Goodbye 2022 Hello 2022 Copy suitable for sending to friends (84 selected sentences)
A hurried traveler
2023-06-28 04:03:08
Complete sentences

1. The past glory cannot be forgotten. A better tomorrow needs to be fought. The new year has come. In the fierce market competition environment, we still face many challenges. I hope that comrades will make persistent efforts to move forward and create new brilliance.

2. A person's attitude determines his height. Goodbye _, hello _.

3. The sunshine and wind of this year will soon pass, and the beautiful scenery of the new year will come. Let us gain a new self and have a richer life. In the coming year, we still need to take a good step!

4. Inspire yourself, keep your fighting spirit high, encourage yourself, strengthen your confidence, improve yourself, give play to your abilities, work hard, realize your dreams, strive for yourself, make life happy, surpass yourself, and make the future wonderful!

5. Farewell _, welcome _. Whether you are male or female, we will bid farewell to the past and welcome the future at this moment.

6. Time records your steps, and performance affirms your efforts. All pride and success are in the past year, and the new year is about to begin. Let's fight again at the new starting line, and hope you can have a more brilliant tomorrow.

7. As long as you water and irrigate persistently every day, you will have beautiful flowers one day. The same is true of life. The most important thing is persistence. Let's go together.

8. Since the past cannot be recalled, the future is not necessary. It is better to live in the present. Every small moment in the big era, if you live fully, you will be very practical, Goodbye_ Hello.

9. Don't be afraid. There are more sad things waiting for you.

10. It is another year of ups and downs, and next year is expected to be a calm year. Goodbye _, hello _!

11. Sometimes when I see my own stories, I feel sad for myself.

12. Say goodbye to the past and welcome the new self. Hello.

13. It's easy to be a man, it's difficult to give up, it's easy to persist, it's easy to pick up, it's difficult to accept, it's easy to compete, it's easy to let go, it's easy to do things, it's easy to make friends, it's difficult to know friends, it's easy to communicate, it's difficult to be harmonious, it's easy to struggle, it's difficult to succeed, and it's easy to promise.

14. Thanks for the time, let me understand that money and wealth are nothing but external things. Fame and power are just a dream. No matter how important the money is, there will always be a time when the money is spent, the fame will be loud, and there will always be a day when it will fade away.

15. Turn years of frustration into courage, pain into strength, grief into courage, trouble into determination, and obstacles lead to direction; In the past years, we have persevered in moving forward and striving to pursue more!

16. If a person wants to civilize a most closed place, he must have knowledge if he has money; Moreover, knowledge, integrity and patriotism would be wasted if they did not have a firm will to throw away their personal interests and devote themselves to a social ideal.

17. I don't know where to start, but I go deep. _, Goodbye; _, Hello! Hatred disappeared with a smile.

18. Conscientiously, confident women are beautiful. I know that confidence is beautiful. If you keep your confidence, it will become more and more beautiful. Goodbye _, hello _.

19. Hope is the source of life. Without it, life will wither_ Goodbye Hello!

20. It's fate to meet someone, but it's your own business to love someone and leave someone. Goodbye, hello.

21. The days will always rise and fall. There will be laughter and tears. There will be expectations and of course, there will be fears. And try to motivate yourself and encourage everyone.

22. Unconsciously, the time has come to the last day of year. I am still busy, but fortunately, there is green plum wine. Thanks to my friends. I know that I like to drink green plum wine. I asked my friends to buy it for me. Thank you!

23. The New Year is coming soon, and everyone has accompanied me for another year. I don't know how to thank you. Let's draw a lottery, praise a lucky friend, and send you a sincere Happy New Year on New Year's Day.

24. Yesterday belongs to the past forever. No matter success or failure, the past belongs to the god of death forever; Yesterday, like a falling meteor across the sky, there was no time to greet; Yesterday, like dandelions flying all over the sky, they showed their swagger.

25. Life is rich and wonderful, with happiness and hard work closely following. One year's sweat and one year's tiredness brought a lot of fruits. You are the outstanding and advanced person, and you won't lose the bonus. I hope you will work harder, and the company will prosper and you will be the most beautiful!

26. Don't be disturbed by anyone, because no one will know and care about their dreams as clearly as you do. Goodbye, hello.

27. Deep love has always been let down, and only thin love will be remembered.

28. The regret of the year is also the foreshadowing of the surprise of the year. Everything will follow your path and extend to another broader road.