Compositions I Want to Grow up (16 compilations)
A soft heart and a hard temper
2024-01-17 09:02:49
primary school

Composition I Want to Grow up (1)

I really want to write 500 words (1)

I really want to eat a "fast-growing pill" and grow up quickly. Although there are many interesting things in my childhood, a happy childhood, I want to do something for my mother, so that she can have a rest and not be tired again.

I really want to go to the future by the time and space machine of Doraemon, so that I can help my mother to do things, not let her worry about me any more, do things for me tired, and help her mop the floor. Wash clothes and massage her. When I think of what my mother made for me, I always have a sour taste in my heart, which always makes her worry about me and work hard for me. I really want to grow up quickly and give her a cup of warm tea, and then have a good sleep. My mother has never had a good sleep for me. I wish her a good dream. I never gave my mother a birthday. I gave her my best wishes and made her the happiest mother in the world.

Although I don't have much words to express, I really want to grow up quickly, work for my mother, let her rest, let me do something I can for her!

I have always had a secret in my heart that I never told anyone. That is, I really want to take a "speed pill": I want to grow up quickly.

Although I am nearly 11 years old and have become half a small adult, my parents always think that I am still young and cannot do many things.

One day, after lunch, I put all the dishes away, put them in the pool, rolled up my sleeves, and prepared to wash dishes. When my mother saw it, she quickly came to me, pushed me away, and said to me, "You are still young, let me wash it this time! You can wash it next time. Another night, my mother wanted to read the Xinmin Evening News, but the Xinmin Evening News at home was not brought up. I took the initiative to go downstairs to get it. Grandma immediately stopped me and said," Don't go, it's dark, you will be afraid when you go down alone... ". Alas~I can't do anything at home because I'm still young.

After I get admitted to college, find a good job and earn money, I will prove to you that I have grown up. I can take care of you, help you do housework, and make money for you!

In fact, I am not small. Even if I don't, if I don't learn now, I won't be able to take care of my own life either now or in the future? If you just learn well and can't stand on your own, can you?

Ah! I really want to grow up quickly

I don't want to grow up. When I grow up, there will be no flowers in the world... "Listening to the song" Don't want to grow up ", I can't help wondering why I don't want to grow up?

Maybe I'm different! Maybe I experienced too much! Whenever my classmates recall the joy of being an hour in front of me and say how much they want to go back to being an hour, I will throw a cold sentence to them: "No, I want to grow up!"

Now I wander between homework and class every day. It seems that the word "freedom" does not belong to me by nature. I feel that it is far away from me. What's wrong with growing up! Nobody cares about me when I grow up. I can ignore my parents no matter what I do. I don't have to study or study every day. I play computer and watch TV every day. Wow! It's so cool! Since it's so cool, why don't I do it?

Many elders said to me: "You see how relaxed you are now! How boring it is to work every day like us!" Although I would give them a smile every time, I couldn't understand it. It's fun to go to work! Sometimes the company will hold some tourism activities! I have a lot of classes on weekends, so I can't sleep in. Let alone go shopping! Sometimes I have to do my homework. "Easy"? Alas, if we can understand our difficulties, we won't

It is described as "relaxed".

My curiosity is very strong. I want to know everything clearly. Sometimes, when I go to ask my parents what's going on at home, they always say, "Don't worry about children and adults!" I wonder why I have to tell them all my secrets, but they don't tell me? Therefore, I don't want to be or be a child. I think it's unfair. I want to grow up! When I grow up, my parents will tell me!

I really want to write 500 words (2)

I really want to

In the crisp autumn weather, I sat on the low stool in the yard and watched the chickens looking for food. Or after stretching, climb up to the roof along a ladder made of loess. Under the quiet sky, there is only my shadow. How heroic, how happy!

I really want to live in the depths of Yunnan bamboo forest, climb up the squeaky stilted building, and look at the green bamboo outside the window through the bamboo window. In a humid climate, reverie seems to be saturated enough to squeeze out water.

I really want to live in the vast grassland and live a life of "beating roe deer and ladling fish, and flying pheasants into the rice pot". I can see the responsibility and dignity of the shepherd dogs to the sheep. Lying on the grass, look at the blue sky, see the white clouds floating in the sky. Or ride a fast horse. Ride happily towards the horizon at the junction of the blue sky and the green plain!

I really want to live in a villa in Holland. A windmill will be erected in the garden full of tulips. The quiet wind will drive it to think and turn slowly. In this beautiful morning, after a beautiful dream, I went to the garden to cut a bunch of beautiful tulips with morning dew and put them on the table. Nature is integrated into life.

I want to sit quietly in front of the window and live a quiet life. Even if I can't reach the place I yearn for, as long as I am at home, this tranquility will be fragrant.

I really want to have a pair of wings

Whenever I look up at the sky, I always see birds flying in the boundless blue sky. This is, I want to have a pair of wings, can fly in the air like a bird, free, without any trouble.

Now, many students have entered junior high school and taken the most important step in their life journey, which means that the burden will become heavier and heavier, and the pressure will become greater and greater. I really want to have a pair of wings, to get rid of all this, to say "goodbye" to them forever, to fly happily into the sky, and never look back.

I really want to have a pair of wings, spread my arms and fly to the sky without any constraints. I can dance in the sky as I want, relaxed and happy.

I really want to have a pair of wings that can travel around the world, enjoy the joy of the world, feel all kinds of customs, let me feast my eyes, never forget this fairyland like place, let it become my beautiful and lasting memory.

I really want to have a pair of wings, to fly over mountains and rivers, to fly over any obstacles, to fly to my ideal place, the place I yearn for, so that my dream will never be illusory, but become a permanent reality.

I really want to have a pair of wings to fly to the birds' home. I will associate with them as a sincere person and become good friends. When faced with difficulties, I fought side by side with them, helping each other and caring for each other. For them, I can give up my life at any time.

I really want to have a pair of wings, try to fly to the end of the sky, do what I like to do, help more people who need to care, make them feel warm, and feel that the world is full of love.

I really want to have a pair of wings

Whenever I look up at the sky, I always see birds flying in the boundless blue sky. This is, I want to have a pair of wings, can fly in the air like a bird, free, without any trouble.

Now, many students have entered junior high school and taken the most important step in their life journey, which means that the burden will become heavier and heavier, and the pressure will become greater and greater. I really want to have a pair of wings, to get rid of all this, to say "goodbye" to them forever, to fly happily into the sky, and never look back.

I really want to have a pair of wings, spread my arms and fly to the sky without any constraints. I can dance in the sky as I want, relaxed and happy.

I really want to have a pair of wings that can travel around the world, enjoy the joy of the world, feel all kinds of customs, let me feast my eyes, never forget this fairyland like place, let it become my beautiful and lasting memory.

I really want to have a pair of wings, to fly over mountains and rivers, to fly over any obstacles, to fly to my ideal place, the place I yearn for, so that my dream will never be illusory, but become a permanent reality.

I really want to have a pair of wings to fly to the birds' home. I will associate with them as a sincere person and become good friends.

When faced with difficulties, I fought side by side with them, helping each other and caring for each other. For them, I can give up my life at any time.

I really want to have a pair of wings, try to fly to the end of the sky, do what I like to do, help more people who need to care, make them feel warm, and feel that the world is full of love.

I really want to have wings

I slept quietly that night

I found myself with wings by chance. So I flew happily to the boundless sky. White clouds are smiling at me, only birds are singing with me, and the breeze is blowing on my cheeks. Then through my wings, I am completely intoxicated with all the beautiful things. Occasionally, I looked down

I saw, saw countless lonely hearts, saw a pair of helpless eyes. In that secluded small mountain village

The little girl was driving the sheep in the mountains. When she passed the primary school, she hesitated for a while, and then went in with a curious heart. She looked at the flagpole standing in the center of the campus, looked at the bright red flag, and seemed to be longing for something. I saw her eager and helpless eyes. I saw her again. The mother of the lonely figure girl went down to the ground. Her mother locked her at home. She lay on the windowsill, sometimes looking at the blue sky, sometimes looking at the children playing in the yard, so she cried. I saw another different figure. An old man with white hair who was over 90 years old was driven out of the house by his son. She walked helplessly in the rain. Her whole body was soaked by the rain. I knew better that her heart was melted by tears

Dimly, I opened my eyes. It was still the same home and me, but my heart was different. I was moved by everything in my dream. So, I have a new desire I want to have wings.

I really want to have wings. I want to use my wings to lift countless lonely hearts, so that they no longer belong to loneliness. Let them be happy forever.

I really want to have wings. I will use my wings to hold one hope after another for those helpless hearts, so that they can have their own future and tomorrow.

I really want to have wings. I want to lend my wings to those injured hearts, let them fly with me, and let them have a new tomorrow, let them leave the dark place

I'm good

Composition I Want to Grow up (2)

I really want to... 500 word composition (I)

I really want to have a bosom friend to write a 500 word composition

You know what? The most important thing in life is to have a bosom friend. Do you have one? Although I don't know whether you have it, the only thing I can be sure of is that I don't have.

In the six years of primary school, I was almost alone. Except for the three good friends I made in the next semester of the fifth grade, I hardly have anyone to trust. However, the good times are not long. Just one year later, the warmth suddenly disappeared. I entered junior high school and became a lonely family again.

I can only stare at you with a pair of big, frightened eyes, because I have no one to trust. As a result, the loneliness was overcome by me over time. Although I was still a person, I was no longer afraid because I had learned to talk to myself, just like schizophrenia. In spite of this, I still feel unhappy because I don't feel like talking at all. Maybe it's because I'm talking to myself!

So I often fall into loneliness, and the feeling of wanting to have a bosom friend is getting stronger and stronger. I also often think that if this continues, I will be ill.

As a person's time gets longer and longer, his lonely heart gets deeper and deeper. Although I can't see anything on the surface, only I know what loneliness is and what pain is. Cold wind, that cold, a person, a person. Still a person, one shivers in the wind, one sways in the wind, one shouts in the wind... no echo!

I am not a person who can speak, but I just want to have a bosom friend. Promise me, will you?

I really want to have a bosom friend to write a 500 word composition

In fact, not everyone will have a bosom friend. For example, I don't have a bosom friend.

One day, my cousin Xiaomei and I were playing a rope skipping game together. I said that it would be 200 yuan, but my cousin Xiaomei disagreed. She said that it would be 500 yuan. She disagreed with what I said, and I disagreed with what she said. Then we quarreled. We were tired after quarreling for a while, so I left with a snort. She walked home without looking back.

I walked home with my mouth pursed. When I got home, my mother saw that I was unhappy and asked me, "Daughter, what's the matter with you?" I said, "My cousin and I jumped rope. We disagreed and quarreled." My mother said, "You are really small bellied. You are not generous at all. You quarreled over this trivial matter. Besides, she is also your cousin, so my sister should let her." I was angry, She said to her mother, "She is a chicken with a small stomach." Then I ran back to my room and slapped the door on. Then he cried in his room.

A few days later, my cousin came to play with me, but I pretended not to hear and refused. My mother heard me coming and said to me, "Look, your cousin is not angry anymore, why are you still angry!" After listening to my mother's words, I thought it was reasonable, so I ran out quickly and walked to my cousin. I blushed and bowed my head to her and said, "Cousin, I'm sorry! I shouldn't be angry with you. Please forgive me, will you? " She smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter." Then we went somewhere else to play.

Another time, I caught a kitten with my neighbor Xiao Lan. We were having a good time when the kitten of Xiao Lan's family scratched my hand and blood poured out. Xiao Lan said to me quickly, "Xiao Li, I'm sorry." I cried and said, "Sorry, what's the use? Anyway, my hand was scratched by your kitten. Say sorry, can the injury be cured?" Then I cried and ran home.

A few days later, when my hands were healed, Xiaolan came to me again and said, "Sorry." I said, "It doesn't matter." We were as good as ever again. We still play together every day.

I wonder why I always don't have a bosom friend? Why? Why? Now I finally understand that every time I quarrel with them, I will make up. Maybe I was wrong. To tell the truth, I really need a close friend!

I really want to... 500 word composition (2)

Childhood composition 500 words

Childhood composition 500 words

I have a lot of childish dull sound, want to fly to the sky, flying in the blue sky; Want to have a time machine so that I can go back to ancient times; I want to explore the unsolved mysteries of the world... In these fantasies, I still want to return to my childhood and my childhood.

I miss the games in my childhood. I spent my childhood in the games. I will never forget the dancing figures, innocent smiling faces, and happy laughter under the high eaves. We use our flying mood and childish dreams to compose the paeans of childhood.

I miss my childhood friendship. The most moving thing in childhood is friendship. Under the blue sky, we lie on the grass, talking about dreams and hopes, and light colored expectations fly in the air hand in hand. In bursts of laughter, we hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, people's happy mood put on wings, flying into the innocent mood. Childhood friends, do not want to compete, do not want to worry, only naive smiling faces in each other's hearts, is the most sincere feelings.

Ah, childhood, I can't forget everything you brought me. Childhood is a time when you add colorful clothes to my life. Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, childhood has gone away quietly, leaving only strings of golden memories.

To tell you the truth, I really want to be small, go back to my childhood, go back to my carefree childhood. To tell you the truth, I really want to be small and have that innocent smiling face and sincere friendship again. To tell you the truth, I really want to be smaller, to return to the world full of laughter and laughter, and to travel with the songs. To tell you the truth, I really want to be small. It's magic. Let me go back to my childhood.

500 Words in Childhood Composition

I really want to... 500 word composition (3)

It's good to have you 500 words of composition

It's good to have you. 500 words composition (1)

Wind, rain, thunder, electricity, flowers and trees are all part of nature. It is because of them that the world will be colorful and beautiful.

Look, the red flag is fluttering restlessly outside the window. What's that? That's naughty brother Feng playing. You can see it running around. When the flag is raised, it makes the flag dance ceaselessly. It is because of the participation of Brother Feng that the flag raising ceremony will not become so boring.

In summer, a cool wind blew, making my depressed mood happy. Do you feel the wind blowing your face. Imagine how happy the wind is playing with itself! It's nice to have wind.

Spring is coming, so is the sister Chunyu, who is as precious as oil. It is always timely to help the crops "grow faster". Seeing the crops growing high again, the farmer's uncle was amused! The rain in summer is rapid. With the arrival of summer, Uncle Rainstorm can't relax. It is going to make speeches everywhere. So it always comes and goes in a hurry. But it always leaves cool air and beautiful rainbow after passing. The autumn rain is full of mature breath. The rain washed the fruit clean. Look, isn't it sister Chunyu's? What is it doing? Oh, it is watering corn. The rain in winter is unpredictable. In winter, the naughty Rain is happy because he can play "Transformers". When happy, it turns into snowflakes and dances around you. When angry, it turns into hail and smashes everywhere. Sometimes it hides behind clouds and plays hide and seek with you. It's nice to have rain! The flowers make the earth beautiful, the grass soft, comfortable and lovely, and the trees purify the air. Of course, there are many beautiful things in nature. It is because of their costumes that the world becomes so beautiful! How I want to say to them; ' It's good to have you ".

It's good to have you. 500 words composition (2)

The broom will cry without your destruction, and the violet will be lonely without your tooth prints; And I, without your waiting, my heart will be empty. It's good when you are here.

I want to forget our time together, because it's not too sad, but when I see other rabbits, I will think of you. Unconsciously, you have accompanied me for two years, and I want to make a commitment to you. Finally, you still left, and never come back.

I vaguely remember our meeting. At that time, I chased the rabbit vendor with 35 yuan. Then, I bought you. You were small at that time, and you were very wary of me. If you touched me, you might be bitten by you. It was only about ten days. You got used to our balcony and ate and slept every day. It was very comfortable. You don't mind trying to touch you. At this time, you are concentrating on eating a long lettuce. Seeing you like this, I suddenly feel that you are not a rabbit, but a pig.

I feel at ease with you. Cry when you feel wronged; Laugh when you are happy. I secretly folded a violet and fed it to you. I felt very happy when I saw how you ate. Only you know my troubles and sorrows. I don't know if you can understand. I only know that you are my friend.

I took a lot of photos for you and sent them to the space. The description of the photos is to express my nostalgia for you. Your figure has long been frozen by me. I will still feel sad when I see your figure.

You also marked the broom on the balcony. When you are hungry, you often take a broom to vent your anger. Several flower pots with soil are left half full of soil. One of the flowerpots with gardenias was even worse. You bit off even the branches and leaves

Even without you, the whole balcony is full of your familiar flavor, leaving your mark. In this life, I will never forget you. In this life, I will always remember you.

I want to say to you, "It's good to have you."

It's good to have you 500 words composition (3)

It's good to have you. I'm not lonely when I'm alone; It's good to have you. I don't hesitate when I'm lost; It's good to have you. I don't give up when I want to lose.

It's good to have your education!

Every time I failed in the exam, I was so heartbroken that I walked on my way home, and the scenery around me faded. Back home, close the door, sit in front of the window, and look out of the window. it's raining! At this time, my mother came back. When he saw my sad expression, he asked me: "What happened? Why are you so sad?" "I failed in the exam." I said. Mom said: "It doesn't matter. You are a man, and you are not afraid of anything. This time, you will fail and fail in the exam. As long as you review carefully, you will get a good result."

It's good to have your support!

Once, I lost a writing contest. I was very sad and went home with a sad face. When I got home, my mother asked me with concern: "What's wrong with you?" I said sadly: "I lost my writing contest today!

It's good to have your criticism!

Once, a friend of mine came to play computer at home. We are having a good time. At this time, my mother suddenly burst in, let my friend go home first, and then took me to the room with a serious expression and said to me: "Do you know how poor your academic performance is now, and do you know what will happen if you don't study hard when you are young and grow up? If you don't study hard now, what can you do when you grow up? " I feel ashamed to hear that. Apologize to my mother, secretly make up my mind to study hard and live up to my parents' expectations.

it's wonderful to have you!

I really want to... 500 word composition (4)

I really want to eat a "fast-growing pill" and grow up quickly. Although there are many interesting things in my childhood, a happy childhood, I want to do something for my mother, so that she can have a rest and not be tired again.

I really want to go to the future by the time and space machine of Doraemon, so that I can help my mother to do things, not let her worry about me any more, do things for me tired, and help her mop the floor. Wash clothes and massage her. When I think of what my mother has made for me, I always feel sour. She always worries about me and works hard for me. I really want to grow up quickly and give her a cup of warm tea, and then have a good sleep. My mother has never had a good sleep for me. I wish her a good dream. I never gave my mother a birthday. I gave her my best wishes and made her the happiest mother in the world.

Although I don't have much words to express, I really want to grow up quickly, work for my mother, let her rest, let me do something I can for her!

I have always had a secret in my heart that I never told anyone. That is, I really want to take a "speed pill": I want to grow up quickly.

Although I am nearly 11 years old and have become half a small adult, my parents always think that I am still young and cannot do many things.

One day, after lunch, I put all the dishes away, put them in the pool, rolled up my sleeves, and prepared to wash dishes. When my mother saw it, she quickly came to me, pushed me away, and said to me, "You are still young, let me wash it this time! You can wash it next time. Another night, my mother wanted to read the Xinmin Evening News, but the Xinmin Evening News at home was not brought up. I took the initiative to go downstairs to get it. Grandma immediately stopped me and said," Don't go, it's dark, you will be afraid when you go down alone... ". Alas~I can't do anything at home because I'm still young.

After I get admitted to college, find a good job and earn money, I will prove to you that I have grown up. I can take care of you, help you do housework, and make money for you!

In fact, I am not small. Even if I don't, if I don't learn now, I won't be able to take care of my own life either now or in the future? If you just learn well and can't stand on your own, can you?

Ah! I really want to grow up quickly

I don't want to grow up. When I grow up, there will be no flowers in the world... "Listening to the song" Don't want to grow up ", I can't help wondering why I don't want to grow up?

Maybe I'm different! Maybe I experienced too much! Whenever my classmates recall the joy of being an hour in front of me and say how much they want to go back to being an hour, I will throw a cold sentence to them: "No, I want to grow up!"

Now I wander between homework and class every day. It seems that the word "freedom" does not belong to me by nature. I feel that it is far away from me. What's wrong with growing up

Composition I Want to Grow up (3)

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (1)

I want to grow up quickly

Guo Feng (8.2)

I was born in an ordinary peasant family. Father works outside all year round, while mother does all kinds of chores at home. I also have a sister who is going to high school, a thin grandpa, an elderly grandma, and my family are busy all day. Only I can do nothing, so I want to grow up quickly.

Mom has wrinkles and Dad has white hair. As long as I grow up, it will change everything. I will help my father to work and my mother to share the housework. Even all the work will be done by me alone, so they won't have to work so hard

When I grow up, I may also become a soldier. But it is unlikely that soldiers have to get up early and stay up late. The food is not good and the training is so hard. How sad that is! There are all kinds of harm but only one benefit. This "one benefit" is experience, and the rest is harm.

If you don't study hard, you will not be able to do anything when you grow up. When I grow up, I'd better continue my studies. How can I be promising if I don't study well? I really should study hard to repay my hardworking parents and take care of my society. It seems that learning well is really good! Alas! I really should grow up quickly. How many things I have to do and how many dreams I have to realize. Time! Please hurry up. I'm too busy. When can I grow up?

Let me grow up quickly!

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (2)

I Want to Grow Up Soon When I was young, I asked my mother: "Why do people grow up?" My mother stroked my head, smiled and said, "You will understand later?" Yesterday, I said, "Mom, I don't want to grow up." My mother said, "Everyone wants to grow up, go to college, and then work. Why don't you want to grow up?" I said, "Because when I grow up, you and Dad are old." Now, I really want to grow up. My parents are not in good health, and my father is very tired, because my father does manual work. He mends tires. One tire weighs 300 kg. It's too much for me to lift at one time. Sometimes I move five or six times a day, and my waist hurts at night. I can't sleep, and sometimes I stay up late. I feel distressed when I look at it. They earn money for us, otherwise they would not be so tired. Both father and mother are in poor health and have stomach problems. And my mother is in poor health. I really want to grow up quickly, so that I can earn money. They don't have to work too hard, so that they can live a better life, reduce their burden, and make them less tired. After growing up, parents don't have to worry too much, they can enjoy life better, and they can live happily every day. I want to grow up quickly!

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (3)

I want to grow up quickly If you compare me to that round of jade plate in the deep night sky, then my dear mother is the sun that silently adds light and heat to the jade plate from the earth. I really want to grow up quickly to repay my mother's meticulous care! Time flies by, but my mother's love has taken root in my heart. When I am happy, I always take it out to chew and taste. The flowers of love always send out a strong fragrance. When I was young, my family's economic situation was not very good, and life was very hard. My mother was always busy all day long, and there was no leisure time. Even so, my mother always refused to let me suffer, and always let me be as happy as some rich children. Although I was still young and not very sensible, I was very sad to see my mother's sad face every day. I really want to help her, but I'm still young. One night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was grown up and strong, and I could help my mother every day. Sometimes I rode a bike with my mother, and her face was full of bright smiles. Suddenly, I found my mother was so beautiful when she smiled. Oh, if it were like this every day, how wonderful it would be! I hope this dream will come true soon... Now I have enough strength to help my mother work, and I should be able to lighten the burden on her shoulders. But in fact, I bring more burden to my family. I think it is not enough to go to junior high school, senior high school and university with a little income, but the burden on my mother has increased. Sometimes, I tell my mother that I don't want to go to school, so I just do housework at home. At this time, she would be very angry and said to me; "Mom's greatest hope is pinned on you. If you don't go to school, what's the meaning of Mom's hard work for so many years?"

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (4)

I really want to grow up quickly

"Grow up" is a word that is not strange to junior high school students. It seems to me that it is so strange. Growing up is a word that is far away from me. When can I grow up? I want to grow up quickly!

When I was born, I was the "backbone" of my parents, grandparents, and I also got my nickname "Baobao"

"Baobao" grows up day by day and reaches the second grade. When I was in the second grade, I was very comfortable, because I was spoiled by my parents, grandparents, and compared with my peers, I was the happiest.

A year passed in the blink of an eye. My "feather" slowly grew up, and I wanted to fly. However, I realized that I could not fly high because I was trapped in an "iron cage" - the school was only 100 meters away from home, there was no road, and I still called my grandfather to pick me up every day; Constant safety issues are ringing in my ears; I really cry in my ear: let me free, I want to fly! But it didn't help. In the third grade, I was conscious: I really want to grow up.

When I was in the sixth grade, I asked my father: "I am old, I can be independent, don't pick me up." My father said calmly: "No, you are still young, you need someone to take care of you." I will not go on. Although I want to grow up, I will not grow up under the shackles of "iron cage"! I know everything, they are good for me, but I want to be free! Now, I still haven't got out of the "cage" and flew to the blue sky. I still haven't grown up - physically or psychologically, I want to fly, I want to fly! I really want to grow up!

Is it really so difficult to grow up? Although I am not very sensible, I am 13 years old after all! In your eyes, of course, I am a child, but in my opinion, I can do something on my own. Can you give me a "key" to let me fly out of the "cage"?

I think that key is to grow up. It seems that I have the key. I really want to grow up

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (5)

I want to grow up quickly Ah, the child's world is really troublesome! I wonder if everyone feels the same way? Our children suffer every moment: they are urged by their parents to leave the bed in the morning; When I get home from school in the evening, I have to do homework that I can never finish, and listen to my parents' nagging and urging! Then look at the adults: in the morning, they can mercilessly pull the children out of bed, while they have to go back to sleep; After dinner, I just wait for the children to wash dishes in the kitchen... I really want to grow up quickly! When you grow up, you can enjoy sleeping with your bed every day; When you grow up, you can freely vent your unhappiness; When you grow up, you can go to a restaurant and stop waiting for cold water by the pool alone. "Don't say I'm lazy, I have a plan! I want to grow up quickly! When you grow up, you can visit places of interest, open your eyes, and enjoy the unique style of the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland; When you grow up, you can go swimming in the sea and feel the charming charm and majesty of the vast ocean; When you grow up, you can go to the farm manor to catch chirping insects, fish and shrimp, and experience the fun of the farm village... What? Say I play? Don't worry, keep looking down! I want to grow up quickly! When you grow up, you can become a pillar of the motherland and make contributions to the country; When you grow up, you can crack the secret of the black hole, so that it will no longer "kill" countless people; When I grow up, I can invent many strange machines, and use them to make many things beneficial to human beings... My dream is not easy to realize? Then you can always accept it. I want to grow up quickly! When they grow up, they can educate their children well and make them become pillars; When I grow up, I can work hard, support myself by my own hands, and experience the meaning of life... How about, everyone must be the same as I think! However, we must grow up slowly and experience all the flavors of life. Let's grow up quickly, study hard, and create a better tomorrow for the future!

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (6)

I want to grow up quickly

Class 2, Grade 8: Liang Qinghui Instructor: Su Xuemei

Time passed by quietly, while I sat in the field, wondering if time could "walk" faster. Looking at the boundless sky, the original blue sky became dark, and my heart also cooled.

Scenario 1: Reminder

My mother reminds me: "You must fly bravely, child", she always says this sentence. I remember when I first went to school, my mother let go of her warm hand and said, "My child, you should fly bravely.". Yes! Be brave to take the first step in your life, because with the first step, the second step will not be afraid. I always remind myself to go on that glorious road and bravely fly to my most beautiful life.

Scenario 2: Companion

The grass is green; Because of the company of rain and dew.

The reason why big trees are luxuriant; It is because of the company of fertile soil.

The flowers are fragrant and charming; Because of the company of sunshine.

And the reason why I persevere; Because of the company of home.

What a warm word "home" is! Accompanied by my family, I passed through the joys and sorrows, and my home was a safe haven when I was helpless. Let me no longer lonely, let me no longer live in the dark.

Scenario 3: Dream

Only when people have a dream can they have confidence and strive for this dream. I have a dream.

This dream let me find the intersection of goodness and heart in the world.

Do good and ask for help. I want to grow up, grow up quickly, learn medicine, and help those who have not yet come out of the disease. Go and pull them out of there.

With my mother's warm reminder, I want to grow up quickly.

With the company of my family, I have persevered on the road of growth, made me happy on the road with the company, understood the true feelings in life, and the warmth my family gave me. And I really want to grow up quickly, to accompany them more, so that they can also feel the company of love, like the heart surrounded by love, so that they do not feel lonely, happy every day. I really want to grow up quickly. Because of the dream in my heart, I want to realize it quickly.

Growing up quickly can make the vows I said as a child come true, and make the growth path of my mother's words "Children, you must fly bravely" no longer far away. Let my family accompany me not in a one-way way, but I can often accompany them around, so that my dream is no longer that nihilistic imagination, so that I quickly move towards the road of growth that is not far away.

I want to grow up quickly Composition Junior High School (7)

I want to grow up quickly I have many wonderful ideas, good wishes and lofty ideals. Such as: I want to travel in space, I want to have a bosom friend, I want to have my own small world... But now I want to grow up quickly. In my deep memory, once I went to an interest class to study composition, and when I came back, it began to snow, and it was almost dark. Walking and walking, I finally came to the entrance of the village. Suddenly, I saw a figure walking anxiously back and forth at the entrance of the village from afar, standing on tiptoe from time to time, looking over here. I think, who doesn't stay at home in a cold day, but comes here to get cold? When you get closer, ah, that man is my mother! I could not help but quicken my pace. My mother recognized me and came up to me and said, "Are you hungry? Come on, eat a sweet potato first." Then she took out the hot baked sweet potato from her arms. I said gratefully, "Mom, I'm not hungry, let's go home first, I fell down like a broken bead. I could not express my feelings in thousands of words. At that moment, how eager I was to grow up quickly, so that I could share some burdens for my mother and relieve her fatigue. For the sake of this family, for the sake of my schooling, and for the sake of making a good life for my family, my father gets up early and goes back late every day. He is so tired that he can't even straighten his waist. One day at noon, the sun was scorching the earth. I went to the construction site to deliver food to my father. My father was carrying a heavy load of bricks, his head bowed, breathing heavily, his face showed a painful expression, and his sweat was soaked in clothes, but he still persisted, and walked hard step by step to the roof... At that moment, I longed for myself to be fast

Composition I Want to Grow up (4)

Hello, Old Time!

I know that you are a selfless old man who is not merciful, not sad, not saving the suffering, not saving the difficulties. You always unknowingly are several years, decades, let how many white haired people sigh your passing, want to let you stop, rest, but you never moved. I also ask you one thing today. I hope you will show mercy and listen to me. Of course, you will be interested if you know that you are busy and will not delay you for long! My wish is not as conventional as theirs. I don't want you to go slower, but faster!

Many people say you "time flies like an arrow", but sometimes I really want you to be faster than an arrow, because I want to grow up quickly!

A few days ago, I saw my neighbor's sister. She was seventeen years old. She was tall, fat and beautiful, which made me envy her for a long time. I asked her, "Do you think it's good to grow up?" She answered quickly, "No!" "Why?" She thought for a while, maybe she thought I couldn't understand it, maybe she didn't want me to know, just said, "I don't know, it's bad anyway!" But I really want to grow up!

When I grow up, I don't have to worry about my parents. I can earn money by myself and respect my parents. Buy them a big and good house, the best nutritional supplements, beautiful and fashionable clothes. Take them to travel, travel around the motherland, visit beautiful rivers and mountains, and go wherever you want. Even if you want to go to the moon, I will try to take them there (I hope our technology has developed to that level).

When I grow up, I will be free. I can play with my best friend. We can talk freely, wander around and play crazily until the end of the month. I can also take my brother with me, pat his wallet proudly and say, "What do you want, brother? I'll buy it for you!" It's better to give him a gift he has always wanted. How happy he should be!

When I grow up, I can't forget my grandparents. I will honor them better. I will make their beds and quilts, do laundry and cook meals for them. Talk to them more in your spare time to avoid their loneliness. They don't have to worry about me, because I'm a big girl now, and they should care about them in turn. In addition, they are too thrifty and mean to themselves all their life. I want them to spend their granddaughter's money at ease and treat themselves better.

I think everything will be fine when I grow up. My shoulders will no longer be childish and can shoulder the burden of the family; My mood will no longer be weak, I will be strong to deal with the difficulties of life; My strength will not be underestimated, and I can bring happiness and peace to my family

I really want to grow up. I hope Old Time can meet my wish. Then the little girl will be very grateful!

Composition I Want to Grow up (5)

"I don't want to grow up. When I grow up, there will be no flowers in the world..." Everyone is very familiar with S · H · E's song "Don't want to grow up". Adults often say: "Now the social competition is very fierce. Adults work every day except for work, and they don't even have time to rest. It's better to be a child." But I'm eager to grow up.

I really want to grow up. Because adults are free to do what they like to do, and no one criticizes them if they do wrong. Children are different. Sometimes when they say the wrong thing carelessly, adults will scold us for saying the wrong thing. If we retort again, adults will give us a bad name for answering back. And we are also under the control of parents everywhere. Children can't do what they love to do. If they do wrong, adults criticize and educate them. They nag endlessly. Sometimes it's just a matter of playing chess to increase your chess skills and wisdom. In the eyes of parents, it's "doing nothing". However, adults have not considered it from our perspective. We also have our own ideals and life goals. How I want to become a goshawk flying in the sky. At that time, I can open my mind to welcome the bright future, be a qualified soldier, serve the motherland and defend my homeland.

Children are not only disciplined everywhere, but also worried about the so-called "score". Every day when we finish our learning tasks and just immerse ourselves in the joy of playing, parents come with problem sheets and test papers on us, which makes us unable to turn over. There is also a popular saying in the school, "Score points, the lifeblood of students." Sometimes, as soon as we get home, adults will ask: "Did you take the exam today? How many points did you take the exam? In what rank?" A series of questions made me dizzy. Although the children are under the control of their families everywhere, the parents are also unfortunate, and the parents bear more pressure than the children. The child is tired, and when he wakes up from sleep, he will jump again. Parents are tired in their hearts. From the day when their children went to school to the day when they were admitted to college, to the day when they graduated from college, they climbed door after door.

I really want to grow up. When I grow up, I can do what I love and repay my parents... Ah, I am eager to grow up.

Composition I Want to Grow up (6)

When your parents nag you, do you want to grow up quickly? As we all know, growing up also has growing pains. Let's listen to Zhang Haoran.

I am a girl with strong curiosity, and some fantastic ideas often appear in my mind. That day, I was listening to my father's preaching, and an idea came out of my mind - I want to grow up.

I really want to grow up quickly. When I grow up, with my own family, my parents will not always nag in my ears, which is such a good thing. When I grow up, I can play to my heart's content, have enough time, and no longer have to study endlessly and take exams endlessly. Put down your homework and your schoolbag, which makes me yearn for it. When I grow up, I can face life and setbacks by myself. When I was a child, I always wanted to raise cats and dogs. When I grow up, I will be free to raise whatever I want.

It is said that there are two sides to everything. I will think about it in reverse. When I grow up, although I don't have my parents' nagging, if I encounter setbacks and can't stand it, to whom can I cry and who can comfort me? When I grow up, although I don't have to go to school, I have to face work and accept another challenge in life. Long term work will make me feel tired, knowledge is not enough, and I have to learn. When I grow up, although I can take charge of raising small pets, it will make me more tired. If there is no parents to help take care of small pets, they will not be too happy.

Growing up has its advantages and disadvantages. But I still want to grow up: work will make me tired, but it can make me learn to be strong; No more parents give me shelter, but it can make me learn to be brave; Housework will make me more tired after a day's work, but it can make me learn to take care of myself... I should learn to face life by myself.

I really want to grow up, experience the hardship and happiness of my parents, experience the pain and frustration of life, and experience the fatigue and pleasure of work. Now, I will study hard to lay the foundation for my future life.

Composition I Want to Grow up (7)

Everyone has a dream. Some want to have a bosom friend, some like to have a good teacher, and some want to have their own small world. When I saw my father working so hard for me, I wanted to grow up quickly, so that I could honor my father and stop him from working so hard.

The dog outside the window impatiently hid under the uncle, sticking out his tongue to enjoy the cool, and then looked at the indoor thermometer. Wow, it has reached 39 ° C.

At this time, a sound of "click click..." came into my ears. I hurried to the balcony to look down. A familiar figure appeared in my eyes. It was Dad. As soon as he got out of the car, he began to unload a load of bricks.

Only a few minutes later, my father was already sweating heavily, and the sweat on his face flowed into his eyes without mercy. I wanted to go down and help him, but my legs seemed to be locked, and I couldn't move.

Looking down, my father touched his leg, and it hurt again. But my father was determined and said, "For my father's sake, I was determined and said," For my son, work hard! "Hearing this, my tears rolled in my eyes. I wanted to grow up quickly so that I could help my father and stop him from being so tired.

Suddenly, my father fell down with a sound of "Pa". My tears finally fell down, and my father got up firmly and insisted on unloading the last brick from the car. At this time, a boss came up and handed his father 200 yuan. His father took the money slowly with trembling hands. When I got home, I poured a cup of hot tea to my father. This cup of tea condensed our common love.

Seeing my father is so tired, I want to grow up quickly. I will carry my father's love forward bravely, and all difficulties in life will bow to me.

Composition I Want to Grow up (8)

That morning I went to school and my father went to work, leaving only my mother and sister at home. In the afternoon, my mother went to cook. My sister was lying on the back of the bed alone, feeling bored, so she turned to the dog beside her and said, "Let's play together." The dog didn't say anything and didn't respond at all.

The younger sister was disappointed and lay on the backrest and said to herself, "If only some people would play with me."

At this moment, my sister suddenly saw something in front of her, but she could not see it clearly. She thought: Eh, what is that? I have to climb to have a look.

So she sat up and climbed to the other end of the bed.

She lay down on the pillow core and looked at it carefully with her two eyes wide open.

"Alas, it was also a toy." She was very disappointed. How she expected a dynamic thing at that time.

She looked up and thought to herself: When can I grow up? When I can leave, I can also come out and play with children. It's not so boring. Let me grow up quickly.

Composition I Want to Grow up (9)

I often watch many adults sitting at their desks, drinking tea and chatting on the Internet. How wonderful and desirable it is; How I look forward to seeing adults go home to pay their parents with the salary issued by the company; When I watch adults walking in the street in beautiful clothes, how I want to be like them! I want to grow up quickly!

If there are people selling "growth pills" in the world, I will not hesitate to buy it, because I want to find a good job when I grow up. I can sit at my desk every day while drinking hot coffee, surfing the Internet and chatting with my colleagues How free and easy it should be! When I work, I will devote myself wholeheartedly. After I get the salary, I will show my heart to my elderly parents and leave the rest to myself. The salary I get will become valuable.

I once thought about volunteering before. Some people think that volunteers are dirty and not good at all. I think they are great. If they didn't pay, they would not have such a clean and comfortable home today!

Composition I Want to Grow Up (10)

I really want to eat a "fast-growing pill" and grow up quickly. Although there are many interesting things in my childhood, a happy childhood, I want to do something for my mother, so that she can have a rest and not be tired again.

I really want to go to the future by the time and space machine of Doraemon, so that I can help my mother to do things, not let her worry about me any more, do things tired for me, and help her mop the floor. Wash clothes and massage her.

When I think of what my mother made for me, I always have a sour taste in my heart, which always makes her worry about me and work hard for me. I really want to grow up quickly and give her a cup of warm tea, and then have a good sleep. My mother has never had a good sleep for me. I wish her a good dream.

I never gave my mother a birthday. I gave her my best wishes and made her the happiest mother in the world.

Although I don't have much words to express, I really want to grow up quickly, work for my mother, let her rest, let me do something I can for her!

I have always had a secret in my heart that I never told anyone. That is, I really want to take a "speed pill": I want to grow up quickly.

Although I am nearly 11 years old and have become half a small adult, my parents always think that I am still young and cannot do many things.

One day, after lunch, I put all the dishes away, put them in the pool, rolled up my sleeves, and prepared to wash dishes. When my mother saw it, she quickly came to me, pushed me away, and said to me, "You are still young, let me wash it this time! You can wash it next time. Another night, my mother wanted to read the Xinmin Evening News, but the Xinmin Evening News at home was not brought up. I took the initiative to go downstairs to get it. Grandma immediately stopped me and said," Don't go, it's dark, you will be afraid when you go down alone... ". Alas~I can't do anything at home because I'm still young.

After I get admitted to college, find a good job and earn money, I will prove to you that I have grown up. I can take care of you, help you do housework, and make money for you!

In fact, I am not small. Even if I don't, if I don't learn now, I won't be able to take care of my own life either now or in the future? If you just learn well and can't stand on your own, can you?

Ah! I really want to grow up quickly... I don't want to grow up. When I grow up, there will be no flowers in the world? Maybe I'm different! Maybe I experienced too much! Whenever my classmates recall the joy of being an hour in front of me and say how much they want to return to being an hour, I will coldly throw a sentence to them: "No, I want to grow up!" Now I wander between homework and class every day. It seems that the word "freedom" does not belong to me by nature. I feel that it is far away from me. What's wrong with growing up! Nobody cares about me when I grow up. I can ignore my parents no matter what I do. I don't have to study or study every day. I play computer and watch TV every day. Wow! It's so cool! Since it's so cool, why don't I do it? Many elders said to me: "You see how relaxed you are now! How boring it is to work every day like us!" Although I would give them a smile every time, I couldn't understand it. It's fun to go to work! Sometimes the company will hold some tourism activities! I have a lot of classes on weekends, so I can't sleep in. Let alone go shopping! Sometimes I have to do my homework. "Easy"? Alas, if we can understand our difficulties, we will certainly not use "ease" to describe it. My curiosity is very strong. I want to know everything clearly. Sometimes, when I go to ask my parents what's going on at home, they always say, "Don't worry about children and adults!" I wonder why I have to tell them all my secrets, but they don't tell me? Therefore, I don't want to be or be a child. I think it's unfair. I want to grow up! When I grow up, my parents will tell me! There must be many students who have their own dreams, and I am no exception. For example, I want to grow up and go to college, so that my younger siblings can look up to me and find a good job... But what's the use of imagination depends on actual action. However, time passes a little slowly, and I always hope every day: when can I grow up and when can I get through school! I'm afraid of school and exams! In my dreams at night, I felt that there were papers in the sky, holding them in my hand, and finishing one after another. The students bowed down one by one, sallow and emaciated, their eyes were 5 cm away from the book, and the pen in their hand kept writing... I think you must have heard that "test, the magic weapon of the teacher! Score, the lifeblood of the students!" Teacher! Please consider the problem from the standpoint of others! Although examinations are your magic weapon, they are our lifeblood! Hi! There are not only restrictions at school, but also many rules at home. For example, what I want to do must go through the mouth of my parents. If not, the "mother"'s life cannot be violated. Whatever you do, you can argue again! No, no! Ah! I want to grow up, I want to grow up...... I look forward to the future world every day, beautiful often giggle, grow up and be free. But if you don't study hard now, you will be lucky if you grow up, not to mention going to college, looking for a job, or going to high school. Why do you think everything is mutually supportive? If you want to grow up and be promising, you must lay a foundation now! But I still want to grow up, grow up to have their own ideas! I really want to grow up, I will be free when I grow up

Junior One of Shanghe Middle School: Liu Jie

Composition I Want to Grow Up (11)

I really want not to grow up

Kong Yunxi

"You've grown up

In fact, I don't want to grow up, because my childhood has given me too much. Although sometimes there are worries and sorrows, but more is endless happiness.

But I'm still growing up. Before it could catch the time, it passed by like a meteor. Just for a moment, without leaving any trace. Six years of primary school passed by me quietly, leaving only the last buffer.

Someone asked, "Is there much pressure when we are going to take the junior high school exam?" I would always smile and answer, "Isn't it the junior high school exam? What's difficult? It's as easy as abnormal for me." In fact, my pressure is no less than anyone. And this year there is a key junior high school entrance exam, which makes me even more nervous. The whole family wanted me to pass the exam and asked me to work harder. But they don't know how much pressure I have. Going up in the exam does not mean that you can pass the exam, but that you should be able. Every time they say this, I will say: "Just take the exam." But they will blame me with a reproachful tone: "What, just take the exam? What do you mean? You must, must, pass the exam. We are so confident about you, and you can't let us down!" "Don't let me down" This sentence is easy to say, but difficult to do. Do you know what I think? I also want to pass the exam, but I know it's impossible to pass the exam without taking it. If I don't say it, I'm afraid of hurting your heart. If I don't say it, I'm not good at expressing myself.

I always recall the happy time in the past when I was under great pressure, which was called "childhood" by others. Childhood is carefree, and every nerve is relaxed. If you make a mistake, your parents will earnestly teach you. Adults are tense and boring, and every nerve is tight. I have to think and do a lot of things every day, and they are all things I didn't want to think about when I was a child. Thinking about childhood, it is really ignorant and childish, and happiness is not so simple.

I want to never grow up and stay in happy days forever. However, the tests failed to achieve the desired goal. To be honest, I have never been so afraid. I really don't want to grow up, just want to be a child forever, a child who can't grow up, a carefree child. However, even though I have a thousand and ten thousand unwilling, my desire will never make time sympathize with me. It still looks at me relentlessly, and mercilessly slips away from me again and again. I thought for a long time... I was tired and sleepy... So I fell asleep

"Master, you have three wishes, and I can help you realize them."

"As long as I never grow up..."

Composition I Want to Grow up (12)

"Look at you, you don't know how lucky you are. You think it's easy to earn money. You will know when you grow up!" Mother began to nag again, alas If only I could grow up at once, then I wouldn't have to be controlled by my parents anymore, and I could "do whatever I want!"

Eh? When did I get a strange box on my desk? Whatever, open it first. I opened it while thinking about it. In an instant, I was sucked in by a strong force.

I came to a strange place, and I didn't know when there was a little elf around me. He said, "Hello, I'm Kaka from the Elf Kingdom. Because you want to grow up, our king sent me to send you to the future with a time machine to experience your life when you grow up. You can take a look at this specifically." He said, he gave me a watch and a notebook. I opened the notebook and looked at it. The specific contents are as follows:

1. The current time is 2025 (I am 26 years old); 2. Now I have 200 yuan;

3. I have no job now;

4. If you want to go back, press the button on your watch.

I was very happy when I found out. I thought: I won't go back! It's not easy to grow up. Why go back? I want to live here, but first I need to support myself. Yes, I need to find a job first.

"We don't lack people here." "Girl, you can't do our work here." Alas It's not easy to find a job. Finally, in the afternoon, I found a job. Although it was helping people in a restaurant, it was my first job after all. I was busy sweeping the floor and cleaning the table. I was tired and had a sore back. Finally, I got off work, but the manager said that I could leave after washing all the dishes. Reluctantly, I walked with the freshly washed bowl. Unexpectedly, I bumped into a waiter and the bowl was broken. All the money in my pocket was lost to them and my job was lost. It's really not easy to earn money by touching the belly of "Goo Goo" and being penniless! Thinking about the delicious food made by my mother, I'd better go back. I pressed the button on my watch, eh? Why didn't you go back? Is the watch broken? I cried

"What's the matter?" My mother called me up. It was a dream, but how can I explain my watch?

Do you think it is good or bad to grow up?

Composition I Want to Grow up (13)

I was absorbed in seeing the patients. When I saw that they had left contentedly, I could not help but secretly laugh... Laughter woke me up. Oh, it was a dream!

I really want to grow up. When I grow up, I will be a doctor and an angel in white. I will try my best to treat patients and let them live a healthy and happy life. I will also go to the disaster area as a volunteer to treat the patients with my superb medical skills, alleviate their pain caused by the disaster, and work together with them to create a beautiful home and face tomorrow again.

I really want to grow up. When I grow up, I want to be a glorious teacher and spread my knowledge to my classmates so that they can become useful social talents in the future; I will also go to the disaster area to teach the poor children cultural knowledge so that they can travel in the ocean of knowledge

I want to do too many things when I grow up, but what I want to do most is: when I grow up, I want to return to my parents, not let them worry about me and make money for me, but I want to work hard to make my parents happy and provide for them. What made me think was that day: on that day, my mother bought some new clothes for me. Looking at the new clothes, I suddenly felt a little sour. In order to buy new clothes for me, my mother had been reluctant to change the shoes on her feet for a long time. I looked up and asked my mother: "Mom, the weather is getting colder now. It's time to change your shoes for thick ones!" My mother smiled and said, "It's OK." Since then, my heart has lit a flame that is growing fast.

I want to grow up quickly!

Composition I Want to Grow Up (14)

In our ordinary daily life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be familiar with it. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is the composition compiled by the editor for you. I want to grow up quickly in junior high school. Welcome to learn and reference, and I hope it will help you.

In the rush of summer, the leaves gradually turned green and the sky gradually became bright and moist. It seems that everything is getting better, but her body is getting smaller and smaller, her hair is white all over her head, and she can't even find a black place. How I wish I could grow up quickly and do my best to give her a better life.

Even though I am not usually with my grandmother, my love and missing for her has never been cut off by my distance. I want to go back to see you, but I don't know why to see you anymore. Time flies, I spent several spring and summer alone, but I haven't seen you for a long time.

Just yesterday, my mother asked me to send living expenses to my grandmother. I'm a little excited. I finally have a reason to visit Grandma.

Grandma's little mud hut has not been there for a long time. I went there with a heavy heart. I stepped over the muddy road in front of the mud house step by step. It seemed that I was playing in the mud when I was a child. My nose was getting a little sour, but I could bear it. I saw my uncle and his family eating next door. They were very happy. They saw me, but I didn't say hello to them. Because I didn't know what to say, I gradually moved closer to my grandma's house, After crossing the low threshold, it was dark inside. I looked around without turning on the light. Turning around, I saw a hunched figure standing beside the gas stove cooking. The whole house can only see the faint gas fire.

I turned on the switch of the light with my hand and cried with tears: "Grandma!" Grandma heard me and turned around. I never knew that Grandma was so small. When she was a child, Grandma always carried me on her back. Now I am taller than her. Her dark face and white hair seemed to hurt my heart. They were all trying to squeeze out my tears, "Here comes Shanshan!" It was the first time I heard such a hoarse and soft voice. When did Grandma become so old and cruel?

My body trembled, but I still cried back. I squeezed out a smile and said, "Grandma, this is the food my mother asked me to bring, as well as the money." "Have you eaten yet?" "I have eaten, why do you eat now?" This conversation seems to pour out infinite sorrow.

On my way back, I saw my third uncle and his family again. Why can't they call my grandma to have dinner together? At the moment, my heart seems to be pierced by tens of thousands of needles.

I really want to grow up quickly so that my grandma can live in a big house and enjoy herself. Grandma lived to be 80 years old. She experienced many hardships in her life, and all the old people in the village were blessed. Only Grandma lived alone in the mud hut. She gave birth to ten children. Why didn't one child take her back to his home? Grandma has never enjoyed happiness in her life. In fact, I know she likes watching TV, but there has never been a TV in that small mud hut. She went to watch TV in other old ladies' homes during the day, and did not propose to install TV in the mud hut. I know she wants to live in a big house, but she is destined to live in that small mud hut all her life. I could see her eager eyes when she visited other old ladies' homes.

It seems that I am the only one who can see the so-called grandma's dream. I hope I can grow up quickly, work and earn money quickly, take my grandma to have a good time, and I hope she can wait for me. You can raise me and I can grow old with you.

Composition I Want to Grow Up (15)

I want to grow up quickly. When I grow up, I will have more time and energy to grasp the brush in my hand and draw the magic and beautiful nature: across the stone arch bridge, I will draw the "flying rainbow" that "the cloud rises at the beginning of the month, and the rainbow drinks from the stream"; On the edge of the river, I painted the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River that "the river flowers are more red than fire at sunrise, and the river water is as green as blue in spring"; Look at the waterfall, and draw the magnificent scenery of "flying down 3000 feet, doubting the Milky Way falling nine days". A painting will make me cannot help admiring the magic and beauty of nature.

I want to grow up quickly. When I grow up, I will be able to write beautiful articles with deep feelings and mixed feelings like many literati: listen to the music around me, and write down "the sound of dandelions combing their hair", "the sound of rain dancing", "the sound of snowflakes falling"; Appreciate the dancing of water, and write down the nimbleness of "long smoke in the sky, bright moon in the sky, floating light in the sky, floating light in the sky, still shadow in the sky"; Sit while drinking tea, write down the fragrance of tea, the light bitterness of tea, and the jumping of words will sublimate my soul.

I want to grow up quickly, so that I can have more confidence and ability to find that "paradise". But now, I must learn knowledge and lay a good foundation, otherwise, the future life will be very rough, I will also lose the capital to create my own world, and it will be difficult to find my own vast sky.

Everyone wants to grow up quickly because they have dreams in their hearts. Friend, you should do the same, then drop the sweat now to study hard and make yourself closer to the ideal!

Composition I Want to Grow Up (16)

When I was nearly ten years old, I dreamed of growing up all day, because I wanted to be a strict, kind and serious primary school teacher when I grew up.

I imagined that one day I would become an engineer of the human soul -- a teacher. At that time, I was in class. I found that a student was not paying attention and always looked out of the window. I called his name to remind him to pay attention to the class, but he looked out of the window again later. So I picked up the ruler and hit him hard in the palm of his hand. At the same time, I taught him to listen carefully. At this time, I am a strict teacher.

During the break, I organized the students to play games, and played "Eagle Catches Chicken" with them. The students enjoyed themselves very much. The students laughed like silver bells in the campus, and I couldn't help laughing with them, without the serious expression in class. At this time, I am a kind teacher.

At noon, when the students were taking a nap, I took advantage of the silence to correct the composition. I looked at it word by word, circled good words and sentences, looked for mistakes, and wrote comments carefully. At this time, I am a serious teacher.

I really want to grow up and become an excellent teacher. I don't think it is very difficult to do so, because I have met such an excellent teacher Xue. "Prince Xuan, come on, you will succeed!" Let the ideal become a reality.