I Can Do It (16 preferred)
Cloud to cloud
2024-01-22 01:24:40
fifth grade

I Can (1)

Raise the sails of life, sail on the vast sea, the vast sea, and what awaits us will be the stormy waves. Let us bravely accept the touch of the sun, the baptism of wind and rain, so that our hearts can be purified, and face the wind and waves, wind and rain, indomitable. Because we want to be brave. We firmly believe that the rainbow will appear after the rain, and the boat of life will eventually sail to the other side of success.

The road of life is full of ups and downs, but no matter how life is, we should tell ourselves; "I can do it."

The road of life is full of twists and turns, which come from all aspects of life. Every time I have to face the relentless challenges of fate again and again, but at this time I should tell myself: "I can do it.

Looking back, I have gone through dozens of spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are countless bitter and spicy. I learned that it is very important for people to face life with an optimistic attitude. Life is like this. The more you hold back, the more easily you will be swallowed up by life.

Don't always think that this is just to arm yourself, suppress your feelings, suppress your enthusiasm and tears. You should learn to relax yourself, talk to friends, record and understand. Don't lose heart in the face of cruel reality. You should raise your head and face the reality bravely, and tell yourself, "I can do it."

Life is full of thorns, but we can use our own knife to cut those thorns, until the sun shines on us, that will prove our success.

The road of life is changeable. No matter what difficulties we will encounter in the future, don't deny yourself, let yourself admit defeat, remember that you can do it, and tell yourself loudly; "I can do it!"

I Can (2)

In my daily life, I encounter many difficulties, such as: it is easy to wrestle many times when practicing cycling; When mopping the floor, you will also encounter many stubborn stains; When doing homework, I would encounter very difficult questions... Later, I solved all these difficulties one by one, but the most memorable one was the exam.

I remember that it was the final exam of the second semester of the third grade. The paper had just been handed out. When I looked at it, I felt it was very simple, so I thought like a spring of literature and wrote like a flying pen. It was soon finished. Just as I was about to finish my examination paper, just as I was about to finish the last question, I was going to the gate of the Hall of Success, but one question forced me to stop at the gate. It stopped me like a roadblock without reason, and we fought with each other without giving in and fear. After a while, we were still deadlocked, tit for tat. Gradually, I felt that the roadblock was glaring at me with its eyes open and its mouth wide open, as if it was going to rush up and swallow me in the next second. I really hated this "Cheng Yaojin" who was killed on the way. I am more and more afraid of this roadblock and almost want to give up. I thought to myself: Ah. I think it's better to forget. I can't solve this century's problem. I might as well give it up and check the word problems and multiple-choice problems before. But then I thought: I can do it! I can do it! In this world, salted fish can see the light again, and I have no reason not to make a comeback. Therefore, people must be full of hope for life. If they give up, what's the difference with waste. So, I regained my confidence. I used one draft after another, and played the calculation again and again. Finally, I got the correct answer.

Since then, the phrase "I can do it!" has always been on my lips and has almost become my pet phrase. I always say to myself, "I can do it!" no matter when I encounter difficulties in my study or in my daily life

I Can (3)

"I can do it! I can do it!" This ordinary sentence is what I often encourage myself. Whenever you encounter difficulties, just remember it, and your fighting spirit will be aroused.

My academic performance has always been good, but I can't be rated as a "three good" student in general. The main reason is that my sports performance often pulls my back. Every time when I take the sprint test of "25 meters by two" in physical education, my performance is always a little less than the excellent score of 10 seconds. It seems that if I want to be excellent, I really need to work hard and practice hard. How can we make our achievements come up? Yes, I have to find the fastest group and let them lead me to run. I believe that "I can do it!" I can definitely get the best, and I said it unconsciously. So I found the team leader of the sports team with me.

I stood at the starting line, one hand in front and the other behind, ready to start. Suddenly, a bad idea flashed into my mind: "It's over, it's over. What can I do if I can't run well in a while?" I shook my head. "No, no, I will, I can!" I said to myself, slowly calming down and waiting for the teacher's command. "Take your positions and run, Faster, as soon as I reached the end, I caught up with the captain and rushed to the end. The bright red ribbon smiled and embraced me. At this time, the teacher came over and said to me with a smile; "You have made great progress, but you are almost there! Come on!"

Since then, I have been constantly encouraging myself, "I will surpass myself, I can do it!" Now, I have got a good score of 9.9 seconds. Therefore, the sentence "I can do it" is like an endless magic, which encourages me to face myself bravely and overcome all difficulties. "As long as I try hard, I can do it!"

I Can (4)

"I can do it!" This sentence often hangs on my lips, almost becoming my pet phrase. Whether in study or in life, I always say to myself, "I can do it!" whenever I encounter difficulties

I remember that it was a sunny and cloudless morning. I got up early and began to prepare for the dance that I would practice every day. At the same time, I also mercilessly pushed my mother out of her sleep. My mother gently rubbed her half closed eyes and said, "I know, practice first!" Then she lay down on the bed. I laid a soft mat on the ground first, and then my mother came.

My dance practice trip started, and my mother was ready to take pictures for me with her mobile phone. I sat safely on the mat and pulled my leg up slightly to straighten it, but it seemed that my leg did not listen to me at all and fell down. I tried this many times. I was impatient at first, but I didn't want to give up. This is not my style. I told myself in my heart: I can do it. I mustered up the courage to try again. My kung fu is worth it! I successfully pulled my leg up. After this success, I am full of confidence. I started the practice of the next movement again, that is the famous low waist, which is my strong point! At the beginning, my lower back movement was easily completed. Next, I began to practice grasping my feet. As soon as I lifted my leg, I fell down on a big butt. My mother who was taking pictures beside me also giggled. I always said "I can do it" to myself. It was this persistence and encouragement that made me finish all the movement exercises.

This is me. The phrase "I can do it!" makes me succeed in everything.

Liu Zheng

"I can do it!" This sentence often hangs on my lips, almost becoming my pet phrase. I always say to myself, "I can do it!" whenever I encounter difficulties in my study or in my daily life

I remember one time my mother wanted to take me to ride a bike, and I became nervous when I heard that, because this was my first time to ride a bike, I didn't have any courage in my heart! When we came to the square, I sat on the seat first and felt that my heart was like 15 buckets of water - up and down.

After a while, the real "Devil Trial" will begin! When I rode less than one meter away, the car began to swing from side to side, and then I fell off my seat. "Ouch!" I screamed loudly. My arms turned blue when I saw them! I sat on the ground like a deflated ball, and suddenly an angel and a devil appeared on my left and right sides. The angel asked me to ride a bike to try bravely, but the devil did not agree to resist, and I seemed to hear a noisy voice all the time. Finally, I got up the courage to sit on the seat that frightened me. My mother seemed to see my mind and told me a magic word that made me no longer afraid! That's -- I can do it! Once I am too afraid to move forward, the words "I can" will appear in my mind. These three words are not just words, they are the only power that can make me summon up courage.

Later, I practiced more and more skillfully. After many falls and efforts, I finally learned to ride a bike.

Have you ever met any difficulties? If so, say boldly: "I can do it!" So you won't be afraid.

I Can (5)

The morning of early summer was very cool, and I was dragged to the field by my mother vaguely. The gentle wind refreshed me, and I was puzzled when I looked at the vibrant corn seedlings in the field?

You come to hoe this vertical row to clean up the weeds. I secretly smiled in my heart and said, "OK!" I took the hoe to imitate my mother's appearance, but the effect was a world of difference - either to hoe a hole or to hoe the corn seedlings carelessly. Beans of sweat came down from the forehead, and the waist was sour and could not stand straight. I was out of breath, but I could not keep up with my mother's rhythm.

When my mother saw me like this, she came to me and taught me patiently. The original upset heart gradually calmed down. However, it was still not ideal when operating alone. I felt very discouraged when I saw my mother working in an orderly way. My mother turned to look at me, smiled and said comfortingly, "Come on!" I thought to myself, "Where there is a will, there is a way!"

A red sun rose slowly from the east, and the golden sun warmed the earth. One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning. Although what I have done is not good enough, I am still very proud of my achievements, whether it is potholed fields or blisters in the palm of my hand. They remind me all the time that I have to use my hands to create my own future road.

I believe I can do all these things. The ancients said, "Where there is a will, there is a way!" Today, people say, "I can, there is no way!"

I Can (6)

On the evening of Spring Festival this year, something funny and interesting happened in my family.
At around twelve o'clock, every family began to make dumplings. Of course, my family was no exception. I was born not afraid of darkness, not afraid of being alone at home, but afraid of making dumplings. Mom and Dad are making dumplings, but what about me? I was watching TV while I was happy. My "boss" - when my mother asked me to come over, I knew that my "end" was coming. When I was about to run away, my mother grabbed me and said, "Want to slip away? No way, help us make dumplings quickly." "Oh, you don't even know what I'm afraid of, do you?" "I know this won't let you practice?" No way, Who let my mother be my "boss". I had to bear it up.
I picked up a piece of dumpling skin and put a lot of stuffing on it. Then I pinched it and folded it in half. After wrapping it, I looked around to see how it was not like a dumpling, and the stuffing was exposed. So I took a piece of dumpling skin and stuck it to the place where the stuffing was exposed. Without saying a word, another place was broken again, but I had no choice, I took a piece of dumpling skin and put it where the stuffing was exposed
In this way, five dumpling skins made "sacrifices". My father smiled and said, "God, is this dumplings? It's more like steamed buns. You can see how many times bigger the" steamed buns "you made are than mine. When I saw it, God, if I wrapped it with wax gourd, Dad wrapped it with apple. So I worship my father as a teacher. During the 20 minutes of learning, my heart has been thinking: others can do it, so can I. So after my unremitting efforts, I finally succeeded.
It's easy to see things and hard to take things!

I Can (7)

During the summer vacation, my classmates borrowed a book from me - No. 1 in Not Going to cram school. After reading this book, the hero, Xiaomi, left a deep impression on me and made me think deeply······

Xiaomi is a girl. Her mother always helps her with everything and never lets Xiaomi share the family chores. Xiaomi lazily enjoys his mother's "service" all day long. One day, a new classmate named Zhilv came to the class. He and his elderly grandmother depended on each other. On weekends, while other children are busy shuttling through various training classes, Zhilv does housework at home and takes care of grandma. But strangely, wisdom always comes first in every exam. Therefore, Xiaomi quietly took the rule of wisdom as his example, slowly learned self-discipline, and finally learned to be independent.

I also have an "all embracing" mother who arranges all things for me and never lets me do them. "Mom, I'll cook fried rice with eggs today!" "No, honey, the oil will spill, Mom!" "I'll wash the clothes today!"! So I haven't turned on the gas, let alone cooking.

Once, I went to a friend's house as a guest, when adults were not there, we were watching TV in bed, and suddenly my stomach began to growl. My friend asked me, "Hungry!" I nodded, and she said with a strange smile, "Wait for me, come at once!" After that, she ran downstairs. I also follow her closely. Look at what medicine she sells in the gourd! Follow to the kitchen, she expertly turned on the gas stove, and then took out a steak from the refrigerator. Seeing that the oil pan was warm, he put the steak into the oil pan, turned it up and down, and calmly put various spices on it. Soon, the delicious steak came out of the pot. I was dumbfounded at the sight. Is such a skillful action that an 11 year old child should have? She is as old as me. Why can't I cook steak?

I Can (8)

Because I won the second prize in the math contest last year, I want to win a first prize this year. However, it is not easy to win the first prize because there is only one winner in the county, but I am confident.

In order to win the first prize, I bought a book. Every weekend, I asked my father and I to go to the garden to ponder. When we encounter problems that I don't understand, I always ask my father first. My father is an impetuous person. When he sees that I don't understand, he will immediately ask, and he will lose his temper. But in order to be the first, I will endure this setback and practice the basic skills more solidly.

Gradually, my father's hopes for me grew and my temper changed a lot. I took the opportunity to study hard and ask more frequently. The math teacher often gives me encouragement and helps me find some materials to cooperate with my classmates. My mother made a timetable for me and adjusted my homework accordingly. Like flowers and plants get sunshine and rain, the more I learn, the happier I am.

On the day of the competition, I felt very relaxed and confident. The result came out, and I got the first place in the exam. I smiled with relief, I believe - I can do it.

I Can (9)

No matter what you do, you should believe that you can do it. Such a difficult thing can be done!


So close distance, for me, it's like a long distance. So simple, how obscure it is for me. I can't say anything. But I have been preparing for so long

It was a speech contest. I was honored to represent our class to the contest. I prepared for three weeks, but before I came on the stage, I felt like my mouth was stuck, and I couldn't say anything. This makes me very nervous. My face is so red! The teacher kindly asked me: "How about it? Is it ok? This competition is very important, and we must not lose face for our class!" I listened to the teacher and added my own pressure. I even feel the air is thin and my heart beats faster. I just want to escape this place at once.

"Please come to the stage on the tenth", the voice on the radio startled me. "What should I do? I'm dead!" Because I was on the tenth, I stepped onto the stage, and no one knew how much psychological pressure I was under. Looking at the microphone, I didn't speak for a long time. The following students even began to cry: "Go down." My face was only burning!

Just then, a voice in my heart sounded: You can do it, you have to believe that you can do it. My heart seems to be the most inspired! Yes, I can!

My mouth was stuck, as if suddenly opened, my heart suddenly calmed down. I began to speak about my content. I played an extraordinary role and won a lot of applause, as well as the teacher's appreciation. I am very happy, because I did it!

In fact, it is so simple to believe in yourself, as long as you give yourself a chance to inspire yourself. Even if it is far away, as long as you are firm, you can do it; No matter how obscure, you must speak fluently as long as you practice. Self belief is like a bright light. As long as you have the heart, you can light up everywhere!

I Can (10)

Football has become a part of my life, playing football is always so interesting. That game made me feel confident.

In the campus football match, we reached the semi-final and had to fight against Class 4. In the face of this strong team, our strategy is to strictly guard against death and strive to survive the penalty shootout.

Within the specified time, both sides were on top of each other and failed to break the other's goal. The game entered a horrible penalty shootout.

In the first round, our captain made a penalty error, but the other team took the lead in scoring. Therefore, the second round of my penalty is more and more important.

I felt uneasy in my heart: "What if I didn't score? If I lost... what would the students think of me?... No! I can do it! I have to score! Show them some color!" With the whistle of the referee, I started to run up, focusing on the efforts, sweat and expectations of the students this season, Shoot at the dead corner of the goal with your left foot.

The ball, like a cannon ball, flew towards the goal with the hope of the whole team. Time seems to have stopped at this second, thinking of us who worked hard before, we who fought hard on the court, and we who never admit defeat, there is no reason not to score this goal!

The ball passed the goalkeeper's five fingers and hit the net in response. Because of this key goal and the excellent performance of our goalkeeper, we won the game 3-2.

Since then, the phrase "I can do it!" has always been on my lips and has almost become my pet phrase. I always say to myself, "I can do it!" whenever I encounter difficulties in my study or in my daily life

I Can (11)

In my growth path, the piano has accompanied me for 7 years. Over the past seven years, I have constantly said to myself, "I can do it, I will do it." I have also constantly encouraged myself, saying that I must be the best. In the hot summer night, the children are playing outside, while I play those boring sounds at home; In the cold winter, the children have entered the warm bed, and I am still playing the song again and again; Every morning, everyone is still in the author's sweet dream, while I get up early to play scales. Tears poured out little by little, and my heart thought over and over again: What am I doing for? For myself, I can do it, I can do it. " I used my efforts to get results. At the age of 13, I have bravely taken the first step towards success. It took me seven years to break the sixth level of the piano grading exam. I earned it with sweat, tears, hardship and confidence. All these efforts are not in vain. I learned to be strong and brave, and I want to be a girl who doesn't cry. I finally understand that only after the wind and rain can we see the rainbow. The piano has accompanied me for 7 years, but I think it is not enough. I want the piano to accompany me all my life. Remember to encourage yourself with "I can do it, I will do it"!

I Can (12)

I am not a confident girl, when I meet difficult, the first reaction is to find my parents, they will do all the things for me. Now I have grown up, I know I must learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulty myself. I should be confident, I believe I can make it. I should trust myself, that is the first step, then all the things can be solved.
I am a girl who is not confident. When I encounter difficulties, my first reaction is to find my parents. They will do everything for me. Now that I have grown up, I know I need to learn to be independent, so I need to face difficulties alone. I should be confident and believe that I can do it. I want to believe in myself. This is the first step, and everything can be solved later.

I Can (13)

Teachers and students:

hello everyone!

The story of Einstein's three small benches can be said to be well known. Although the teacher ridiculed him at that time, the small bench he made was the ugliest in the world, lovely Einstein did not lose heart because he believed in himself - I can do it. So Einstein persevered all his life and finally became a great scientist attracting worldwide attention! Today, the topic of my speech is Einstein's motto - "I can do it"!

The three words "I can do it" are my driving force for progress. It has strengthened my confidence in overcoming difficulties, increased my courage to go out of failure, and made me win again and again. I remember when I was in the first grade, my teacher chose me as the student on duty. At that time, I didn't mention how happy I was, but I was a little worried about whether I could treat the student on duty well? Will the students like me and obey my management? The teacher seemed to see my mind and kindly said to me: "It doesn't matter. Try to see how the teacher usually manages the students. You should imitate the teacher's practice and learn to say to yourself, 'I can do it'!" After listening to the teacher's words, I felt as if I had full confidence in myself and believed in myself - I can do it. In the days to come, I carefully observed how the teacher managed the students. At the same time, I set an example and worked hard to be the student on duty in the class and the teacher's helper. Of course, it was not easy for me to be a student on duty. One time when I was on duty in the election, I lost the election. At that time, I felt like a knife in my heart, which was really unpleasant. I was usually very confident and quietly hid in the corner of the stairs to shed tears. Many students came to persuade me not to be sad when they found out that my mother came to pick me up. I couldn't help crying sadly. With my mother's comfort, I felt better, but I couldn't be happy for several days. When the teacher found out, he talked to me again, "Failure is the mother of success. There is a reason why you lost the election this time. Think about it for yourself. Don't be disheartened. Be modest and correct your shortcomings, so that you can be on duty again." The teacher's words seemed to have some magic power, which attracted me at once, making me brave, strong and confident, I said to myself secretly, "I can do it.". Sure enough, soon, I became a student on duty again!

Since then, I have written down the three words in the teacher's words - "I can do it", and it is these three words that make me succeed again and again. When I am in front of a difficult mathematical problem, these three words make me seriously think and solve the problem; These three words encourage me when I can't do my dance movements well and make me overcome one difficult movement after another. When I am painting and playing the piano and complain that my hands and feet are too clumsy, these three words make me believe in myself, draw one picture after another, and play beautiful tunes. When I face my brothers and sisters who are 5 or 6 years older than me and have an English competition, These three words have given me courage, helped me to win awards again and again, and achieved good results again and again... When I encountered setbacks and lost confidence, these three words encouraged me and became my driving force for progress. I have won more than 40 certificates of merit from school and off school studies, wrote a diary and composition of nearly 150000 words, and published 13 articles and paintings in newspapers, It is the three words "I can do" that make me develop in an all-round way.

Students, we are young pioneers in the new century and hope for the future of our country. We should keep up with the pace of the times. We should encourage ourselves with the word "I can do it", and believe that we can be a first-class student with all-round moral, intellectual and physical development, and make our own contributions to the development and prosperity of our country. At the same time, when encountering setbacks and annoyance in life and study, we should also lose our inferiority complex, have confidence, and bravely shout - I can do it!

Thank you!

I Can (14)

One night in my first grade, I was having a good time playing with my friends. My mother ran over on her bike and said, "Son, my mother wants to buy something and give you the key. Go back by yourself! You haven't returned home alone, are you afraid? Why don't I send you back first and then go?" I confidently said, "I'm not afraid! I can do it!" After listening to my mother, Smiling, he handed me the key and went shopping.

No sooner had my mother left than I regretted it. In fact, I dare not go home alone. I sit on the ground and refuse to go home.

Suddenly, I thought: "In fact, there is nothing terrible about going home by myself, so I encouraged myself to" I can do it "!"

I walked home in fear. I kept encouraging myself, but I was still afraid. Suddenly, I felt gloomy behind me, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at me. I hurried to speed up my pace and ran home. But I still felt that someone was following me. "Could it be a murderer or a terrorist?" I thought. After a while, I heard bursts of barking again. I quickly looked back. It was a cat, which scared me. After several times of fear, I didn't feel so terrible. I said to myself, "I can do it!" Then I adjusted my attitude and walked home

Through this event, I learned a truth: nothing is impossible. Every time I encounter difficulties in doing something and am about to give up, I must say "I can do it" to myself, because the sun always comes after the rain.

I Can (15)

The phrase "I can do it" is often used in my mouth and has almost become my pet phrase. I always say to myself when I encounter difficulties in my study or daily life; " I can do it! ''

Once, in class, the teacher called the roll and made a speech. Suddenly, it was my turn to be honest. I was stunned and stood up immediately. The teacher asked; "Who wrote this poem," I thought after hesitation; It seems to be a wanderer, or Meng Jiao. But I dare not say it for fear of making a mistake. Once I make a mistake, my classmates will make fun of me and my teacher will criticize me. However, if I don't speak, my classmates will make fun of me and my teachers will criticize me. At this time, I said in my heart; "I can do it!" he said to the teacher; "It's Meng Jiao," said the teacher; "That's right." I was extremely happy at that time. Since then, I will say every time I speak; "I can do it!"

Another time, my mother had something to go out. She came back about half an hour later and asked me to help her mop the floor. She wanted to clean the whole house. However, our house is so big, we can't finish it. But I still have to procrastinate. If I don't procrastinate, I will be scolded. If I procrastinate, I will also be scolded. But it is better to procrastinate than not to procrastinate. I said in my heart again; "I can do it!" Unexpectedly, I finished in 20 minutes.

Students, if you encounter any difficulties, say "I can do it". All difficulties are not difficulties.

I Can (16)

This sentence is always on my lips, and it has almost become my pet phrase. I always say to myself "I can do it" whenever I encounter difficulties in my study or daily life

In my life, "I can do it" almost helped me a lot. When I began to learn piano, I was full of confidence. However, I can't even play a piece of music well. I am very depressed, which is a great blow to me. However, "I can do it" is in my mind. Moreover, I remembered that my teacher said to me, "Winners will take failures and difficulties as a step forward, while losers will foolishly take them as a stumbling block." It was such a short sentence that made me confident and made me say "Bye bye" to failure. Since then, I have been working hard to encourage myself with "I can do it" from time to time. "I can do it" is my motto. Now, I can play all kinds of songs continuously.

Only confidence can turn everything from defeat to victory. The motto is the driving force for me to overcome difficulties. Only continuous progress can open your "golden door". Don't be discouraged when encountering difficulties in study, and don't be discouraged when encountering setbacks in life. "I can do it" is a kind of self-confidence, courage and motivation.

I would like to thank "I can do it", which enables me to overcome difficulties in life, overcome the "storm" and achieve success! It also challenges my determination to face difficulties and makes me realize how to face and solve difficulties in life. It is my growth partner, and it always accompanies me!