Compositions for Calm Down (13 in a Collection)
Inclusive love
2023-10-05 00:54:59
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Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (1)

In a noisy city, people become irritable, hot tempered, and often make some regrets. This may be the subtle influence of urban life on people. But we learn to control ourselves, because life needs calm. Life is complex, but it is simple. It depends on whether you have a reasonable and effective way to deal with conflicts in life. If you handle it well, your life is like a road full of signposts, which can go smoothly. On the contrary, your life will be cut into a mess. Like people from the north and south, people from the south are gentle and calm, and most of them are bookish like literati. The northerners are not the same. They are forthright and careless. This is their character. Most of them are hot tempered. If a word is not satisfactory, they will fight. And northerners are generally strong, so they speak with their voice. Most things happen because of this. This may also be due to geographical differences. But as northerners, we should also change this character and become calm. If people in the north and south are compared to women who are made of calm water, then we northerners should also be careful and tender men, because life needs calm.

Life is desirable, but at the same time, people are afraid to face it. This requires an appropriate conditioner to change our hearts. Calm down is just like that. A good life is always desirable, because it is full of temptation and charming fragrance. We can't help but accept his temptation, but often because we don't act calmly and calmly, the result is that the life we yearn for becomes the life we fear to face. This is just like us, who can move freely, and those who lose their freedom in prison. Because we are calm when things happen. We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, so we still hold a hopeful and yearning attitude towards life. Today's situation is caused by their lack of calmness. I read a column about interviewing criminals, and the result shows that if there are 10 criminals, 11 people regret that they did not calm down to think about problems and regret the impulse. Why do you have one more? Because that is their common repentance.

Life is like a thermometer, only the number of troubles is marked on it. If you are impulsive, he will increase; if you are calm, he will decrease.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (2)

Today, when I came back from the music classroom, I saw many people around Qian Jiaxi's seat. It seemed that you had discovered a new continent when you spoke to me. Driven by curiosity, I also ran to join in the fun. It was Qian Jiasi who was playing with a bee. Curiosity made me squeeze in like a ghost. As soon as I got back to my seat, the bee flew into my hand. Before I could observe it, I felt a pain on my finger and was bitten by the hateful bee. I cried out in pain and shook my hand vigorously, trying to shake it off, but it did not let go until it bit two blood holes in my hand. I didn't care about the blood on my hand, so I immediately grabbed the box from Qian Jiaxi's hand to prevent it from doing evil again and harming other students.

"Xu Dazui" said, "What if it is a poisonous bee? If it bites, it will kill people!"

"Who said? I was caught by a cat or a dog, and nothing happened?" I pretended to be calm.:

"You can't be careless!" Qian Siyuan paused and agreed, "I read in the encyclopedia that if you are stung by a poisonous bee, you will die!"

Anxiety and panic overwhelmed the slightest calm. My hands began to sweat, and then spread to my whole body. Soon, it began to sweat like rain: "What if it was really a wasp? I don't want to die young!" What's worse, my head began to feel dizzy and painful. I rushed to the infirmary, but it was empty. Alas, I have to ask the head teacher for help. Teacher Lu immediately sent me to the clinic of my mother's school after learning the situation. I prayed in my heart that Buddha would bless me this time and I would run away when I saw bees

When I came to school, my mother stroked my head and kept comforting me. When I got to the clinic, the school doctor looked down at the wound carefully and asked me a few more questions. I was so worried that my heart almost jumped out of my throat. For a moment, the doctor said, "It's all right." Hearing this sentence, I felt like I had grabbed a piece of straw to save my life in distress and put down my heart. Teacher Lu often breathed a sigh of relief.

This event not only scared me out of my wits, but also told me that no matter what happened in the future, we should deal with it calmly and calmly, and we should not panic because of other people's words.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (3)

Although candlelight can emit colorful light, it still needs to be shielded by lampshade; Seabirds can ride the sea, but they must still keep a distant view of the sea; Although the lion is the king of the forest, he must always be sensitive to human beings.

There is no absolute advantage in the world, and we cannot blindly believe in our own strength. Facing the advantages, we must keep a calm heart.

Emperor Taizong was both civil and military. He was quick and decisive in his work. He was confident in running the world. However, he did not get carried away by his talent. Instead, he recruited talents, spoke widely, and made full use of his ability to finally create a prosperous generation. In contrast, Xiang Yu, the overlord, is much inferior. Relying on the superior talent of the brave enemy's three armies, he thought himself righteous and treated others coldly. Although he had done a heroic act of breaking the boat, he finally turned his heart away and was helpless. He had to take the poor twenty-eight cavalries with him in the songs of Chu all over the country, yelling at the top of his lungs to beat the mountains and kill himself in the Wujiang River.

If Taizong has no talent, even if he has learned a lot from all over the world, he can only make the country stable rather than make the world prosperous, that is to say, he can make peace rather than prosperity. If the overlord can calmly face his own advantages, Han Xin, Chen Ping, Fan Zeng and a large number of other sages will try their best to help, so that there will be no struggle between Chu and Han, no pain of farewell, and no shame to see the Jiangdong elders. It can be seen that having advantages and being calm when facing advantages are indispensable in success.

Han Xin is heroic, but his offer of merit ends Yingming's life: Li Bai is talented, and the Emperor Momo finally drives him out of the palace; The drunkard was brave, and his family was destroyed when he was drunk playing Wu'an. The society is pluralistic, and it is not just relying on one aspect of talent that can handle everything. It is true that you win by having advantages. Overreliance on advantages and blind self-confidence will not only make you lose all advantages, but also make you stumble all the way, with more unexpected failures.

If you are talented, you still need to be humble and courteous, and carefully consider every word: if you have martial arts, you still need to be delicate in life, and every move is unambiguous. In fact, the secret of success in the world is heart. Having advantages can only make you move faster than others, but can't guarantee that you will reach the end. In the face of advantages, a calm heart can make you feel like a ready roc, and can help you to achieve success.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (4)

In a math class, the teacher assigned us an Olympiad math question to test us. This question is so difficult that ten minutes later, no one has worked it out.

Fifteen minutes later, one of the students showed the book to the teacher. The teacher affirmed him and he returned to his seat with joy. A few minutes later, several more students returned to their seats with smiles on their faces. They all did the right thing, leaving me alone! Suddenly, I was so worried that I scratched my head like an ant on a hot pot. The more anxious you are, the more nervous you are. The whole person seems to be tied up, and the problem is more difficult to solve. What should I do? What should I do? I asked myself repeatedly, and my heart was restless.

At this time, I looked up and saw two big red characters "Calm down" posted on the top of the blackboard. Yes, every time before the exam, the teacher repeatedly told us to be calm and never panic. I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily. Take another deep breath, as if the panic in my heart was vomited out, and my heart was much calmer.

My brain is running at full speed and my thinking is much clearer. Soon, I found the entry point of this problem and found the solution.

When I saw the teacher clearly marked "√" on my carefully written answer results, my heart fell back from my throat and finally conquered it!

Later, when encountering problems again, I learned a lesson and stopped being impetuous. Instead, I tried to calm down, read the questions carefully and think calmly.

In life, it is inevitable to encounter difficulties or setbacks of one kind or another, but as long as we keep a good attitude, bravely face it, and actively and seriously look for solutions, we will naturally be "invincible"!

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (5)

"Calm down is the touchstone of success." Whenever I read this famous saying, the scene of the holiday will come to my eyes.

That day - my sister and I were excited to wear roller skates and slide all the way to the neighborhood of 60. On the way, my sister and I talked and laughed, and sometimes we laughed heartily. Just sliding into the community, I met Teacher Meng. I said hello to Teacher Meng. My sister had slipped into the corner. Teacher Meng kindly reminded me: "Be careful!" I nodded. However, when I slid to the bend, I saw my sister's water bottle was thrown aside, and she was sitting on the ground. I slid down and said, "Sister, you don't have to wait for me like this, do you?" But my sister was crying and muttered, "Who is waiting for you, and someone fell!" I quickly slid over and looked carefully, stunned! Seeing that my sister's legs were covered with blood and flesh, and seemed to be mixed with small stones, I panicked and felt like an ant on a hot pot. But I was still calm, and an idea suddenly flashed into my mind.

I helped my sister to the steps and sat down, and washed her wounds and the dirt outside with water. She helped her to the health center. The nurse gently wiped her sister's wound with iodine, and her sister cried "ah ah!" in pain. The nurse helped my sister bind up, smiled and said, "It will be all right in a few days." I gave her the five yuan I had with me.

"Calmness is the touchstone of success." I stuck this famous saying on the wall of my room, which always reminds me to be a calm and calm person when things happen.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (6)

Berganini is a famous violinist. His performance is unparalleled in the world and magical, so he is called "the son of the devil". The main content of this article is: Berganini calmly coped with all kinds of difficulties and completed an amazing story of successful concerts.

What I admire most is that when his A-string performance was interrupted, he took his time to turn the concert around with superb skills, but the audience still refused to let him continue to play. Boganini simply cut off the first string and the third string, and played with four strings. This "special" performance was better than the effect, and the applause was louder than the previous one. What superb skills and calm mentality are needed!

The most alarming thing is that when Berganini was playing another time, he accidentally burned the music with a candle. Although the fire was burning, his heart was still calm and his playing was still very skilled. How long can his proficiency last? Will you forget the following score and fail to play? I see here, the heart has been very high. But his unexpected calmness brought unexpected success. With warm applause, I finally put my heart down. It's amazing that at the most critical moment, Berganini overcame the difficulties with his calm.

This story reminds me of another story I saw before. When a ship hit the rocks was about to sink, everyone was panicked. But as the leader of the captain, he was still calm, calm and calm. He sent passengers and crew away from the dangerous ship one after another with extraordinary calm. Although he could not escape the danger, if he did not have his calm in the face of danger, More people will pay their lives for this.

These two stories share the same principle: when encountering unexpected difficulties, you should calm down and think about ways. In our school, the host may forget his lines, and some people will be more nervous and unable to carry on, while some people will continue in calm and tactfully; When I arrived at school in the morning, I forgot to bring the exercise book that the teacher wanted to check. Some people were worried about whether the parents would deliver it on time, but they would calm down and do it again as a review of their lessons, killing two birds with one stone. It seems that the best way to do the same thing is to think calmly.

It is important to be calm in the face of difficulties. Only by thinking in a calm way can we help us to change difficulties and move towards success.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (7)

Life sometimes forces you to hand over power, let go of opportunities, and even abandon love. You can't get everything, so you should learn to give up in life.

Only when the mind is calm, the prosperity outside the body will not be distorted and impetuous, and the true voice of the heart can be heard.

Advise troubles to take a nap and let happiness bubble; Let the pain rest for a while, let the happiness race one after another; Coax unlucky people to sleep for a long time and wait for good luck to come quietly. Tomorrow is a new day!

With the support of a lofty goal, we will succeed even if we work slowly—— Einstein

The root of a person's happiness lies in his willingness to be himself. Don't make meaningless assumptions if you made another choice. What you hold in your hand, what you are tired of or used to, may be what others want. So be happy, be grateful, and enjoy everything you have quietly.

Calm down and open the door of wisdom; Diligence opens the way to success; Thanksgiving, compose a happy journey; Content creates a happy future. My friend, may you calm down, work hard, learn to be grateful, and be satisfied with everything.

There is no need to find fault with the unsatisfactory life, all of which is nothing more than his innocence meets the reality of society. Understanding is better than prejudice, and letting go is better than complaining.

What is the ideal? It is not a plan, nor a perfunctory excuse. It is my heart, the ultimate gathering place of ideals, happiness. I have an ideal for myself, for my lover, for my family, and dream only when I have an ideal. The difference between dream and ideal is a thousand miles away.

Ten tips for dealing with interpersonal relationships: one appearance, two faces, three drinks, four rounds of mahjong, five friends, six out of Qishan, seven skills to fight horses, eight bragging, nine points of hard work, very patient. wish you success!

In life, there are always some old things in the empty city; There are always some seasons when the flowers are cool and the ground is sad. A lot of things, see open, will turn around; Many dreams, if they become dim, will open the clouds and rise the sun. Learn to think, learn to treasure, smile and understand, and be silent and strong.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (8)

I learned to make leaf paintings and dumplings in this semester, and the most unforgettable thing is that I learned to think calmly on the day when I made leaf paintings. Only calm thinking can do a good job.

When the activity class began, I thought for a moment and always felt that I had no way to start. My heart was so anxious: Why do I always don't know what to spell? No, I must calm down. I continued to think about how to spell. I saw that others were about to finish, but I still had no clue. At this time, my face was red with anxiety, and I jumped around like a rabbit.

Calm down, must calm down, I said to myself. Yes, I had an idea. I used many leaves to make grass, flowers to make trees, and maple leaves to make birds... Soon, a kind of leaf painting was finally completed.

I just need to calm down and meditate, and then I can finish the work.

Composition of Calm Down in Case of Trouble (9)

When I got up this morning, the first thing was to get up. When I was not dressed, "Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling"! Who can it be when the phone rings? A phone call was made by a classmate who said he would come to me to do his homework! I haven't dressed yet. What should I do! I hurried to the wardrobe and quickly put on my clothes. But when I turned around, I saw that my classmate had arrived, and I missed my pants. The classmate smiled a little, and I quickly put on my pants. Alas, if I didn't panic, I wouldn't have to lose face like this. It was because I was so eager that I spent some time putting on my coat, Calm down and wear it slowly.

I learned from this incident that no matter what you do, you should be calm and not panic, otherwise things will get worse!

Compositions for Calm Down (10)

I think it is inevitable that there will be bumpy things in life. For example, in the work, when encountering difficulties, although everyone has his own temper and personality, some people will deliberately hurt others with impatient personality, which makes it impossible to deal with. But when some people have conflicts in marriage, when family disputes, They will lose control of their emotions and attack each other with words.

For me, this kind of person should think for others, if others treat you like this, will you feel good? I think, because the road of life is very short, we should use calm and calm to think about everything, to solve everything, so we should use calm attitude to save ourselves, and use a kind way to treat people, Then how beautiful our life is, how colorful our world is, and how calm we think about everything.

Compositions for Calm Down (11)

"Success" is a word that everyone yearns for very much. But people will not succeed without reason. Success has secrets. Some people say that success requires perseverance; Some people say that success requires an all conquering unity; Some people say that success requires a flexible way of thinking. I don't deny the above points, but I think that success requires a calm mind.

When I was a child, I was a paranoid. I worked around all day and night. One day, I was in Tianjin

I watched the "wonderful ideas" on CCTV with interest. The pictures were both tense and enthusiastic. Many players wore self-made clothes "One Hundred Kerats Compete for the Current", which aroused my interest. I rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, took out the ice-cream boxes, old motors, and old parts that I had collected for many years, initially conceived the blueprint, and hurried to build it.

I modeled the Venetian boat in the textbook to design the hull. After painting, cutting, sticking, pasting and other complex steps, the boat finally took shape. I installed the motor and connected the line, and a beautiful Venetian boat was born. I couldn't wait to put it in the water for a test run. I turned on the switch. With the beep of the motor, the boat kept sinking. "Eh? What happened? Why didn't you run away?" I wondered. "Failure is the mother of success!" I cheered myself up. "Maybe it would be better to try once or twice." But the cruel fact shattered my good wishes. It was summer. I was sweating and became irritable. I played with it several times, but it still didn't work. I was a little frustrated and threw the boat aside.

I stared at the clear water in the basin, my heart empty. I plunged into bed and kept breathing deeply. Dad told me to take a deep breath when you encounter difficulties that can not be solved. After a while, my mind calmed down, and my impatience gradually faded after the attack, which made me suddenly clear. The brain is rotating rapidly, thinking about how to correct the shortcomings. I picked up the boat again, carefully observed the route, and thought in my mind. Suddenly, I found that a wrong line was connected. "Ha ha, I can find you." I immediately corrected it. I had a plan already.

"Hum..." The boat began to paddle in the water, and it was a one-time success! It's really "no way to go after mountains and rivers are heavy, and there is another village with hidden willows and bright flowers"!

On the road of life, there must be persistence. To analyze things objectively, calmly and rationally is to take a shortcut and take a long way less. Am I right?

Compositions for Calm Down (12)

In a noisy city, people become irritable, hot tempered, and often make some regrets. This may be the subtle influence of urban life on people. But we learn to control ourselves, because life needs calm. Life is complex, but it is simple. It depends on whether you have a reasonable and effective way to deal with conflicts in life. If you handle it well, your life is like a road full of signposts, which can go smoothly. On the contrary, your life will be cut into a mess. Like people from the north and south, people from the south are gentle and calm, and most of them are bookish like literati. The northerners are not the same. They are forthright and careless. This is their character. Most of them are hot tempered. If a word is not satisfactory, they will fight. And northerners are generally strong, so they speak with their voice. Most things happen because of this. This may also be due to geographical differences. But as northerners, we should also change this character and become calm. If people in the north and south are compared to women who are made of calm water, then we northerners should also be careful and tender men, because life needs calm.

Life is desirable, but at the same time, people are afraid to face it. This requires an appropriate conditioner to change our hearts. Calm down is just like that. A good life is always desirable, because it is full of temptation and charming fragrance. We can't help but accept his temptation, but often because we don't act calmly and calmly, the result is that the life we yearn for becomes the life we fear to face. This is just like us, who can move freely, and those who lose their freedom in prison. Because we are calm when things happen. We haven't done anything out of the ordinary, so we still hold a hopeful and yearning attitude towards life. Today's situation is caused by their lack of calmness. I read a column about interviewing criminals. The result shows that if there were 10 criminals, 11 people would regret not thinking calmly and regretting their impulses. Why do you have one more? Because that is their common repentance.

Life is like a thermometer, only the number of troubles is marked on it. If you are impulsive, he will increase; if you are calm, he will decrease.

Compositions for Calm Down (13)

Berganini is a famous violinist. His performance is unparalleled in the world and magical, so he is called "the son of the devil". The main content of this article is: Berganini calmly coped with all kinds of difficulties and completed an amazing story of successful concerts.

What I admire most is that when his A-string performance was interrupted, he took his time to turn the concert around with superb skills, but the audience still refused to let him continue to play. Boganini simply cut off the first string and the third string, and played with four strings. This "special" performance was better than the effect, and the applause was louder than the previous one. What superb skills and calm mentality are needed!

The most alarming thing is that when Berganini was playing another time, he accidentally burned the music with a candle. Although the fire was burning, his heart was still calm and his playing was still very skilled. How long can his proficiency last? Will you forget the following score and fail to play? I see here, the heart has been very high. But his unexpected calmness brought unexpected success. With warm applause, I finally put my heart down. It's amazing that at the most critical moment, Berganini overcame the difficulties with his calm.

This story reminds me of another story I saw before. When a ship hit the rocks was about to sink, everyone was panicked. But as the leader of the captain, he was still calm, calm and calm. He sent passengers and crew away from the dangerous ship one after another with extraordinary calm. Although he could not escape the danger, if he did not have his calm in the face of danger, More people will pay their lives for this.

These two stories share the same principle: when encountering unexpected difficulties, you should calm down and think about ways. In our school, the host may forget his lines, and some people will be more nervous and unable to carry on, while some people will continue in calm and tactfully; When I arrived at school in the morning, I forgot to bring the exercise book that the teacher wanted to check. Some people were worried about whether the parents would deliver it on time, but they would calm down and do it again as a review of their lessons, killing two birds with one stone. It seems that the best way to do the same thing is to think calmly.

It is important to be calm in the face of difficulties. Only by thinking in a calm way can we help us to change difficulties and move towards success.