I'm Cool (3 practical articles)
Just let it go
2024-03-13 05:43:07
Junior two

I'm cool (1)

In some people's eyes, cool is only limited to the gorgeous, handsome and unrestrained appearance; Some people think that cool is cold, the kind of people who have a character that is difficult to get close to; And I think cool is the courage to overcome the shadow in your heart, the courage to try and never try

Walking on the street, some children often sell flowers or snacks on the street. In my eyes, selling things on the street is a shame, but my father told me to learn from them to make a living at a young age.

I always thought my father was just talking. However, the weather was unpredictable, and people had sudden misfortunes. During the summer vacation, my father, who never said twice, found a good way for me to practice. He asked me to go to my uncle's place to help sell newspapers. At first, I vowed not to go, but in the end, I was dragged to the street by my father, standing in front of thick newspapers. I hid beside him, Let my uncle work alone. When my uncle didn't pay attention, 36 stratagems were the best. I flew back to my aunt's house. After my father knew that I was sneaking back, he forced me to go back. My tears were running high and low. My aunt also persuaded me, "Brother, don't forget it. If the child doesn't want to go, don't go!" My father still didn't give up. Alas, it was a blessing or a curse, but I could not avoid it. I had to go back to my uncle by bus. My uncle taught me how to shout and told me the price of each newspaper. At first, I was embarrassed. My uncle patted me on the shoulder and encouraged me to say, "Try it." The look of trust lit my heart with confidence. I opened my mouth and shouted, "Come and have a look. Sell newspapers. Newspapers are two yuan each..." A man came here. This was my first guest. I had to treat him well. "Two newspapers," I immediately picked up two newspapers and said; "Four yuan." He handed me a five yuan note, and I immediately found a dollar and handed it to him; "Change your money!" When I saw the note, I couldn't believe my first bucket of gold! The more I want to get along with others, the more energetic I become. I feel that I am a little expert in selling newspapers. After a busy day, I also got a lot of money. Although it was hard, I was very happy. It was not a shame to sell things on the street!

I think I was cool that time!

Cool, not only lies in the gorgeous, smart and cold appearance, but also the courage to try and the belief in the challenge in the heart!

I'm Cool (2)

Dad is cool, he can only say two words to me a day. In my impression, my father has always been haunted. I often don't see him in the morning, but I may be shattered by his opening door in the middle of the night. Do you think it's a detective? wrong! He is an actor.

I used to think that my father didn't care about me at all, because I remember deeply that when I was young, I pulled his trouser legs, but he left in order to catch a performance - until that happened.

It was a summer full of cicadas, and my father, who had been away from home for a whole year, finally came back tired of hardships. He asked me about my study as soon as he entered the house, but I felt so strange when I looked at him. I didn't say a word to him that day, or tell him how much I missed him. I just hid behind the door of my own room, looking at my father through the narrow crack of the door from afar, quietly and greedily.

The next night, I thought of a reason to talk with him - say good night to him. But when I opened the door of his room, I saw my father's unprotected sleeping position and two injured knees. It seems that the injury on the knee has lasted for more than a day or two, with a large area of cyanosis, an ugly thick scab, and several dark red blood streaks. Swallowing the sound of "good night" and gently closing the door of my father's room, I slipped to the toilet and let silent tears flow heartily. I love my father! I know that being an actor is very busy, but I never heard my father tell us how hard he is!

Soon, my mother and I watched my father's hard work together with many audiences in the Cultural Palace. Dad performed the scene of pulling the car in "Village Official Li Tiancheng". He split, knelt, and sang a lot of wonderful songs. Many audiences were moved to cry. I also cried, crying wet my mother's scarf. Since then, I will never forget that summer. I will never leave the bracelet my father gave me after that performance.

This summer, the whole family moved to the new house that my father prepared for us in Zhengzhou. Stepping into my own room, my heart immediately flew to the clouds with joy. Looking at my favorite cartoon patterns on the new sheets, I was so happy that I couldn't express my happiness. I didn't expect to be so quiet that I mistakenly thought that I didn't care about my father, but I was so careful!

Dad is still so cool, so haunted, but he is the person who loves me the most and I admire him the most. I forgot to tell you the name of my actor father. His name is Jia Wenlong.

I'm Cool (3)

I am an ugly boy. This was doomed from my birth. My mother held me like a crooked melon, sobbing and crying, but it didn't change. My ugly fate.

When I was in kindergarten, my first and only deskmate was a fat little man. On the first day of sitting at the same table, he raised his hand in class and shouted, "Auntie, I don't want to be with this ugly guy!" So throughout the kindergarten, I barely managed to stay at the same table in a class, so I was transferred to the last row of single tables in the class, living and dying alone in the corner.

I still remember myself at that time, biting my lips, holding the strap of my schoolbag tightly with both hands, and walking into the dark and wet corner in the "childlike" laughter around me.

I asked my mother, "Mom, am I ugly?"

I clearly remember the sadness on my mother's face at the first moment. When I was young, I didn't understand the meaning of that expression, but now it is simple and clear. After a short silence, my dear mother stroked my head with her right hand and said: "Not ugly, like a college student."

At the age of 6, I already knew the meaning of "college student". Those three words have a holy status in the heart of this dirty child. My two originally small eyes narrowed into a slit, and my mouth grinned. When I face the bullying and ridicule of children again, I close my eyes and scorn them in my heart. I want to become a college student in the future. What are you?

My mother is quite prescient. She said to my father, if the child has no ability, he should not become a useless person? So when my friends were still watching cartoons in my mother's arms, I had carried the drawing board to the countryside to sketch alone; When the children were still having a headache for reciting the "bright moonlight in front of bed", I had already read the Tang and Song poetry and understood the Book of Songs; When the students were still nervous about the big exam and the small exam, I had taken over the scholarship from class sir as if nothing had happened; When my peers were still crying for trivial things, I had calmly handled the big and small affairs in the student union.

When someone asked me how I grew up like this, I smiled and told her that when you found that your left hand could not write, you'd better change your right hand. The defect of appearance doomed me not to have amazing extension but to have connotation and try my best to enrich the connotation. If the mountain didn't come, I had to walk by myself.

I am very self-knowledge. I am ugly. I can't show off my life with beautiful girls in beautiful skirts and plaits. But I can put such beauty on my drawing board. Together with me, there is my beautiful but colorful life.

"If the mountain doesn't come, I will pass." I stick to my life creed, and my life creed makes me choose the latter and choose my own life between self abandonment and change. Let me have a clear soup noodle style headline, pure student clothes, ugly face and confident smile cool all over the campus, cool all over my life.