Composition at dusk (6 in general)
2024-05-14 01:49:11

Composition at dusk (1)

The moon in the sea has tears, and the sun in the blue field is warm and the jade is smoky.

This situation can be recalled, but it was lost at that time.


Gently I stepped into this familiar world, sad and happy passers-by, singing endless songs overlooking from the building, dark justice, and endless stories of war. The memory of "green water has no worries, because the wind wrinkles the face, your mountain is not old, because the snow is white", you seem to be mercilessly waving points, just like the sun and the moon in spring, reflecting a section of nostalgia, a section of not old past

That year, when I was 12 years old and you were 13 years old, we walked into the same classroom. Soon we became good friends who talked about everything. In the eyes of others, we were inseparable. Even if we got a sugar, we had to split it in two. When I recalled the feeling of falling in love, I would smile with relief. At that time, we were carefree, like happy birds. Innocent dream, a campus full of youth. On a campus full of youth, we have both joy and sorrow. When our grades fall, we always urge each other. Occasionally, I also think "fleeing", but what I get is a slap. Although it hurts, I know it is for me, so I smile. But I also remember complaining about you. When you tore my physics paper, I managed to get a good score of 96 points. When I couldn't put it down, you tore it to pieces and said, "Why are you happy? This will always pass." At that time, I was mad, and called out without any emotion: "It's up to you. I won't make friends with you." But who knows, In the end, it's up to me to make up with you, because in the process of growing up, I can't do without your concern

Stop writing and watch the moon. The moon is bright and the stars are rare. Occasionally, a dark cloud blocks the silver of the moon, and then it disappears. Somehow, I feel empty in my heart. I think of you again in the misty confusion. Don't blame me for being stingy. I think of you only when I am lonely! However, this is not my fault, it may be because of high school! There will be more pressure and more thoughts! To put it bluntly, each of us is a grain of sand in general, crystal clear, straightforward and simple. Life is long for decades, short blink of an eye, come and go, you and I, who knows the result? A moment of joy, a moment of loneliness, a lifetime friend is the most rare.

Once, I fell in love with the Muse. In countless soft moonlight nights, I wandered around the most conspicuous place on the playground, silently pondering and thinking. In desperation, I traced back to the helplessness and loneliness of the month. If I can, I would like to stay in the place of time and pursue the past. It never occurred to me that the unintentional call turned out to be the magic sound between you and me, which was an invincible judgment! I can't resist it. You know what your leaving has brought me is my heartbroken pain and yearning. Maybe we should not come to this world at the same time. Farewell, time is a beautiful transition, it makes me forget a lot, but also added a lot. I don't know whether I should appreciate time or hate time. The unexpected misfortune that came from your childhood forever shattered your dreams. Now, now and here, I don't know how you are doing in another world. Whether there is also dawn and dusk, blue sky and earth there. My affectionate words are like flowing clouds and flowing water, driving my heart to go boating. Who is staying in my affectionate words! Become the light in the waning place! Whose figure is bumping in the ocean of my heart, becoming the painful melody? Who is it

Recalling the terrible disaster that came that day, and the horrible scene that you were pressed under the wheel before you jumped out of the car, the heart rending pain came into being, which made me dare not recall any more. It was tears falling from my heart and blood dripping from my heart. I hated and cursed God for his cruel arrangement, God! God! Why are you so ruthless? Why do you want a teenager who has confidence in the future to quietly leave the world? Is this the destiny? Is this so-called fairness? I want to question God, you not only took away his childhood dreams, but also destroyed this quiet home

Looking, looking, I can't help but think of the hot messages recorded by my classmates. I don't know when the table paper on the table was burned with several blisters. In retrospect, time has not passed away, but has become a memory, treasured in my heart

Composition at dusk (2)

In the afterglow of dusk, a slightly fat middle-aged woman slowly walked out of the food market, she was jun a's mother. Her hair is always neatly combed, so are her collars and aprons. Whether she stays in a fishstall, a pork stall or a vegetable stall all day long, her clothes are always clean and white, giving people a clean and comfortable feeling. She always puts on clean clothes before going home. For one thing, she worries about her son's untidiness, and for another, she can save face for his son in front of his classmates, although he doesn't mind.

The middle-aged woman seemed very tired, and the weak setting sun shone weakly on her pale face, setting off a faint yellow halo. She dragged her heavy footsteps, walked so slowly, so slowly, and formed a sharp contrast with the busy entrance of the food market. No matter how tired and hard she was, even if she worked several jobs a day, her clothes were wet every day, her face would be filled with an optimistic and open-minded smile, Like the bright and open chrysanthemums in autumn, people feel warm and strong. In Mr. A's memory, he saw most of his mother's smile. But today, when a middle-aged woman walked with Mr. A, she just forced out a slightly pale smile. She had tried her best to show this smile. In front of her son, she didn't want to look ill and hurt him.

Mom, let me help you. Just after school, waiting for his mother's son at the gate of the food market to see his mother, he hurried to welcome her.

The middle-aged woman walked side by side with her son in the setting sun without making a sound. The setting sun shone on his side face and outlined a hazy outline. Looking at the sensible son, her mother's eyes could not help but become hazy with the haziness in the setting sun. A layer of fog floated in her eyes and could not help but be wet: How sensible my son is. He picks me up every day after school and helps me work, He studied hard and won scholarships every year. Thinking about it, the middle-aged woman's mind came up with the scene that her son happily handed the medal to herself after winning the first competition in high school. The son also said that when he came out to work in the future, he must make a lot of money for his mother to enjoy. Instead of doing chores in Mom Yang's fishy and smelly food market, he had to buy a lot of delicious food for his mother and find a wife for her, Have a little grandson. The middle-aged woman turned her face and wiped her tears with her skirt.

Mom, don't work so hard in the future. The son stopped, looked at the middle-aged woman and said, "You seem very tired today.".

No, the middle-aged woman replied quietly. Mom is not tired. I have gained weight recently. How can I bear to wear myself out? Don't forget, Mom still needs to enjoy your happiness.

The son smiled in the wind and nodded solemnly.

The middle-aged woman resisted the pain and looked at her son's smile.

The heart is full of happiness. She was satisfied. She forgot the pain and her illness. A few months ago, when she was carrying goods in the market, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell down. When she woke up, the doctor told her that she had terminal colorectal cancer and that her days were numbered. Who said that? The woman doesn't believe in evil. She has to watch her son graduate, marry a daughter-in-law, and have grandchildren. Therefore, she smiles and supports every day, so that her son doesn't notice. The disease is getting worse. Under the stimulation of drugs, her body begins to become swollen and fat, and the hard work has made women unbearable. But now I can lean on my son's arm and walk on the way home side by side with him. Is that probably the happiest thing for this woman? The woman smiled.

The two figures were drawn by the setting sun, and they gradually integrated into the crowd, into the warm setting sun.

Composition at dusk (3)

In daily study, work and life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. Through compositions, we can gather our scattered thoughts together. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a collection of 800 words of September composition in the dusk collected by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

The air in September is slightly cool. Lost the memory of midsummer dusk, swaying in the wind.

Time flies. In September, I sat in the classroom of Class 4, Grade 2. The autumn chrysanthemums on the roadside began to form flower and bone flowers one by one, and the green leaves gradually turned yellow and floated away with the wind. Dusk envelops the classroom in warmth. "The memory is wrapped in the sunshine at 3:30 p.m., like the shadow being pulled vague and long..." "One Session One Session One Session One Session" was played in my mind, recalling the Chinese New Year, as if it was also in September.

"Boys and girls, there is a new student in our class." The teacher followed a girl, "Hello everyone, my name is September." She paused, "I like dancing," she whispered, and we became deskmates. One day, I asked her why she was so quiet when she introduced me. She said mysteriously, "I'll tell you later when I have time..."

Unconsciously, the school reunion was coming, and everyone actively signed up. I asked September, why don't you go? Don't you like dancing? She shook her head, smiled and said nothing.

At the get-together, watching everyone's performance, she called out to me. I turned around and found that she looked out of the window again. It was dusk. I was about to ask, when I heard her say, I have learned dance for five years. When I was shocked, she said again that she would stop learning and give up. I looked at her doubtfully, and she said, Yang, have you ever had growth pain? It hurts so much that you can't stand up and walk, and exercise will aggravate that. Oh, I see. I want to go to dance academy, but I can't go now. She pretended to be relaxed and said, looking at me again, suddenly saw the tears in his eyes, and I knew I had touched the haze in her heart. I comforted him that there are still many things to stick to in life. We looked out of the window together, and the setting sun sprinkled on the leaves, as if to give him warmth, but the leaves went away with the wind, leaving the setting sun shining on the earth.

The get-together is like a confession board, making our relationship better, from having nothing to say to having nothing to say.

The year of graduation, when I parted, I shouted to her, maybe someday, when you close your eyes, you suddenly return to the Chinese New Year. That autumn, we were still tireless in remembering, thinking that the end of the road was forever. That scene reappears in my mind, will you smile? She smiled.

"It's a long snowy road, my friend, don't stop. I'm on the way here, and I wish you well..." The First Session is still playing back. It's two years since I came back to the present. No matter how beautiful the dusk is, it will be dark. The yellow leaves outside the window are still floating in the wind, and chrysanthemums are in bud. When people are left or right, the world is changeable. In every September, in every afternoon with dusk, she seems to have been with me.

Composition at dusk (4)

In life, work and study, the most familiar thing is composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme through words after people's thinking and language organization. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a composition of 1000 words about the cup of milk tea in the dusk, which is carefully arranged by Xiao Bian. It is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

What's wrong with you? How did you get into junior high school? Mother's reprimand also echoes in the ear. The roaring to my mother just now still reverberates in my heart: it's none of your business! When did the mother daughter relationship become like this? When did we become so stiff?

I walked alone in the street, thinking about what just happened, and it was a burst of unfounded grievances. I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I say I was wrong? I know I did poorly in this exam, but can I blame it? I also want to do well in the exam, but the weather is not obedient to my expectations. Am I to blame for carelessness? Thinking about it, I feel more aggrieved. When my nose gets sour, my tears will fall. I fought back tears and walked slowly into a library.

I searched for "Hamlet" among the bookshelves, and suddenly my eyes were attracted by the book "Stars" in the corner. I approached it, gently picked it up and brushed the dust off the book cover. Oh, how old it is! Ah! A soft exclamation came from my side. Sorry to disturb you. We will put this book back into the warehouse. Because it is too old and has been there for a long time, no one has turned over it. That was a gentle aunt. Her eyes looking at the book were full of love and regret. At that time, an unknown courage supported me and said: I want this one. Stunned, happy, and finally calm. I never knew that a person could have such complex emotional changes in just a few seconds. well. After the aunt said that, she left. Where I could not see, she murmured, hoping it was not just a whim.

I took "Stars", went to the window and sat down, quietly reading. It's getting dark. It's raining outside at some time, and the bleak autumn wind is blowing. My eyes were a little sore, and I looked up carelessly. I saw a mother and her son sheltering from the rain downstairs. After a while, they left, but within a minute of my sight, my mother took off her coat, put it on her son, and rushed into the rain again with her son in her arms. Perhaps, this little action is reasonable in my mother's eyes, and it is common in my son's eyes, but it is so dazzling in my eyes at this time.

At that moment, many fragments flashed through my mind. My mother helped me dress, my mother fed me to eat, my mother coaxed me to sleep, my mother... I also acted coquettishly in my mother's arms, I stood in front of her to beg for a hug, I lay in her arms to sleep, I... I suddenly found how attached I was to my mother when I was young, but what about me now? I yelled at my mother. I ignored her talking. I didn't care if my mother continued to make noise. I... I was wrong, I was really wrong.

I walked quickly to the front desk, where the aunt sat: Aunt, I want to borrow this book. My aunt was slightly surprised, and then she skillfully helped me with the borrowing procedures. I smiled at her and left the library.

I rushed into the rain, but the weather was not perfect. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and I had no choice but to stop at a milk tea shop. I looked anxiously at the heavy rain outside the door, and a figure ran toward me. It's Mom! Surprise enveloped me in an instant. I shouted: Mom! Trying to get her attention. Mother also saw clearly that the person in the milk tea shop was me, and ran to me regardless of the rain. Mother walked into the milk tea shop, looked at me half wet, put on her wet coat for me, helped me to wear it, and said to me: I don't know how to wear more, how old people are, but I can't take care of myself. What's the use of you? Yes, yes, yes. At this time, I suddenly feel this nagging is very warm.

We sat down and began to talk about the past, the present and the future. When you were young, you stuck to me. Now, you talk back to me every day. Where can I find it? Look at you, now it is! Oh, don't care about such small details. Good good. Laughter permeates the whole milk tea shop.

You've changed. Mom suddenly said something like this. oh How did I change? I asked curiously. You are more independent than when you were a child, and you are more sensible than when you were a child. Mother said solemnly, did you run into evil this afternoon? Have a guess? I think I hit Grandma Bingxin. I winked my eyes playfully. tell the truth. The rain has stopped. Let's go. My mother's conversation turned, and I was stunned. Oh good, Mom, I want to drink milk tea. OK, buy! That afternoon, my mother was inexplicably arrogant.

The rain stopped and the sun came out, but it was dusk. The time has passed, and the family has recovered. Sometimes the rain really has a magic power. My mother and I walked back home step by step in the face of the setting sun. A cup of warm milk tea, one mouthful of you, one mouthful of me, made the love between mother and daughter more intense.

I hope time will not dilute all good feelings. I hope Mr. Bing Xin's article can make all children who fail to be filial change themselves to be grateful to their parents. I hope the milk tea in the dusk will appear in the hands of every family.

Composition at dusk (5)

I walked alone in the street, thinking about what just happened, and it was a burst of unfounded grievances. I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I say I was wrong? I know I did poorly in this exam, but can I blame it? I also want to do well in the exam, but the weather is not obedient to my expectations. Am I to blame for carelessness? Thinking about it, I feel more aggrieved. When my nose gets sour, my tears will fall. I fought back tears and walked slowly into a library.

I searched for "Hamlet" among the bookshelves, and suddenly my eyes were attracted by the book "Stars" in the corner. I approached it, gently picked it up and brushed the dust off the book cover. Oh, how old it is! "Ah!" A soft exclamation came from her side, "Sorry to disturb you. We will put this book back in the warehouse. Because it is too old, and has been there for a long time, no one has turned over it." That was a gentle aunt. She looked at the book with eyes full of love and regret. At that time, there was an unknown courage to support me and said, "I want this one." Stunned, happy, and finally calm. I never knew that a person could have such complex emotional changes in just a few seconds. "OK," said the aunt, and then left, where I could not see, she murmured, "I hope it is not just a whim."

I took "Stars", went to the window and sat down, quietly reading. It's getting dark. It's raining outside at some time, and the bleak autumn wind is blowing. My eyes were a little sore, and I looked up carelessly. I saw a mother and her son sheltering from the rain downstairs. After a while, they left, but within a minute of my sight, my mother took off her coat, put it on her son, and rushed into the rain again with her son in her arms. Perhaps, this little action is reasonable in my mother's eyes, and it is common in my son's eyes, but it is so dazzling in my eyes at this time.

At that moment, many fragments flashed through my mind. My mother helped me dress, my mother fed me to eat, my mother coaxed me to sleep, my mother... I also acted coquettishly in my mother's arms, I stood in front of her to beg for a hug, I lay in her arms to sleep, I... I suddenly found how attached I was to my mother when I was young, but what about me now? I yelled at my mother. I ignored her talking. I didn't care if my mother continued to make noise. I... I was wrong, I was really wrong.

I walked quickly to the front desk, where the aunt sat: "Auntie, I want to borrow this book." The aunt was slightly surprised, and then skillfully handled the borrowing procedures for me. I smiled at her and left the library.

I rushed into the rain, but the weather was not perfect. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and I had no choice but to stop at a milk tea shop. I looked anxiously at the heavy rain outside, and a figure ran toward me. It's Mom! Surprise enveloped me in an instant. I shouted, "Mom!" to get her attention. Mother also saw clearly that the person in the milk tea shop was me, and ran to me regardless of the rain. My mother walked into the milk tea shop, looked at me half wet, put on my wet coat, helped me wear it, and said to me, "I don't know how old I am, but I can't take care of myself, really you, what's the use of you?" "Yes, yes, yes." At this time, I suddenly felt that the nagging was very warm.

We sat down and began to talk about the past, the present and the future. "When you were young, you stuck to me. Now, you talk back to me every day." "Where is it?" "Look at you, it's not now!" "Oh, don't care about such small details." "Good." Laughter filled the whole milk tea shop.

"You have changed." Mom suddenly said. "Oh? How did I change?" I asked curiously. "You are more independent than when you were a child, and you are more sensible than when you were a child." Mother said solemnly, "Did you run into evil this afternoon?" "Guess? I think I ran into Grandma Bingxin." I winked playfully. "To be honest. The rain has stopped, let's go." My mother's conversation turned, and I was confused for a while. "Oh, good, Mom, I want to drink milk tea." "Good, buy!" That afternoon, Mom was inexplicably arrogant.

The rain stopped and the sun came out, but it was dusk. The time has passed, and the family has recovered. Sometimes the rain really has a magic power. My mother and I walked back home step by step in the face of the setting sun. A cup of warm milk tea, one mouthful of you, one mouthful of me, made the love between mother and daughter more intense.

I hope time will not dilute all good feelings. I hope Mr. Bing Xin's article can make all children who fail to be filial change themselves to be grateful to their parents. I hope the milk tea in the dusk will appear in the hands of every family.

Composition at dusk (6)

Suddenly, I heard others talking about my grades and laughing at my plagiarism. In anger, I quarreled with them as soon as I stepped up. My friend pulled me away, endless grievances flooded into my heart, tears fell down like broken beads.

I kept my head down and walked along the path. Suddenly someone held me behind my back. Looking back, I saw Tian Xiaotong, my good friend. Oh, she had been following me. She comforted me and said: "You don't need to be sad about what those people said. They blame others for not working hard, but they are wrong. I know all your efforts. Don't worry, I support you." I inadvertently met her eyes, and her sincerity, kindness and understanding flowed into my heart. Oh, she is a good friend who deserves my sincere care.

I looked up at the red sun, which slowly sank in the dusk, and the light purple sunset brushed my heart. The sun will pull our back very long, just like our friendship.

At this time of dusk, I can't help thinking of that beautiful and green time. I remember that the 800 meter test in the second grade of junior high school was the third class in the afternoon. I was tired and hungry, and I was really weak. The PE teacher also impatiently urged me: "You two, hurry up!" Both of us? When I looked back, you were running slowly with me behind me. A warm current comes to my heart, and I can see your innocent smile with a bright smile.

At this moment, the sky was a little yellow. At dusk, the sun encouraged me with a smile.

With you by my side, our friendship is like a stretched back, lasting for a long time, and painted a bright picture in that period of youth.