Friction Composition (19 in total)
Lily in the wind
2023-10-05 09:11:55

Friction Composition (1)

Today is Sunday. I went to the trumpet class. When I came back from the trumpet class, I hurried to the supermarket opposite our house to buy lunch dishes.

When we were shopping in the supermarket, my father asked me to take a plastic bag to fill his vegetables. When I got to the front of the plastic bag, I felt the suction. The closer I got, the more I felt the suction. I knew! Suddenly, I thought of the friction in science. Everyone in the supermarket has to take a plastic bag. When you pull it, I pull it. The friction is generated when the bag rotates.

It occurred to me that I could take some pieces of paper to test it. How? Just put the paper on the plastic bag to see if it can be sucked, and then I started my experiment on scientific friction.

First of all, I searched and searched. It made me feel like years. I felt that I had gone through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties and had to go through countless hardships to find this small piece of paper. It seemed to be a person who wanted to play hide and seek with me. It was a master who hid very quietly, as if it had been lost. I could not find it.

When I found it, I put it on. It didn't fall off. I guessed it correctly.

I couldn't forget when I left. It's good to have science!

Friction Composition (2)

Friction is everywhere. If there were no friction in the world, we would not be able to survive and work.

For example, there was a excavator driver who sat in the excavator and pressed the start button to put down the excavator, but the excavator would joke with the excavator driver, jumping right, walking left, sliding forward, and backing back. It took an hour to excavate, and the driver of the excavator didn't dig any soil. When the driver got off, he saw that the wheels were smooth and the ground was slippery. There is not too much friction. No wonder it is difficult to stop the car. His boss in turn said, "He doesn't work, and he takes a rest during working hours." He fired the driver and asked him for the cost of lost time. He said angrily: "Don't blame me, blame the small friction."

When I was in the second grade, I was walking on the ice on my way to school when I heard a bang. I turned around and saw that my friend Han Liuyi had slipped on the ice in order to chase me. At this time, I noticed that the soles of her shoes were flat. If they were flat and slammed together with the ground, there would be no friction. So it is easy to slip.

Although friction is sometimes hateful, we can't live without friction. Everything has two sides. We should correctly understand, seek benefits and avoid disadvantages, and let them benefit mankind.

Friction Composition (3)

Before class, the teacher Zhou announced that this was a game class, and just after that, everyone was whispering about what the game would be. "Ding Lingling", the teacher came in with two crossed composition books after class. I don't understand. Isn't this a game class? Why did the teacher bring in two books?

The original game is to let us "pull out the books". Teacher Zhou said, "If anyone can separate these two books without damaging the books, he can not write today's composition!" As soon as this sentence was finished, the whole class burst into cheers, especially the male students rubbed their fists and palms one by one, eager to try, and kept shouting: "I come, I come." We girls are not willing to be outdone. We hold our hands high.

First, we selected a female classmate, Xu Mengting. She was holding the spine of the book tightly with her hands and staring at the book tightly. She tried her best to hold the two books but could not help it. They were like two conjoined babies, holding tightly together. Maybe the girls are too weak, so we called Gu Hao, the strongman in the class, to pull books from heaven.

He looked as if to say, "The girl's strength is so small, and I have more strength than her, so I will be able to pull out the book", and walked to the lectern manly. He took the book from the teacher and couldn't wait to pull it up. His hands were trembling, but the expression on his face was very strange. His tongue stretched out long, as if it had also used its strength to pull out books. As time went by, Gu Haotian's strength gradually ran out, but the book was still intact, so he had to go down in frustration.

Everyone failed to separate the books. We all thought it was a trick played by Teacher Zhou, who stuck the books with glue. But that's not the case. It's the friction. It turns out that the friction is generated when two books are put together one page at a time. No matter how hard you use, you can't separate them! I really admire the friction, which is stronger than boys.

Friction Composition (4)

"Bang!" I was awakened from my bed by a loud noise. Ah! The cabinets, tables and stools in the room were piled up in one corner somehow, as if they had been robbed. The quilt that was originally covered on me also slipped onto the ground.

I looked at everything in front of me in surprise, and wanted to get out of bed to find out why it was like this. But when my feet hit the ground, the whole person slipped down. "Bang!" I hit the wall in the corner. I tried hard to get up from the ground, but I could not get up all the time. I lay on the ground and thought, what's wrong with the world?

After a long time of thinking, I suddenly thought of the teacher's previous lesson, and finally understood all this - friction disappeared! I tried harder to stand up, grabbed my cabinet with my hand, and stood up little by little. When I stood firm, I looked out of the window. Wow! Outside, like my room, there was chaos - all the cars parked on the roadside moved by themselves; Cats and dogs use their paws to pick up the concave part of the ground to prevent themselves from sliding into the traffic flow; There are also some very tenacious people, holding the roadside lights or trees, walking with difficulty.

I don't know when I slipped again, but this time I didn't hit the wall, instead I slipped out of the door. I slid all the way to the stairs. I quickly grasped the handrail, but sadly, the friction disappeared and the handrail would also slide! I sat down on the ground and slid down the stairs. Ah, that is sour and cool. There is no one.

I tried everything to stop sliding, but the friction disappeared. What can I do! Fortunately, my room is only on the second floor. If it were a higher floor, I would not be so lucky.

After sliding to the first floor, I tried to control myself from sliding to the front door, and finally stopped at the living room. I don't know when a big truck ran out of control in the direction of my home. I quickly closed my eyes

When I opened my eyes, I still lay on the bed. Everything at home was as neat as before. Ah, it was just a dream!

Friction Composition (5)

If there is no friction in the world

In study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a collection of essays compiled by Xiao Bian. If there is no friction in the world, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

At seven o'clock in the morning, I just sat up and slipped off the bed. It hurt! I wanted to stand up, but my hands couldn't hold it. I kept slipping, which was dozens of times more slippery than the ice. I finally got up, but I accidentally bumped into the chair. The chair slid towards the table, and the table moved freely in the room. The cups on the table fell to the ground and smashed. The pot fell off the table when it was hit by the table. The salt shaker also fell from the place where it was placed, and the salt was scattered all over the ground. Then bowls, plates, pots and so on fell down, and the sound was clear and loud. Many things slide around the room like snakes, and then

I started to eat breakfast, but I couldn't pick up the bowl in my hand. One end of the bowl went straight down. It's not easy to hold the bowl in my arms. I can't hold the chopsticks and eat it. I'm so angry! It's a waste of time to work so hard. I had to put down my bowl and put on my shoes.

When I went downstairs, I often slipped and could not hold the handrail, so I had to stop and go downstairs carefully.

The streets are already in disorder! I saw that the moving vehicle on the road could not stop at all. Pedestrians scrambled to avoid where they passed. Finally, the car hit an obstacle and stopped. Many people were injured as a result. However, those cars parked on the roadside can't move and become a decoration. It's also not safe to ride a bicycle. You can see that people who push bicycles and walk hard are covered with large and small wounds, which are obviously caused when they fall down. I'm not surprised. I should be careful.

The garbage can on the sidewalk also lost its function, and the garbage was scattered all over the ground, becoming a stumbling block for pedestrians. Although the walkers pay attention again and again, they often slip on the soles of their feet and fall on their backs accidentally. Usually mischievous children don't dare to run around. They follow the adults one by one, saving them a lot of trouble.

Ah, the world without friction is really terrible!

Friction Composition (6)

I found magic friction Excellent composition

Whether in school or in society, when it comes to composition, everyone must not be blind. Composition must be focused on the theme, and in-depth elaboration must be made around the unified theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is loose or even without a theme. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is an excellent composition of Xiaobian's I found the magic friction, which is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

Today, the teacher gave us an interesting friction experiment.

The preparation for the experiment was simple. The teacher asked us to open the two books and clip them together every other page to see if we could pull them apart. Well, the experiment is about to begin. Lin Yifan and Wang Haoyu are responsible for opening the two books. They stand on both sides of the book and pose as two bulls. When the war was about to begin, their two hands were holding the two ends of the book, and their teeth were gnawing. They worked hard and their faces were red, but the two books were still. With a sound of "hiss...", the written books were torn by them, but the pages inside were still firmly attached.

We racked our brains and couldn't think of any way to open them without having to open them one by one. The teacher saw that we could not think of any good way, so he picked up the book from the reception place, blew a tone to the book, and then shook up and down a few times, and the two books naturally separated. We were all surprised and didn't understand the secret. The teacher explained: "The pages are pasted together one by one, and there is friction between the pages naturally. So many pages are pasted together, and the friction is even greater. Of course, there are other reasons. I hope you can solve them yourself." Finally, the truth came to light. I see. The teacher blows to the book to separate the space between the paper and the paper, and then shakes up and down to reduce friction. It's really an eye opener!

There are many functions of friction in life! If your car is unlucky to drive into the mud and skids, you can put something like straw down and increase the friction to get up; With friction, we can hold the rice bowl and chopsticks, and eat one mouthful of delicious food after another; If you can't open the bottle cap, add a towel on it to increase the friction, and then you can unscrew the bottle cap.

Now I also know that the two books are inseparable, and also related to air pressure. Life is full of knowledge. As long as we pay attention to the things around us, we can find and create something.

Friction Composition (7)

One day when I came home from school, my father and I chatted on the bike. Dad suddenly asked an interesting question: "What if there is no friction in the world?"

I was very interested and said: "Then our bike will run fast now!" "No!" Dad retorted, "Our bike wheels will spin on the ground because there is no friction! It's no use for me to step on them any faster!" - Yes! "Then, we will lose our balance and fall down." Dad said, "Then we will slide and bump around on the tree, and there will be no end." The more I think about it, the more interesting it will be, and I can't help laughing, "It's very painful! But we can hold tightly when we hit the tree, and then we can stop."

Another question came to my mind: "How can that person walk?" My father answered carelessly: "At that time, it would definitely not be a cement floor. It was full of mud, even covered with rubber! People were wearing spiked shoes, and the wheels of bicycles might also be made into 'spiked wheels', which would be no problem!" My father was so strong! One sentence will solve the problem! I also said, "The rubber company is going bankrupt!" My father was confused: "Why?" "How can I wipe the rubber without rubbing it?" We were so happy.

"But there are also advantages without friction, for example, the airplane will save more fuel!" I said.

"Right, right!"

"Besides, you won't pull my hair again!"

Ha ha, Dad was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

But later my father said that the reason why friction exists is because of molecular gravity. If friction does not exist, it means that there is no molecular gravity in the world - that would be a mess! It seems that friction still exists!

Friction Composition (8)

Not long ago, a Chinese class became a science class, and the students were very happy.

In my memory, Mr. Wu mysteriously walked into the class. Everyone could not guess what medicine Mr. Wu was selling in the gourd. Miss Wu took out water, coke and salt from the bag. Nobody knows what she is going to do

After class, Miss Wu finally confessed that she would lead us to do experiments, which made us happy.

Mr. Wu's first experiment was "dancing coins", that is, put coins on the mouth of a coke bottle, add some salt to the coke, and the gas in the coke will make the coins jump. However, the teacher seemed to fail in the end. The second experiment is "floating eggs". Put a lot of salt in the water, and then make the sinking eggs float. This experiment is successful! The third experiment is to "hold the broken egg" and hold the egg tightly with one hand, but the egg will not break, which is also based on the principle that the egg itself is stressed.

And the last experiment is also one that I remember the most - "magic friction". The teacher asked us to take out the Chinese book and the math book, asked us to fold the two books page by page, and finally let them separate. Once this task was assigned, the students all thought it was nothing but a waste of time. But the teacher smiled strangely. It's not difficult for us to stack books together, but it's easy to separate the two books... Soon, there were many desperate voices in the class, "Ah ah! How can this... how can it not be separated?" "hiss..." Then there was the sound of book fragmentation... is it just to separate the books? What's so difficult about that?

You will also be doubted that this is not the case. The superposition of books page by page will form friction, and with the gradual increase of the number, the strength will also increase, which should not be underestimated. Why did the students in the class make so much noise in order to separate the two books? It is precisely because of this that the two books have many pages, the friction force is increased, and the strength is also increased, which makes it impossible for ordinary people to separate. To this end, the teacher also asked some of the class's big students to cooperate and separate. They even tore the cover of the book, but finally they got nothing.

The secret of science is so magical that you never know what will happen next. There is so much knowledge in the world that it is impossible to learn all of it. Only endless exploration can create real miracles.

Friction Composition (9)

I hope the friction will disappear quickly, because without friction, there will be no more bacteria on the teeth, no more stuff in the teeth, no more dandruff on the clothes, no more hair, no more effort to pull big and heavy things, and the speed of rockets can become very fast during launch. When the rocket re-entry capsule crosses the atmosphere, the world will not rub with the air to produce high temperature, and the hands need not be washed again, because the upper surface is very clean, and there is no bacteria. The maglev train can also drive very fast. Lighters will also fail to work, which will reduce the number of smokers.

I really hope that friction will disappear from the world! Suddenly, the friction force really disappeared!

It's Saturday, so I have to go to class. As soon as I took a step, I slipped. After standing and slipping for many times, I gave up the idea of going to class and had to ask the teacher for leave to practice at home. When I tried to open the box, my hand could not hold the zipper of the box. After repeated failures, I succeeded. I thought it could go on smoothly, but then there were one after another "roadblocks": I sat on a wooden stool, ready to start practicing, because there was no friction between nails and wood, "bang bang" broke up. To prevent such an accident from happening again, I found a plastic stool, so I would be all right. When I picked up the erhu, it slid down on its own and could not be picked up. Well, I can't help it.

The world without friction is really troublesome!

Friction Composition (10)

When I turn on my mobile phone, I can't help laughing when I see the video and see the rice on the ground and the stupefied me in it. What's the matter?

On that day, the teacher of Science Week asked us to do a small experiment at home. The experimental tool is a glass bottle mother, Mi Baobao, Chopstick Boy.

These materials are simple, so I skipped to the kitchen. There are many cups in the kitchen. Some are tall, some are short, some are made of glass, and some are ceramic. I chose high glass bottles. Then I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find Mi Baobao. It turned out that the little rascal was hiding in the cabinet. Ha ha, I finally found him! I took the glass bottle and hurriedly loaded the rice. Because the mouth of the bottle was small, it was difficult to put rice in, so I gave up after half of the bottle was filled. Then I found a chopstick and asked my mother to take a video for me. With excitement, I inserted the chopsticks into my mother's stomach and carefully picked them up. The bottle fell with a bang, which made me cover my ears and break my heart. Mom's video captured this failure. Why is it that I don't know why? Why does it fall? I thought for a while. Oh, it's because I cut corners and didn't fill the rice.

Having learned the first profound lesson, I packed all the rice babies into the stomach of the mother in the glass bottle, and tried hard to fill it. It took me a lot of effort to insert the chopsticks boy into the stomach of the mother in the glass bottle. The rice babies squeezed me, I squeezed you, and some were squeezed out. I took a deep breath, held my breath, and began to gently try to bring out the chopsticks boy. I stared at it. ha-ha! I finally succeeded. This time, the bottle didn't fall down. I held it around. It seemed to be attracted by a magnet. It wouldn't fall down no matter how it turned or shook. I sighed: Ah! How amazing!

The principle that this experiment made me understand is that there is friction between objects. The scientific world is so wonderful.

Friction Composition (11)

"Come on! Come on!" "Don't use brute force"... The students sitting in the seats cheered loudly and cheered for the students on the stage. What is this doing?

It turned out that a fierce "friction book pulling competition" was going on in the cram school. Only Zhao and Liu on the stage were holding one end of the two books held together in both hands. Zhao frowned, clenched his teeth, pulled the book, and his body retreated and leaned forward. Liu also tried to pull the book back, trying to separate the two books that were sandwiched together. Suddenly, Liu seemed to think of something. Instead of trying to pull the book, he just pulled it gently and said "Shua". The book separated. Zhao and Liu showed surprise and then a burst of joy.

At the end of the first round of the book pulling competition, the "conjoined books" of the five groups were separated one by one. Alas, it looks very good, but the quality is really not up to standard, so we started to make the second conjoined book.

Wu and I stacked the bottom pages of the two books together. I took one end, and she took one end. I turned it over, she pressed it, she flipped it, and I pressed it. The "Shuashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashash. We handed the book to the teacher with confidence.

The teacher handed our "conjoined book" to two female students, and asked them to separate the "conjoined book". They pulled and pulled, pulled and pulled, and clenched their teeth. The "conjoined book" was still tightly embraced. Ha, our conjoined book won!

The larger the contact area between the pages, the greater the friction force. I am amazed at this powerful force!

Friction Composition (12)

"Today, let's compare who has the greatest strength?" the teacher announced. Such a question stirred up thousands of waves, and the classroom suddenly seemed to explode.

"Of course I am the strongest! The naughty ghost in the class shouted," Yes, what's the competition? "At this time, the teacher replied," Today we will have a book pulling competition to see who is the final winner. "

At the beginning of the game, the mischievous little Zhao went up first, and he pulled the book out with both hands, one, two, three, one, two, three... But he still didn't pull the book open. At this time, his eyes looked like red eyes of a little white rabbit. The eyes were almost out of their eyes, and his face was red like a big red apple, Several crystal clear gems oozed from his forehead. The arm is stretched like a clothes pole, and the two legs are standing straight like old tree roots. The whole person looks like a ferocious devil. It's scary. In the midst of the shouting, he stared at the book as if to eat it. Despite this, the book did not open smoothly. There was no way, and Xiao Zhao had to come back disappointed.

The next group is a two person version. Two tall boys in our class walked up together. They pulled the book together with great effort, but the book was still unswerving. Suddenly, one of them fell down accidentally, and the other fell down. The whole class burst into laughter, making them blush into a red apple

At the end of the game, the teacher revealed the principle to us: "One page closes, two pages close is easy to open, but many pages close is difficult to open, because the friction becomes stronger and stronger, so you can not open." After listening to the teacher's explanation, the whole class suddenly understood.

The experiment of pulling out books is so funny, it brings us a lot of fun!

Friction Composition (13)

Not long ago, a Chinese class became a science class, and the students were very happy.

In my memory, Mr. Wu mysteriously walked into the class. Everyone could not guess what medicine Mr. Wu was selling in the gourd. Miss Wu took out water, coke and salt from the bag. Nobody knows what she is going to do

After class, Miss Wu finally confessed that she would lead us to do experiments, which made us happy.

Mr. Wu's first experiment was "dancing coins", that is, put coins on the mouth of a coke bottle, add some salt to the coke, and the gas in the coke will make the coins jump. However, the teacher seemed to fail in the end. The second experiment is "floating eggs". Put a lot of salt in the water, and then make the sinking eggs float. This experiment is successful! The third experiment is to "hold the broken egg" and hold the egg tightly with one hand, but the egg will not break, which is also based on the principle that the egg itself is stressed.

And the last experiment is also one that I remember the most - "magic friction". The teacher asked us to take out the Chinese book and the math book, asked us to fold the two books page by page, and finally let them separate. Once this task was assigned, the students all thought it was nothing but a waste of time. But the teacher smiled strangely. It's not difficult for us to stack books together, but it's easy to separate the two books... Soon, there were many desperate voices in the class, "Ah ah! How can this... how can it not be separated?" "hiss..." Then there was the sound of book fragmentation... is it just to separate the books? What's so difficult about that?

You will also be doubted that this is not the case. The superposition of books page by page will form friction. With the number of books increasing gradually, the strength will also increase, and this force should not be underestimated. Why did the students in the class make so much noise in order to separate the two books? It is precisely because of this that the two books have many pages, the friction force is increased, and the strength is also increased, which makes it impossible for ordinary people to separate. To this end, the teacher also asked some of the class's big students to cooperate and separate. They even tore the cover of the book, but finally they got nothing.

The secret of science is so magical that you never know what will happen next. There is so much knowledge in the world that it is impossible to learn all of it. Only endless exploration can create real miracles.

Friction Composition (14)

No matter in study, work or life, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is an 800 word composition on friction of paper, which I hope will be helpful to you.

"My skateboard shoes, friction, friction" There is a very new word "friction" in the lyrics. You may not be unfamiliar with it, but have you ever thought there would be friction in the paper?

Friction is a scientific term that we often blurt out, and there is friction everywhere in life, for example: car wheels will wear anti wheel chains in the snow in winter; The deeper the lines at the bottom of the shoe, the greater the friction force

Indeed, there will be friction in the paper. Of course, there are traces of friction everywhere in life.

In order to verify this sentence, our class made a special experiment. The teacher unfolded the two books, and then interleaved a page to cover one page of the other book. Finally, we asked our classmates to pull the book open. The male students in our class are full of morale and look down on books, although I'm only five!

First of all, the girl Li Xiang went up. She and the teacher tried their best to write but did not move. It was still like that. We looked confused and couldn't understand what was going on! Down came Dai Gaole, the No. 2 boy's representative, and the teacher joined forces with him. He firmly strode, pulled his fingers white, and the veins on the back of his hands jumped out. But the book was not inferior at all. Instead, it laughed at us for being weak. The students under the stage were all sweating nervously and puzzled. I tried hard to recall, and finally got a clue. It seemed that "friction" was acting strangely. I was not sure, so I was ready to observe the next round in silence. Finally, four men were sent out, namely: fat and powerful Yang Tao, short and funny Yang Jinghui, and a tall Chi Zile, who was like a compass with legs under his neck, and me.

Prepare. At the beginning, we will treat this book as an enemy with a straight face and a strong pull. Yang Tao was impatient and pulled hard, pulling both Xi Zile and me towards them, but the book was still expressionless. Xi Zile was worried, and put two fingers under the cover. With a hard pull, the cover was broken. What about the book? The book still doesn't move. We use laughter to cover up the principle that we can't think of a problem. So do other students. I sat in my seat and pondered over the feeling and resistance of my going up to pull the book, then confidently said to the teacher: This is definitely the friction of the book! " The teacher smiled and replied, "You are right!" The class was stunned. The book also had friction. The teacher explained the principle of friction in the book once, and we suddenly understood.

The so-called friction of a book is that the paper page is clamped once and again, covered layer upon layer, and the air is squeezed out of the book, which will naturally generate friction. This friction will generate powerful force, and we can't separate the two books no matter how we pull them.

Friction Composition (15)

Miss Li said, "The materials of our experiment class this time are very simple. What makes our pupils familiar with is that we cannot live without books." Miss Li took out two books from the bookcase. She first crossed the two books page by page, and then asked several students to open them. The first group is Chen Wenduo. Curiosity drives me to know what the principle is. Chen Wenduo took two books and pulled them out. Ah, come on, work hard, work hard. He said, "No, the two books are too tightly clamped for me to open them." My heart suddenly fell into the deep valley, but I mustered the courage to say, "It's OK, this one can't do, there is another one, our class is not without other 'strong men'." The second group Jiang Jiaxuan, standing on the platform. Teacher Li asked, "How sure are you?" Jiang Jiaxuan said, "One hundred percent." The teacher said, "If it can't be divided, will it be a loss or a letter of indemnity?" "Loss!" He said boldly. The teacher said, "You don't need to lose money." He blew into the book and squeezed it inside. Wow, why is it blowing harder and harder? Failed. Feng Linchao, the last one, can be said to "don't face". He walked up to the platform and said, "I can do it in a minute." Wow, he separated them page by page, which is equivalent to opening the book.

This experiment let me know the friction force

Friction Composition (16)

For the first time, Jiayang compared with the book. She tightly held the two sides of the book with her hands and stared at it. She pulled hard, but the book did not move. They held together and couldn't bear to part. I know this is friction.

The second time, Zhu Riyang vs books. He also stared at the book. He held the corner of the book obliquely and pulled it hard. The book was unharmed. Zhu Riyang clenched his teeth, frowned, and pulled hard. His fist flew and hit his eyes, but the book escaped to the ground, as if to say, "I can't pull me away! I'm so powerful!" I felt that the book was glued with super glue.

It's time for Lian Hao and me to play in the sky. I tugged at Lian Haotian, and the book was torn a bit. It seemed to say, "It hurts me, how powerful it is for people! I underestimated them." At this time, Lian looked back. We will not give up. My hands are sweating. As a result, the book flew out. I thought: is this a divine book? Why can't anyone open it?

It was my turn again. I fought with the book for 300 rounds, and we were both unharmed. I used 10000 horsepower to pull the book, but I still couldn't pull it open. At this time, I used 10000 horsepower of the frenzy mode, but the book seemed to open an invincible mode, which could not be pulled apart.

At this time, Zhu Riyang challenged the book again. He shook for a while, and then blew his breath. God! The book opened.

Today, I finally saw the strangeness of friction.

Friction Composition (17)

The teacher walked into the classroom happily and said: "Today, let's play a game. If any of you pull out the book, you can get 50 points." The students immediately began to talk about what medicine is sold in the teacher's gourd? It's not that simple, is it?

After the discussion, Fu, one of us, stood up and walked up with great strides. He took the book and held the spine of the book in his hands. The veins on his face were protruding, his legs were open, his teeth were gnashing, and he shouted on the stage: "Why is it so difficult to drive?" The students began to intimidate and entice him:

"Come on! Victory! I'll treat you to KFC!"

"Hold on, you can do it!"

"Don't give up, believe in yourself."

However, the book is like a deflated ball, without any movement. Finally, he couldn't hold on and said to the teacher, "Teacher, let's change people!" Suddenly, the atmosphere in the classroom dropped to freezing point. We said nothing. I thought silently in my heart, is it really so difficult?

It's my turn! I picked up the book and observed carefully. It turned out that two pages were crossed together! Who can pull it away? The more pages, the more friction! To go is to disintegrate power. What can I do about it?

The last one is our class's soft bone Sun, who has no eyes and no fighting spirit. As soon as I got the book, I began to pull it out. All my facial features were together. The students were so worried about him that they stamped their feet and shouted desperately, "Hurry up! Come on!". I was more worried about him than I was on the stage myself. But the book in his hand was still motionless.

Difficult confrontations continue. It is conceivable that the champion of this competition is nothing but friction.

"Ah! Try hard!" "Come on, try harder, it's fast!" The voice still reverberates in my ears. This small game lesson gave me infinite imagination and no small gain.

Friction Composition (18)

Some of the students could not understand each other, some of them opened their eyes wide, and some of them looked as if they had seen through the mystery. I thought to myself: as long as I have enough strength, I can open the book. Isn't it a piece of cake for Zhang Fei to eat bean sprouts? From the teacher's posture, there must be magic medicine in the gourd!

At the beginning of the actual battle, Xiao Li Tong went to the stage and grabbed two books to get angry. He shouted loudly, really like a man of great strength. Although Xiao Li's ears were red, the book was still the same as at the beginning. Not reconciled, he pressed one end of the book on the podium table, grabbed the other end and shouted, "Open it for me!

At this time, I had a flash of inspiration: there were many books in the schoolbag before, and they could be taken out by shaking when they were stuck together. Would it be... I strode up to the stage, grabbed the two ends of the book and shook gently, blowing air into the pages while shaking. At the moment when the pages were blown up by me, I suddenly pulled the books apart! The whole class was silent, and the teacher was shocked! Then there was a round of applause. The teacher said excitedly that she had been in so many classes that only I opened the book.

The teacher wrote three big characters on the blackboard - friction, telling us that the pages of the book were crossed and stacked together, resulting in huge friction, so Xiao Li could not pull them apart with any effort. I thought to myself: It seems that I just blew the "immortal spirit" between the pages, which loosened the pages and defeated the magic friction!

Friction Composition (19)

For another example, if there is no friction force in the process of transporting goods up by the conveyor belt, the goods will slide down the slope. Therefore, objects tend to slide down the slope. Therefore, the conveyor belt gives the goods a static friction force that moves up the slope to prevent the moving trend of the goods. If there is no friction force, the original static objects will not be able to move. On the contrary, the moving objects will not be able to stop. Eventually, everyone has to bump together. An object will keep moving in a certain direction at a certain speed. If it can be bounced off after collision, they will keep moving in the direction of being bounced off. If there is no friction and medium resistance, and only the kinetic energy and potential energy of the object are transformed into each other, the total amount of mechanical energy remains unchanged, then the whole world will always be in the process of motion, collision, and re movement, a mess, a mess.

Fortunately, there is friction in our world. However, it is said that a country has developed the so-called "super lubricating material", which can be used for military purposes. Once the war breaks out, the super lubricating material will be sprayed on the other party's roads, railway tracks and aircraft runways, so that the other party's war vehicles, troop carriers and trains will not be able to run, military materials cannot be transported, and aircraft cannot take off, The role of this super lubricating material is really of strategic significance!

This is the effect of magic friction on the world.