99 sentences in good mood and humor
Off key Uncle
2023-05-20 18:10:26
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Don't go whoring and gamble. It helps the medicine shop.

2. Girl, there is no white horse. Go and grab a donkey.

3. Xueba's dream is destroyed by mathematics.

4. My youth is the words on the desk.

5. Who has no spirit, but have you ever split.

6. Don't look at your lifelong regret, look at your lifelong regret.

7. As an animal, I feel a lot of pressure.

8. Raise your hand if you love me, stand on your head if you don't love me.

9. Abstinence, do not disturb! Otherwise, I will break the precept.

10. Acne is nothing, it's your lovely blister.

11. Don't introduce the car to me. I came to see the model car!

12. You let me know that secret love is such a thing.

13. Fighter in Silly B, VIP in Silly B.

14. I can't shut the garden in spring. I lure the red apricot out of the wall.

15. The cow bumped into the high-voltage line, which was really powerful with lightning.

16. Never say: I'm hungry when it's not time for dinner!

17. The world is not only fair, some mothers are also fair.

18. Life is just a few decades, all for the sake of making peace with money.

19. How could your father not shoot you on the wall!

20. As long as you call her daughter-in-law, you will take your life to cherish it.

21. She is left-handed. We can hold hands when we eat!

22. Vacation means doing homework in another place, right?

23. I knew I was so tired, so I didn't go down to earth.

24. Don't look for me if you have nothing to do, and don't look for me if you have something to do.

25. Beauty is happiness. Happiness is both a flower and a leaf.

26. The furthest distance in the world is Monday to Friday.

27. If there is no sex wolf in the world, is beauty still valuable?

28. When I was dizzy, I finally understood what love is.

29. WeChat is awesome. It just turns mobile phones into walkie talkies.

30. It is romantic for two people to stare at each other for a long time.

31. You have the right to be humble, and Zhezhe has the power to make you lie down.

32. Being talented is like being pregnant, which can only be seen after a long time.

33. I asked the fan today if I was ugly, and it shook its head all afternoon!

34. Every parent has jet lag, and it's half past one when he's a bit late.

35. In the world of rising prices, some people are becoming more and more cheap.

36. Teacher, it's not a good thing. My homework eloped last night.

37. There is no swearing in the world. You can have everything if you do too much homework.

38. I'm not afraid to drink DDVP, but I'm afraid to open the lid and have another bottle.

39. Someone said I was ugly and I laughed. You haven't met my friends.

40. Don't think that you can bite people without a strong master!

41. Please don't cry, because your sad face looks too ferocious.

42. If anyone dares to disturb my homework again, I will play with him.

43. Fortunately, I am fat and can pinch my stomach when I am bored.

44. Don't be too nice to me, let me not know whether you are love or friendship.

45. I hope that when I receive the red packet, I will open it and write another packet.

46. I hope that a phone call will come out of the blue and ask me to go back and inherit my billions.

47. Confucius said: When three people walk together, there must be my wife. Choose the beautiful and marry them.

48. It is just like this if you take a step back and become more aggressive.

49. Use a smile to pretend that you don't care about your laughter and your departure.

50. If you want to make a fresh start, I will do my best to protect your original beauty.

51. I miss you so much when I can't see you! When I saw you, I was so mean!

52. The furthest distance in the world is Monday to Friday.

53. Why don't I have a handsome and explosive deskmate, but my deskmate does.

54. Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I became blind later.

55. Heaven has given great responsibility to these people, but if heaven does not give great responsibility, you are still a man of these people, aren't you?

56. Marriage is the tomb of love. Without a tomb, you will die without a burial place.

57. You will never know how many times a person who is angry with you has endured you?

58. Ideals are like underpants. But you can't prove that you have.

59. The old can't beat the children, can't beat the women, can't beat the men to death.

60. How can you get married without going through scum? No one can become a mother casually.

61. When you were born, were you thrown up three times and caught only twice?

62. Others point at your pain and laugh, but you can only smile foolishly.

63. I hate the fact that you say you miss me, but you don't do anything.

64. Some people are so tender that they will come out of the water when pinching, but I can get out of my nose when pinching.

65. Zhuge Liang never took soldiers before he went out of the mountain! Why do I need work experience?

66. Sleepiness is just one word. I only say it once. You know I only use sleepiness.

67. The National Day holiday is only seven days, which is not enough to express our love for our motherland.

68. School! Although you get my people, you can't get my heart.

69. I don't want to force myself any more. That's enough. Let's love you and go wandering.

70. I usually read because I want to know, and I read before the exam because I want to live.

71. Without any precaution or worry, the National Day ended like this.

72. Salaries are like running water, loans are like hungry ghosts, people eat big meals at the beginning of the month, and learn from turtles at the end of the month.

73. Women with various styles are lighters, while women who do not understand customs are fire extinguishers.

74. It turned out that Superman died like this. The weather was too cold, and he was killed when he was flying.

75. In fact, I am a person with dreams, but the reality is too hungry to eat my dreams.

76. Before I met you, I didn't realize that I had the problem of judging people by their appearance.

77. I haven't written any words with a pen for a long time. If I don't know, I will be shocked when I write: Martian.

78. Parents always suspect that I am the target of the school, as if someone could like me.

79. My life credo is: live like a grandson for decades, endure to become a grandpa and then die.

80. Since life is a book, it is not surprising that there are a few wrong words.

81. The situation on campus is basically that girls dress in nightclubs and boys dress as migrant workers.

82. These days, I am ashamed to tell people that school is closed without twenty or thirty papers.

83. Be a temperament ruffian, a level sex wolf, and a knowledgeable illiterate!

84. It is not difficult to be single. The difficulty is to deal with those who try their best to make you end your single life.

85. Women are made of water, men are made of mud, and Li Junji and Li Yuchun are made of cement.

86. When you see that every big tree has become an exercise book, do you still have the heart to do your homework?

87. When you said how awesome you are, I suddenly remembered that Sorai said she was.

88. I'm not very talkative. If you offend me, you should come to beat me.

89. I have never understood mathematics since I picked up the pen that fell on the ground on the first day of the junior high school.

90. In fact, every time I lose my temper with you, I regret that I didn't hit you.

91. Smoking is harmful to health. I would like to stay away from smoking; Work reduces life, I would like to throw away work.

92. If one day you choose to abandon me, I will not cry, but smile more strongly.

93. Mother said: Even if you are jealous, you should act like you have drunk soy sauce. You can't let others look down on you.

94. There is no beautiful appearance and no one will care about your beautiful heart. This is the reality.

95. Love is like two people holding a rubber band. The injured one is always unwilling to let go!

96. The happiest moment is to find the right person who connives at your habits and loves everything about you.

97. If you often look up, you will grow taller. If you always look down for bargains, you will hunchback.

98. Under the exposure of "time", love has changed imperceptibly.

99. The teacher always disdains the students who are parallactic to pull the back legs of the class. The class is not a dog, but also divided into front legs and back legs.