother could do such excellent homework in such a simple situation without adult supervision, I could not help but stretch out my tongue in shame. We negotiated the price with the brother and were going to pick oranges in the orange garden. He said, "The orange orchard in front has just been drugged and can't be eaten. I will lead you to the back garden to pick it.". We went to the orange garden in the backyard with him, and saw yellow and green oranges bending the branches. We asked him if he could eat it at the same time? He said, "Yes," not loudly, but simply. At first, we only knew how to pick the big yellow oranges. The elder brother saw it and said, "The orange with thin skin and round fruit shape is sweet.". We picked one as he said, peeled off a thin layer of skin, and tasted it. It was really sweet and sour. I thought to myself: This elder brother is really stupid. He introduced us to pick good oranges. How can we buy those bad oranges in the future? After a while, we picked a big basket, and he took out a scale that was almost longer than him, skillfully divided the oranges into three bags on average and gave them to us.

On the way home, my mother asked us: "Is Zhanghe beautiful?" My friends and I asked in unison: "Beautiful.". "What's the most beautiful?" Mom asked again. "Water beauty", "Mountain beauty", and "Orange beauty" were our answers. After listening to this, my mother told us with a smile: "decades ago, there was no beautiful Zhanghe River here, let alone the sweet oranges. It was just a very poor land, and because it was often ravaged by mountain torrents and wild waters, people often had no livelihood. In order to transform the harsh nature, 100000 people have spent eight years under very difficult conditions to dig and build today's Zhanghe Reservoir. After the completion of the Zhanghe Reservoir, not only the water system has been improved, so that the surrounding farmers can achieve income protection through drought and waterlogging, but also the people in Jingmen, Dangyang, Yuan'an, Nanzhang and other places have been nurtured. The tap water we drink is obtained from the Zhanghe River. After listening to my mother's words, I thought for a while, and suddenly understood, and blurted out: "I know, Zhanghe people are the most beautiful.". My mother touched my head happily and said, "Yes, it is the hardworking and intelligent Zhanghe people who have created today's beautiful Zhanghe". After listening to my mother's words, I can't help but see the diligent, kind-hearted, studious and enterprising little brother in the orange garden here just now. I think the future of Zhanghe will be better with them.