Composition of Grandma (6 recommended)
Happy life
2024-05-05 07:22:46

Grandma's Composition (1)

My grandmother went to heaven. Li Junying spent every day of her summer vacation so full and happy. But one unfortunate thing happened, that is, my grandmother went to heaven. The death of my grandmother hit me very hard. I was silent in grief all day and didn't want to eat, get up, do anything, just want to let her live, and I am willing to pay any price! Before the reform and opening up, my grandmother was the daughter of a wealthy landlord. She is not as delicate as Miss, honest, good at reading, and has many good friends around. My grandmother's good friend went to her house. She was willing to share her own things with her partners. Whenever she saw the poor, she would help them. She was a good person there! After the reform and opening up, my grandmother often did good deeds and helped others. Educate mother and uncle to be good people! Uncle let me surf the Internet because I was not so sad. I went to QQ to find my best online friend, "Cherry Blossoms in Paris", and told her in tears, "Sister Xie, my grandmother has gone to another world, how I wish she could come back. When I was young, I would let me eat whenever there was something delicious; when I was scolded by my parents, it was the grandmother's presence that resolved it; Many times when I came home from school, my grandmother always sat at the door with something to eat and waited for me. When I thought of this, I wanted to cry! " "Don't cry, sister. You can't come back after death. You should mourn. Although my grandmother is not dead, I can feel the pain of losing my loved ones." "Sister, my heart is very sad to lose my grandmother. I really want to go with her and not let her be so lonely. I really want to see her!" I burst into tears. "Don't say that. The book says, 'When a person dies, he will become a star in the sky.' Your grandmother is looking at you. If you die, your grandmother in the sky will be sad to death! Every night, just look up and you can see the grandmother. I want to thank you for comforting me. After talking to you, my heart is no longer so sad, and my heart is much more comfortable. " After talking with Sister Xie, I understand the importance of sharing. Sharing happiness with others will lead to more happiness; If you share your sadness with others, you will feel less sad in your heart.

Grade 5: Li Junying

Grandma's Composition (2)

Grandma Liang Wenchan of Tangshan Primary School in Jiangning District, Nanjing, is 80 years old this year. She has never been to school for a day, but she has let her children and grandchildren read books, and never played a child once. However, her children and grandchildren have great respect for her. They haven't had a good rest for a day, and have almost spent their whole life in the kitchen and fields, She is too old to farm. It is natural for her sons and daughters to support her. Moreover, all her children and grandchildren are filial and strive to support the "Old Star of Longevity". My family lives in the town, and the living conditions are better. Finally, I brought my grandmother here. Mother said that she had suffered a lot before and must let her enjoy the happiness here. However, she never wanted to be idle and "secretly" did housework, most of which was washing clothes. Over the years, washing clothes seems to have become the lifestyle of my grandmother. So, if we are not careful, our family can see a large basin of clean clothes, which is the "fruits of labor" of Grandma. But Mom and Dad are not happy, and they love Grandma! You can't be angry with her. You quietly chose the "laundryman" for your grandmother and asked us to keep it a secret - look forward, look forward, the "laundryman" finally comes - the "Little Swan" automatic washing machine (at that time, it was one of the most valuable "big items" in our family). I remember that when I moved the washing machine back that day, my grandmother was both excited and a little lost, and she kept staring at it. The porter suddenly shook, and Grandma immediately exclaimed, "Be careful!" Our whole family followed the instructions, only to see the grandmother gently holding the washing machine into the house. When the washing machine started working for the first time, my grandmother had been watching. He robbed her of her decades of work. She had doubts. She was afraid that the machine was restless, clumsy, could not clean, and would break the clothes. She just looked at it and saw that the clothes kept rotating and rolling in the water, like naughty fish, stirring up layers of spray and emitting waves of joy. The machine is really clever and competent, and the clothes are washed clean and spotless. No stains were found on the collar and cuffs, and the clothes were as good as new. The old woman kept rubbing her hands, feeling the comfort brought by the clean clothes, smelling the fragrance of the washing powder left on the clothes, suddenly sighed and said to herself, "What hands are these? They make such skillful hands!" Since then, the old woman's only job has been lost, but even now, Her grandmother often talked about the scene when they were in groups on a river, singing while washing clothes. It seemed that she missed her very much. Today's grandmother is no longer the only one who can wash clothes. She learned how to raise flowers, adjust and control the TV, and play Taijiquan-----

Although she was "laid off", she enjoyed more happiness in her later years------

Grandma's Composition (3)

"Get up quickly!" Hearing this voice, we knew that our nagging "old woman" was beginning to nag again. Most people often talk about old things, but my father was only in his thirties, and he was very nagging like an old man over eighty. Early in the morning, his high pitched horn sounded: "Get up quickly! It's going to be late!" I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face. After half of my meal, I looked at my watch. It was 7:30! I threw down my chopsticks and put on my schoolbag and wanted to go to school, but my father said, "Eat fast! How can I be energetic in class if I'm not full?" I reluctantly returned to the table and finished my meal. I hurriedly endorsed my bag and put on my shoes, but my father began to nag again: "Be careful of the car on the way to school, and concentrate in class..." I quickly echoed, "Good!" As I hurried away, Otherwise, I don't know when to speak again. As soon as I got home in the evening, "What happened in school today? Did you miss your class?" I was inundated with questions. My brain thought N times a second, but could not answer them. If I told my father to go to play with my classmates on weekends, he would say, "Don't go too far away, wait, wait, wait, etc." Although my father's nagging makes me impatient, I know that my father's nagging is the language of love, which surrounds me every day like smoke and accompanies my healthy growth.

Grandma's Composition (4)

I remember that in the countryside, the greatest happiness was to run to my grandmother's house. That small loess house always gave me a surprise.

Once, my mother and I came to my grandmother's house again. The first thing was to visit the lonely old man, my mother's grandmother. Because of the inconvenience of her legs and feet, she lay on the gray wooden chair that had already lost its original color all the year round. My mother always brings some fruit! Brown sugar! My mother won't let me eat cooked eggs. In fact, I don't like fruits and eggs, but only sugar. Of course, my cousin is also. Every time this time, he will go to the granny's house with me, and my mother will talk with them about some family talk, and then my cousin and I will stay. The old man had a hard time talking. Just pointing to the cabinet, we were smart. We didn't need to say anything. We ran directly to take it out. What was it? It was sugar. She could not eat sugar at all, but she was very happy to see us. Her mouth seemed to contain honey, which was a joy that could not be described in words.

But time never forgives, after all, people in their nineties. That morning, my aunt called. I was having dinner with my mother. I only remember that my mother was solemn when she answered the phone. Then she put down her chopsticks, tears in her eyes, and hurriedly informed my father. When they heard about the request, they discussed for a while. That was the quietest conversation. Then I hurried to organize things. I didn't eat any more. I ran to my mother and asked her, What's up? My mother said in a sad tone that your grandmother died. "Death?" I really didn't know what it meant at that time, and thought it was a bad word. Things were ready until the evening. That night, the moonlight was very bright. My father, my mother, I, a motorcycle with things, hurried on the way to my grandmother's house. I was very curious. I kept asking some funny 'questions, but my mother kept hiding something.

When I got there, some music that frightened me was blowing. There were many people wearing "white hats" next to a "big black box" in the auditorium, which was very dazzling. The two colors I most feared appeared together! I sobbed. At that moment, I knew. Grandma, "gone"!

The bright moonlight reflects the whole night, making it more blue. Grandma, you may be the bright moon, but I still miss your sugar!

Grandma's Composition (5)

The grey sideburns, the weather beaten face carved with several deep wrinkles, and the back bent like a sickle - this is my grandmother.

Whenever I step into my grandmother's house, she always moves to the door trembling step by step, holds my hand tightly, and excitedly says, "Binbin, you are coming!" The voice contains full expectation, and has been warm to my heart.

During the meal, my grandmother often put food in my bowl and said, "Eat more, grow taller!" - although she didn't eat much. When I put the food into the mouth and chewed it slowly, my grandmother's face was filled with a happy smile, the wrinkles on her face gradually relaxed, and I felt a little happy.

After dinner, my grandmother took my hand and sat on the sofa. She talked with me, sometimes asked me questions, sometimes told me stories. Although I can hardly understand her Longnan dialect, I still pretend to understand it and occasionally answer a few words, because I don't want to make her feel lonely and nobody talks to her.

Before leaving, the old woman conjured up two ham sausages and handed them to me. This reminds me that every time I come here, when I say goodbye, my grandmother also brings me some sesame cakes, Shaqima, etc. I was a little embarrassed and pushed the ham sausage back. "You can eat it. You don't want to eat it on weekdays." However, my grandmother insisted on giving it, so I had to take the ham sausage. At this time, the old woman smiled happily, just like a blooming flower!

When I returned home, I reluctantly turned around and waved, "Goodbye, Grandma! Please take care of yourself, I will visit you again next time!"

Grandma's Composition (6)

One of the biggest characteristics of my grandmother is her small feet. People used to say that small feet are beautiful, because there is a saying that three inch golden lotus. So her mother wrapped her feet with a foot binding cloth, which was very painful. So I have those little feet. Now, people have overthrown this idea of wind construction. Now the feet can grow as big as they want, and they don't have to suffer from foot binding anymore.

My grandmother has some problems when she is old. One is deaf and the other is forgetful. Her ear often causes some things that make us laugh and cry. For example, if you want her to go west, she will go east. Another time, the old people all went to bed early. For her, we had dinner at more than four o'clock. Because it was hot that day, she enjoyed the cool outside until six o'clock. She has been nagging. Why didn't anyone ask me to eat? Why don't you have dinner? It turned out that she had forgotten about eating. It's really an old man and a treasure!

I think old people are like antiques. We should protect these antiques and let them see the changes in the society. Feel the beauty of modernity.

Chapter 2: My grandmother's composition is 400 words

My grandmother just celebrated her 90th birthday in March this year.

Although she is 90 years old, there are still some streaks of black hair in her sparse white hair. My grandmother has lost all her teeth. She always chews slowly when eating, because she can only chew food on her gums.

Grandma's feet are very small. Because it was popular to wrap them up in the old society, she always walked slowly and inconvenient, so she seldom went downstairs and went out. She always stayed in her room to watch TV. Even if she went downstairs for a walk, she would always lean on a crutch, hold the handrail of the stairs, or be supported by me.

I think my grandmother must be lonely at home, so I discussed with my mother to buy a Rubik's Cube from the shop and let her play. In fact, my grandmother is very smart. She will play when I give her advice. Till now, I have been practicing this skill, thinking that I must restore the disordered Rubik's Cube.

Grandma not only plays Rubik's Cube well, but also plays checkers well. My grandmother taught me how to play checkers. Now I'm good at playing checkers. It's all thanks to my grandmother! If I go to school, my grandmother will set up two sets of checkers by herself, and then start to fight to improve her level.

Grandma is my protector. Every time my parents scold me, I quickly run to my grandmother's arms. Whenever this happens, she says, "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

In fact, I think my grandmother not only needs to play Rubik's Cube and watch TV, but also needs our younger generation to chat with her. So whenever I am free, I go to her room and chat with her. She always looks at me kindly and asks questions.

I wish my grandmother a happy and long life.