Shenxisan Launches the Micro documentary "Departure"
No regret
2023-07-23 13:02:41

In recent years, China's overall strength in aerospace and space exploration has been significantly improved, which makes many Chinese proud. However, it is worth noting that, in the face of China's rapid development, a few Western countries have become more afraid of China, and even want to use extreme actions to curb China's further improvement in this area. Just recently, new news came out from the United States and Japan.

Shenzhou XIII is about to launch, and the United States and Japan take new actions

What we need to know is that China's Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft has successfully completed its launch mission before this, and three astronauts have successfully returned to the ground after working and living in China's space station for a period of time. According to the previous plan, in order to successfully complete the construction of the space station and other work, China will carry out several manned spacecraft and other launch missions after this. Now the launch of Shenzhou XIII spaceship is about to start, which is also of great significance for the follow-up work.

According to relevant information, China has been a key target of the United States for a long time, and the United States has previously claimed that some of China's satellites are equipped with devices such as robotic arms, which is likely to pose a threat to other countries' satellites under such circumstances. Under such circumstances, the commander of the US Space Command also stressed that the United States has kept a close eye on China's overall strength in the space field and has had some concerns about it. After that, it was added that this satellite loaded with robotic arms could take action against other satellites, thus making them completely useless.

China has made a clear statement before

When making a statement, the relevant people in the United States also stressed that China would rely on such means to occupy an advantageous position in space. Such remarks are obviously slanders and slurs against China, and have no basis. In addition, Japan, as an ally and partner of the United States, has also taken new actions.

According to the news from Japan's Sankei Shimbun on September 22, the main goal of the Ministry of Defense of Japan is now focused on the research and development of the so-called electromagnetic interference technology. It is hoped that electromagnetic waves can be shielded in this way, and the transmission of information can be blocked in this case. Japan hopes to block the information transmission between enemy forces and satellites through the research on this technology.

According to relevant information, similar situations have occurred in the past that can interfere with satellite electromagnetic waves, and the attitude of the United States and Japan is quite clear. However, in response to this, the spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense, Major Wu Qian, made a statement earlier that outer space is the common property of all mankind. China has always advocated the peaceful use of outer space, opposed the weaponization and arms race in outer space, and more opposed to the use or threat of use of force against outer space objects.