Love Words Written to Husband at Wedding (57 sentences)
Icebound sunset
2023-05-15 01:32:50
Complete sentences

1. With the testimony of so many relatives and friends, I know that I have been affirmed by love. Love will last forever, and love will never end. I love you hubby.

2. I think the happiest love is always with you, always with you.

3. My love for you is just like the water in the river, which can't be poured out or drained; My love for you is like the sand in the river. It is not clear and can not be grasped completely.

4. No matter what I will become in the future, I want you to always remember how I married you today with white gauze, full of joy and expectation.

5. You are the only soul mate I have identified in the vast crowd. I'm lucky to have you. I'm willing to protect you with my life.

6. My husband thanks you for taking care of me, so that I can become a little princess and be envied by others. In the future, please give me more advice. Of course, I will also learn to be sensible and not let you work so hard.

7. If you are a fish, I would like to turn into a river to accompany you forever. If you are a flower, I would like to turn into green leaves to accompany you forever. If you are a sheep, I would like to turn into Grey Wolf, chasing you forever, and never want to escape from my world in this life.

8. If I could, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you.

9. The most beautiful moment is when you are excited, and you will never be tired if you are sincere. I wish this way of love to accompany each other, you are the most precious!

10. Finally wait for you, fortunately I didn't give up.

11. The scenery along the way is not important. The most important thing is that you are standing beside me now and have become my husband. This is my greatest luck.

12. Looking back thousands of times in the past life, I will meet you in this life. I will cherish it and love you forever.

13. Since I fell in love with you, I found that it was so beautiful when I was excited, and I was so intoxicated when I loved you. You are my pearl, very precious, very precious.

14. No matter whether I can meet you in the next life or not, I would like to give you my best self in this life.

15. In the eyes of those who love each other, every day can be Valentine's Day. I also have a deep understanding of this feeling when I am with you. Thank you for the Valentine's Day you brought to me, and thank my wife for everything she gave me. I love you.

16. May be happy, sad or sad. The way of separation and reunion is unknown. Reunion of this life is scattered. Missing this life is free. It's hard to grasp the distance and the distance. I know that you have true feelings.

17. You are the wind and I am the sand. I would like to watch Caixia with you. Your presence is my home.

18. I only ask you to say a sincere word to me, a word that can only be said once in a lifetime, a word that only I can understand in a lifetime.

19. Thank you my favorite husband, because of you, I tasted the sweetness of happiness. Because of you, I become better and better myself. Because of you, my life has meaning.

20. I always want to say that wherever I go, I want to go to your side most.

21. Once in a lifetime, you can have a love affair with the purpose of getting married, and then stay together like that. In the fleeting years of communication, the years are safe.

22. With you around me, I feel that every memory I have is so sweet. Every time I miss you, I feel very happy. Thank you, you are my world.

23. Every year today, I will feel very happy. Thank you for giving me the right to live this day and bringing me countless happiness and moves in my life. Thank you for your silent company.

24. Hold your hand to chase the fallen leaves; Pull up your long hair and see clearly the happiness and sadness in your eyes; Stand in silence under the moonlight, listen to your heart's voice, and enjoy the gentle wind.

25. You don't need a rich income, and I won't give you financial pressure. I will stand up to my day, and I am willing to fight with you for our future happiness.

26. If I meet you later, it will be you for the rest of my life.

27. I hope to witness every sunrise and sunset with you.

28. Hold your hand and grow old together. This is my promise to you. I love your husband!

29. Although the world is big, people are small. But with you, I have the world.

30. As long as you are by my side for one minute, I will love you for 60 seconds; As long as you are by my side for an hour, I will love you for 3600 seconds. As long as you are by my side for a lifetime, I will love you for a lifetime.

31. With you, I will never lack a sense of security, because the love you give me is enough to reassure me.

32. The flowers will eventually wither, but my love for you will not wither.

33. There is not too much magnificence, only one sentence I love you, but it can make each other care.

34. From school uniform to wedding dress, I want to accompany you from green silk to white hair.

35. The road comes out step by step. Love is changed little by little. Life is also such a page by page really live! I cherish my life and cherish you more!

36. After years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat and sleep together after a hundred years of cultivation. Finding her in the vast crowd is clearly a predestined relationship thousands of years ago. I wish you both happiness and harmony.

37. Ever since entering the marriage palace, it has always been like accompanying a tiger and a wolf. The flower face of the past is completely gone, and the ferocious eyes are always crazy. I don't know what kind of marriage in the world is, but now I know the high walls surrounding the city.

38. I will wear the diamond ring gently on your hand. I will spend my whole life, even if it is plain, tasting the ups and downs of life with you. I will shelter you from the wind and rain, and spend every day together!

39. I would like to use a whole pair of youth years to exchange your lifetime together.

40. Since I met you, my memories have become sweeter and sweeter each time; My love is stronger and stronger every time.

41. Maybe you are not born for me, but I am lucky to be with you. May I be with you every year of my life.

42. In my life, I have traveled many roads, crossed many bridges, and met many people, but only loved one you.

43. Never doubt my love for you. Even if one day I am old enough to forget my own name, I will never forget you, because you make me believe that everything is possible.

44. Thank God for letting us meet, let us love each other, and finally let us stay together.

45. No matter the sea is dry and the rocks are crumbling, I will never tire of seeing you. No matter the ends of the earth, I would like to accompany you until old.

46. Husband: You said that you would give me a happy life. In fact, I am very happy with you.

47. We try not to quarrel. Although I haven't seen any lovers who can not quarrel, I try not to be unreasonable. Even if we quarreled, promise me not to break up easily, because I never thought about parting with you.

48. In the reflection of people's eyes, we got the affirmation of love. You said it would last forever, but I said it would never end.

49. I can't promise that I will love you forever, but I can promise that I will love you more and more day by day.

50. Dear, although I have no ability to take care of your past, I will use the rest of my life to take care of your present and future. I will always cherish our happy time together. Believe me, I will love you forever.

51. Don't bully him! I am the only one in the world!

52. For me, what is love? You are love. I am willing to work with you to create a better future for us.

53. Although life is short, my love for you is long. I will love you every minute and every second. I am willing to hold your hand and spend my whole life with you.

54. I don't know how I can love you more, my dearest husband. But I am willing to use my best to accompany you, never leave, accompany you through the long road of life.

55. I began to look forward to our marriage and the way we would walk in the sunset decades later.

56. I miss you every time my heart beats, until my life stops and my heart stops beating! I love you!

57. You are the most shining note in my life. My life is wonderful because of you! May the beautiful movement fill every morning and evening after us.