Smart Little Turtle
2023-12-25 15:43:25
second grade

The clever little tortoise was caught by a wolf. The wolf said that he would kill the tortoise with a stone. The tortoise said, "My shell is very strong, and I am not afraid of stones." The wolf wanted to burn the tortoise with fire. The tortoise said, "My shell is very strong, and I am not afraid of fire." The wolf eye bead turned and said, "I will drown you." The tortoise was so scared that he said with a trembling face, "Dear Mr. Wolf, please don't throw me into the river!" When the wolf saw that the tortoise was afraid, he laughed, picked up the tortoise on the ground, and tried his best to throw it into the river. While swimming in the water, the tortoise said with a smile, "Mr. Wolf, see you later." Five hundred years later, the tortoise and the stupid wolf met again, The wolf said, "Our five hundred year old grudge has finally come to an end. Today, I want you to die without a place to hide." The tortoise thought to himself: I want to see how you can make me die without a place to hide. The wolf grabbed the tortoise and said, "Let's have a race and go around in the same place. Whoever turns the most times will win. If you win, you will eat me! If you lose, I will smash you to pieces! All right? " Of course, the tortoise agreed. The wolf was tall and turned fast. When it had just turned 50 circles, it fell to the ground and fainted and was unconscious. The tortoise was short and moved slowly. It slowly turned ten circles and saw the wolf fall. It didn't dare to stay any longer and ran for its life at once!