My Composition Making Me Different (7 preferred)
Raise a fire and burn the sky
2023-08-14 09:09:14

My Makes Me Different Composition (1)

What makes me different 600 words composition (1)

What makes me different 600 words composition (2)

What makes me different 600 words composition (3)

What makes me different 600 words composition (4)

Dedication makes me different

There are no two identical leaves in the world. Everyone has his or her own advantages. You may be outstanding, versatile, or honest. Anyway, as a person, we should always ask ourselves: Why are you different? The sun is getting worse every day, and the cicadas on the branches are getting weaker every day. Summer is gone, and school is coming soon.

The beginning of school will be busy for a while, but for me, the beginning of school has a new meaning: the layout of the classroom, especially the blackboard newspaper.

The blackboard newspaper seems small, but in fact it has hidden secrets. How to fill the blackboard, how to adjust the proportion of text and pictures, and how to fit the theme. But they are all a little particular. The day before the blackboard newspaper was arranged, I had been thinking all the time, which really cost a lot of brain cells. No matter how you conceive or implement it, it will be just talk on paper. I gladly undertook the task of painting.

It's just a tree, just some leaves and petals. What's the difficulty in painting on the blackboard? I started with a relaxed idea. But after a while, my body stopped working. I needed to hold my head high, straighten my arms, straighten my waist, and stand on my toes. If I kept this strange position for ten minutes, I would feel dizzy, sore hands, waist pain, and numb feet. It's hard for me to forgive all this for my poor body.

But why give up? Don't stop if you are determined to make contributions to the class. Biting my tongue and sticking to the end of the last stroke, I found myself stiff and wet. I am a little tired, but when I look far at my works, my pride will overflow to my face. This is the blackboard newspaper of our class! Look at that tree, I painted it!

Only then did I really understand Gorky's words: "Giving is always happier than taking." Only by giving can I know the joy of harvest, and only by giving can I taste the sweetness of success. It is not only a kind of happiness, but also a kind of virtue to chew all kinds of happiness and bitterness and leave the enjoyment of beauty to others.

I sit in the classroom ordinary but different, because I have contributed to this collective, which is my reliance, which is my pride.

What makes me different 600 words composition (5)

The end of the postgraduate entrance examination is an extraordinary year for Jinchi. Let me tell you something about my English composition. It may not be the best one for you, but I hope you can learn something from it. Ladies and gentlemen, please come to your seats and listen to the mystery of Golden Wing.

In my opinion, the English composition is a bit like the ancient eight part essay. Everything written in each paragraph is very stereotyped and fixed. Some students said, I don't know how to write. After writing As is vividly, I don't know what to write. After a long time, I found an I believe, and then there was no word. I believe that after you read my article, there will be a catch-up call of "who will compete with me, if literature and ideas are like diabetes insipidus". Let's get straight to the point~~

There are three kinds of English compositions. The positive category, such as cultural integration, cooperation, lighting a heart lamp, etc., can use the template of the positive category. The other is negative, such as the environmental pollution of 11, greenhouse flowers, and overfishing. There are also neutral types, such as self-confidence, advantages and disadvantages of the network.

But the layout of the three sections of the three templates is the same. Describe the picture+explain the picture+what we should do. Sometimes he will ask you to give an example of a character, which is easier. They are prepared in advance. Don't worry. We'll talk about it later. Let's talk about the first paragraph first.

In the first paragraph, 80% of the composition books, the first sentence must be as vividly+everything you see in the picture is rotten, we don't need it, our purpose is to be different. How to write the first sentence? Let's talk about the second sentence instead of talking about it. The second sentence will generally say that this thing has a profound impact on our lives.

For example, 1. As the picture vividly depicts a cultural hotpot, there is a Shakerbie in it

Asia and Buddha bulabula~~. 2. Culture has had a profound impact on people's lives. So the expression of the second sentence of the first paragraph (I, 2, the same below) given by Jin Yi.

Multi culture does exercise such a profound effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people's life and thinking. Let's see if we can replace multiculturalism with a smooth network, environmental issues, cooperation and self-confidence, and use does to emphasize the verb "exercise". In this way, our first two will be finished. Now let's talk about one, one, and start with the template. As is indirectly reverted in the portal, there is a hot spot, which involves Shakespare and Buddha. Some students said, isn't this the as series? This needs to be flexible. The sentence is that the dead person is alive. Our strategy is to change the position of the first sentence and the second sentence. Don't let the teacher see that it is as and vomit to death.

To sum up, the first two sentences of the first paragraph are:

1、 1: Multi culture does execute such a found effect on our life that it revolutionizes the way of people's life and thinking, There is a hot pot, which involves Shakespare and Buddha. As depicted in this picture, there is a hot pot, which includes Shakespeare and Buddha. Do you feel that "just like" has a connecting role? Is it very vivid? In the environmental composition of 11 years, the method used by Jinchi

As a result, I am always satisfied with the score.

The third sentence of the first paragraph is very simple. Generally, there will be a sentence or a comment under a pp. Let's just translate it from Chinese to English, and add a modified template before it. 1、 3: And below the carton, there is a topic which says: the cultural hot pot is both delicious and nutritious? We also have a way. With an exclamation sentence, What a meaningful hotpot! Some people say that if there are only four words in one exclamation sentence, will the number of words behind it be uneven? As I said before, I don't need to worry about the number of words. Well, you'd better worry about it. Don't lose your words. At that time, I wrote the last paragraph in the 11 examination room, but there were still three lines left. I had no choice but to end the last paragraph carelessly. Let's finish the first three sentences.

The second paragraph is generally to introduce the far-reaching significance of this PP or the reasons for its emergence, and write three articles. The second paragraph consists of five sentences. The first sentence says that the topic is very meaningful. Two to four sentences explain the meaning or explain the reason. The fifth sentence is a summary. Here comes the template. Watch out~~

2、 1: The thought provoking drawing mirrors a common phenomenon in contemporary society that there is the positive influence of cultural blending (An appositive clause is used. If it is negative, use negative)

2、 2~2 and 4 respectively write three reasons, which can be connected by First and forget, What is more, Last but not least, or not. It depends on personal habits. I'm not used to using conjunctions for two reasons. First, it seems very stiff. Second, the sentence patterns of the three reasons are inherently complex. In addition, the sentence patterns of First and Forepost are very confused. It depends on personal habits.

Another student union said that we had nothing to say about the reason and significance. This is also the essence of my post, which is the universal positive reason and the universal negative reason of the legendary Chinese Lili. Golden Wing selects and selects the omnipotent sentences in the process of preparing for CET-4, CET-6 and postgraduate entrance examination. The so-called omnipotent reason is to be able to justify itself. It has never failed in CET-4, CET-6 and postgraduate entrance examination. Don't talk too much, just talk directly.

Universal positive reasons (10):

1. * * * can broaden our horizon, enlarge our scope of knowledge and enrich our spiritual civilization. The trump card reason of the positive category is suitable for many subjects, the Internet, culture, reading, and a rare rhetoric - parallelism. Great momentum, great opening and closing, the teacher's eyes lit up)

2、*** provides us with convenience. (The most omnipotent reason is that whatever has advantages can provide us with convenience. Just think about it, don't you?)

3、*** meets such kind of need in physical and psychological aspects. (Meet our physical and mental health, short and pithy)

4. Of all the ingredients of success, * * * seems to be the first within our control. It is a topic of will quality. Confidence and cooperation can be used directly, and they are quite gorgeous)

5、*** wins the appreciation of the public. (* * * has won the consensus of the public and is of great use, as will be said later.)

6、*** is a kind of lubricant for interpersonal relationships. (* * * is a catalyst for interpersonal relationships. The Internet, multiculturalism and love are suitable for many subjects.)

7. Stimulate one's interest and taps one's potential

8. Nothing, exception * * *, can play a more independent role in the culture of one's personality

9、*** is an essential element of success. (For rescue when there is no word)

10、*** is the immortal theme of harmonious development. (For rescue when there is no word)

My Makes Me Different Composition (2)

Taking in leniently makes me outstanding in composition

In the daily study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to the composition. The composition must focus on the theme and make in-depth exposition around the unified theme. Do not talk about anything, the theme is loose or even no theme. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a collection of essays collected by my editor for you. I hope they can help you.

Lenient acceptance is a kind of self-restraint, but also a virtue. It is not timidity to accept leniently, but generosity to accept all rivers. People should learn to accept leniently.

Wide reception is like water. To accept leniently means to forgive others' mistakes, not be bitter about them, not be penny wise, be kind and generous. When encountering contradictions, leniency is often more effective than extreme revenge. It is like a clear spring, which wipes out the temporary hostility and makes people calm and sober.

Wide acceptance is like fire. Because of the more extensive reception, it not only means that we don't care about personal gains and losses, but also warm others' hearts with our own love and sincerity. It is rare to have a heart as smooth as water; It is more valuable and impressive to help the poor and solve the crisis. Broad reception can melt the ice in each other's hearts and shoot the heat of love into each other's hearts. In this era full of competition, what people need is not just this kind of accommodation? The choice of wide acceptance is to choose love and warmth, and also choose the breadth of life.

A generous reception is like a poem. Lenient acceptance is a poem of life. The highest level of leniency is not only reflected in the handling of something in daily life, but also sublimated into a life standpoint of treating people and doing things. The meaning of lenient acceptance is not limited to the understanding and care between people, but the acceptance and fraternity of all life in the world.

Lenient acceptance is a discipline. For small mistakes, small mistakes, you can happily accept each other. But for big mistakes, big mistakes, we should consider clearly. To accept leniently is not to hide or conceal, but to help.

Of course, lenient reception should be "strict with oneself and lenient with others". Forgive yourself easily, it is not leniency, it is cowardice. "Be lenient to others" also depends on the target. It is abusive to accept people leniently without cherishing them; It is appeasement to accept those who are not worthy of leniency; It is indulgence to accept the unforgivable. Therefore, leniency is also a knowledge.

Because of wide acceptance, the complicated life becomes pure; Because of wide acceptance, the monotonous life looks fresh. What a beautiful color life has been given by wide acceptance!

The heaven and earth are so broad, but there is something broader than him - the human heart. Let's learn to accept leniently!

My Makes Me Different Composition (3)

Sports make me outstanding composition

In real life or work and study, we always have to contact or use composition. According to the different styles, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a special composition made by Xiao Bian's campaign to help everyone. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

I like sports since I was young, and I can't stop for a moment. Everyone says that I am a "tomboy" with a quiet appearance.

Since I was active, my mother enrolled me in a table tennis class when I was six years old.

When I came to the table tennis court, I fell in love with the flying white ball. I like sweating and persistent pleasure when I exercise. The person I admire most is Li Xiaoxia, a table tennis player. I am determined to learn it well.

From the moment I just took the racket and waved it, to playing on the table at a fixed point, I insisted on training every day regardless of the weather. Whenever my arms ache, I have only one goal in mind: persistence! But sometimes I would also be lazy. Angels and demons came into my mind. The angel said, "Don't you want to learn it well and become extraordinary? Hold on!" The devil said, "How tired it is! It's OK, just this once!" The angel and the devil argued endlessly, and I chose to hold on until now.

Sports make me extraordinary. I bravely raised my hand and reported the long-distance race for the event that everyone did not want to report at the sports meeting. On the track, I am like a vigorous deer, running and persevering, I am so proud!

Sports make me extraordinary. During the holiday, while the students were busy traveling, I went to participate in various table tennis competitions to learn from others. On the field, I stared at the ball, calmly responded to find the other side's weakness, and quickly and violently caught the other side off guard. I was too excited!

Sports make me extraordinary. In the summer vacation, we went to climb Xuemao Mountain. The mountain road was steep and very difficult to walk. Fortunately, the long-term exercise made me climb the TV tower on the top of the mountain with no effort, and I left everyone far behind.

Sports give me perseverance and iron will, making me brave and fearless. Sports make me extraordinary.

My Makes Me Different Composition (4)

Give yourself a chance to try, step by step, spring is warm—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Sit quietly on the pure white bed, gently raise your head and turn your eyes out of the window. Through the bright and clean glass window, look into the distance. The passengers on the train all slept, leaving me to look up here.

When I was in primary school, a teacher came to a composition class once. "Is there any student who wants to contribute to the composition contest?"? There was no warm response in the classroom as before. "Those who want to participate in the competition can raise their hands." The teacher's sweet voice rang again. But no one in the classroom responded. I carefully raised my head slightly, and I caught a glimpse of the teacher's happy eyes a little dim. The teacher reluctantly continued to say: "Winners can go to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to receive the award!" The voice was a little higher, but also with a little excitement.

the Great Hall of the People? My heart string was touched by these five words, and my desire to go sprouted in my heart. I didn't know whether it was due to my lack of courage or my personality. I slowly turned my head and looked at the actions of my classmates around me. The "top students" in the class all bowed their heads silently, doing their own things, looking like they had nothing to do with themselves. Hurrying to do the homework in hand, frowning into a ball. No one dares to try. At the beginning, I also had a fight in my mind. Go? No? If you go, everyone will be happy to win the prize. If you fail, you will not only feel bad, but also be laughed at by your classmates. But if you don't go, the chance of receiving the award in the General Assembly Hall will be very small.

There was only a uniform and heavy breathing in the classroom, and a bird song outside the window sounded, which was so sharp and harsh, and seemed to laugh at my cowardice.

As soon as I gritted my teeth and moved my hand, I seemed to see that my deskmate had become disdainful after being shocked. The look was like being splashed with cold water, and it rained on my heart. As my hands were about to retract, the sharp birdsong sounded again, stimulating my eardrums and conveying to my brain nerves. No matter, three, two, one! With both hands propped up, I stood up when the teacher's eyes were completely sunk. At that moment, I seemed to see the joy of rebirth in the teacher's eyes. I heard the full ears of surprise, questioning, and sarcasm. I seemed to be able to see and feel the hot eyes of my classmates gathering on me. Is this the difference? Sorry, I can't bear it. But not reconciled to the laughter of the students or even the birds, I raised my head and looked firmly at the teacher's trusted eyes.

I began to make every effort to win the award. When I happily held the invitation to the Great Hall of the People to accept the award, I finally felt the light brought by the difference.

The memory finally pulls back to reality. Silver white stars are hanging in the dark blue sky with dazzling light. I know that the biggest one is me, who is different from others.

In the face of those beautiful and distant dreams, please give yourself a chance to try. Hold on a bit more and be brave. If you win, you will be arrogant. If you lose, you will be grand.

The train continues to make a "clang clang" sound, carrying my dream into the distance.

My Makes Me Different Composition (5)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has written a composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a collection of essays collected and sorted out by the editor who dare to try to make me different, for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Sit quietly on the pure white bed, gently raise your head and turn your eyes out of the window. Through the bright and clean glass window, look into the distance. The passengers on the train all slept, leaving me to look up here.

When I was in primary school, a teacher came to a composition class once. "Is there any student who wants to contribute to the composition contest?"? There was no warm response in the classroom as before. "Those who want to participate in the competition can raise their hands." The teacher's sweet voice rang again. But no one in the classroom responded. I carefully raised my head slightly, and I caught a glimpse of the teacher's happy eyes a little dim. The teacher reluctantly continued to say: "Winners can go to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to receive the award!" The voice was a little higher, but also with a little excitement.

the Great Hall of the People? My heart string was touched by these five words, and my desire to go came into being. I didn't know whether it was because of my lack of courage or my personality, so I slowly turned my head and looked at the actions of my classmates around me. The "top students" in the class all bowed their heads silently, doing their own things, looking like they had nothing to do with themselves. Hurrying to do the homework in hand, frowning into a ball. No one dares to try. At the beginning, I also had a fight in my mind. Go? No? If you go, everyone will be happy to win the prize. If you fail, you will not only feel bad, but also be laughed at by your classmates. But if you don't go, the chance of receiving the award in the General Assembly Hall will be very small.

There was only a uniform and heavy breathing in the classroom, and a bird song outside the window sounded, which was so sharp and harsh, and seemed to laugh at my cowardice.

As soon as I gritted my teeth and moved my hand, it seemed that my deskmate was shocked and then turned disdainful. It rained on my heart like a basin of cold water. As my hands were about to retract, the sharp birdsong sounded again, stimulating my eardrums and conveying to my brain nerves. No matter, three, two, one! With both hands propped up, I stood up when the teacher's eyes were completely sunk. At that moment, I seemed to see the joy of rebirth in the teacher's eyes. I heard the full ears of surprise, questioning, and sarcasm. I seemed to be able to see and feel the hot eyes of my classmates gathering on me. Is this the difference? Sorry, I can't bear it. But not reconciled to the laughter of the students or even the birds, I raised my head and looked firmly at the teacher's trusted eyes.

I began to make every effort to win the award. When I happily held the invitation to the Great Hall of the People to accept the award, I finally felt the light brought by the difference.

The memory finally pulls back to reality. Silver white stars are hanging in the dark blue sky with dazzling light. I know that the biggest one is me, who is different from others.

In the face of those beautiful and distant dreams, please give yourself a chance to try. Hold on a bit more and be brave. If you win, you will be arrogant. If you lose, you will be grand.

The train continues to make a "clang clang" sound, carrying my dream into the distance.

My Makes Me Different Composition (6)

In our ordinary daily life, everyone has written a composition, so we must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. Composition is a way for people to express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is the reading arranged by Xiao Bian for everyone, which makes me different from others. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Tasting a cup of tea, carrying a ray of breeze, holding the moonlight, I would like to enter the world of books.

The book made me understand a lot, and also made me understand a lot.

Reading novels makes me understand life and become calm.

Robinson's experience of survival on a desert island taught me courage and tact; Paul's iron life has taught me how to be strong and unyielding; Helen Keller's darkness and brightness taught me optimism and self-confidence; Lin Daiyu let me know how to persist and stick; Tom Sawyer made me understand the lively nature of children

Novels make me different.

Reading prose makes me fall in love with peace and become quiet.

Moonlight over the Lotus Pond makes me walk by the lotus pond and enjoy the delicate lotus flowers in the moonlight; Spring makes me run in the vibrant spring, full of vitality; Winter in Jinan puts me in the snow and admires the vitality under the cold winter; "Back" made my eyes wet and moved by the simple father's love; The Moon Is the Brightness of My Hometown made me see a bright moon and feel a sense of vicissitudes in my heart

Prose makes me different.

Poetry, let me taste the flavor of life, become mature.

The homesickness of "Where can I go when I write about my hometown? Go back to Luoyang"; The friendship of "bosom friends in the sea, and distant places like neighbors"; "Outside the sword, it was suddenly said that Ji was coming to the north, and the first time I heard that tears were all over my clothes"; "The merchant women do not know the hatred of national subjugation, and they still sing" backyard flowers "across the river; The deep love of "Silkworm in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torch will become ashes and tears will start to dry"; "The grass is green every year, and the king and grandson will not return"

Poetry makes me different.

Words let me understand the beauty of simplicity and become graceful.

"Only when the eyebrows are down, but the heart is up" is a kind of sadness; "Strive for crossing, and rouse a flock of gulls and herons" is a kind of lightness; "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs" is a kind of relief; "I have been looking for him for thousands of times. When I look back, the man was in the dim light"; "I just hope that your heart will be like mine, and I will never lose my love" is a promise

Words make me different.

Clear wind and bright moon, fragrant teeth and cheeks, reading, make me different!

My Makes Me Different Composition (7)

Confidence is Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower" after being demoted, not the king of Chu's Wujiang suicide; Confidence is Madame Curie's way to find radium, not President Nixon's way to re-election.

On Yueyang Tower, Fan Zhongyan is drinking and having fun. Although he was politically frustrated, he was relegated. Despite this, he did not drink to ease his sorrows like a "beggar". Instead, he drank to the wind and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on Yueyang Tower. He also wrote down the famous sentence of "worry about the world first, and be happy after the world". This is confidence. Fan Zhongyan thought he still had the ability to return to the court and make decisions for the people, but sooner or later. It was because of this self-confidence that he recovered from his failure and rallied.

By the Wujiang River, the King of Chu stood there, looking up to the sky and sighing, then pulled out his sword. This sword, which had taken countless heads, is now on his neck. In a flash, the blood dyed the Wujiang River red, and the majestic King of Chu fell into the quiet river. King Ba of Chu cut his throat in Wujiang because he was not confident. He has no confidence to cheer up after the failure, and no confidence to lead Jiangdong's children to fight the world again.

When she came to France, Madame Curie extracted radium in order to measure its atomic weight and prove its existence to science. Dressed in dusty and stained overalls all day long, she spent all day in the simple laboratory with quiet experimental equipment, stirred the smelting pot with her iron bar as high as her, and searched for traces of radium from the piled up waste slag of asphalt mine. For a beautiful woman, the conditions are extremely difficult. She has to carry out very dangerous experiments and endure the ridicule that ordinary people cannot bear, but she is full of confidence. She often said to her partner: "We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence! We must believe that our talent is used to do something, no matter how expensive, this kind of thing must be done." Finally, she succeeded.

Entering the United States, Nixon ran for re-election in 1972. Because of his remarkable achievements in his first term, many political commentators predicted that Nixon would win again. However, Nixon himself was not confident. He could not get out of the shadow of past failures and was extremely worried about another failure. Driven by this subconsciousness, he made a stupid thing that he regretted all his life. He assigned his men to sneak into the Watergate Hotel in the headquarters of his opponent and install devices in his opponent's office. After the incident, he stopped the investigation, shirked responsibility and resigned shortly after the election victory. Because of his lack of self-confidence, he missed the victory.

Confidence is fire, lighting the torch of dreams; Confidence is the torch, illuminating the road to success; Confidence is the way to success. Only confident people can create value in life, and only confident attitude can lead to success. I firmly believe that confidence is the cornerstone of success. Let's be a confident person!