Write birthday greetings
Moonlight brook
2023-05-13 06:06:24
Blessing words

1. A candle, a wish, a true feeling, I wish you a happy birthday!

2. Year after year, sincere wishes will be passed on to you. May you be happy and happy! Happy birthday!

3. Gift is not expensive, but love is precious. I wish you a sweet, warm and happy birthday.

4. Dreams will fade and flowers will wither, but what you once owned will stay with you forever. Happy birthday!

5. The seed of the flower is already in bud, and your birthday should be a moment of blooming. May your life move towards another flower season!

6. Water is the hometown of clouds, and clouds are the vagrancy of water. Yun'er will always remember the birthday of Shui'er's hometown, and Shui'er will always miss the attachment of Yun'er.

7. I'm so glad that today is your birthday. The teacher said that I was a gift from God. I hope this gift is not too bad. I wish you happiness!

8. When dedication becomes a need, love is nothing. On your birthday, accept my deep blessing. Happy birthday to my husband!

9. Today is your birthday. At the first moment when you turn on your mobile phone, I give you my first wish for today. May all happiness accompany you.

10. In the quiet night, accompanied by dreamy candlelight, listening to soft music, tasting thick wine, let me accompany you to spend an unforgettable birthday!

11. I hope my best wishes will surround you like sunshine. I sincerely congratulate you on your health and happiness. Happy birthday!

12. Let me accompany you to spend an unforgettable birthday today by lighting a light candle light, listening to soft music and tasting thick wine in the quiet night!

13. Two green leaves, full of the same roots of friendship; A congratulatory word condenses my blessing to you. Wish you a happy hug. Happy birthday on this special day that belongs to you!

14. Two green leaves, full of its roots born friendship; A congratulatory word condenses my blessing to you. Wish you a happy hug. Happy birthday on this special day that belongs to you!

15. Sweet honey, the sweet honey of your smile is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze. Why are you smiling so sweetly? Because I sent you a short message. Happy birthday, baby!

16. The gift of red wine should be opened with candlelight to be romantic, the gift of happiness should be opened with happiness to be happy, and the gift of birthday should be opened with blessing to be sweet, dear, happy birthday.

17. Husband, you are the happiest man in the world! There is a wife who loves you and keeps her promise to you all her life. She walks with you every year today! Happy birthday to my dear!

18. Every year today, on my unusual birthday, how dare I forget? Text messages are the first to show my heart. Surprises come one after another, just for your happiness. I wish you a beautiful time!

19. Take a bunch of moonlight, pick a star, pick a white cloud, and put them into the gift bag of missing together. On this most special day, send them to the most special you. Wish you a happy birthday and happiness!

20. Pick the freshest blessing in winter, taste the most wonderful taste of happiness, decorate romance with a sincere heart, and open the warmth for you with a pair of warmest hands. Happy birthday, friend.

21. In a twinkling of an eye, decades. Birthdays come year after year. When I fell in love with the past, tears slipped. Your message is very warm. Thank you for your blessing and happy birthday.

22. This is the reincarnation of time. I hope you have no regrets in your life. This is the exchange of four seasons. I wish you a bright life forever. This is a sincere prayer. I wish my friends a happy birthday and everything they want to achieve.

23. If I still have a breath, I will breathe for you. If I still have a tear, I will cry for you. If my eyes can only be opened once, I hope to see you! Happy birthday, honey!

24. It is said that meteors can respond to every request. If I can, I would like to wait under the night sky until a star is moved by me and crosses the sky for me and lands on your pillow with my blessing. Happy birthday, honey!

25. Today is your birthday. May you have a happy time! It is you who have given me the care without regret and the true love without complaint. You are the person I always need to repay. I hope you will take care of your health and spend every day happily!

26. I just want to give you happiness, but it adds to your troubles. I don't want to get too deep, but now I can't extricate myself. I can't breathe deeply. If I hurt you, I hurt you more than you! Love you! Happy birthday, honey!

27. I wish you a happy birthday, and every day is happier than your birthday! The happier the day goes by, the happier the day is like a birthday! Love business is booming. It's no wonder that many people present gifts. Happy birthday and good luck again!

28. I can't hear your voice of love, nor can I respond to your call. If you want to recall the past, happiness is as elegant as the breeze, and taste the sweetness of yesterday's embrace, only bitter tears will be left! Happy birthday, honey!

29. Keep the spring to make your birthday colorful; Bring green from summer to make you energetic; Take off the fruits of autumn, and make your birthday food full of beauty; Present the beautiful scenery in winter, and wish you a happy birthday!

30. There are gentle verses in the beautiful candlelight, romantic warmth in the gentle verses, my blessing in the romantic warmth, your name in my blessing, your name today has a special moment of commemoration, happy birthday friends.

31. Each line of crooked footprints becomes a memory gone. And the road of life is still under way. At the age of eighteen, life began to struggle and be strong. I wish you to stride on a new journey and leave a string of shining footprints! Happy birthday!

32. You are like a "smiling half step bump". You can only laugh but not run after eating it. Please give me the "antidote". The antidote equation: your love, your love, and your future happiness. Happy birthday, honey!

33. Clear water is in the heart of ice, breeze is in the heart of white clouds, stars are in the heart of night, and you are in my heart. Although across the mountain and across the water, Acacia has no distance, do you feel it? My heart is always with you! Miss you! Happy birthday, honey!

34. The flowers in spring, the waves in summer, the prosperity in autumn, and the snowflakes in winter, I hope you will be happy anytime and anywhere. Friends, on this sunny day, I would like to send you a group of blessings. I wish you a happy birthday, a happy life, and light laughter.