Feelings after reading Disciple Rules
Extremely bright
2023-12-23 17:43:16
fourth grade
reaction to a book or an article

In my childhood, I thought that my daughter's position in my parents' hearts was paramount, and they had to obey my command and obey my orders at my disposal. Since I learned the "Disciple Rules", I have known my parents' love for me and tolerated my insolence and arrogance. Many times, once I got home, I immediately sat down on the chair, without asking my parents' feelings, but also loudly shouted: "Give me a glass of water". When I wanted to have dinner in the evening, I shouted: "Bring the food". When my mother brought the food, I did not answer in time, just said: "Put it here, I will watch TV first, and eat later". But since I learned the "giving is giving" in the "Disciple Rules", I no longer have to play childish temper, listen to their parents' instructions, obey their parents. However, people have many problems, more bad habits, and can't change them for a while. For example, when having dinner, my parents haven't sat down, I will sit down and eat first, which is not good. There is a saying that the ancient culture of "the elder stands, the younger does not sit, the elder sits, and the life is to sit" points out the mystery, which is the sea of saints' teachings. However, I have deeply felt it.
I used to call my brothers and sisters by their names, which is also my big problem. I called them by their names soon. But after learning a sentence in the "Disciple Rules": "Call your elder, don't call your name, and don't see what you can do for your elder". From now on, I will call you "brother" or "sister" when I have nothing to do, which makes them very happy. They all said I was good. This is all the credit of the "Disciple Rules"!