Thank you for your 600 word composition on Teacher's Day (3 compilations)
Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon
2024-04-07 01:29:34

Thank you for your 600 word composition on Teacher's Day (1)

Teacher, you are the gardener, we are the flowers; You are the sunshine, we are the seedlings, and you are the young gardener in our hearts to cultivate our happy growth. You have worked hard to educate our unwise troublemakers into polite primary school students. You and we have experienced many things. You have paid so much for us with your heart.

A few years ago, I still remember that time when I had a problem that I could not understand and ponder, but I could not solve it. Ask the teacher! But when I stood at the door of the teacher's office, I hesitated. Would the teacher criticize me for being stupid? Can be buried in the heart and do not know how to do this problem. Alas, what should I do? My heart is wandering at the door. Then the teacher found me coming out. Ah, this is terrible, I thought. "Why are you standing at the door, Pan Kaibo? What are you doing? Come in quickly!" "Teacher, I have a question for you." "Ask!" said the teacher kindly. "Teacher, how do you think this problem should be solved?" "You are really a studious child who will ask if you don't understand." Then the teacher patiently explained to me that she spoke very carefully. I don't understand here or there. I didn't put down my pen and paper until I learned how to be a teacher. "Go home first!" "What about you, teacher?" "I still have homework to change." Then I noticed that there was still a lot of homework on the teacher's desk. My heart is hot, teacher. You are really our good teacher! In fact, in my memory, there are so many good teachers like young gardeners who live among us and pay so much silently for us. Now we are ushering in the golden September and the teacher's festival. What we can't do in return is to work hard to learn knowledge and be useful to the society in the future. This is the best way to repay the teacher!

Thank you for your 600 word composition on Teacher's Day (2)

Thank you for your 600 word composition [Chapter 1]

I want to thank my mother, because she has gone through countless hardships to bring me into this world; I want to thank my father, because he is a veritable "god of humor", bringing me countless joys; I want to thank my classmates for their great help; I want to... But what I want to thank most is Mr. Zhao, the Chinese teacher who once taught me grade five. I can never expect the teacher to care and help me

I remember that I was just in the fifth grade. I was still a timid boy. I dared not raise my hand to speak in class, and dared not talk happily with my classmates after class. That is a Chinese lesson. Maybe the teacher's face was amiable, maybe the teacher was very lively. I suddenly raised my hand to speak and was shouted by the teacher. Because I spoke vividly and concretely, I won applause from my classmates. After the teacher asked me to sit down, he kindly asked me: "What's your name! So I said loudly, "Little Army!"

In the exercise book, the first comment the teacher gave me was; Xiaojun, you have a poor foundation. You should lay a solid foundation! I think: my father also kindly called me, "Xiaojun!" Now, the teacher also called me like that, suddenly I felt a warm stream rushing towards me

I really want to cry, because as a student, I should not be criticized by the teacher on the exercise book. However, I also thought: the teacher only cares about me. He said something to me from his heart, isn't it for my sake? Why should I cry! I should be happy! At this time, the tears seemed to recede. Today, I worked hard. After the final exam, I was surprised to find that I scored 96.5 points in the Chinese exam

Ah! Teacher, your love is like water, which has no color, is ordinary and indispensable! Do you know? How I want to pick off a piece of sky gently, but it is so far away, how can it compare with your kindness; I want to gently pull off a cloud, but how can the cloud compare with your purity; I want to pick a flower gently, but how can it compare with the colorful decoration you gave me in life? Finally, I want to say: "Thank you, Miss Zhao!"

Thank the teacher for his 600 word composition [Chapter 2]

"Learn from the spring silkworms, and make candles to illuminate all roads." For thousands of years, many people have compared teachers to spring silkworms and candles. In her dedication and selfless dedication, how many flowers of the motherland have become the pillars of China in Kyushu! Who knows how much sweat and tears it contains? Maybe the teacher's white hair and wrinkles are the best witness.

I don't know which time the flowers are blooming, quietly, quietly, we -- the successor of the 21st century came to the world, slowly, slowly to the age of school, and then pestered my father to go to school. We will never forget how happy we were for the first time in our life. It turned out that the teacher's kind smile and gentle words played a wonderful movement like happy notes, which made us intoxicated.

In this way, the teacher sowed the fire of happiness in our hearts, and our clear and bright voice was always ringing in the campus. What a happiness that is! Therefore, all the happiness we felt was caused by the teacher's love. The teacher pinned all his hopes on us. It is just like this. Our teachers, who have worked hard to cultivate us, have traveled hard on the road of love to teach us how to behave and how to deal with things. When we feel the charm of knowledge, they remind us: students, don't forget to forge ahead; When we fail in learning, they encourage us: success starts here; When we are sad, they are comforting us: cheer up! How many unforgettable days! It is you, the glorious people's teacher, who let us learn how to face difficulties, how to feel life, how to cherish happiness, and how to develop ourselves. You not only take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge, but also teach us to learn to be grateful to others. These moving scenes embellish our life beautifully and consolidate our memory deeply.

Although we are just a rising sun, we should also learn to release warmth, but also think and act with a grateful heart to our teachers. After all, teachers pay too much for us. At such a moment, on behalf of all the students, I would like to say to our respected teacher: Teacher, you have worked hard.

Dear teacher, because of you, our world will become so beautiful. In chaos, there will be a guiding light, and in the confused night sky, there will be an eternal Beidou. You shoulder the sacred mission, you shoulder the future of the motherland, you shoulder the prosperity of the nation, you shoulder the heavy responsibility of history. In this way, generations of young people grow healthily under your care, and go to a great future under your concern.

Because of you, there will be a special holiday -- Teachers' Day. Since then, the whole society has paid a deep respect and attention to you. We have seen and felt your greatness and ordinariness. Your greatness lies in creating the world and sowing the future. You are the person who ignites our ideal and guarantees the fine quality of the nation in the future; Your ordinariness lies in nothing but dedication, no regrets, and no distractions. You never care about what you have lost, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are getting, which is the value of life and happiness outcome that cannot be calculated by any number. "Come with a heart and take no grass" is the true portrayal of our teacher's mood. Dear teacher, I compare you to green leaves, I compare you to red candles, and I cannot praise your dedication and achievements! You are not a green leaf, but you are nourishing it. You are not a red candle, but you can shine through your heart, because what is reflected in our eyes is always your figure. You have plated every note of our life into the most beautiful color in the world. From then on, our hearts are as majestic as the sea. I really want to take out strings of firecrackers, send out strings of blessings, and sing a heart song for our teacher with gorgeous flames. Sincerely wish the teacher happiness, happiness and happiness.

At this time, I really want to say loudly to the students: When we embrace success and enjoy the joy, don't forget that our teachers have paid their youth and sweat, and there is no reason why we should not be grateful to teachers. Finally, let's sincerely say: "Thank you!"

Thank you for your 600 word composition [Part 3]

Teacher, you are a hardworking gardener who has nurtured every flower of our motherland! Teacher, your knowledge is so profound, you have taught us the truth of being a man! How great you are!

If the blackboard is the vast sea, then the teacher is a sailor on the sea. At the moment when the bell rings, you use chalk as pulp to paddle the textbooks that are moored in the port like boats. On the desk, the difficult problems are piled up like hidden rocks. Your gestures are as vivid as a bird flying, and you wave a beautiful arc on the podium - ships passing... There is no cloud floating in the sky, just like your bright heart.

We love our teachers because they have a heart like gold. When we failed, the teacher raised our sails; When we succeed, teachers share our achievements and joy with us; When we made mistakes, the teacher patiently and carefully pointed our way forward. Teachers are our good teachers and our most true friends.

Thank you, teacher. Thank you for giving us every lesson. Your class is lively, interesting and fascinating. In order to deepen our understanding of the content of the text, you often give examples and heuristic questions, giving us a good atmosphere in class. Let us listen to your lectures with interest and speak actively.

Thank you, teacher, for your painstaking efforts in our study. You sacrificed your rest time to analyze and answer our questions.

Thank you for your selfless dedication. You only know how to pay, but never expect return.

"Come with a heart and don't take half a root of grass." This is the embodiment of teachers' tireless teaching and selfless dedication. This selfless and great love gives us warmth and strength! Thank you, teacher! You burn yourself and illuminate others like a candle; You are like a spring silkworm, contributing yourself and decorating others; Like chalk, you sacrificed yourself and left behind knowledge; You are more like a navigation light, guiding us forward in the ocean of knowledge

Thank you for your 600 word composition on Teacher's Day (3)

The teacher's hand is our cradle, the teacher's language gives us knowledge, and the teacher's eyes give us encouragement. I remember one time when I was in the first grade, at that time, I was timid and never dared to speak loudly, let alone raise my hand. But that lesson changed me. "Ding Ling Ling" The bell rang. Mr. Wu came in with a book and started the class. Today, I had the fifth lesson. I had been preparing for it all night. I knew everything the teacher said, and I could answer all the questions the teacher asked. But I dared not raise my hand. My heart was extremely contradictory. When Mr. Wu asked a question, no one answered it in the classroom. In fact, this question was very simple. I asked myself whether I could raise my hand or not? My hands are as heavy as lead, and I can't lift them any more. I think: What should I do? I can answer this question, but I dare not raise my hands. What should I do? The teacher's eyes scanned the whole class. She seemed to see through my mind. Yes, "Ye Huiqing, you answer". I slowly stood up and said, "Yes. I should be." I spoke incoherently. I looked up and saw the teacher's deep eyes, as if talking to me. "Don't be afraid to say everything you want. Learning is the game of the brave. You should learn to be brave. I seemed to have a little confidence. I answered the question quietly, correctly and fluently. There was thunderous applause from below, and I was more confident, from raising my hand once to the second and third times. The answers became louder and clearer, and I gradually gained confidence. However, it was inseparable from the applause of my classmates and the encouragement of my teachers.

I thank my teachers and classmates. I will always remember the teacher's eyes. I want to say "Thank you, teacher" to you here