Composition of the Future (16 compilations)
2023-08-14 06:45:53

Composition of the Future (1)

My future home is like this. It is comfortable, warm, functional and extremely convenient.

The walls of the house are made of special materials. There are many small holes on it, which can adjust the temperature automatically. In hot summer, the small holes will suck in hot air and send out cold air; In winter, the heat absorbed in summer will be released at this time, so that we won't feel cold. It is a good house with warm winter and cool summer. This is also the first function.

In addition, the house in the future has a special super function. It flies faster than a plane and is a walkable home. If I want to travel to any country, press the comprehensive button first, then press the travel button, look at the map, and you can go where you want to go. It takes only a few seconds to get there. It's amazing! Going out is also the feeling of going home, which is its second major function.

Secondly, it has the fitness function, running, swimming and other functions, which are very useful for our body, so that we can stay away from diseases and live a long life.

This is my future home.

Composition of the Future (2)

Do you know what my future home will be like? Let me take you to my house!

When you open the door, the golden wall will not only let the house go to heaven and earth, but also make your room look new every day according to the program you have designed. When you go out, you can turn one of them into a helicopter to take you flying freely. When you are tired, you can have a rest, and the plane will change to autopilot.

My home has four floors. My mother designed my home perfectly according to the characteristics of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The first floor is a spring like reception hall. The room is full of flowers, and a hundred flowers bloom, which reminds me of the garden. If guests come, they will drink tea and play chess beside the flowers to watch the beautiful scenery. This is my mother's favorite floor.

The second floor is a summer gym. The simulated summer is hot and hot. Many trees are green and luxuriant. It's very beautiful. This is the second floor that my father likes.

The third floor is the kitchen like autumn. This place is full of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. It is a place where Mom can show her skills.

On the fourth floor, although we don't know the beautiful scenery in winter, it is very beautiful to watch the beautiful scenery in winter in the warm bedroom with a duck down quilt on the bed.

This is my home in the future, which can give me happiness and warmth.

Composition of the Future (3)

Now is the earth in the future of 3010 years. I will introduce you the latest and best inventions.

Because human beings cut down trees in a large area, all the trees on the earth disappeared in just a few years, so scientists invented the artificial tree. This kind of tree has many functions. Although it is wrapped in iron, it is also emotional. It can absorb harmful substances in the air into the body, transform them into fresh air, and expel them from the body. Moreover, the fresh air discharged is ten times more than the harmful substances inhaled. This kind of tree can also release beautiful music when you sleep, greatly improving your sleep quality and making you energetic the next day.

In the future, the traffic will be smooth, because scientists have invented an energy-saving and environment-friendly robot that automatically commands traffic. This robot can convert sunlight into solar energy and solve energy problems for itself. Even in the dead of night, it can still work normally because it has installed a night energy converter, The night energy converter can be used even at night. It is the second generation of high-tech solar converter.

In the future, the earth greening will also be done without fail, because we humans cut down indiscriminately, all trees have been cut down, and some green plants have disappeared. So the great scientist "Anonymous" (a future scientist) invented the first artificial seed on the earth. After countless transformations, this seed has reached the sixth generation. As soon as this artificial seed is put into the soil, it will grow into the green plant you want in three seconds. And as long as you want any green plant, just gently say to it, He will immediately become the plant you want.

These three inventions are the latest inventions in the future. I firmly believe that more high-tech products will be produced on the earth in the future, making our earth more beautiful!

Composition of the Future (4)

In 2028, I will become an inventor and invent a fully automatic car that does not pollute the air.

The full-automatic car not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has buttons in seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple. Each color button represents a magical function.

When you just sit in the driver's seat, "Please sit down and press the red button, I will answer every question." Oh, it can also talk. When the orange button is pressed, the car will automatically clean up; When the yellow button is pressed, chemical reaction will occur inside the car, so that the exhaust will emit oxygen instead of carbon dioxide, which can purify the air; When the green button is pressed, the car starts to walk; When you press the cyan button, the car will turn according to your instructions; When you press the blue button, you can sleep safely, and it will automatically cross the obstacles to take you to the destination safely; When the purple button is pressed, the car magically grows a pair of transparent wings and flies in the sky, flying to the universe like "Shenzhou VI". Removing the key from the car will end everything.

Do you want to own this amazing car? Then we look forward to that day, and I will give it to you free of charge.

Composition of the Future (5)

The future is really wonderful. For example, the future car is different from the current car. It can drive on water, on the ground, and fly in the sky. There are also shoes of the future. The power of these shoes is amazing. These shoes can adjust the temperature, and they can fly in the sky like Nezha's wind fire wheel... Next, I will introduce you to the house of the future.

The house we live in has a magical function, that is, you can reach the destination you want in an instant. We agreed to go to Sanya, so we set the destination - Sanya. After two seconds, we arrived in Sanya... This house not only reached the destination instantly, but also set the time to cook. Our family could go home to have dinner. It was delicious. By the way, I forgot to tell you that it was cooked by five-star chefs. My room is more advanced. As soon as I enter the robot, I will say that the owner has worked hard. If there is a robber, the robot will erase the bad memory and input the good memory. There is a remote control panel in my room. Hey, although it is just a remote control panel, it actually has a great function. If you are hungry, you can click a key to eat food in front of you. If you press the button twice more, it can realize your wish. And other functions.

This is the house of the future. I like this kind of house.

Composition of the Future (6)

With the development of science and technology, the year of 2055 will come in a blink of an eye. Do you want to have a look at science and technology in 2055? Then come to my house!

My elevator is a magnetic elevator. There is a big magnet on it. Just press the button to get to the 554 floor of the top floor, my home. When you enter my house, you will find that there are three buttons at the door.

Press the blue button, and the room will become a large swimming pool. Through the glass roof, you can see the birds flying. In summer, we can swim freely in the swimming pool.

Press the green button, the room will become a small forest, so that I can breathe fresh air after a hard day's work.

Press the colorful button, and the room will become very large. There are beds, tables, televisions, stereos, bathrooms... and my robot servants. Can let us have a very comfortable environment.

If you want to experience such a wonderful life, please come to my home!

Composition of Future Things (7)

When I was in the 22nd century, there were many developed things in that century.

When I came home from school, I only needed to press the doorbell with five fingers, and anyone who was allowed to enter could open it. If it was a thief, he would put out a big net with one word. A police bag on the door will scream loudly. I got five sons.

When you go in, there are fifty or sixty robots. They will serve you, and they will help you if you want. All I have to say is, put your schoolbag back, and he will put you back. Besides, there are so many things, such as TV, telephone, electric music device, and electric water device. Let me talk about the television of the telephone. The telephone can now become the person when the other party calls. There is also a TV. The TV is rectangular and gray. There is a layer of glass outside the TV to prevent myopia.

I think this is our imagination. We need to work hard to have this.

Composition of the Future (8)

In a twinkling of an eye, after more than 30 years, I became a great inventor. Now let me show you some of my inventions.

First, show you a dress. Although its appearance is ordinary, it has many functions. Once you put on your clothes, it can change from long sleeves to short sleeves in summer, and it can change from hot to cool inside. At the same time, it also has a sunshade function, so people don't need to take umbrellas when they go out; In winter, clothes can change from short sleeves to long sleeves, and the inside can change from cold to warm, which is its first function. The second function is: if the clothes are dirty or broken, they will be cleaned and repaired automatically without people's hands, which also frees our hands.

Next, I'll show you a pair of shoes. Its function is very powerful! There is a flame issuer at the back of the shoes, which can quickly take you to the place you want; In addition, there is a jet under the shoes. Start the jet and you can fly to the blue sky; In addition, it can change temperature at any time.

Again, let me show you a multi-functional schoolbag. It has a red button, press it to reduce the weight of the bag; There is also a green button. Press it to bring back the forgotten things; There is a blue button on the side of the schoolbag. Press it once to start the automatic sorting function. These are very convenient and easy to use for primary school students.

Finally, I'll show you a desk. As long as you sit on the stool, the desk will open automatically. You just need to put your homework on the desk. When the bell rings for class, a computer will appear on the desk. The teacher will teach the students remotely. You can speak to the computer, which will make online communication more convenient and the teacher will be more relaxed.

This is the future world. Is it very advanced? Do you yearn for it? Let's work hard to achieve these goals now!

Composition of Future Things (9)

300 words composition about the future (I)

What is the future world like? Some students think it is beautiful, others think it is ugly, I think it should be beautiful. Because, in the future world, human beings have long invented garbage eliminator, which can purify garbage into fresh air. The heavier the pollution, the better. Is there any air pollution in the future world? The answer is, no. In the future, people will realize their mistakes. The car uses solar energy, moon energy and sky energy. If you combine these three energies, you can go out whenever you want. And some factories that produce harmful air have also been closed. In the future, there will be blue sky, white clouds, clear streams, clean rivers and beautiful flowers on the ground. The fish swim vigorously. The temperature is not high or low, and the melting time of the glacier is much slower. There have also been many fewer wars in the world. People on the earth live in peace, innovate and develop together. In this way, the earth soon had something unexpected, sometimes empty doors, laser guns and other high-tech products. This is the future world. I'm afraid we have to wait for many years!

300 words composition about the future (2)

Imagine 300 words of composition in the future

Imagine the future composition 300 words (1)

What is the future like? Nobody knows. Let's put on the wings of imagination, go through the tunnel of time and space, and imagine the world at that time! In the future, peace and friendship will fill every corner of the world. War will become a joke after dinner. People will live in the halo of peace. In the future, people will no longer rely on their feet to travel. You will arrive at your destination soon by plane. If you want to go to the moon and take a space shuttle, when you get off, you will be greeted by the new world of the moon. In the future, people's life is not limited to land. There are people's "happy homes" on the sea floor. People can play with the sea and fish every day. In the future, scientists have uncovered the secrets of space, and people's footprints are everywhere in the universe.

The "second home" of mankind has covered the entire solar system. In the future, people will no longer be required to work, and robots have been popularized in every family. Robots work and earn money to do housework. People just need to rest at home. In the imagined future, everything is so beautiful. Now is 2013, which also proves that the future is not far away.

Imagine the future composition 300 words (2)

In the morning, I woke up as usual, took the clothes handed to me by the robot, dressed and came to the bathroom. In less than five seconds, the robot had washed me. I came to the table again. The conveyor belt soon delivered the breakfast I ordered yesterday. The menu is very rich! There are golden eggs, nutritious cereal, delicious meat buns, and my favorite steamed buns

After breakfast, when it was time to study, I turned on the computer and Teacher Cai's kind face immediately appeared on the screen: "Good morning, students! Today, we are going to learn Lesson 18: Oasis in the Desert." Just after the voice came down, an image of the United Arab Emirates everywhere was white - not snow, but desert. In this vast white desert, there are dotted with oases. The whole class is discussing the content of the text through the visual system under the explanation and inspiration of Mr. Cai

The relaxed and happy study time is over. It's time to go outdoors to exercise. I plan to invite some good students to play football in the football field of the United Arab Emirates, and then input the words "Take me to the football field of the United Arab Emirates" on the computer. My house will soon become a spaceship and fly to Dubai at supersonic speed

>This is my Chinese dream, fantastic and interesting. What about you?

Imagine the future composition 300 words (3)

Hello everyone, I am Chen Chen, one of the greatest scientists in 3012. Today I will tell you how advanced science and technology was in 3012.

In this century, I invented multifunctional houses. There are space devices and diving devices on the house. There are four wheels under the house. You can fly into the blue sky at any time, dive into the sea, and move is no longer a problem. Everything in the house is under your control. Summer is very hot, it will automatically cool for you; Winter is very cold, it will automatically warm you.

The clothes I invented are more colorful. You only have one dress, but if you don't like it, you can change it at any time. What you want to change will change. If you are cold, your clothes will thicken; If you are very hot, your clothes will become very cool.

I also invented a "big belly" trash can that can walk around at will. It can clean the ground and "swallow" all the garbage into the stomach. Now many places have such garbage cans.

Now people don't litter, the environment is very good; The factories are equipped with the most advanced evolution air device and evolution water device. Cars have been changed into flying carpets. If you want to go anywhere, just say it and you will be there right away.

I have also won many awards, such as the Nobel Prize for Imagination, Nobel Prize for Creation, Nobel Prize for Invention, etc.

Imagine 300 words of future composition (4)

In the future, everything will change on the earth, and the biggest change will be those tall buildings.

How will the future house be built? People will say that it is made of bricks, but it is wrong to think so. I am different from them. I think this way: the future house is not made of bricks. It is possible to design beautiful patterns on the computer first, then press the button on the computer, and a bright glass house will be built. Not only that, The house in the future may have the function of self-protection. If there is an earthquake in that place, it will fly up and stay in the air, but the people inside will not feel the earthquake at all. In addition to this disaster, it will also protect itself against other natural disasters. It is a good house.

In the future, it is possible that 800 storey tall buildings will not be rare. Some people will ask: "How can I get to such a tall building?" Some people will say: "Of course, I will take the elevator!" But I think the elevator was outdated at that time. You can install a machine at each entrance. You can go to the desired floor by pressing a fingerprint.

Ah! This is the future in my imagination.

300 words composition about the future (3)

300 words of my composition in the future

300 words of my composition in the future (I)

He is already an inventor. Hahaha, look, I have invented another garment. Although it is just a garment, it has special functions!

This dress has three functions. Please look down.

It is a baby's clothes. When a child is hungry, it will make a sound. When adults hear this sound, they will feed the child; When a child wants to urinate, it makes another sound, so adults don't have to worry about changing the baby's diaper frequently; When children have nightmares, it will automatically send out a beautiful music, so that children will no longer sleep in nightmares.

People say that I am very capable when I grow up! If you are not satisfied with this dress, you can email me:

My future composition 300 words (2)

By 2030, human science and technology will be developing at a high speed. Cars flying in the sky, high-rise buildings with hundreds of floors, a fruit tree that can produce dozens of types of fruits. In your eyes, I am a scientist who is trying to make the moon "come back from the dead" (because the earth now has 10 billion people). I first take my spaceship to the moon, and then use the earth drilling robot to go straight to the center of the moon, and put in the "gravity" core, which can help the gravity on the moon is the same as that on the earth. Then 100 vegetation robots will plant plants in various places on the moon, and several ozone bombs will be dropped to make the moon form an ozone layer. At this time, the moon will gradually have white clouds, blue sky, and breathing air, almost the same as the earth

Suddenly, the moon was exercising violently. I fell to the ground. When I woke up, I found my mother was calling me. I was just dreaming.

My future composition 300 words (3)

After 20 years, I think I must be an excellent fashion designer and will bring happiness to people.

I will turn a simple piece of black cloth into a very beautiful skirt; The front of a blue shirt will be sewn with several flowers and inlaid with several lace to make it a beautiful dress.

Sometimes, I will pick up the scissors and cut them with "click click". A pair of handsome jeans is born in my hands. I looked at the jeans and felt very happy.

The simple reason why I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up is that I can let everyone share this happiness with me and walk on the street in my clothes. How happy I am!

Zhang Zhouyao, come on! You will succeed.

My future composition 300 words (4)

I am a fashion designer in the future, and I have designed all kinds of novel clothes.

One day, a customer came to visit. I introduced some clothes to him, one of which is a suit. This suit is not different from the ordinary one on the surface, but there are two buttons in the suit, red and green. You don't have to worry about the clothes being cold in winter and hot in summer and their smaller size. This suit is suitable for you now. No matter how much it grows in the future, it will also grow according to your height. In summer, you feel very hot in this suit. Just press the green button in the suit, you will feel cool. In winter, you feel very cold wearing it. Just press the red button, you will feel very warm immediately. I also introduced the magic of several clothes to customers.

The customer listened to my introduction and ordered a lot of goods.

I believe that my dream will come true.

300 words composition about the future (4)

The future computer classroom composition 300 words

Hello, I am the inventor of the future classroom.

In the future, there will be a computer on every desk in the classroom. This computer will not hurt your eyes. There is an e-book in the computer. If you want to see that page, just click the directory. If you are hungry or thirsty, you just need to press a key and the desk drawer will open automatically. There are hamburgers and water in it. If you don't like it, you can change it. It gives you food and nutrition. If you are tired, you can press a button on the chair, and it will help

Composition of Future Things (10)

When it comes to the present, it is not too developed. Today, follow me to the future.

First, I want to show you the handbags of the future.

As we all know, as an engineer, there are many things to take with him when he goes out. For example, drawings, pencils, electronic measuring instruments, calculators, mobile phones, MP3 and other daily necessities, a small bag can't be put down. Even if it is simply stuffed into it, it will be more time consuming to look for it again and again. Some people gritted their teeth and carried an oversized bag, which could be loaded in, but it was very troublesome. There was no place to put it on the bus. It was not beautiful. Therefore, today in the future, after many scientists talked together and carefully designed and made, a new type of handbag came out! It surpasses all the advantages of previous handbags.

Future handbags need not be afraid of insufficient storage space. Despite its small size, it contains a lot of things. There is a row of micro buttons on the back of the bag, which is the storage control system of the bag. Click the drawing storage option, and the package will immediately become the shape most suitable for placing drawings; Click the common item option, and the phone bag, wallet storage bag and so on will appear in the bag immediately; What's more amazing is that every item stored will be stored in the bag and will not be returned due to different options. I'm sure you will ask, what if so many things are stolen? Don't worry, the fabric of each bag can identify its owner. It will open only when the owner's hand touches it. If others want to open the zipper, the alarm in the bag will sound immediately.

Students, although this is just people's imagination, I believe there will be such bags.

Composition of Future Things (11)

The present book is thick and large, but the future book is not like this. Although the future book only has a thin piece of paper, its function is much better than that of the current notebook computer!

There will be many functions of books in the future, such as voice search, voice control, voice reminder, light adjustment and other advanced functions.

First of all, I will introduce the voice search function. What book do you want to read? As long as you tell the name of the book to the future book, the future book will quickly search out the book you need, so that you can read happily.

Then talk about the voice reminder function! Many parents are particularly worried about their children's sitting posture. Future books can help them solve this problem. If students' sitting posture is incorrect, future books will open a reminder system to warn you: "Your sitting posture is incorrect, please keep the correct posture to read!" Students will naturally form a good habit of sitting posture standards.

Finally, let's talk about the light adjustment function, which can adjust the light intensity of books. If students read in strong light, the future books will automatically adjust to the appropriate light; If you read in very weak light, the future books will enhance the brightness of the light to reach the appropriate light, so that students can read happily in any environment!

This is the book of the future, a book we are looking forward to!

Composition of Future Things (12)

People will not think about what the future will be like or what the future will be like? Everyone is curious and has been imagining. Of course, no one knows, because the future is shaped by our own efforts. Let me introduce what I want in the future.

When talking about transportation, everyone will think of trams, cars, bicycles, etc. that adults ride. But what I introduce is our children's transportation. Let me introduce a skateboard, find a skateboard with beautiful and gorgeous appearance. You can also change the shape of the skateboard by yourself. There are several buttons on the skateboard, find out a skateboard button, and press it to show some films. The film is the shape of the skateboard. The skateboard has a shift of things, and generally there will be a trolley like steering bar, and two nozzles appear behind the skateboard, You can ride a tram like that. If you press a button on the sense of direction, Dongguan will start to emit flames. Of course, those flames just make the appearance of the skateboard more beautiful. It doesn't create any danger. After the flame is sprayed, the skateboard accelerates. The speed of the accelerated skateboard can be called the speed of the rocket. But the sense of direction can control the speed. And skateboards fly in the sky.

That's all I want for the future. I hope that what I want can be built, so that the motherland will become strong, prosperous and prosperous. Let the people live a better life.

Composition of Future Things (13)

In daily study, work and life, everyone often comes into contact with composition. Composition is a narrative method that expresses a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. I believe many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is the future of small editing. I hope it can help everyone.

I often wonder what the future will be like? I really want to know what clothes, cars and houses there are, but I know these are impossible. What if you want to know that you have to live for at least a few decades, but only those things I have always dreamed of?

Ah! Yes, I want to imagine that it can satisfy my desire. Well, the car of the future should be advanced. As long as people sit inside, they can run freely, and even fly slightly. As long as the owner doesn't say stop, it will never stop. Can it still identify directions? Don't think he is rubbish. In fact, it has many functions! It can also sing freely, including karaoke, free singing and so on!

oh I forgot to tell you what the clothes are like. They are a high intelligence clothes. You can have anything you want. Ah ah ah ah ah ah, Dad Cui has ended his writing. Bye bye!

Composition of Future Things (14)

Let's talk about the future food first! At that time, people's food only had a small red ball. You may think: so little, can you eat enough? Don't worry, a red ball like this can stand two meals. Now let's talk about the magic paintbrush! The children must have read the story of "Magic Brush Ma Liang"! In the future, every family will have two paintbrushes like Ma Liang. Everyone will do their best to help others. Everyone's heart will be red and warm. This is just a small brush. When you hear about future clothes and cars, you will be surprised! In the clothing store, a designer was making clothes. But he did not use scissors, pencils and paper to draw the shape of clothes. It turned out that he was making clothes with his mind. As long as he imagines the style of a dress in his mind, he will quickly change into a highly intelligent dress. It is amazing how fast and convenient it is to design clothes in this way! The cars of the future are advanced. As long as people sit inside, they can run freely and even fly lightly. It will never stop as long as the owner does not shout to stop. In fact, it has many functions! It can not only automatically identify directions, but also sing karaoke! Finally, let's talk about the future house! The shape of the house is triangle and circle. The most magical one is made of colored plasticine. You can dig out a small piece and make it into a shape, and the house will change into a corresponding shape.

The future is amazing! I believe that as long as we study hard, these things will become true one day in the future!

Composition of Future Things (15)

【1】 The future desk

How time flies! It will be 2030 in a twinkling of an eye. Then my dream came true, and I became a scientist. Robot assistant and I have invented many unprecedented things. I recently invented a kind of desk. Let me introduce it to you!

This kind of desk is made of glass. If you read and write in an incorrect posture, its robot will correct your posture.

This kind of desk has recycling function. If your learning tool falls on the ground accidentally, the robot on the leg of the table will show its skill. He can pick up the learning tools that fell on the ground, so that you don't have to bend down and search hard. Do you think it's good?

Some people will ask: This kind of desk is made of glass. What if it is not crushed? To tell you the truth, it is made of high-tech materials. It can withstand at least 20 tons, even if 100 adults stand on it, it is still intact.

But it also has a disadvantage - if you do small movements in class, you will be seen by the teacher, because it is made of glass. Students, will this bring you any inconvenience?

【2】 Future clothes

One day in 2482, the era clothing store in Gonghe Building was bustling with people talking about something around a new clothing display counter... Oh, it was the new "Flying Tiger Color Change Clothes" I just invented that came on the market. Reporters used their cameras to take pictures.

At that time, a reporter who knew me held up the microphone and intercepted me, forcing me to introduce my award-winning invention to everyone. I introduce to the audience: this is a kind of clothes that can change color. Why did I invent it. That's because it can cure diseases and catch thieves. If the clothes are dirty, you just need to press the white button. It will make the clothes clean in the blink of an eye. These functions of clothes are controlled by five buttons. You should not underestimate these buttons. They all contain chips.

If the weather is very cold, just press the red button, and the clothes will heat up and make you feel warm. If the weather is very hot, you just need to press the blue button. Clothes are like air conditioners to help you cool down and make you feel cool and pleasant.

The most amazing thing about the clothes I designed is that they can cure diseases and catch thieves. If the medical profession has a disease that cannot be cured, come to me. As long as the patient wears it and explains his condition clearly, then I will take the right medicine to cure the patient.

The clothes I designed also have a magical place that they can catch thieves. One day when I wore it to play, I met a thief on the way and boldly walked over. The thief shot me, and I would straighten my back. Then the bullet would bounce back and put a big purple bag on the thief's forehead. The two thieves ran away after they saw it. I dialed 110, and the police easily caught them... My words didn't stop, wow... I only heard a burst of warm applause.

It seems that the color change clothes I designed are OK.

Composition of Future Things (16)

Composition 1 on the topic of future things

The present book is thick and large, but the future book is not like this. Although the future book only has a thin piece of paper, its function is much better than that of the current notebook computer!

There will be many functions of books in the future, such as voice search, voice control, voice reminder, light adjustment and other advanced functions.

First of all, I will introduce the voice search function. What book do you want to read? As long as you tell the name of the book to the future book, the future book will quickly search out the book you need, so that you can read happily.

Then talk about the voice reminder function! Many parents are particularly worried about their children's sitting posture. Future books can help them solve this problem. If students' sitting posture is incorrect, future books will open a reminder system to warn you: "Your sitting posture is incorrect, please keep the correct posture to read!" Students will naturally form a good habit of sitting posture standards.

Finally, let's talk about the light adjustment function, which can adjust the light intensity of books. If students read in strong light, the future books will automatically adjust to the appropriate light; If you read in very weak light, the future books will enhance the brightness of the light to reach the appropriate light, so that students can read happily in any environment!

This is the book of the future, a book we are looking forward to!

Composition 2 on Future Things

At night, when I was doing my homework, I fell asleep unconsciously. I opened my eyes and saw a particularly beautiful bag. I walked beside my schoolbag and saw two buttons. I pressed the first button. Ah! When the schoolbag spoke, it said, "What book do you need?" I said, "I want a Chinese book." So the Chinese book came out from a crack in the schoolbag. I was surprised and said to myself, "This schoolbag is really awesome!" The next day when I went to school, I got up late and had to go to school in five minutes. I ran downstairs in a hurry. Unexpectedly, my schoolbag pulled me to the ground with a "snap", and two wheels popped out. I stood up, and it went out again with a "whoosh". It was time to go to school in the blink of an eye. It only took me half a minute to look at my watch.

I was surprised and said: "This schoolbag is really amazing!" I did my homework at night, and my handwriting was not good. When I saw the schoolbag, I said: "The handwriting is not good, rewrite it." I ignored it and went out to play after finishing my homework. Suddenly, my schoolbag reached out a manipulator and grabbed me. I had to rewrite it to pass the exam. "Bang", I hit the corner of the table, opened my eyes and saw that I was asleep and had not finished my homework. While I was doing it, I thought it would be great if I really had this kind of schoolbag.

Composition 3 on Future Things

What a wonderful world in the future! All kinds of things are fully intelligent, even clothes are no exception. Let me introduce the clothes of the future!

The clothes of the future have many functions. In the hot summer, they will automatically adjust the temperature. As long as you wear them, you will feel a burst of coolness, which is extremely comfortable! When there is white snow, it will convert cold energy into heat energy, even in cold winter, it will feel very warm. This kind of clothes is not afraid of fire or water, because it contains a special chip, which can protect the clothes from damage. This kind of clothes is very affordable. Like ordinary clothes, they are both affordable and practical. This kind of clothes can also be environmentally friendly!

The most important function of this kind of clothes is to cure people. Look! There was an old man who was sick. His family was very poor and could not afford to buy medicine. He was crying there! I quickly ran to him and handed him a piece of clothes. The old man put it on. After five minutes, his face slowly turned ruddy, and his body, which had been emaciated by hunger, grew stronger. After a while, the old man became like a young man. He walked home happily.

What wonderful clothes of the future!

I believe we can invent this kind of clothes as long as we study hard!