Reflections on How Steel Was Tempered
A hurried traveler
2023-09-05 11:48:32
fourth grade
reaction to a book or an article

Perseverance is the foundation of success. It is a kind of tenacity and accumulation. Perseverance is often an amazing force displayed by a person in setbacks. With it, people will not bow to setbacks and difficulties, but will face them firmly. This is my biggest emotion after reading How Steel Was Tempered. How Steel Was Tempered vividly describes the process of the birth of the former Soviet working class represented by Paul in suffering and growth in struggle; Under the tyranny of the czar, under the four oppressions of the landlords and capitalists, the reactionary bandits and the German aggressors, they learned about love and hate, increased their knowledge, and developed a tenacious character and physique. In the storm of the October Revolution, through the education of the Communist Party, they finally became strong, From a spontaneous rebel, he gradually became an organized and disciplined proletarian revolutionary soldier.
Paul dropped out of school at first because he poured smoke into the priest's flour in school. He became a dishwasher in the station restaurant, saw all kinds of dark and dirty things in the world, and became a brave Red Army soldier introduced by the sailor Zhu He. Finally, he went on the road of literary creation because his eyes were blind. His life was full of frustrations and thorns. After all kinds of severe life, he realized that steel was formed after thousands of degrees of high temperature and then suddenly cooled, which is an eternal truth. Therefore, he devoted his life and all his energy to the cause of human liberation, not only saying such heroic words, but also defending his vows with his tenacious willpower and perseverance.
Paul, who was born in a humble family, was well aware of the suffering of the working people at the bottom. He was determined to make the people the masters of the country and make the country prosperous and strong. In order to transport timber, he and many other people, like many young people, joined the workforce of light railway construction in winter. This small light railway made them suffer a lot. Because it was winter, they had to shovel away the hard snow while laying heavy rails on the designated route. They were supposed to go home after only 15 days, but they worked for two months because of lack of manpower.
At night, they sleep on a bed made of straw, covered with rags. And his friend Ivan, a machine gunner, was also moving at this time: "How simple is the happiness we people want, as long as we can bake the fire.". This is completely achieved by his strong will. The same is true in our country. The older generation of proletarian revolutionaries have created a comfortable and stable living environment for us. Shouldn't we be thankful for this? After reading the book How Steel Was Tempered, I realized how much a person's perseverance affects his life.
Paul's experience was very bumpy. He also thought about committing suicide, but why did he persist in living? It is perseverance. Perseverance gave him strength and gave him three lives. How many people like him can fight bravely when he is a teenager? Few people can do it. What is his motivation? It's perseverance! Paul later became ill and still worked selflessly. He was unwilling to give up his job when he had a chance to take a vacation to heal his wounds. This was the power of perseverance!