Litchi Love Composition (10 in general)
Summer rain
2023-10-09 07:33:20

Litchi Love Composition (1)

My favorite fruit is lychee. Speaking of lychee, I remembered an ancient poem, "When riding on the world of mortals, the concubine smiles, no one knows it is lychee.". Its shape is round, with thorns, and its color is dark red. If you touch it, its skin is a bit like crocodile skin, hard. When you smell it, a faint fragrance comes to your nose. Peel off the peel, and the white and tender flesh appears in front of my eyes. I can't help but take a bite. Put it in your mouth and gently bite it. The juice overflows everywhere. It's sweet and tastes delicious. Every year when it comes to litchi season, I buy a lot of litchi

Litchi Love Composition (2)

Every summer there will be many fruits, such as bananas, lychees, pineapples, etc. Among them, I like litchi best.

The drizzle was like silk. Litchi trees greedily sucked the nectar brought to them by the spring girl. The thick leaves on the curved branches were first light red, then light green, and finally dark green. When the breeze blew, the leaves made a "rustling" sound, as if laughing in the rain and fog.

7、 In August, the litchi was ripe. The top of the litchi was big and the bottom was small, like a small top. The color was cyan red, so ugly! well! It feels very prickly, like little hedgehogs.

Although it is ugly, it smells of refreshing fragrance, which makes people salivate. I picked up a lychee, peeled off its ugly skin, and the juice overflowed inside, white like a fresh baby. I couldn't wait to take a bite, ah! Sweet, sour, delicious!

There is no sweet in the sour of ripe litchi, but it will be sweet when it is ripe. People will love it more when they eat it!

I like fruit, but I prefer litchi!

Litchi Love Composition (3)

My hometown is in Lianjiang. My hometown is a good place rich in fruits, but I like to eat the litchi from my hometown best. Every summer, the lychees on the trees mature, like red lanterns. The lychees hang all over the branches, bending the waist of the mother tree. A breeze blows, and the lychees seem to greet us, saying, "Come and pick us!" I can't wait to pick a lychee. After careful observation, the lychees are the same size as eggs, and grow as cockerels. The ripe lychees are red, Little pimples all over the body. Peeling off the thin skin, I can see the crystal clear pulp. I put it into my mouth. It's so sweet that people love it more and more. I love the litchi in my hometown, because it is not only beautiful in appearance, but also delicious in taste, so I love to eat the litchi in my hometown.

Litchi Love Composition (4)

Title of second grade composition: My favorite litchi

My favorite fruit is lychee. Speaking of lychee, I remembered an ancient poem, "When riding on the world of mortals, the concubine smiles, no one knows it is lychee.".

Its shape is round, It has thorns and its color is dark red. If you touch it, its skin is a bit like crocodile skin. It is hard. When you smell it, a faint fragrance comes to your nose.

Peel off the peel, and the white and tender flesh appears in front of my eyes. I can't help but take a bite. Put it in your mouth and gently bite it. The juice overflows everywhere. It's sweet and tastes delicious.

Every year when it comes to litchi season, I buy a lot of litchi.

Litchi Love Composition (5)

My hometown is in Yongchun, which is rich in fruits, including longan, citrus, loquat... Among them, I like litchi best.

7、 In August, litchi matured and hung on the branches with red light, like small red lanterns and red rubies, which is really popular!

Approaching the lychee tree, I picked a lychee, put it on my palm, and gently stroked its prickly little pimple - small prickles. It was a bit itchy, just like my mother was tickling me. The litchi is shaped like a heart and wears red armor. It seems to say to me, "Don't come here and pinch me, or I will be rude to you!"

Take Litchi to your nose and smell it carefully. You can smell a faint fragrance. Peel off the peel to reveal the lavender yarn, and then peel off the yarn, a white fruit will appear in front of you, just like a crystal clear pearl! It really loves both arms and red clothes!

Take a bite of the fruit, the juice and pulp are mixed together, revealing the sweetness of litchi; The flesh is QQ, smooth, tender, fragrant and sweet. "This thing should only be found in the sky, and can be tasted several times in the world"! Take out the seeds from the flesh. Some of the black seeds are like a person's black teeth, and some are like a nail, with different shapes!

While tasting lychees, I suddenly remembered Yang Yuhuan. Because she lived in Xi'an at that time and could not eat lychees, she had to send some people to the south to pick them. To eat fresh lychees, those people had to go on the road without stopping. How many people died on the way, which made me recite the poem of Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty: riding the world of mortals, concubines laugh, no one knew it was lychees.

Litchi is not only delicious, but also has many functions. Its skin can be used as a traditional Chinese medicine, and its pulp can be used as a tonic. It is rich in nutrients, sugar, organic acids and vitamins; It can also relieve heat, invigorate the brain and body, stimulate the stomach and benefit the spleen, and promote appetite. However, you should not eat more lychees, or you will get angry.

My hometown is in Yongchun, and I love the local product - litchi.

Litchi Love Composition (6)

I love big and round watermelons, attractive peaches and pearly pomegranates, but what I love most is the plump and crystal litchi.

The litchi is round in shape, and its mature color is dark red or brownish red. Although its shell is very rough, its armor is not as piercing as Durian's. I peeled off a lychee and revealed the milky white pulp. When I came up to it and smelled it gently, I couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, it's really drooling down three thousand feet!" I quickly put it into my mouth and took a bite. It's really sour and sweet. It's really speechless!

Lichee is rich in vitamins. Eating it can supplement energy. If you feel very painful after scratching or bleeding, eating some lychee can alleviate your pain. Litchi can also be dried and transported to all parts of the country to make tea throughout the year.

I love lychees.

Litchi Love Composition (7)

My hometown is in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. I love the mountains and rivers of my hometown, and I love the local specialty of my hometown - litchi more.

In my grandfather's backyard, there is a litchi tree over 50 years old. It has luxuriant branches and leaves and is evergreen all the year round. The fruit on its branches is litchi. When the litchi is not mature, it is small and looks green and astringent. In the summer, the litchi gradually matured and gathered together to bend the branches. At this time, Grandpa would take tools to pick. I followed him every time, looking at the baskets of lychees with eager eyes. My mouth watered. I wanted to eat them all at once.

The litchi looks like a young girl to be married. Its shell is bright red and some are a bit green and shy. But when broken, the flesh is white, tender, crystal clear, fragrant and juicy. The brown and black stone is indistinct in the round flesh. With a gentle bite, the sweet juice is like a naughty child jumping up and down in my mouth, slowly filling the whole mouth. Spitting out the fruit stone and sending the pulp and juice into the stomach, a kind of indescribable sweetness fills my heart, which makes me immediately immersed in the world of lychee, unable to extricate myself.

"Eating 300 lychees in one's mouth and never hesitating to become Lingnan people", Su Shi's "Eating lychees" impressed me deeply, but if I eat more lychees each time, I will easily cough and catch fire the next day. It turns out that lychee has a high sugar content. No matter how delicious it is, I can only restrain myself. I can't "love enough at one time" like the sages.

I love my hometown, and I love its lychees more than ever!

Litchi Love Composition (8)

Everyone loves litchi, and I am no exception. Its thick fragrance drifts thousands of miles, and the delicious fruit flesh really makes people aftertaste.

Holding a litchi, it looks like a miniature pinecone; Its surface is dark red. There are also interlaced lines on the red and black peel. It is the interlaced and concave lines that make the surface of litchi have slightly protruding dots. Bright red and lovely dots are all over the surface of litchi. If you hold the litchi in your hand, you can't help turning it around and smelling it excitedly. When the thick fragrance comes, you can't help but want to taste it.

I carefully peeled the skin of the fruit, and the fruit juice with attractive fragrance splashed on my nails, and then the white, fresh and tender flesh, which was like a pearl in a shell, was exposed. If you smell it again, the smell that secretes your heart and spleen will last for a long time. Staring at the glittering and translucent pulp, I had already coveted it, and could not wait to put it into my mouth - gently bite the slippery pulp, spilling sweet juice flavor. "The litchi is really sweet, sweeter than honey!" I couldn't help praising it. The sweet juice converges into a "honey stream", flowing in my heart, and I feel sweet.

After the fresh sweet pulp is eaten, what remains in the mouth is a dark nut, oval, like a chocolate bean. Holding it in hand, it's still the same slippery!

I love lychees. I prefer litchi!

Part II:

I believe that students have their favorite fruits, and I am no exception. There are many fruits I like to eat: peaches, watermelons, oranges, pineapples, mangoes, bananas, apples, pears, etc. But if you ask me what fruit I like best, I will tell you without hesitation: "I like litchi best!"

The litchi is round, a little bigger than the longan. Put it under the nose and smell it. A tempting fragrance will seep into the lungs. Litchi looks like a lump all over the body. Touch it, it is as uneven as the skin of a toad.

The skin of litchi is cyan at first, and will turn red when it is mature, which is very attractive. If you gently peel it off, it will reveal transparent pulp and juice like flowing water, which is really mouth watering. It's delicious to take a bite. It's as sweet as honey.

No ripe litchi is sour and sweet, but it is sweet when ripe, which makes people like it more and more. When I first ate lychees as a child, I thought they were delicious! Although my parents told me not to eat too much, I still ate a lot when they were not at home. It turned out that within two days, my mouth was full of bags, which were itchy and painful. I couldn't stand the questioning of my parents, and finally told them everything frankly. After listening to this, my parents laughed heartily and said, "My little baby, you can't eat too much lychee. If you eat too much, you will get angry! Ha ha ha!" After listening to my father's words, I knew that although lychee is ripe, you can't eliminate the possibility of getting angry.

Litchi attracts me deeply with its unique color, fragrance and taste. I want to say to my friends who don't like litchi: "Come and have a taste. I promise you will still want to eat after you eat it! Don't eat too much!"

Litchi Love Composition (9)

Litchi is an evergreen tree with pinnate compound leaves and oval small leaves. In spring, the weather is warm, and the spring rain is falling gently and thinly. The litchi tree greedily opens its mouth, sucks the sweet rain, laughs in the rain, pulls out new branches, and grows green leaves. Then white lychee flowers bloomed on the lychee tree. After a few days, all the flowers bloomed, attracting a lot of bees, and the bees were buzzing. Bee farmers use lychee flowers to brew famous lychee honey. More than ten days later, lychee flowers fell, and a number of small green fruits the size of a grain of rice grew up day by day, from green to light green, from light green to light red, and finally from light red to purple red.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, litchi has matured. The fruit is spherical or ovoid, and the skin has tumor like projections, like small lanterns hanging on the branches. The branches are heavy and bent. There are many kinds of lychees in my hometown, including white sugar poppies, but the flesh is thin and the stone is big; There are black leaf litchi, crisp and sweet; It has a refreshing cinnamon flavor; There are also glutinous rice balls with thin skin, small core and thick meat, which are sweet and crisp. When I saw those big and red lychees, my mouth watered. It is said that Concubine Yang of the Tang Dynasty liked litchi very much. Su Dongpo, a famous poet, has a poem that reads, "Eat 300 lychees a day and become a Lingnan person". One summer vacation, I returned to my hometown to eat lychees. Who knows, the more I ate, the more I loved them. Suddenly, I ate a lot of lychees. My mother said, "You greedy cat, don't eat so much at once. Be careful to get angry." I had to stop.

Litchi is called a good fruit in Lingnan. I love the litchi in my hometown.

Litchi Love Composition (10)

Every summer there will be many fruits, such as bananas, lychees, peaches, etc. And my favorite is litchi.

The drizzle was like silk. Litchi trees greedily sucked the nectar brought to them by the spring girl. The thick leaves on the curved branches were first light red, then light green, and finally dark green. When the breeze blew, the leaves made a "rustling" sound, as if laughing in the rain and fog.

7、 In August, the litchi is ripe. The top of the litchi is big and the bottom is small, like a small top. The color is cyan red. Hey! It feels very prickly, like little hedgehogs.

Although it is ugly, it smells of refreshing fragrance, which makes people salivate. I picked up a lychee, peeled off its skin, and the juice overflowed inside, white as a fresh baby. I couldn't wait to take a bite, ah! Sweet, sour, delicious!

There is no sweet in the sour of ripe litchi, but it will be sweet when it is ripe. People will love it more when they eat it!

I like fruit, but I prefer litchi!