Funny Stories of Childhood Primary School (17 in total)
Icebound sunset
2023-12-01 02:09:22

Funny Childhood Primary School (1)

Childhood is like a gust of wind, like beautiful flowers. Childhood is a kaleidoscope. Everyone's childhood has laughter, happiness, sadness and tears. I don't see the exception. Childhood is also a colorful cloud.

Everyone has his own childhood, and I am no exception. Let me tell you about my sugar growing.

When I was a child, I was very new to eating sweets. My sister always bought me a lot of sweets. One day, when I caught a cold, my father wouldn't let me go out. I was afraid that I would catch a cold again. My sister's classmates came to visit my sister to play. I had to stay at home by myself. I felt bored at home and fell asleep soon. I had a very strange dream. I dreamed that I came to a candy world.

The ground there is made of candy, and the trees there are also made of candy. The ground is pink. I went to a candy tree and picked a red candy. I licked it. It's sweet. It's strawberry, pink is peach, green is apple, orange is my favorite flavor, and the ground is peach

I woke up and thought for a while. If I could plant a candy tree, I would just do it. I found a flower pot and planted a candy in it.

My sister came back and asked me what I was doing. I said I was planting a candy tree. My sister laughed. Candy was not planted. I dug out the candy after I heard about it and smiled.

This is my childhood, the most profound thing in my childhood, and I love my childhood.

Funny Childhood Primary School (2)

The fun of childhood is like smooth and round pebbles on the beach, embellishing the long river of childhood in a colorful way. In my memory, I treasure such a most shining and unique "pebble".

I was only 6 years old at that time. My mother was cooking lunch in the kitchen, my father was drawing a draft of the hydropower project in his room, and I was lying on the sofa reading a storybook. After about half an hour, my mother came out of the kitchen and said loudly to my father and me: "Big greedy cat, little greedy cat, lunch! There is delicious beef today." When I heard about beef, I rolled over and got off the sofa and flew to the table at the speed of a rabbit. Dad also came out of the room. Mom brought out a lot of delicious food from the kitchen. Before Mom sat down, I quickly picked up the beef from the plate and put it in my mouth. "Wow, it's delicious!" One piece was not enough, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces. When I went to pick up the fifth piece, Dad said solemnly, "You can't eat any more. You have eaten four pieces. If you eat more, you will become a cow. Do you know what a cow will do? You should think about farming, being ridden, and being eaten!" Then Dad picked up a piece of beef and continued to say, "But, adults are OK." After listening to Dad's words, I quickly withdrew my chopsticks and returned to my room to read after eating.

Although I was reading on the surface, my mind had drifted into the kitchen. I looked outside the door. My father was lying on the sofa like taking a nap, and my mother was knitting in her room.

So when my father was sleeping, I tiptoed into the kitchen like a ballet, gently opened the cabinet door, quickly picked up the beef from the plate and stuffed it into my mouth. "Wow, it's fragrant and tender!" I picked up another piece and was about to give it to my mouth. Suddenly, I remembered what my father had said, and my heart suddenly felt like fifteen buckets to draw water. "After I became a cow, no one knew me. My little partner stopped playing with me. What should I do if I had to plow and be ridden?" I thought about it, and tears began to flow down my eyes. I hurried back to the room, lay on the bed, closed my eyes, and waited for the moment when I became a cow. After a while, I felt my arms itchy and my heart was beating like a rattle. "Are you going to become a cow?". I cried out "wow". My mother and father hurried over and asked, "What's wrong?" "I'm going to become a cow after eating beef!" I cried even more. My mother asked, "Who said that?" "Dad said that."

Mother smiled and said, "Silly boy, if you eat pork regularly, you will become a pig. Don't worry, eating beef will not become a cow." I immediately stared at my father and said, "smelly dad, dare to cheat me, hum!" My parents laughed, and I couldn't help laughing.

Funny Childhood Primary School (3)

My childhood is colorful and shining, and the funny things that happened are as numerous as the stars in the sky. Let me tell you something interesting about my childhood. Let everyone smile and be happy.

When I was in the first grade of primary school, I went to my grandma's house for dinner after school. I saw my grandpa take out a bottle of golden stuff from the refrigerator. He poured the liquid into a small bowl and drank it all in one gulp. Suddenly, my grandpa was energetic and flushed. I thought to myself: Ah, this thing can also rejuvenate and rejuvenate! So I'm ready to drink a small cup and experience it.

The next day, Grandma went to buy vegetables, and Grandpa went to work, leaving me alone at home. I also took out a bottle of golden yellow things from the refrigerator and poured them into a small bowl like a master. I think it must be as good as Coke. As I said this, I took up the bowl and drank it in a gulp. After a while, I felt dizzy and had to lie down in bed. Instead of being as energetic as grandpa, I suffered all afternoon. When I woke up, Grandma told me that I was drunk. Ah, I just knew that I was drinking beer.

Childhood is so innocent. After this incident, I have never drunk wine again! But that event has always been fresh in my memory.

Funny Childhood Primary School (4)

In my golden childhood, many interesting things happened. What I remember most is that it was when I learned to walk. When I think back, I can't help laughing.

That day, my mother and I were walking in the garden. My mother smiled and said to me, "The more you get, do you want to grow tall quickly?"

I didn't think about it. I said, "Yes!"

Mother looked at the cracked earth in the flowers and ran to water it. While watering, he said: "Water, you will grow quickly“

I "suddenly realized" and rushed home to irrigate myself with water. I felt much taller when I tidied up. I went to show it to my mother. My mother laughed when she saw it. I felt very strange, why laugh! I would grow taller!

My mother asked me to look at myself in the mirror. I was so proud that I disappeared, but I didn't grow tall? I got wet and sneezed! My mother is still laughing, and I am not happy! what's so funny! I rushed out of the toilet angrily.

At that time, I didn't know that water could only water flowers, but I wanted to use water to grow taller. It was ridiculous!

Funny Childhood Primary School (5)

The fun of childhood is like bright stars in the night sky, embellishing the sky of childhood. However, among the stars, the most dazzling thing is the learning of bicycles.

On Children's Day in the fourth grade, my father bought a beautiful bike for me. My heart was full of joy and sorrow. The joy was that I also had a bike, but the worry was that I would not ride it! So my mother decided to take me to learn to ride a bike.

On Sunday morning, the sun was shining brightly. The white clouds in the sky were like the waves on the sea, one layer after another. They were very lovely. I took my bike to the square, thinking that I would learn to ride a bike soon, I could not help feeling complacent. Mom first gave me a demonstration. She stepped over the seat with one foot and pushed the other foot hard. The car was like a gentle horse, following her mother's movements smoothly. When I came back, I looked at my mother and thought: Is it necessary to learn such a simple thing? Let me show my skill! So, I imitated my mother's appearance and jumped onto the car eagerly, but as soon as I sat on the seat, I immediately fell down with people and the car. Damn, just a docile pony, how can I become a runaway wild horse? So I gritted my teeth and made up my mind to tame even if it was the most irascible wild horse in the world!

Then, I followed my mother's instructions, step by step. At first, I could only stagger for a short distance, and sometimes I was thrown off the horse by a "wild horse". But I became more and more brave. After a long time, I finally learned to ride a bike with sweat.

Moreover, I know that I not only learned to ride a bike that day, but also understood that everything can be successful as long as I have the determination and motivation to implement it!

Funny Childhood Primary School (6)

Childhood is beautiful. Everyone has a colorful childhood.

My childhood is also colorful. Today, I tell you one of the most silly and interesting things about my childhood.

One day in my childhood, I was playing a small game in 4455 on the computer. The rules of the game were: break the computer, even if it passes the exam. A "good" idea suddenly popped up in my mind: wouldn't it be more fun if I came to smash my home computer? So I used my hand to hammer hard, "bang", "ah, it hurts!" The computer didn't break, but it hurt my hand. What should I do?

I racked my brains. Suddenly, I had an idea. I thought, the hammer is very hard and can break a lot of things. Isn't it possible for me to break the computer with the hammer? I was secretly excited about my "intelligence". Now that the idea came out, I had to act quickly. I hurried to get the hammer and hammered it down······

"What are you doing?" Fortunately, my father arrived in time, or my computer would have "sacrificed for the country". I told my father what I thought was fun. I asked my father, "Dad, this should be fun?" "Silly girl, if you hit me like this, the computer would have" heroic sacrifice "!" Oh, I know, it will not be like this in the future! " I nodded vaguely.

How about I was stupid in my childhood!

Funny Childhood Primary School (7)

Everyone has his own childhood, and everyone's childhood has all kinds of interesting things, and I also have.

I remember one afternoon four years ago, my mother needed a match, but there was no match at home. My mother decided to let me go to the grocery store not far from home to buy a box of matches. Before I left, my mother told me: "When you buy a match, you should try it. If not, you should go to the supermarket across the street to buy it; if it is, you should buy it back. And you should pay attention to safety!" "I know!" I said impatiently. So I went to the grocery store happily. After buying a box of matches, I squatted on the ground and tried to get up When I was halfway through the test, the boss smiled and said to me |: "Children, you can't use the match again after the first time. You'd better not strike it." I was trying the match intently at that time, and didn't hear what the boss said. The boss thought I ignored him, shook his head and walked away.

I had a hard time trying out all the matches. When I got home, my mother said anxiously, "Why have you been there so long? Have you bought a match?" "Yes!" I answered excitedly. My mother took the matches in my hand, and suddenly she was dumbfounded: "Why did you try all the matches!" "Mom, didn't you let me try? I tried all the matches!" "You......" My mother was really embarrassed.

Whenever I think of it, I can't help laughing.

Funny Childhood Primary School (8)

Childhood in my grandmother's house, saw the hen sat in the nest to scare her, she did not run, I felt very

Go and ask the Father knows, the hen is sitting, I am very At the same time, there is a strange idea -- the hen can hatch the chicken, I also have hatched chicks! So, I also got some egg on the quilt, and then he climbed into bed lying in bed, put the egg on your

I thought: I can also be hatched chicks, I am great superman!

But after several hours did not see a little action, I urgent

Funny Childhood Primary School (9)

I’d like to tell you something about my when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the ” my father laughed when he heard then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear

Maybe you will say, “it’s a funny ” now, i think, it is very and now i am my parents love me very i am so happy to have that

Funny Childhood Primary School (10)

I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that The only thing we worry about is our Therefore, it’s a time for fun and In my memory, my childhood was colorful and I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at We could get all materials Toy-making process is of course very Sometimes, we might quarrel with other kids because of different ideas, but we would get on well Of course, I was to blame by my parents due to my Sometimes they even banned me However, when I remember those things now, I often feel happy rather than sad or I will always cherish my childhood in my

I think childhood is the happiest stage in life, because there are not too many worries and sorrows at that time. The only thing we need to worry about is learning, so that's the time to play and enjoy. In my memory, my childhood is full of color and fun. I was born in the countryside. Like other children in my hometown, I don't have many toys. But we are a creative team. We often make a lot of toys by ourselves without spending money at all. We can find many materials around us. The process of making toys is of course very interesting. Sometimes, we would argue with other children because of different ideas, but we soon made up. Of course, I was also blamed by my parents for being naughty. Sometimes, they don't even give me out. However, when I think about those things now, I always feel happy rather than sad or angry. I will always cherish and remember my childhood.

Funny Childhood Primary School (11)

My childhood life is colorful, with happy, exciting and pleasant good times, which account for a large part of my childhood life.

In the third class in the afternoon, we came to the playground in a neat line. The playground was already crowded. Students from Class 5 (1), Class 5 (4) and Class 5 (5) were already walking around on the playground. The teachers in each class were very busy. Some are instructing students how to win, and some are organized to arrange students. The students are all high spirited, and they are sure to win. I thought to myself, "All the students are working so hard, so we should go on and not lag behind!" Looking to the left, the cheerleaders of each class were surrounded by three groups and five groups, as if they were discussing something. Before the game started, the playground was full of gunpowder, which made people breathless.

Doo -- With the sound of the referee, the tense tug of war began! Class 5 (1) and Class 5 (5) fought fiercely. They all stared wide eyed, clenched their teeth, and their faces turned red and red like a ripe apple. The students of the two classes were equal in strength. The table tennis rackets in the middle moved around, and soon entered a stalemate. The cheerleaders of Class 5 (1) did not want to be outdone and shouted: "Come on, Class 5 (1)..." When the students of Class 5 (1) heard their cheering, they tried their best. Just at the critical moment, the students of Class 5 (1) tried their best, and the table tennis rackets kept "driving" to Class 5 (1). "Yeah!..." The cries of Class 5 (1) rang out on the playground, and the victory belonged to Class 5 (1).

It was our class's turn right away. I thought to myself, "It's our turn to go! Go! Go!" I stood in a "bow" step, with my feet against the feet of the students in front, and my body leaned back. The body leans back, and both hands desperately grasp the rope and drag it back. The game has entered a white heat. The table tennis racket moves to the left and to the right, and we try our best to pull it back. At this critical moment, we pull it hard, and the other party is caught off guard. The table tennis racket crosses the river border, "Yeah!..." We cheered! We could not help but embrace each other with joy, and our cheers echoed on the playground.

The unforgettable tug of war added a lot of color to my childhood.

Funny Childhood Primary School (12)

My childhood was like the sky, blue, beautiful and quiet. The little things happened in my childhood were like white clouds. Although some small things have gone with the wind, there is one thing I can't forget for a long time.

I still remember that when I was five years old, I went to visit my grandmother with my father and mother. Dad drove us to Grandma's house soon. I began to be naughty like a bird out of the cage, playing with this and that for a while, but I always felt that it was not enough. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I saw the big hen of Grandma's house laying an egg. I thought to myself: Ouch! I remember Grandma once said that only with eggs can there be chickens. And I like chickens very much, so I want to break the eggs to find chickens, so I will have my own chickens. With this idea, I broke the egg without hesitation, but I was very disappointed because there was no chicken in it, but a transparent liquid wrapped in a yellow ball. Then Grandma came over and saw me break the egg. Ask me, "What are you doing?" I said, "I'll break the egg to see if there is any chicken inside!" Grandma smiled and said, "Silly child, eggs need hens or artificial incubation to produce chickens."

I said "oh" vaguely. Grandma smiled and patted my little head and walked away. Now that I have grown up, I finally understand how chickens come from. When I think about that, I still feel funny. I should not break that egg, but it is this egg that makes me understand that chickens need to hatch to get them.

Funny Childhood Primary School (13)

I don't know when I fell in love with playing with mud and often walked around the famous mud shop. The administrator there seemed to see my mind, so he took the initiative to let me play.

I was alone in the room, listening to the TV to teach me how to play mud, and I remembered it.

At the beginning of the work, I rolled up my sleeves, ordered a basin of mud, sat in front of the automatic mud machine, and prepared to work hard. I held a lump of mud in my hand, letting the slippery feeling seep into my heart from between my fingers. I stepped on the switch of the machine and held the mud with both hands to make it form in the fast rotating plate. Because the rotating machine was rotating too fast, the mud on the rotary table splashed on my face. The administrators looked at me and laughed. I asked the administrator aunt: "Is it funny?" The aunt said: "Go back and look at yourself in the mirror!" I ran home quickly, and I knocked on the door a few times. As soon as the door opened, my father said to me curiously: "Are you?" I smiled and said to him: "I, you don't know? Dad?" My father then reacted. At that time, I was exhausted. Dad took me to take a hot bath.

How happy childhood is! Let's enjoy the fun that childhood brings us!

Funny Childhood Primary School (14)

Have you ever worked without telling adults? I can't count what Lao Zheng did. Today I will introduce the most dazzling thing to you!

I remember that time when I came to the community to play, I walked to the gate of the community unknowingly and came to a snack department. Looking at the variety of snacks inside, my drool was out of control, so I paid for a packet of potato chips. I found a hidden place and squatted in the flower bed. Looking at the bag of potato chips I just bought, I was a little hesitant: eat or not? If you eat, you will be scolded by your mother. If you don't eat, it will be a waste. While I was hesitating, a familiar figure "descending from the sky" came into my sight. Oh, no! If I was found, I would be scolded to death in public. I had a brainwave, put the potato chips on a big stone and string them out to greet my mother. "Mom, what are you doing here?" Mom said: "I'm going shopping, what are you doing? "I said," I came out to play. Now I'm playing hide and seek. "My mother said quietly," OK! "Then I left. I watched my mother go away and found the packet of potato chips again. This time, I decided to taste it. I decidedly tore the package and smelled it. It was delicious! I took a piece of potato chips and ate them. In order not to be found out, I ate very fast, and swallowed jujube hastily with oil on my mouth. Soon, I ate up a packet of potato chips and left a lot of oil on my mouth, but I didn't think so. I went home with confidence and boldness.

When I got home, my mother saw the oil stain on my mouth at a glance and asked me, "What is so fragrant!

It is really boring to recall the fun of childhood, especially the fun of stealing snacks in childhood. It is a postcard of my childhood.

Funny Childhood Primary School (15)

Childhood is like a flying bird, like a burning candle, like a colorful picture, like an interesting book

We were naive and lovely in our childhood, and something interesting always happened——

That summer vacation, I like to play bubble water, blowing bubbles is really interesting! Colorful bubbles dance in the air, flying and flying, flying to the distant place to realize their dreams... However, they are so fragile, no matter what they touch, they will immediately break and disappear. Their lives are only a few seconds short, but they are still struggling to fly far away

How can I keep the bubbles longer? Later, I found that if one end of the straw was inserted into the bubble water and forced to blow from the other end, the bubble water would become numerous bubbles, large and small, floating on the water surface, slowly piling up, more and more, and finally, bubbles would fly out one by one... How smart! I admire myself a little!

That day, I played very late and put the bubble water on the bed when I was sleeping. When I woke up the next morning, I felt thirsty. When I saw a glass of water at the head of the bed, I didn't think about it, so I took a big drink. Eh? Why does it taste strange? oh Isn't this the bubble water I played yesterday? God, I drank bubble water! What should I do? Will I be poisoned? I was so scared that I cried when I thought about it. I swear: I will never touch you again.

What an interesting childhood! I really hope that time can go back and stay still in that beautiful moment forever!

Funny Childhood Primary School (16)

Childhood is like a wisp of spring wind blowing in front of my eyes. Childhood time is like autumn frost passing through my eyes. The happiness of childhood is like colorful dreams floating in my mind.

The most impressive time for me was when I was 7 years old. My family and I came to the beach of Longgang to play happily. Just arrived there, ushered in a hot sunny day. The little uncle said, "It's too hot. How about going swimming together at the seaside?" I said, "OK! OK!" The little uncle said, "You two are playing in the water near the sea, because the water in the sea is too deep and dangerous." So we came to the seaside, because I was bare handed, so I stepped into the water cold. I began to tremble. At that moment, my sister threw cold water on me. I suddenly came to my senses and said, "What are you doing?" At that time, I was so angry that I threw a splash on my sister. Just like this, you and I are playing... Suddenly, my sister accidentally fell down. I was very worried and rushed to help her. Because I ran too fast, my foot slipped and I fell down with a "plop". We both stood up at the same time, looked at each other in frustration, but couldn't help laughing.

We laughed and laughed. The uncles came back and said, "Chaocheng, Yingying, let's go to pick up shells!" I was very happy when I heard about picking up shells! Quickly said: "Let's go!" Then we began to pick up. Picking it up, suddenly my feet hurt, so I sat down and took a look at my feet! It was a crab that bit my toe. I called Dad quickly. Dad said, "Don't move, the crab will walk away automatically."

Thinking about it, I suddenly feel that my childhood is like shells, colorful and colorful!

Funny Childhood Primary School (17)

Childhood is like the whispers of the fairy lingering in the ear, pure and beautiful. Now, I am a 12-year-old boy. Although my childhood is about to become the past, that wonderful time still stays in my mind for a long time. I only remember that the flowers in my childhood were particularly fragrant, the water in my childhood was specially invited, the moon in my childhood was particularly bright, and I was particularly naive and lovely in my childhood. Remember the night of thunder and lightning a few years ago. You both went out that night, and I was the only one at home. It was nine o'clock at night, and I was watching TV with relish. Suddenly, a flash of lightning rushed down from the sky like a thunder dragon, followed by a deafening crash. Suddenly, it was dark in front of my eyes. I shouted, "Ah!" My mind was blank. I put on my shoes and ran out. Suddenly I saw a white thing floating around, and I collapsed on the ground, like: "It must be a ghost." I was sweating all over. At this time, the savior came. Suddenly, the light cuts through the darkness, and the god of light hits the god of darkness. I immediately stood up and looked out of the window. The so-called "ghost" was my mother's dress. When I knew it, I couldn't help laughing. ha-ha! Funny! My childhood is like this. There are a lot of silly and interesting things. It is just so many interesting things. Foolish things make up a colorful childhood, a happy childhood, and a nostalgic childhood. Although this golden time is slowly passing away from me, I am not so silly, and I believe that the fun of childhood will certainly become the most beautiful memories in my life.