Qingming in April (4 recommended)
Solid world
2023-12-22 01:11:01
third year in high school

Qingming in April (1)

April in spring is the time to worship the ancestors. The elders leave with a serious mood, while we disobedient children are full of smiles, like going out for an outing, and have unlimited longing for the countryside.

In the countryside of fairy tales, there are large areas of golden or light green wheat fields. And in March, the rape flowers everywhere should have bloomed well, right? The flower field, which is about one person high, can't see the marginal golden yellow. When you approach it carefully, you can smell the smell of the sun. In it, it seems that the whole world is a golden color.

Beside the flower field, there is always a muddy path. On both sides of the road, there are tadpoles' homes. And that is also the final destination of our naughty children. The path is rather difficult to walk, but what is surprising is that the water in the roadside canal is so crystal clear that the warm sun shines on the water, and the tadpoles have no place to hide. They are not alarmed that we write about children who are happy to see tadpoles, but are free to float on the water and enjoy sunbathing in groups.

My wife's grave was buried on the top of the mountain. It has changed a lot since a year ago. Adults decided to explore the way first, leaving our new college aunt to watch us. My aunt never cared about us. She just sat in the car alone and played with her mobile phone. Then she poked her head out from time to time and told us, 'Be careful!' We don't think that a wife who is two generations away from us and has never met before will be more attractive than a tadpole. In March of previous years, the weather should be very hot. Everyone took off their coats and wore colorful sweaters to shuttle in the flower fields. There were several harmonious colors in the gold.

In the center of the flower field, there is a small private plot full of dandelions of all sizes. Because it is much shorter than rape flower, it is well protected. "But then they can't travel!" is the childish younger brother. I know that he has just learned the Seed of Dandelion. A simple and kind child. "Help them!" The younger brother carefully broke the dandelion's' pompons', gently held them in his palm, happily raised them above his head and quietly waited for a breeze to send the mother's children to travel elsewhere. A seed flew into his brother's hair: "Don't take it out, I like to let it settle down here, and I can take care of it." It was still full of childish face, but there was a firmness in childish. His brother's voice echoed over the flower fields.

His words, like rain water into the soil, flow to the heart of every plant.

The adults came back, helped each other, walked carefully, and dusted each other of the green leaves and the petals of unknown flowers. Then he scolded us: "What's the matter with you? You're so dirty!? Hurry up, come and clean up!" "Chen Chen, how old are you? Are you still fooling around with them?" "Congcong, what's in your hand? Throw it away quickly!" "Xiao Rui, didn't you watch them? Look! It's all wet!"

The colored pebbles in his brother's pocket were scattered all over the floor; The plastic bag used to hold tadpoles in Congcong's hand was thrown into the canal and splashed with water. They rise bravely, but in the end, they fall. Several tadpoles were trapped in the bag. They used their little tails to beat the bag hard. The younger brother ran over, carefully pushed the bag open, and let the tadpoles out: "Go! Go! Go! Go to find your mother quickly!" "Tell you not to touch it, you won't listen! How can you be such a worry free child!" With a loud slap, the younger brother was shocked, and I was also shocked. Tears fell from the corners of his eyes and hit the colorful stones all over the floor. He first sobbed, very quietly, with his shoulders shrugged; Then he cried loudly, full of grievances and obstinacy.

A gust of wind flew across the sky, carrying his brother's cry. The boundless rape flowers, swaying with the breeze, are like young dancers, flying on the flying carpet of spring.

All the hard work is burned, tadpoles, stones, rape flowers and dandelions. All things are quietly passing away with the car away. I suddenly felt an unprecedented fatigue. Those big pieces of gold; Those creatures in groups; The crystal of the colorful earth; Those travelers like snow or crystal balls, as well as those bursts of hearty laughter echoing over the flower fields, will deeply burn into my heart, and gradually evolve into my beautiful memories of spring and the countryside.

On the way back, I sat alone at the end of the car, looking out of the window in a daze. Really tired! "Sister!" The younger brother stumbled over, stretched out his little hand, and said, "Sister, look!" An incomplete dandelion was lying quietly in the heart of his younger brother's hand. "I just hid it in my hat. Hee hee! I'll take it back to Xiao Yu to see." My brother has recovered his happiness, and he doesn't mind or remember what happened just now. "You defeated me!" I shook my head hard, and the smile again occupied my mouth. I found Spring again: "Remember to keep it carefully!" My brother nodded vigorously, "This is our secret, okay?" "Eh! You look like you are advertising!" "Ha ha ha!" My brother made a grimace and carefully hid the dandelion in his hat again, Then, singing an unknown nursery rhyme, he stumbled away again.

The sunshine outside the window is still bright as before, but in my heart, large golden flower fields are slowly opening!

Qingming Festival in April (2)

In April, the light rain is falling, and there is a slight chill in the air; April, when you want to die, let us remember an extraordinary festival - Tomb Sweeping Day.

Since ancient times, China has many traditional festival customs, which are imbued with people's thoughts and embellished with the splendid culture of the Chinese nation for five thousand years. Tomb sweeping is not only a traditional culture, but also the best spiritual sustenance of Chinese people.

It seems that in memory, every Tomb Sweeping Day is sad and solemn. When I was a child, my family would drive to the cemetery every Tomb Sweeping Day. With silver paper money, holding a pure daisy, but also with a solemn. We climbed on the muddy mountain road, with the drizzle in the sky. The green bamboo forests on both sides of the mountain road rustled in the breeze, and the bamboo shadows whirled, as if chanting a sad and beautiful elegy.

Finally, when I come to my relatives' graves, the ground may be covered with falling red, and I will slowly clean them up; There may have been dust on the grave head, so wipe them gently. The older generation will take out paper money and light it to express their yearning for their deceased relatives; The parents took out the best fruits, lit candles and sacrificed the dead. Although we children are small and don't understand very much, we also understand all these things and feel great respect in our hearts. I often insert a simple and elegant daisy on the grave, only to feel that it adds some vitality.

This is true every Qingming Festival, because everyone's life will not be ignored. Even though there was much pain and regret before death, it is safe to have my dearest person around me after death.

Every Chinese uses Qingming to interpret the meaning and value of life. You can't come back to life after death, but you can use Tomb Sweeping to remember your relatives. In this way, is it not equal to Nirvana? During the Qingming Festival, I felt that the Chinese people cherish life, and their attachment and reflection on family, friendship and love reflect a kind of humanistic care.

Life is too short to avoid life and death. Everyone has tasted the pain of life and death parting. Qingming is like a window to heaven, where everyone will pray and bless their relatives in heaven, send them the warmth of the world, and make every soul safe. Therefore, heaven is always warm, because every soul knows that people who love him are accompanying themselves.

Qingming Festival in April (3)

Spring is coming, and we have a happy Qingming here. We are here to sweep the graves of our mother-in-law and grandmother, and remember the happy time with them. They gave me a hug, which made us very happy. We couldn't help crying when we thought of those times. We will never forget the Tomb Sweeping Day in April, which commemorates our dead compatriots.

Qingming Festival in April (4)

Another year of Tomb Sweeping Day.

It seems to rain every Tomb Sweeping Day. When I walked out of the dormitory in the morning, the gentle rain like silk fell on my face and was very comfortable.

Like the drizzling weather, romantic, amorous, fascinating reverie.

I'm in a good mood, but the school is still closed. The day of returning home is still far away for our boarders. "I picked it up during the holiday," the head teacher told us. Actually, it's also right. Now that we have entered such a school, we should make preparations for the holidays. What's more, the holiday was eagerly awaited and hurried away.

For me, it really doesn't matter whether I have a holiday or not.

A few days ago, I received a phone call from my friend in junior high school, saying that it was a holiday. Forest Park. Agree with pleasure. I feel a kind of tenderness that I haven't seen for a long time. They haven't forgotten me yet. Suddenly, I felt that having friends was really useful. At least, it can be used to pass the time.

Yesterday, I called home. From the other end of the phone came my mother's slightly old voice. I said I would not come back this week. For unknown reasons, she asked one more question. Is it the exam? I was upset. Who said that I would take the exam! All right, someone else's phone. Hang up in a hurry. Then I felt quiet all over me. Only the sound of "crackling" rain can be heard. I suddenly realized that I had done something wrong.

I don't know where the fidgety mood comes from.

It's raining heavily.

After the shift, the interpersonal relationship has weakened a lot, and no one who really speaks has been found. Depressed.

Being alone is a lonely thing. As for whether pain is painful or not, the degree is different for everyone. For me, no pain is greater than pain.

A person's world, it lets you settle yourself quietly.

Sitting in the back row, I always read the subtle details of my body silently in my spare time.

It's very special to find a girl. She is very cute. I watched her work at the desk all day without looking up several times. She was first-class and serious. However, it is rare for her to smile. I barely saw her smile several times. It was also my effort to tease her in front of her. Little did I know that her smile was so charming.

She often doesn't laugh, so she feels a little aloof, like Little Dragon Girl. She acts like Lin Daiyu, full of classical elegance, refined and outstanding.

Gradually found that the girl did not smile, the heart is also very fragile. I never saw her smile seriously, but I saw her cry seriously. In order to rank seventh in the class in the monthly exam.

As I write here, there is a heavy rain outside.

I have been taking exams all afternoon. Dizzy and uncomfortable.

Look out of the window. From here, you can always look at the road lit by dim yellow neon lights. There was no one on the road. I drove a few cars sporadically and it was very quiet. There was only the sound of "crackling" rain. It reminds me that today is Tomb Sweeping Day.

A sudden burst of manic laughter disturbed my calm mood. A few girls chirped and didn't know what to write. Probably planning the holiday.

Seeing those excited smiling faces, I think of those friends who were my best friends last semester. Sometimes I feel that they are just like a gift from heaven. We are extremely harmonious and speculative. Is it in such an anomaly that time is short?

It is unusual because it is short. Like a flash of Epiphyllum.

Later, I impulsively wrote a piece of "contentment" to commemorate them and us, but I was still dissatisfied.

After the shift, the dormitory is not together, and will often run to them and come back in the middle of the night. Occasionally, they would come to me and say why they didn't come today if they didn't go there several times.

This is a simple, simple friendship, the most authentic and sincere.

A few drops of rain fell on the table, so I quickly closed the window.

These days, I am reading Sanmao's prose collection "How many flowers fall in my dream". Strangely, everyone who saw the title of the book called Guo Jingming at the same time, saying that this Sanmao plagiarized Guo Jingming. I don't think the person who said this must know which one is Sanmao.

Don't argue with them.

I finally finished reading this thick collection of essays yesterday. I like "Back", "How many flowers fall in my dream", "Undead Birds", "Tomorrow is the End of the World". After reading, he sighed that he was also a depressed soul. I was thinking silently, why did Josie leave her early?

In the proses of Sanmao related to Hexi, I clearly felt the frightened heart of this infatuated woman. Jose, in the days when the Spanish man was still alive, Sanmao was already living like an alarmist. She was cautious and frightened. She regarded love as porcelain for fear that it would fall out of her hands.

Later, Jose left, forever. I don't know, for her, how to face the rest of her life. But this poor woman still wants to live on, living a life without Jose. Really, she has walked through a period of calm years firmly.

Later, one morning, Sanmao left, forever. I don't understand. The whole Taiwan may not understand.

Only she knows the answer.

I closed my eyes and felt uncomfortable. When the wind blew in, I felt a chill.

When I started writing again, it was the third day after Tomb Sweeping Day.

The rain stopped and the temperature rose rapidly. It didn't clear up. The high temperature of 22 degrees centigrade makes people breathless.

Tomorrow is a holiday. I have to go home. Then hurry back.

Hurry up.