24 sentences describing autumn wind and rain
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2023-06-16 14:10:05
Complete sentences

1. The autumn rain gives Sister Osmanthus more colors, including golden yellow, light yellow and off white, which can be rich!

2. The autumn rain is mysterious. You never know when it will fall or stop. Its mystery is really puzzling.

3. Qiuyu girl is a magician. She came to the rice field with a magic wand. She waved the magic wand. The rice field was golden and could not see the edge.

4. Autumn rain is a key. It takes cool and gentle, gently, gently, while you do not pay attention, the door of autumn opened.

5. The rain in autumn is a magician. With mystery and ingenuity, he shows autumn to people quietly and imperceptibly.

6. The autumn rain is fluttering in the air, floating to the ground slippery, it drops cold on the face, dripping wet on the body, dripping cold on the hands.

7. Although the autumn rain is cold, this is also its unique feature. Autumn is the harvest season, and this first autumn rain is growing slowly with the crops.

8. The autumn rain brings a harvest song to the earth. "Dida, Dida" tells people that the harvest season is coming.

9. Autumn is beautiful and rainy. Autumn is a beautiful note, a lonely figure. What color is the autumn rain? Is it red? Is it yellow? Is it green? It is changeable.

10. Autumn rain is like colorful paint. If raindrops fall there, they will "change color". Nobody knows what color autumn rain is.

11. Autumn rain is a magician. As long as it comes, everything in autumn changes color like a chameleon. For example, the fields changed from green to gold; The apple changed from green to red.

12. The autumn rain has a very pleasant smell. Pears are sweet, persimmons are sweet, pineapples are sour, apples and oranges are sweet, and many sweet smells are hidden in the autumn rain!

13. The autumn rain is as soft as silk, thin as the tears of a fairy in the sky, like embroidery needles scattered from the sky, and like the autumn girl weaving a white raincoat for the sky.

14. The autumn rain fell on the ripe fruit. The fruit smiled happily and rushed to take a bath. They wanted to shine more brightly. Under the touch of autumn rain, the fiery maple leaves became more red and brilliant.

15. Autumn rain is not as warm and sentimental as spring rain; It is not as grand as the summer rain; There is no coldness and indifference of winter rain; There are only simple appearances, simple scenes and a trace of sadness that makes people feel sad.

16. The autumn rain is a painter. It has a box of colorful paints. You see, it gives orange red to the orange tree. Orange red oranges are like small lanterns, illuminating every corner of the street, making the world especially bright.

17. The rain in autumn is warm, silent, gentle, naughty and lovely, which makes people full of thoughts. I like the autumn rain, like her silence, like her clean, like her to let me think. The autumn rain impressed me deeply.

18. Autumn rain, cool, refreshing, colorful, silent, wonderful. The rain is silent. Their life may only last one night. Although the time is short, we can keep the memory of rain in our mind all the time and grow with the years.

19. The autumn rain is not as delicate and gentle as spring, nor as straightforward and warm as summer rain. The autumn rain plays "rustling", but it is so quiet and elegant. In the autumn rain, I feel a kind of misty vagueness, a kind of crystal freshness.

20. The autumn rain has a very nice smell. Don't believe it, you smell pineapple sweet, pear fragrant, and Xiaoyudi welcomes many smells. Roasted sweet potatoes, sugar fried chestnuts... children's feet are often caught by the smell.

21. Look, the autumn rain looks like a magician. When it changes, the rice in the farmer's uncle's field turns golden. The autumn rain falls in the farmer's uncle's orchard. Oranges, persimmons, and apples drink the rain and smile. The farmer's uncle looks at the rain and is happy. He thinks that this year is another bumper harvest year.

22. Autumn rain, which is the precursor of a good harvest, will irrigate the mature crops for the last time, so that farmers can get a good harvest. At the same time, every rain will bring happiness to every child. They play in the autumn rain, even if the rain wet their hair and clothes, they don't feel cold. This is the joy of autumn rain!

23. The autumn rain is intermittent, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent, sometimes fast, sometimes slow... Passers by are holding flower umbrellas, the autumn rain falls on the umbrella shed, and then falls on the ground like a slide. They seem to be joking with us and playing games with us. Sometimes they can really amuse us.

24. The autumn rain blew the golden trumpet, and he told everyone that winter was coming. The geese flew south in groups. The snakes were digging holes to get a good sleep. The ants found bread crumbs and bean curd crumbs... The leaves of maple and elm trees floated to the feet of the mother tree. They are all ready for winter.