Lazy Mothers (19 Collections)
The blue sky and white clouds
2024-01-02 03:18:27
Junior 1

Lazy Mom (1)

"Mom, peel an apple for me!" I said habitually while watching TV. It took me a long time to feel thirsty, so I shouted, "Mom, why hasn't the apple been peeled?" "You can peel it yourself!" Mom said. I'm very strange. My mother is very diligent at ordinary times. What happened today? Looking at my mother's lazy appearance, I had to force myself to cut it.
Today, the room was really messy and annoying. I used to yell, "Mom! Help me tidy up the room!" But my mom didn't answer. Is mother old and deaf, or is she obsessed with watching TV? I yelled again. My mother turned her head this time and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm tired today." I thought: Mom didn't do anything today. How could she be tired? Anyway, it doesn't matter if you call it again. You'd better tidy it up yourself. While I was cleaning the room, I glanced back at my mother, but she smiled proudly. Looking at my mother, I was really angry.
I'm not afraid of anything at ordinary times. I'm afraid of encountering a difficult problem. No, another math problem has become a stumbling block. "Mom, how can I do this question?" When encountering difficulties, my mother always tells me repeatedly and tirelessly. Today, my mother said to me with a straight face, "I can't do it myself." Her attitude surprised me. Ah! Only do it yourself. I sat down to think quietly, checked again and again, and finally worked it out after much deliberation.
I found my mother changed. I became indifferent to my life and study. I don't think my mother can count on her anymore. In life, I wash my clothes, tidy my room, brush my shoes, cook my own food, comb my hair, etc; In learning, when encountering difficulties, I think independently and no longer rely on anyone. Slowly, I found that I had changed, became diligent, learned to live and study independently, not only formed good habits, but also gradually improved my academic performance.
Mother has changed, so have I! It was my lazy mother who made me.

Lazy Mom (2)

I have a lazy mother. When I asked her what her favorite hobby was from childhood to adulthood, she always replied to me, "Sleep." It drove me crazy. But after school, I gradually understood my mother's hobby. She went to work from Monday to Friday and I went to school. She had to get up early on Saturday and Sunday to take me to aerobics. Sleeping could indeed be listed as a hobby.

My mother's laziness is also reflected in her "never sit when she can lie down, never stand when she can sit". I asked her: "Isn't it said that life lies in exercise? Exercise can lead to longevity." She told me: "Churchill also believes in this lifestyle, or lived to more than 90 years old. The length of life does not depend on how much exercise, but on how good the mind is." To my surprise, Every year, such a lazy mother can get back the award certificates of track and field competitions and swimming competitions from various sports meetings in her company.

My lazy mother told me: "Lazy people promote social progress, otherwise why do you think the remote control will be invented?" When encountering any problem, she would try to "lazy". For example, once when the teacher asked us to read a picture and write words, I named the ants on the picture "Lingling", and my mother told me that when she was young, she wrote a composition. If there was only one hero, he must be called "Ding Ding". If there was one more, he would be called "One One", or even "What What", and asked her why, She said, "Because there are fewer strokes, it can save time and pencils." My god, how can I say hello!

But such a lazy mother built a home page for me on "Yaya" before I could remember things, wrote more than 600 articles in three years, recorded my growth bit by bit, and filled the blank in my memory. When I read my childhood stories, I also fell in love with writing. Now I have become a little reporter of Niu News Agency. I am proud to see my name printed on the newspaper.

Thank you, lazy mother!

Lazy Mom (3)

"Lazy" mom is very lazy.

Since I was sensible, I haven't seen her do several decent housework. The sanitation of our house is done by hourly workers; Three meals a day, either at Grandma's house or in a restaurant. Last year, we moved into a new house, because it was more than thirty miles away from Grandma's house, and it was inconvenient to eat. Since then, Dad has suffered. Every day when I came home from work, my "lazy" mother just stayed on the sofa and did not move. As a result, my poor father cooked and cooked. When the meal was ready, "Lazy" mother sat lazily on the stool and said to me, "Son, help me cook!" I didn't dare to say anything when my father was so obedient. In this way, every meal to "Lazy" mother became a must when I ate. No way, who let me reincarnate to this "lazy" mother's house!

However, something happened in April this year, which completely changed my view of "lazy" mothers. One afternoon in April, Grandma accidentally fell and broke her bone. The doctor advised her to stay in bed for a month. At that time, it happened that grandpa was away from home and couldn't make it home that day. Mom immediately decided to stay with grandma at night. Grandma saw that her mother had to go to work during the day (she was a teacher), and she had to take care of her at night. She didn't agree with anything. Mom insisted on not leaving, so we had to agree with her. The next morning, I went to see my grandmother. When she saw me, she said, "You mother, it's really hard to talk. When I hear my voice in the evening, I will do anything. I can't do without bothering her. Look, tell her to leave my urine behind. Your grandfather will be home in the evening, and she won't......" I was shocked. In my impression, my mother likes to be clean and beautiful. Unexpectedly, I hurried to the school teacher's office (the school is not far from my grandmother's home). When I came in, I found my mother's eyelids were swollen. Apparently, she didn't sleep well last night to take care of her grandmother. Later, in addition to class, my mother went to my grandmother's house to ask questions whenever she was free. She carried water, cooked food, and fed her grandmother... During those days, I often saw my mother beat her shoulder with her hands, but I never heard her cry tired. A month later, Grandma recovered from her injury. She was so happy that she said to everyone: "Daughter in law is better than her son!" It turns out that "lazy" mom is not lazy!

In fact, "lazy" mom is also very diligent! When I came to school early every morning, I never saw her idle again: reviewing homework, preparing lessons, tutoring students with difficulties in learning... She was more anxious than anyone. Many nights, when I woke up, I saw her still reading in her study! Inadvertently, I opened the drawer of "lazy" mother's bedside table and found that there were all kinds of books in it. Oh, "lazy" mom is reluctant to waste her time before going to bed.

I am proud of having such a "lazy" mother. I love my "lazy" mother!

--------Xu Yanliang

Lazy Mom (4)

Look, my lazy mother is back from work! As soon as she entered the room, she didn't even take off her coat. She just lay on the sofa, with her feet casually draped, her hands cushioned behind her head, and her eyes closed lazily. Not only that, my mother kept telling me and my father: "My dearest baby, help me get a quilt" "My dearest husband, help me get a cup of tea." We were busy, but she lay motionless on the sofa. At last, I got angry and said, "Do your own thing, why are you so lazy?"!

Why is mother so lazy? This question has always puzzled me. But my mother's students said that she was not lazy at all, but also very diligent! In class, her voice is very loud, and she often makes the students laugh when she talks about the class. After class, she has to correct her homework in the office or deal with class affairs in the classroom. She is diligent!

Mother is very responsible for her work. One day at noon, I went to the office to find her, but I couldn't find her. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice coming from the classroom. I ran to her and saw her criticizing a sister. As a result of criticism, my sister's face has become red, and tears keep falling down. Seeing my sister crying, my mother suddenly became gentle. She wiped her sister's tears, took her hand and sat down beside her, took out her homework book, patiently and carefully tutored the sister to revise her composition.

This is my lazy mother. Somehow, whenever I see Teacher Liu in our busy class, I can't help thinking: Is Teacher Liu also a "lazy" mother at home?

Lazy Mom (5)

In my impression, my mother always dresses and bathes for me, and the household chores are all covered by her. However, in recent days, my mother has become "lazy".

Since I was in the fourth grade, my mother has become lazy. I asked my mother to pour me a glass of water. My mother usually said that it would be OK to wait for a while, but now she says she will do it herself; My mother usually makes the quilts for me. From now on, I make them myself; Mother doesn't help me take a bath now, let me take a bath myself; 1、 When I was in grade two or three, my mother taught me homework every night after school. When I finished writing, she helped me check my homework. After checking, she helped me pack my schoolbag. Now my mother lets me think for myself, check my homework and pack my schoolbag. In the future, I will do everything by myself, and my mother will not help me.

On Sundays, my father and mother are at home with me. However, they said today that they had something to do and could not come back. Let me cook by myself. Mother said, "Don't you like fried rice with eggs? There are eggs and rice in the refrigerator, or you can eat them below." Then they left. I said angrily, "It's ok if you don't help me with my work. You can leave me at home without cooking, but it's OK. You can watch TV, play computer games and eat snacks." I wrote all my homework first. After watching TV for a while, I felt hungry, so I went to the "snack bowl" to have a look. As a result, all the snacks in the "snack bowl" were gone. I had no choice but to cook. I first thought about the way my mother cooks and imitated it. I washed the tomatoes and cut them. Then I took out two eggs from the refrigerator, cut the onions and ham sausages, and finally took out the rice. I began to fry, and soon the delicious fried rice with eggs came out of the pot. I tasted it and it tasted good, so I ate it all. After dinner, I just turned on the TV, father, mother came back. I said angrily: "How can you leave me at home alone? Besides, you can't say you can't come back?" My mother smiled.

Later, I learned my mother's good intentions. It turns out that my mother has become "lazy" so that I can learn to live independently and live on my own.

Fourth grade: Zhao Xinyi

Lazy Mom (6)

Look, my old mother is back from work again. He didn't even take off his coat in one room, so he lay on the sofa. She casually put her hands together and put her head back, and her eyes lazily caught up with her. So my mother kept telling my father and I: "My dearest baby, help me get the quilt." "My dearest husband poured me a cup of tea" We were all busy, but he didn't move on the sofa. Finally, I got angry and said, "Why are you so lazy when you do your own thing?"

Why is mother so lazy? I can't understand this question all the time, but my mother's students said that she was not lazy at all and was also very diligent. In class, his voice is loud and vivid, often making students laugh. After class, she will go to the office to correct her homework. Deal with affairs in the classroom. Be diligent!

My mother is very responsible for her work. One afternoon I went to his office to find him, but I couldn't find him. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice coming from the classroom, and I ran to her, only her mother was criticizing a sister in advance and cried. He suddenly became gentle. He wiped his sister's tears away. She took her hand and put her aside. She sat down, took out her homework book, and asked her carefully to correct her sister's homework composition. That's right. My old mother doesn't know how to help Miss Zhu whenever I see him. I can't help but say that Teacher Liu is not a "lazy" mother at home?

Lazy Mom (7)

There is a good saying: "Lazy mother, clever daughter; clever mother, lazy daughter"

My mother is a very hardworking person. As a daughter, of course, I am lazy when I can be lazy. Recently, I found that my hardworking mother is slowly becoming "lazy"

I am the only child in my family, and also the apple of my parents' eyes. I have always lived a life of "opening my mouth and reaching out my clothes" until one morning

It was a sunny morning. Just like my mood, I got up early and shouted, "Mom, comb my hair quickly!" But after several shouts, my mother didn't come to comb my hair as usual. The room was quiet. I ran to my mother's bedroom, only to find her lying in the bed with her head covered! I was a little unhappy, jumped on my mother and rolled around, "Hum hum, let you sleep, don't comb my hair, now it's time to get up!" I was thinking, but my mother turned over and directly lifted me off the bed, looking at my mother's still figure, I sighed in disappointment.

It seems that I have to rely on myself. When I returned to the room, I picked up the comb and combed it, only to find it stuck. In a hurry, I combed it hard. Ouch, it hurts! A lock of hair has been combed out by me. If I continue like this, I will become bald? As expected, I was too anxious to eat hot tofu. I'd better take my time. I sighed. Put all the hair down and comb it from the bottom up with a comb. It was not easy to finish combing and start to tie the hair, but the hair played a game with me and always grabbed the lock and dropped the lock. It took a lot of effort to tie my hair. Alas, I knew it was so troublesome, and I didn't have long hair at the beginning. I secretly complained about myself from my heart.

Since then, my mother has never combed my hair, washed my mask or washed my socks. But now, I have not only learned to tie my hair, but also made many styles. I also learned a lot of things, from the former "lazy daughter" to the present "smart daughter", which depends on my "lazy mother"

Lazy Mom (8)

Recently, I always think my mother is strange

One Sunday at noon, when she was about to have lunch, her mother, who was chatting with her little aunt online, thought about having dinner, but seemed reluctant to buy vegetables, so she shouted to me:

"Junjun, you can buy three bags of instant noodles for lunch!" I was doing my homework, but I didn't want to go, so I said, "But I'm doing my homework!" Then I ran to my mother. Mother said: "Go! You can't have lunch without going!" "This...... I......" I hesitated. "Noon is your favorite instant noodle!" "I...... But......"

My mother said to me in a threatening tone: "If you don't buy it, don't play badminton in the afternoon and think about it!". Today, my mother threatened me by playing badminton! I can't help it. In order not to lose the chance to play badminton, I have to buy it. Alas, has mother become lazy recently?

Another time, my mother and father had not come back from school, so I had to go down and buy two steamed buns to eat. Just when I ate half, my parents came back.

I thought they had already eaten, but I didn't think they not only didn't eat, but also didn't bring food back. My mother also asked me to go downstairs to help them buy some steamed buns. Wow! I really don't want to! Tell me to go down to buy steamed buns when I'm halfway through the meal, and I will lose my appetite when I come back! I'm getting dissatisfied with my mother.

When I came back from buying steamed buns, I couldn't help asking my mother: "Why have you become so...... Mysterious recently?" I changed "lazy" to "mysterious". Mother first smiled, and then said seriously, "Now only children are too spoiled by their parents to do anything, and so are you. I decided to become lazy from now on, let you do more things, become independent, and should not do everything for you!"

Oh! I understand that this is my mother's good intentions, in fact, my mother is not lazy!

Lazy Mom (9)

My mother is very diligent. Every day when she comes home from school, she always prepares delicious food for me first. I live a life of opening my mouth and reaching out for my clothes. But one day, my mother suddenly became "lazy".

That day, I found my mother was not at home, so I started my homework consciously. I thought my mother would come back soon. But I haven't seen my mother for a long time. It was already 6 o'clock, and my stomach was growling with hunger. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. It was like fifteen buckets going up and down.

I can't stand it. I want to get something to eat myself. Like my mother, I put on my apron and walked to the gas stove, but I couldn't reach it. So I moved to a small stool and stood on it. I clumsily put water into the pot and turned on the fire. After a while, the water boiled, and I put the dumplings in. The water splashed carelessly, making me cry in pain. Seeing that there was still no one around, I slowly stopped crying. After pondering for a moment, I remembered a small invention. I cut off the lower part of the Coke can, opened the lid, and then put the shovel handle room into the hole. The new shovel was made, which would never be splashed again. My heart is full of joy.

After a while, the dumplings were ready. I put salt and MSG on them and carefully put them in a bowl. Suddenly, the door opened. I turned my head and saw that it was my mother. "Mom, you finally come back!" I said wrongly. Mother told the story again. She had been hiding outside the door to see what I would do. Then she took out a children's magazine and showed it to me. I was surprised and shouted that the two children in it could live on their own at the age of six! I also want to learn from them.

"The dumplings are cold! Eat them quickly!" My mother urged me. I ate my own dumplings, and my heart was warm. I finally know why my mother has become lazy.

Lazy Mom (10)

Lazy mother: Mom gets lazy when she is at home, and we have to be busy. If Dad is not at home, I will be even more miserable. A string of words let me work into my ears, which made me upset, but I didn't dare to disobey my mother's orders, so I had to work hard and get scolded if I didn't do well. I have a problem with my mother, but my mother said, "Lazy mother makes diligent children." My mother is lazy, and she has reasons.

Diligent mother: My mother became diligent as soon as she returned to her hometown. My grandmother asked me to work, so I picked up the mop and began to drag it. My mother rushed over and said, "Son, let me do it." I stood aside and thought to myself: Why does my mother become so diligent in front of my grandmother?

You judge that my mother is lazy? Frequent?

Lazy Mother (11)

My mother is good at everything except being lazy. Her laziness is unbearable.

Because she was too lazy to teach me how to learn, when I had not entered the primary school, my mother bought a point reader early, taught me how to use it, and then never answered my questions about learning again. Even a small English word, she would confidently say, "I can't read", and then asked me to go to the point reader to find the correct pronunciation, And he also told me that only in this way can I develop my ability to learn independently. What can I not read? In fact, it is a lazy word. I heard my mother chatting with foreign friends in English. How can I even read the words in primary school. However, to be honest, there are all kinds of Chinese, math and English in the point reader. I can use a little reading pen where I can't, and I still like this point reader very much. I like the games and stories in the machine. But when my classmates talk about how their mother taught me the learning problems, I always feel a little disappointed, Why is my mother so lazy?

As soon as I learned Pinyin in grade one, my mother bought a Xinhua dictionary and told me that I had to find out the pronunciation and meaning of new words I didn't recognize by myself. At this time, other students met the same problem and only needed to ask their parents for help. Soon they got the answer and completed the same homework, But I have to spend more time on homework. When I heard the sound of friends playing and laughing outside the window, I thought in my heart more than once that I would change this lazy mother if I had the chance/

Well, my mother had a new idea when she just finished her second grade. She borrowed an English book from the third grade in advance and told me that the third grade should learn to recite words. I had to learn by myself first, but I recited it over and over for four days. I only remembered less than ten words. Why is it so difficult to remember words in front and behind? I was a little discouraged. At that time, my mother came over and looked at me, looking down at me, smiled and said, "Why, have you met a problem?" Then she pointed to the word cheese in the textbook and said, "Do you want to change your memory method?" "Of course," I said to my mother eagerly, "OK, I tell you, take the cheese apart, Che (Chinese Pinyin cart) e (goose) se (dead), the goose behind the cart is dead. It's dead after eating cheese. Please write it down for yourself. " Oh, no, is it so simple? I can remember it in less than a minute, "What about this word?" I pointed to another word, "then I don't know, but this CD has it, do you want to learn?" Mom said while shaking the CD in her hand, "Of course/" I can't wait to grab it

Now, my ability to learn new lessons by myself is getting stronger and stronger, and my academic performance is getting better and better. Everyone who knows me praises my mother for teaching me well, and praises me as a little genius, but I really don't understand. Is my little genius really taught by a lazy mother?

Lazy Mother (12)

At 7 o'clock this morning, Xiao Ming got up and dressed himself. Xiaoming feels strange? My mother usually wakes me up. Why didn't she wake me up today?

Just after Xiaoming got up, Xiaoming's father also got up and had breakfast together. They went to eat steamed buns at the steamed bun shop opposite. They ate delicious steamed buns. Xiaoming asked his father, "Why didn't Mom come for breakfast?" They packed the steamed buns and took them home after eating them.

It was nine o'clock sharp when they got home. Xiaoming asked his father, "Why hasn't my mother got up yet?" They went into her room. His mother's face was white and sweating. Xiao Ming asked his father, "What's wrong with mother?" His father asked, "It should be a fever!"

Xiaoming said to his mother, "Let me pour you a cup of boiling water." Her mother replied weakly, "Thank you, Xiaoming. You are really a good boy."

Dad said, "Let's take her to the hospital!" Xiao Ming said, "OK!"

They sent their mother to the hospital together.

This is really a happy family! We should also pay more attention to our family!

Lazy Mom (13)

Alas, I have a lazy mother. Her small eyes hide behind the lenses, and she is always fierce.

Once, I couldn't figure out a math problem after thinking about it for a long time. I shouted loudly: "Mommy, come and solve a math problem for me! Hurry up! Hurry up!" My mother said lazily: "What are you doing? Others are working! Do it yourself, try it, and use several methods to solve it. It's OK if you are wrong."

Another time, when my mother suffered from waist disease again, she cried out, "My dear, come and help my mother mop the floor, wash the dishes, wipe the table... Hurry up!" As soon as the words came out, I started to work, "Jingle dangdang!" "Dangle dangdang!" "Dang dang dang!" "Za dang!" Soon the house was completely collected.

My lazy mother is not only lazy, but also ferocious.

Some time ago, I always had problems with mathematics, either calculation errors or unclear concepts. So my mother said to me, "You made so many mistakes, don't you want to make a draft? Hmm?" I had to nod my head. Mother's ferocity was even stronger: "Why don't you draft?! You think you are smart?" This time I could only answer in silence.

Because of my mother's "laziness", I have formed the good habit of solving problems independently when I encounter them; Because my mother's "ferocity" has made me a good boy who studies hard and works hard!

I thank my "fierce" and "lazy" mother!

Lazy Mother (14)

My mother is a bit lazy. She never likes to help me do things. I have to do many things myself. She doesn't look like a mother at all. Unlike my classmates' mothers, she does many things for my classmates. I have said something wrong to my mother several times.

When many children my age were still lying in their mother's arms, pestering adults to help them dress before they would get up, my mother had prepared a small room for me to sleep alone, and asked me to learn to dress myself. At that time, I was most afraid of wearing pullovers. My mother stood aside and watched me put my clothes on my head and wriggle into my clothes. She refused to help me, but found a sweater of the same style and put it on her body to show me. I kept muttering to myself: Mom is really a bit lazy. But strangely, I learned to dress myself slowly.

Every time I clean the house, my mother always pulls me to do it together. Look, my mother will leave the tables and chairs for me to clean the big cabinet. If she cleans the big bedroom, she must leave my small room for me to clean. Recently, my mother even decided to let me participate in cooking. At noon on Sunday, my mother prepared to cook. She took me into the kitchen, put the rice into the electric cooker, and said, "Let's three people have a bowl of rice, and the water is almost on this line." Then she scooped some water into the cooker. Then my mother plugged in the power cord and pressed the switch. She said to me, "When plugging in the cable, be careful not to touch these copper pieces, or there will be danger." One day, my parents came home late because of something, and I really cooked my own food. My parents always praise me. My heart is as sweet as honey.

Now I am growing up and gradually understand my mother's intentions. It is her "laziness" that makes me stronger. I love my lazy mother!

Lazy Mom (15)

Look, my lazy mother is back from work! As soon as she entered the room, she didn't even take off her coat. She just lay on the sofa, with her feet casually draped, her hands cushioned behind her head, and her eyes closed lazily. Not only that, my mother kept telling me and my father: "My dearest baby, help me get a quilt" "My dearest husband, help me get a cup of tea"...... We were busy, but she lay motionless on the sofa. At last, I got angry and said: I have to rush my own business. Why are you so lazy!

Why is mother so lazy? This question has always puzzled me. But mother's students said that she must not be lazy, but also very diligent! In class, her voice is very loud, and she often makes the students laugh when she talks about the class. After class, she has to correct her homework in the office or deal with class affairs in the classroom. She is diligent!

Mother is very responsible for her work. One day, I went to the office to find her in Chinese, but I couldn't find her. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice coming from the classroom. I ran to her and saw her criticizing a sister. As a result of the criticism, my sister's face has become red, and tears keep falling down. Seeing my sister crying, my mother suddenly became gentle. She wiped her sister's tears, took her hand and sat down beside her, took out her homework book, patiently and carefully tutored the sister to revise her composition.

This is my lazy mother. Somehow, whenever I see Teacher Liu in our busy class, I can't help thinking: Is Teacher Liu also a "lazy" mother at home?

Second year: Yu Jindi

Lazy Mother (16)

Look, my lazy mother is back from work! As soon as she entered the room, she didn't even take off her coat. She just lay on the sofa, with her feet casually draped, her hands cushioned behind her head, and her eyes closed lazily. Not only that, my mother kept telling me and my father: "My dearest baby, help me get a quilt" "My dearest husband, help me get a cup of tea"...... We were busy, but she lay motionless on the sofa. At last, I got angry and said: I have to rush my own business. Why are you so lazy!

Why is mother so lazy? This question has always puzzled me. But mother's students said that she must not be lazy, but also very diligent! In class, her voice is very loud, and she often makes the students laugh when she talks about the class. After class, she has to correct her homework in the office or deal with the class affairs in the classroom. She is diligent!

Mother is very responsible for her work. One day, I went to the office to find her in Chinese, but I couldn't find her. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice coming from the classroom. I ran to her and saw her criticizing a sister. As a result of the criticism, my sister's face has become red, and tears keep falling down. Seeing my sister crying, my mother suddenly became gentle. She wiped her sister's tears, took her hand and sat down beside her, took out her homework book, patiently and carefully tutored the sister to revise her composition.

This is my lazy mother. Somehow, whenever I see Teacher Liu in our busy class, I can't help thinking: Is Teacher Liu also a "lazy" mother at home?

Fourth grade: Yao Jianhao

Lazy Mother (17)

The lazier the mother is at 4 o'clock, the more successful the child will be in the future

The child went to school, and the mother became lazy! Is Mom really lazy or fake lazy?

His son Hang Hang has carried his schoolbag, and his parents have also carried more responsibilities. It seems that his parents raised him to the age of 7, waiting for the day when he carried his schoolbag. The heart is not relaxed and the figure is busier than before. Urge him to get up in the morning, help him tidy up his schoolbag, accompany him to read, check his homework, and tutor him in the evening. I was busy looking after him, but the child did not take his parents' "diligence", and still went his own way. The performance did not improve much, and I was exhausted. The child's performance was not in direct proportion to his own labor. The reason, I think, is the parents themselves. Because his parents were too diligent, they developed his laziness. Because they paid too much attention to his learning, he became irresponsible and self-conscious. His learning goals were not clear, and he thought that he was learning for adults and had dependency on them. In the long run, it is difficult to develop good study and living habits, and good habits are the key to ensure excellent performance, the prerequisite to pay for future success, and the guarantee to cultivate sound and independent personality.

Seeing so many parents working hard for the "Little Emperor" and "Little Princess", I did the opposite. Diligence and laziness are a pair of contradictions, which check each other and complement each other.

If adults are diligent, children will be lazy; When adults are "lazy", children will be diligent. If you don't believe me, how do I do it

Experience 1: Lazy to pick up and send off - walk to school alone!

Although many children are picked up by their parents when they go to and from school, and although their father saw them off several times at the beginning of school, I never pick them up, because my son is only one kilometer away from home to school, only needs to cross a road, and there are not many cars coming and going. After telling him about safety, I asked him to walk by himself, which is called "practicing lightness skills".

One night, he didn't go to bed on time. He got up late the next day and asked me to ride a bike to see him off. He was so angry that he stamped his feet and trotted to school. As a result, he was punished for being late and swept the floor. I know that he is most afraid of being punished by the teacher, so only if he is late once can he learn a lesson and correct his problem of staying up late. Sure enough, I always go to bed at 8:30 in the future, and go to bed on time to ensure that I get up early the next day. If I did send him that time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to form a good habit of work and rest.

Teaching experience: Let children walk to school on their own, not only to exercise, but also to develop a good habit of not relying on others.

Experience 2: Be lazy to accompany you to read - finish your homework independently!

I only remind my son when it is time to do his homework, and report to me when he is finished. I will ask him to check all the assignments that need to be checked, and I am only responsible for signing. He was very unhappy and said: "Why are you so lazy when other people's mothers are examined?" I reasoned to him: "It's not my mother's laziness. Do you think if I help you to examine, you will still examine? Who will help you to examine when you are wrong in the exam? Small mistakes usually occur, big mistakes occur in the exam." And told him that learning was his own business, I asked him to use his own brain when encountering a problem that he couldn't do. I really couldn't do it and told him where to find information. If a new word doesn't know what it means, he comes to me to save time. I ask him to look it up in the dictionary. In order to finish his homework, he has to look it up stroke by stroke. Later, I was thinking about the reason why he didn't like to look up the dictionary. It turned out that he was not skilled at the radicals. It often took half a day to look up a word. There were many new words to look up. Let alone children, adults also felt bored. So I thought of a way to play a dictionary contest with him to list new words and see who can find them quickly. I deliberately lost to him, and he was interested in winning. After playing for several times, the speed of looking up the dictionary has been greatly improved, and it is no longer considered as a trouble. Now, he also takes the initiative to help his classmates look up dictionaries.

Lessons learned from teaching children: don't be too diligent in guiding children's learning, but learn to find out what children can do, what can be let go because it is helpful for independent thinking, and what they need help because they cannot reach their ability.

Experience 3: Lazy nagging - do more and speak less to cultivate consciousness!

Some parents nag like sparrows all day long to urge their children to study. Little did he know that a child's ears would grow callous if he listened to repeated words too much. Instead, he took it seriously. On the weekend, he played games for a long time and didn't do his homework. I asked, "When are you going to call?" He looked at the clock and said, "Ten minutes more." "OK, keep your word." Ten minutes later, I came back to see him still playing. I tried to bear my anger and calmly said, "Don't you usually say, keep your word?" He was embarrassed and smiled apologetically, Turn off the computer immediately.

Before that, I had instilled him with a sense of being trustworthy, so this time he could accept it happily. Just imagine, if I get angry, I will nag: "Don't fight. Don't do your homework quickly. How can you get good grades if you fight like this? You can't go to college in the future..." I'm afraid that he will still be "in the heart of Cao Ying and in the heart of Han" when doing his homework. Later, when he played games, I asked him to set his own time. When the time came, he had to shut down the machine immediately. At first, he asked me to supervise him. Later, I observed secretly and found that he realized that he would not fight when the time came. It is said that playing games is not good, but as long as he holds it well, it can turn disadvantage into advantage. From it, he learned to control himself, restrain his desire, and cultivate his control, endurance, willpower, etc. These are the important learning qualities.

Teaching experience: diligent education is not effective. It depends on what kind of diligent education is. If you are diligent in nagging and preaching, the effect will be poor; If we are diligent in finding methods and countermeasures, and can effectively implement them, it is worth learning.

Experience 4: Lazy to do things - do not arrange things to cultivate independence!

I will not help my son with anything within his power. If his room is in disorder, I remind him to tidy up, but I am happy to watch him tidy up.

The child often has to go home to prepare various materials for science and technology class, and I ask him to prepare by himself; Give him money for what he wants to buy so that he can go to the store to buy it himself, so as to exercise his ability to deal with people; To collect specimens, I took him to the wild and watched him do it.

At the beginning of school, the teacher asked to wrap the new book. He couldn't wrap it, but I asked him to learn from me. After the first bag was sealed (very poor of course), he let go and asked him to wrap it himself. He was tired of trouble and showed impatience. I ignored him and just gave him some advice. He had to be patient when he saw that I was like a gentleman "talking but not doing anything". If I help him finish wrapping the book in order to save time, he will never be able to wrap a better book cover.

Lessons learned from teaching children: If you are diligent in helping children do things, or even doing everything for them, children will be dependent and passive, and their sense of responsibility cannot be cultivated. Let children jump to pick fruit.

My various "laziness" contributed to his good study and living habits. In learning, he has overcome the problems of carelessness and carelessness. When encountering difficulties, he can think and study independently and actively seek solutions; In life, we are independent and can take care of everything by ourselves. It can be seen that parents should let go when they should let go, be cruel when they should be cruel, and be lazy when they should be lazy. They should keep worrying and paying attention to themselves silently. Remove the protective wings and let him fly by himself. Only in this way can the pheasant swallow develop a pair of strong wings and form a good learning habit and independent ability of life.

Successful parents will pay attention to the sharing of high-quality information every moment and share good parent-child education articles with friends around them. Maybe it is such a simple action that hundreds of millions of children will grow up healthier and happier!

Lazy Mother (18)

Look, my lazy mother is back from work! As soon as she entered the room, she didn't even take off her coat. She just lay on the sofa, with her feet casually draped, her hands cushioned behind her head, and her eyes closed lazily. Not only that, my mother kept telling me and my father: "My dearest baby, help me get a quilt" "My dearest husband, help me get a cup of tea.". At last, I got angry and said, "Do your own thing, why are you so lazy?"! But mother's students said that she must not be lazy, but also very diligent! In class, her voice is very loud, and she often makes the students laugh when she talks about the class. After class, she has to correct her homework in the office or deal with class affairs in the classroom. She is diligent!

Mother is very responsible for her work. One day, I went to the office to find her in Chinese, but I couldn't find her. Suddenly, I heard my mother's voice coming from the classroom. I ran to her and saw her criticizing a sister. As a result of the criticism, my sister's face has become red, and tears keep falling down. Seeing my sister crying, my mother suddenly became gentle. She wiped her sister's tears, took her hand and sat down beside her, took out her homework book, patiently and carefully tutored the sister to revise her composition.

This is my lazy mother. Somehow, whenever I see Teacher Liu in our busy class, I can't help thinking: Is Teacher Liu also a "lazy" mother at home?

Lazy Mother (19)

When I was young, I secretly called my mother a "big lazy person". For no reason, because she is very lazy, let's take a look at my "housework experience": when I was 8 years old, I went to the kitchen as an apprentice; Working in the kitchen at the age of 9; At the age of 10, he was abandoned in the vegetable market - to buy his own food. When the students discussed what to cook, I was the only one who could cook soup, which was hard to tell. But recently I found that things are not what I thought. It was one night that I first felt something was wrong. That night, I couldn't sleep, so I lay on the bed and closed my eyes. Suddenly I heard someone coming in. Who is it? I opened my eyes slightly and found it was my mother. What is she doing? I continued to half close my eyes and observe her every move. My mother expertly touched my forehead, then dragged the blanket off my body and replaced a large towel on my body. I felt very cool at once. I was sweating a little just now! But isn't mother very lazy? Why do you still get up in the middle of the night to change my quilt? At breakfast, I kept thinking about this problem. Suddenly, my mother's voice interrupted my thoughts: I'm going to buy vegetables, eat fast, or I'll be late! By the way, since my mother is so lazy, why do you get up early to prepare breakfast for me and then go shopping no matter whether it's cold or hot? I was puzzled. I felt like I was in a dead end. I couldn't turn my head. When I got to school, my classmates were getting together to talk and laugh, so I went over to them and said, "What are you doing?" "Ha ha, Qiqi said that she cooked the rice yesterday." Feifei smiled and said to me. I have always envied Qiqi for her loving parents, who can wear clothes and open their mouths to eat. Unexpectedly, her parents' excessive indulgence has led to her being unable to cook. Suddenly, I remembered that my parents were not at home a few weeks ago, and I could cook and do laundry without help. I deeply feel a kind of love. It is not the love of being a jewel in my hand, nor the love of caring for being a pet in every way, but the love of urging me to cultivate my self-reliance. I finally found my mother's secret that "lazy mother" is not lazy!