My Home Composition (16 refined articles)
Sorrow under pillow
2024-01-17 09:01:18
second grade

My Home Composition (1)

As the saying goes: home and everything. The harmony of a family can not be separated from good family customs and family instructions. My family customs and family instructions have two things, one is honesty, the other is strict with oneself.

People can't stand without faith. Honesty is the foundation of building people. Honesty should be put first for both people and things. In terms of re education of children, sincerity is still important. When the child was young, he did not understand, and could not make him understand that the parents must set an example by their own behavior to teach the child a good example. As children grow up, they should instill this truth little by little, instead of scolding and scolding as soon as they make mistakes. This will have a certain impact on children's psychology, and children's education will be difficult to talk about success.

In addition to honesty, self-discipline is also my family discipline. Only when we are strict with ourselves can we have a sense of ambition and responsibility. Be strict with yourself and start from small things. For children, achieving high-quality homework is one aspect. Play is a child's nature. Play is play, learn hard when learning, and take the initiative to complete each learning task. This is the performance of children's self strict requirements! In terms of re education of children, parents should adhere to the correct concept, and should not give up because of the crying of children, which will lead to the willfulness of children. Not only that, but also the understanding of children in the future will be biased. Therefore, being strict with oneself is not only important for children, but also for everyone.

Good family discipline is the premise of forming a good family style. Each family style has its own characteristics, but there is a common place, that is, for the harmony of the whole family.

My Home Composition (2)

There are nine members in my family, and everyone is very friendly. I have a kind and kind mother, a healthy and cheerful father, a sincere and honest father, and a brother in high school, a second brother who was dropped out of school, an elder sister who is considering suspension or abortion, and a nephew who does not know the gender. In fact, there is grandma, but grandma is running away, and grandpa is in prison. I think grandma lives longer, because it's better for old people to exercise more and not to sit all the time. Grandpa, do you think so? Mom usually likes to talk on the phone because she can operate pornographic telephone lines when she works at home.

Father A likes to grow flowers and grass on holidays, but the recently harvested crops have been seized and destroyed by the police. Is it wrong to like everything? He is not very happy these days. Father B will comfort Father A: "It's not a good time to come to work."

Father B likes to cook supper for everyone. He goes to work late every day to be a midnight cowherd.

My elder brother often plays computer games to file and manage the list of classes that collect protection fees. He is the first one in the South District. I am proud of my elder brother. The second brother wants to work in his father's company. Father B thinks he will come back when he is older. The elder sister is interested in collecting fire boxes. So far, she has collected more than 990. She said that her goal is to burn down the house one day.

I admire the police uncle most. He ambushes near my home every day, which makes us feel safe. Besides, he comes to my home every day and asks me: "Has my father come back?" The police uncle moved me so much that I took the initiative to care for my family members. The so-called police and people are united, so we should respect the police uncle.

My family atmosphere is very harmonious, and I can't find a cartridge case. My father specially told me how to maintain his submachine gun and grenade after each use, which made me realize that we must cherish and maintain things after use, otherwise we will regret when we use them. My father told me a lot of reasons for being a man and doing things. With such a happy family, I should study hard to live up to my family's love for me.

"Children, the southern district will be yours in the future!" The encouragement from the family will always warm my heart!

My Home Composition (3)

I have a happy and warm family, in which there are capable father, hardworking mother and I who love painting.

The three members of our family live in harmony and support the family together. My father works as a water electrician in a company in Dalian. Whenever Dad receives a new task, he always looks at the drawings carefully, and starts to work only when he has a plan in mind. He also puts forward many reasonable suggestions to the company leaders, thus saving the company a lot of money. Because of his earnest and practical work, he is deeply appreciated by the company's leaders and trusted by his colleagues, and is awarded "Advanced Worker" almost every year. When I mentioned my father's name, people who knew him said he was an able man.

In my eyes, my mother is like a mechanical watch with winding feet, working all the time. She gets up the earliest and sleeps the latest in my family every day. As my father is away all the year round, my mother has to go to work, pick me up from school and coach me to do my homework in addition to doing housework every day. My mother is not very old. She is only in her thirties. Her forehead has wrinkles slightly deeper than those of her peers. Her hands are not at all as white and tender as those of city women. Her fingers are thick and short, and there are many calluses on her palms. If we select community family model workers, my mother will definitely win the first place.

I am a person who likes painting. I am serious about painting. I always carry a small notebook with me. Whenever I have time, I take out a pen to doodle. What are the white clouds floating in the sky, free flying birds; The grass growing on the ground, the fish in the water... I love painting. I call this book "Selected Painting Materials". Because I am diligent in painting, I have won many awards in municipal painting competitions. In my class, I am the little painter in everyone's mind. At home, people call me a little painter, but I am not satisfied. When I grow up, I will become a big painter! I heard a familiar song on TV: I want to have a home, a place that does not need much

Yeah! Everyone needs a happy home.

My Home Composition (4)

I live in XX. There are five people living at home: grandpa, grandma, father, mother and me. We live a very warm life. Every day when I come home from school, Grandpa has already cooked dinner and is waiting for me to come home for dinner. After dinner, my mother asked me to take a bath. When taking a bath, my mother would let me play with water while listening to English tapes!

My family has a wide living room and a narrow bedroom. There is a wide bed in the bedroom. You can roll wherever you want to sleep on the bed. It's very comfortable! There is a big digital TV in the spacious living room, and you can just press the number when you want to turn the channel! On the right side of the living room is the dining room, where there are many iron spoons with various interesting patterns and bowls of different styles. There is a small fish tank beside the TV. There are some beautiful fake grass, flowers and a stone bridge in the fish tank. All kinds of fish swim happily on the bridge and under the bridge. In front of the aquarium is a big sofa, on which are my various dolls and some flower shaped pillows. You can use those pillows as toys.

My home is a beautiful home. If you want to come, I will treat you warmly!

My Home Composition (5)

My family used to be happy, and I used to be proud of it (at least in front of my classmates or friends), but now it seems that everything has changed, and it has become terrible and strange.

No one can understand my inner thoughts, but I don't want others to know my inner secrets. In the eyes of others, I am an excellent girl, but in my eyes, I am very unsuccessful, because I cannot stop the changes at home, which makes me have to take off the halo of happiness to accept the blow of reality.

My home was originally my safe haven. Whenever I met a storm, my parents would always protect me. But this safe haven has lost its protection ability, which made me have to face everything by myself. Every week when I return home, there will always be arguments from my parents. When I walk to the door, I can only hide in the corner of the door, secretly cry, and listen to every harsh words. Although I feel very uncomfortable, I have no ability to stop them. My heart can not bear all this.

When the quarrel was no longer loud, I wiped away my tears, rubbed my red and swollen eyes, walked into the house with a heavy book, and looked at my parents' strange expressions. I was very unhappy, and thought: Why do I face

My Home Composition (6)

People say that "home is a warm harbor", but when they are used to living on campus, they do not feel homesick, and the warmth of home gradually fades away. Zhidao came back to "know" this family today, it seems that he has regained some feeling of home.

Walking into my house, at first sight, there is really no warm atmosphere. Simple furniture without bright and eye-catching colors; White walls, no good wallpaper; Dark floor, no comfortable carpet; Not to mention pale yellow and pink, which are warm colors that can't be found in my home.

However, warmth is not without, otherwise, how could I be so attached to this family? Maybe those warm currents are hiding in a corner, waiting for me to taste and enjoy them. Let's have a look at my room first. Compared with other people's rooms, mine is not big. But full of furniture, it seems a bit crowded, but I will not feel empty. On the top of the cabinet, on the bookshelf, and on the head of the bed, there are dolls, bears, fluffy ducks, and dolphins... In the eyes of children of the same age, this is too childish, but I am reluctant to throw away any of them. They are my childhood. In my eyes, they seem to be alive. Whenever I see them when I am angry, sad, and lost, my heart will surge with a warm current, and the smile will ripple around my mouth again. With them, I no longer feel lonely and lonely. Maybe this is a kind of small happiness. The whole room is a fresh light blue. Although it is not warm enough, this light blue will infiltrate your heart and affect the hatred in your heart. When your heart is full of hatred, how can you tolerate love? Every time I swing the door angrily and walk into the room to see this blue color, my anger disappears. Indeed, this is the feeling of home, which makes your injured heart bathe in sunshine warmth. Having a sunny mood every day is the simplest happiness.

Go to see the living room. It's all dark. The black sofa, coffee table and coffee floor are warm. Look! That pot of fake flowers is purple and pink. How beautiful it is. In our home, I can't raise flowers. Mom and Dad are workaholics. I'm not very at home. I spend three or five days without watering. Even if I don't raise exotic flowers and plants like Lao She, and raise flowers that I can fight for, I'm afraid I can't fight without the moisture of water, can I? What's wrong with putting a pot of fake flowers? It is always beautiful without our care when it is open for a long time. Doesn't this make people feel relaxed and happy? There is a row of shelves behind the TV with some candles on each shelf. Although the heart-shaped, cup-shaped, cylindrical, red, golden and light yellow candles have not been lit, I feel that warmth and happiness are lingering in the middle.

It's father's and mother's turn. I didn't look for happiness, I think, their room has their happiness, I can't understand it?

As I write here, I think that if I had another chance, I would definitely write "Home - Happiness".

Home is so magical. Outside, it is the place you miss most; At home, the heart will be filled with happiness. Home, whether spacious or small, rich or poor, but it brings you the same warmth. Home will never abandon you or depart from you. No matter how hard you encounter, it will always be your shelter. Home is your forever friend, willing to share weal and woe with you and experience hardships and difficulties together. Home is the place you can always attach to.

In another month, I will move. I don't know what the feeling of my new home is. It is still happy? Or

I look forward to.

My Home Composition (7)

Home, what a warm and happy word. My father, mother and I have formed such a warm and happy home.

Mother is our family's "national treasure". If you look into his eyes, you can see what is going on. A black circle, like a giant panda. Hey, I want to know why. I forgot to explain that my mother is a teacher. He is the head teacher, but his heart is broken for the students. The telephone bill of our family is almost produced by her. Every night, I pick up the phone and call the parents of the students as soon as I finish eating. When some students want to quit school because they can't go on, she tries to persuade them. She often called her students home for education, which made me suffer! In the evening, I can see the lights in her room at several o'clock in the morning. She always prepares lessons on the computer and issues test papers. In this regard, my father had a particular opinion, saying that my mother only cared about students and did not care about me.

If you look at it, you will feel sorry for me. You are wrong. Although my mother often ignores me, my father cares about me very much! Every time he comes home from school, he always asks me about my study. He always picked up the test papers and newly bought exercises I handed out to study, as if this was a great pleasure in his life. Every time he is at home, I can only sit next to him and listen to him. He is a bookworm. Nine tenths of my bookcase are his books. I often go to the bookcase to see his poems and essays. I stole my rich knowledge from here.

My handwriting is not good, but my father's handwriting is not bad at all. As soon as he got home from work, he went to his study to practice writing. Therefore, our study is full of the stench of ink. When a friend moves to a new house, he usually asks him to write a letter. For this reason, I am always depressed. If only my words were as beautiful as my father's

My Home Composition (8)

Each of us will have a home. There are father, mother and myself. Home is like pot soup. It is sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty. Everyone will drink different flavors.

Every family has a hard nut to crack. We often quarrel with our parents because of small things. When we are older, we have our own ideas. We think that our parents always prevent us from being happy, for example; They seldom let us play. They let us read and study all day long, always planning our life. Let us go to English classes and math classes today, and learn music, art, calligraphy, dance... But they never thought whether we would like to learn or not. Some students said they didn't love learning, but their parents totally denied it. They would say: Can we do without learning? If we don't learn, we will fall on the starting line. Can we compare with your classmates. Or, don't learn? If you don't study, can you do well? Or, you are too old to listen to your parents, and then you cry... Alas, I know that you want us to study hard and become famous when we grow up, but you should listen to our voice and ask whether we love learning! I know you want us to be decathlon.

The word "home" is unfamiliar to everyone, but do everyone know it? Home is a nest. No matter how cold it is outside, it is warm and warm inside, which makes us happy. Home is the object for you to tell. You can tell how many wrongs you have suffered outside like home. It loves being with you. Home is also a TV. It can perform all kinds of TV dramas without electricity. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes angry, sometimes wronged... But it loves us. Home is a piece of land, where there is farming, there is harvest, where there is sweat, there is happiness, and we must pay and work hard to be happy.

Home is love, giving and returning. As long as you treat it well, it will also treat you well. So I love your family!

My Home Composition (9)

I have a beautiful home. When I came in, the first thing I saw was a painted wall. On the wall, I drew a big cock enjoying the cool under a tree, and a group of chickens were playing games next to it.

Behind the wall is the kitchen, which is mother's "battlefield". Every day my mother gets up early to cook for me. Although my mother often cooks from the kitchen, the kitchen is still very clean.

Next to the kitchen is my bedroom. As soon as I entered the bedroom, I could see a large table, on which were all the pictures of Xiong Da Xiong Er. On the table were "The Complete Collection of the Bears" and "Journey to the West"... At the corner of my desk was my big and wide bed. On the bed was a neatly folded Mickey Mouse blanket. Beside the blanket was a doll of my Pleasant Goat. Hold me every night, and you won't be unable to sleep. Health is welcome every day.

Next to my bedroom is my parents' bedroom. Their bed is full of ordinary patterns. Next to the bed is a desk with pictures of me and my sister when they were children.

Next to my parents' bedroom is my sister's room. The wall of my sister's room is full of star photos. There is a big bear in my sister's bed. I sleep with it every day.

So my room is called cartoon room, my parents' room is called ordinary room, and my sister's room is called star room. I love my family!

My Home Composition (10)

My family is special. In fact, many children have experienced this kind of thing, which is not special.

In the winter vacation when I was 13 years old, I went to Shanghai with the school tour group. On the way, my excitement could be said to be uncontrollable, and I had to take a plane, which was the first time! The friends I met at the airport repeatedly pulled me, so I didn't have a rampage accident.

We had a good time in Shanghai. The girls are generous and the boys are heroic and enthusiastic. Many of them are one year older than me, but what about playing cards and karaoke? We all spend our time laughing. Boys sometimes help girls with luggage or souvenirs. We get along very well.

Five days later, at about 22:15 in the evening, our plane returned to Qingdao, and my father came to the airport to meet me. Many days of yearning made me fly to my father. It seemed that my father was also very excited. We got on the bus happily. I just wanted to tell my father something interesting about my stay in Shanghai. The father said, "Son, I'll tell you.". I was in a great mood. Just ask: What's the matter? Tell me quickly. I'm hungry.

Well, it's true that your mother and I are divorced. Dad hesitated and said.

For me, it was like pouring a basin of cold water on a newly lit flame. I asked in a trembling voice: really, really?

Yes, you and your mother. Dad calmed down and said as he drove.

I'm in no good mood now. In fact, when I was 7 or 8 years old, I was already mentally prepared for this. When I was young, my parents had never been harmonious since I had the memory. The family is often lonely, like the wilderness, only my occasional laughter. They quarreled almost twice a day. What can I do.

I heard my aunt persuade my parents that such a family would bring psychological shadow to children. Fortunately, I am a born optimist, and I still laugh a lot. Outside, I seldom talk about my family. In the eyes of my classmates and teachers, I have always been a silly girl who giggles all day long. But every night, I will comfort myself. This is nothing. I'm a silly girl. How can silly girl be sad?

Although I had prepared early, I still felt like eggplant withered from frost.

On the way home, the car was as quiet as a tomb. The stars outside the window and the boundless darkness made me feel very calm. Despite the utmost restraint, the stars still come out from the eyes, slowly, slowly. I saw tears twinkling with the stars, and there was a kind of blurred beauty.

When I got home, my mother hugged me and I gave her a gift. Dad is packing my things. I still told them interesting stories, but not so cheerful, but slightly bitter.

In the days after that, although my father still lives at home, we have lost some of the ease and happiness we used to have, but we cherish my father's presence more. I feel, enjoy his breath, and want to stare at him for a long time, afraid that my father will disappear once my eyes leave. At this moment, my mother has become a terrible devil in my heart. It is she who always lets Dad leave home!

At that time, I almost hated my mother and thought that she was the worst mother in the world. I gradually told her less about my own affairs. I just think my mother is so terrible, so insecure, and people dare not approach her. I saw her eyes less naughty in the past, but full of indifference, disdain, fear.

Later, I don't know what happened, but I cherish my mother very much. I never thought how good my mother was. Now, it seems that she has suddenly changed from a devil to an angel. I began to pay attention to her and know her again. I found that she suffered much more pain than I did, and her mother was so strong. The marriage was broken, and she didn't shed a tear; Life is dull, and she also bears it silently. When I played, my mother either cleaned the house or washed clothes. I suddenly felt very guilty and wanted to hold my mother and say sorry to her. But I don't even have the chance to apologize to my family. How could that be so?

With the love for my mother, my feelings for my father have not decreased for a moment. I suddenly like to love my own home, love my parents, and feel that my home is the best and incomparable in the world. I'm afraid that one day my parents will leave me, leaving me alone at home. Although my home is special, I have different love and different life experiences.

There is a special place in the world. It is cold and warm, dim and bright, ordinary and unusual, broken and nearly perfect. That is my home.

My Home Composition (11)

My old house, like the sunset in the dusk, is going to be dilapidated step by step. It is said that no one lives in a courtyard that will soon break down. My house is occupied, but it is dilapidated prematurely. Mother is the only person living in the old house.

My father has to go to work, lives in a town 15 miles away, and doesn't go back at ordinary times. My elder brothers and sisters have already had their own family, while I was studying in the county town, and I couldn't go home often. The once bustling courtyard gradually became deserted.

The school has a three-day holiday on New Year's Day. Because of the rain, I didn't plan to go home. I wanted to read books in the dormitory with some students far away from home. At noon, we went to buy steamed stuffed buns. On the way back, we ate and looked at the steamed stuffed buns. The skin of the steamed stuffed buns was thin but strong. The most special thing is its shape: the middle is slightly large, the two ends are slightly thin and slightly tilted, which is exactly the shape of the corner I am familiar with.

This reminds me of the steamed buns my mother once made for me, so two words come to my mind - go home. There is no traffic in my hometown, and the road is extremely difficult to walk. It just rained yesterday. The mud soup along the way, the deep and shallow ruts, and the large and small ditches make people sigh with regret about the difficulty of traveling. I walked for more than three hours on the muddy road of more than twenty miles. Go into the yard and call softly: Mom, I'm back! Mother came out looking very happy, as if she didn't believe it was true.

I looked at my old mother and felt an indescribable taste in my heart. Let's take a look at this home, which I am familiar with, and which I have lived in for more than ten years! I saw thick grass growing in the corners of the yard; The well killing platform collapsed, and several thin dwarf artemisia plants grew out of the collapsed pool; Put two or three pots in the main room to catch the rainwater from the house; The cement floor cracked.

Is this my home? I suddenly felt pathetic. When I started cooking at night, I silently took a rag and wiped the dust off the tiles. When I opened the pot, I saw a layer of yellow rust already growing inside. Brushing the rust, my tears swirled in my eyes. After dinner, my mother asked me to sit on the bed and ask me about my study and life. I answered them one by one.

I asked: Mom, are your legs better? Mother cried after hearing this, and cried very emotional. I know that it's hard for my mother to guard the huge yard and these acres of land alone. She sent our brothers and sisters out of the house until they were far away from themselves, and then sent me to the county to study. But when I was old and weak, and sick, she was alone at home. We children! My heart is full of remorse. The next day, the sun came out. I said to my mother: Make up the house. Let me mend it. Go and get some tiles and mud. Mother said: When did you become a mason, you little girl? I took down the old tiles and replaced them with new ones.

Mother was very happy. Up to now, this home has changed a lot since I dressed up: the fallen leaves on the ground have been swept away, the tables and chairs in the room are tidy, and the towels beside the basin have been washed. Mother kept looking at me as if I was no longer her daughter. Before leaving, my mother told me a lot to take good care of myself. Don't always worry about the family. She is fine! Mother prepared pickles and steamed buns for me to take with me. She sighed: It's like sending a daughter to marry.

My tears of frustration rushed out at once. I walked out of my mother's sight, but I could never walk out of her heart; A mother's love is a thread. No matter how high the kite of her children flies, she can't get rid of the thread in her mother's hands.

Where maternal love is, it is the warm home of children!

My Home Composition (12)

"Kung Fu" excellent father and irascible mother, plus I love reading, formed a happy family.

"Double good" Dad

My father has two good qualities. First, good cooking. Once after school, when I was walking in the stairwell, I smelled a fragrance and immediately salivated. I ran upstairs, opened the door and rushed to the kitchen. It was Dad who was cooking when he came back. At noon that day, I ate three bowls of rice and two bowls of vegetables, which was not enough. Second best: good chess. He is proficient in military chess, chess and gobang. Once my mother and my father played renju, and my mother was about to win. She was elated. But after my father thought carefully, he settled down, turned the tide and saved himself. Who said that he could not return to heaven? Dad can be powerful.

"Tyrant" mother

My mother is an excellent teacher in the eyes of students, but in my eyes, she is a "tyrant" mother. That time, I couldn't do a question, so I went to ask her. After I finished speaking, I quickly prepared to retreat. Before I took two steps, the voice came: "Kiki, let me see your homework." I was a little scared and moved to the place where my mother was sitting. My mother began to be calm and sunny. She looked at the dark clouds coming, and saw her eyebrows twisted into a pimple. I knew at first sight that I was going to eat "fried pork with belt" again. The buttocks moved involuntarily, and the legs trembled slightly. Mother asked, "This question should not be written like this, right?" "I ------" "What's wrong, eh?". When my mother saw that I was stubborn, she angrily took the belt and beat me. My tears are like broken beads, which should fall hard.

"Bookworm" daughter

On Sunday, my mother asked me to go to the supermarket. When I went downstairs, my mother remembered that she had forgotten her mobile phone and asked me to get it. I picked up my mobile phone and prepared to go. When I saw a book under my mobile phone, I couldn't step forward and could not help turning it over. The book was very attractive, so I just sat down and read it. Suddenly I remembered that I had to go to the supermarket with my mother. When I was about to open the door, my mother came in. I said, "Mom, go to the supermarket." "I have already come back. Mom's charm is not as good as books!" After listening, I unconsciously grabbed my mother's hand and said sorry.

As a bookworm, I don't want to just dive into the sea of books. I really want to be immersed in the love of my parents.

My Home Composition (13)

Home, mention it will warm, will shed tears, will lead to its full thoughts. Maybe it is a remote place, maybe it has lost its appearance, but when you return to that place when you are tired and sleepy, you will feel its warmth and compassion.

I remember when I was a child, my mother often cooked sweet pumpkin rice, and we always ate a large bowl. I remember playing with my friends when I was a child, and playing games with them. Life always goes too fast. Although the life at that time was not rich and there were not many snacks, I always felt that life was full and interesting.

When I left home, I was only fascinated by the novelty of new things, and I forgot the peace and watchfulness. The noisy crowd in the busy city makes me feel bored and boring! When I look back, I just want to return to that quiet and warm place. There is not much difference between spring and summer in the south, and there is no chilly wind in winter. The four seasons are green. However, the four seasons in my hometown are very different. How many changes have taken place in life, from wandering alone to having a family, the pressure of responsibility can be imagined. I am no longer the weak girl. I should learn to grow and mature. Time is like a standing hourglass, which can't escape from it anyway.

Where will you and I be in a few years' time? Will they disappear or return to their hometown. The autumn leaves fall, looking at it yellowing and rotting, there is no help. I only feel that it is to return to my hometown. The leaving footprints are washed away by the rain, only the little ones that used to be picked up again and again. Maybe I will trace back that time in my life and don't want to leave. Because it is the hometown where I was born and raised!

Homesickness is a habit of every traveler, and sometimes we compare everything around us with our hometown, and we can see that nothing can compare with it. It is a kind of firmness and resonance. When you are homesick, you will sit quietly without a voice, no tears, no sadness, only loneliness and helplessness, until another dawn comes! It will suddenly feel that one day will pass again, and everything will continue. The thunder roared on a rainy night in a foreign country, and I was afraid of covering my ears. Looking for lost things every minute, is this missing? People who leave home will understand. There is no door that can turn it, because it is locked. It only needs memories in dreams to open it. No matter when, even if we live well, even if the cause is thriving. We must return to the place we left!

Home, there is not much language to outline every inch of its land, no one does not go to aftertaste the true feelings and warmth! It is a good medicine for all kinds of diseases and a secret recipe for healing wounds. Where is love, where is love, where is all the reluctance, where is my home, where my heart wants to go!

My Home Composition (14)

Sometimes our family is happy, sometimes there are small contradictions. Each member of our family has a different personality. Their characters really resemble the zodiac they belong to!

I am a mouse. Two of my teeth look like "mouse teeth". Every time my mother hides something somewhere, I can find it. Once, in order not to let me steal chocolate, my mother hid chocolate in a rice jar. But in the end, I found it! My sleep is also like a mouse. Don't mice sleep in caves during the day? I sleep until 11:00 or 12:00 every day. (When I wasn't at school) At night, the mice would come out to eat, and I, like a mouse, couldn't sleep!

Grandma is a chicken. She woke up early in the morning, just like a chicken crowing for people. Don't chickens crow every day? My grandmother's words are like this. Once, when I was going to school, my grandmother had to nag: "In class, we should pay attention to listening, don't do small actions, don't talk, do our homework, and be careful when walking on the road. We should see whether there is a car back and forth, and walk on the right

Father and mother belong to chicken. Mother is as flexible as a monkey, while father is as funny as a monkey. Don't monkeys like drinking? My father is a man who likes drinking. Monkeys love climbing trees, and my mother's tree climbing skills are not bad. Don't monkeys also like bananas and peaches? My mother likes peaches, and my father likes bananas.

This is our unique family. Interesting!

Birds love the blue sky, fish love the sea, horses love the grassland, just as I love my family. This is a place full of love. In this place full of love, there are a happy family of three.

The front door of my house is unique. There is a striking couplet on both sides of the door. The top couplet reads "Peace is a blessing", the bottom couplet reads "Peace is worth a thousand dollars", and the horizontal scroll reads "Everything is renewed". It looks like a very ordinary couplet. It was written by my father and I together. Every time we go home, we feel very comfortable.

As soon as you enter our front door, you will find our living room. The most conspicuous thing in the living room is a plaque 1.2 meters long and 0.4 meters wide, carved from peach wood. It says "God rewards hard work", meaning that God will realize the aspirations of hardworking people. As long as we make unremitting efforts to improve and enrich ourselves to the maximum extent, and do everything possible to improve our competitiveness, we will have a bright future. Next to the living room, there is my father's "private garden". Although the place is not big, the flowers planted inside are all my father's favorite flowers. My father takes care of them every day. They have become a beautiful scenery in our family. When I got up in the morning, the flowers swayed with the wind, as if they were saying hello to me, and I was very happy.

Opposite the hall is our dining room. Whenever we eat here, a heated discussion begins. Whether it's a national event or a street incident, we all express our opinions one after another. We can fight for our lives. But after dinner, we have a family who live in harmony. Maybe this atmosphere adds a lot of interest to our family.

Follow the left side of the corridor and enter my bedroom. There are pictorials of singers hanging everywhere in my bedroom, and there are two cute bears on the bed, which are my cousin's birthday gifts for me on my birthday. On the other side of my bed is my desk, on which there are many books, such as The Water Margin, Journey to the West, A Dream of Red Mansions, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and The Youth Encyclopedia! Among these books, Journey to the West is my favorite book! On the opposite side of the bed, put my guitar. When I am bored, I will play a few happy songs. When I am unhappy, I will play a few sad songs. Therefore, the allusion that my mother often said "hearing music and discovering wonders" was born.

This is my home. Why? It's quite interesting, isn't it!

Dad is like a full stop, because he always talks like a nail on the back. Page 12

My Home Composition (15)

"I have a home, a happy home. My parents and I never quarrel...", the children's song "I have a home" came to my ear, and today I will bring you to know my home.

It was late at night, and the man sitting beside the computer bent over to work was my father. In my eyes, my father is a typical "workaholic". He works at the unit during the day and works at the computer when he comes home at night. He doesn't have much time to accompany me at all. At the dinner table, the father who is eating will suddenly receive a phone call and go to the computer to check some information; When I checked my homework, I talked about my father's work; On the morning of the weekend, I would still be asleep and vaguely hear my father discussing work with others. Dad, when can you take a break?

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner..." The kitchen smells delicious. My mother made my favorite scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which is our "best cook in the world". My mother is very busy at work. She is afraid that I will be malnourished. Every night, she will carefully prepare dinner for our family. You see, my brother and I are strong, thanks to my mother's nutritious meal.

"Brother, brother, look at my painting", the voice of my brother came from the living room. My younger brother is a naughty and lovely child. He painted the walls of my house with paint and circled them with a pencil. It seems that a tornado came, which made my family laugh bitterly. Brother, when can you be sensible?

The little boy running on the square wearing roller skates is me. Although I am not tall, I am a roller skater. On weekends, I will meet with children to play roller skating in the square. Laughter, noise and argument resound over the square

This is my home, do you know?

My Home Composition (16)

Sometimes our family is happy, sometimes there are small contradictions. Each member of our family has a different personality. Their characters really resemble the zodiac they belong to!

I am a mouse. Two of my teeth look like "mouse teeth". Every time my mother hides something somewhere, I can find it. Once, in order not to let me steal chocolate, my mother hid chocolate in a rice jar. But in the end, I found it! My sleep is also like a mouse. Don't mice sleep in caves during the day? I sleep until 11:00 or 12:00 every day. (When I wasn't at school) At night, the mice would come out to eat, and I, like a mouse, couldn't sleep!

Grandma is a chicken. She woke up early in the morning, just like a chicken crowing for people. Don't chickens crow every day? My grandmother's words are like this. Once, when I was going to school, my grandmother had to nag: "In class, we should pay attention to listening, don't do small actions, don't talk, do our homework, and be careful when walking on the road. We should see whether there is a car back and forth, and walk on the right

Father and mother belong to chicken. Mother is as flexible as a monkey, while father is as funny as a monkey. Don't monkeys like drinking? My father is a man who likes drinking. Monkeys love climbing trees, and my mother's tree climbing skills are not bad. Don't monkeys also like bananas and peaches? My mother likes peaches, and my father likes bananas.

This is our unique family. Interesting!

Birds love the blue sky, fish love the sea, horses love the grassland, just as I love my family. This is a place full of love. In this place full of love, there are a happy family of three.

The front door of my house is unique. There is a striking couplet on both sides of the door. The top couplet reads "Peace is a blessing", the bottom couplet reads "Peace is worth a thousand dollars", and the horizontal scroll reads "Everything is renewed". It looks like a very ordinary couplet. It was written by my father and I together. Every time we go home, we feel very comfortable.

As soon as you enter our front door, you will find our living room. The most conspicuous thing in the living room is a plaque 1.2 meters long and 0.4 meters wide, carved from peach wood. It says "God rewards hard work", meaning that God will realize the aspirations of hardworking people. As long as we make unremitting efforts to improve and enrich ourselves to the maximum extent, and do everything possible to improve our competitiveness, we will have a bright future. Next to the living room, there is my father's "private garden". Although the place is not big, the flowers planted inside are all my father's favorite flowers. My father takes care of them every day. They have become a beautiful scenery in our family. When I got up in the morning, the flowers swayed with the wind, as if they were saying hello to me, and I was very happy.

Opposite the hall is our dining room. Whenever we eat here, a heated discussion begins. Whether it's a national event or a street incident, we all express our opinions one after another. We can fight for our lives. But after dinner, we have a family who live in harmony. Maybe this atmosphere adds a lot of interest to our family.

Follow the left side of the corridor and enter my bedroom. My bedroom is full of singers' pictorials, and there are two cute bears on the bed. They are my cousin's birthday gifts for me on my birthday. On the other side of my bed is my desk, on which there are many books, such as The Water Margin, Journey to the West, A Dream of Red Mansions, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and The Youth Encyclopedia! Among these books, Journey to the West is my favorite book! On the opposite side of the bed, put my guitar. When I am bored, I will play a few happy songs. When I am unhappy, I will play a few sad songs. Therefore, the allusion that my mother often said "hearing music and discovering wonders" was born.

This is my home. Why? It's quite interesting, isn't it!

Dad is like a full stop, because he always talks like a nail on the back.

Before the exam, I always have to discuss it with my father. Once in the midterm exam, I said to my father, "If I get full marks in every subject, what will you reward me for?"

Dad looked at me suspiciously and said, "You got full marks for every subject. Hmm, I will reward you with 300 yuan QB. Don't you always say you want to buy QB?"

"Really!" I jumped up happily. My father always opposed me to buy QB, thinking it was a waste of money.

After full preparation, I really got full marks in the midterm exam. The day I got the time test paper, I worried that my father would go back on his words. Unexpectedly, my father kept his word and bought six 50 yuan Q cards for me at the store.

Mom looks like an exclamation point

My mother likes reading newspapers, and when she looks at them, she yells, "Wow, this can win five million yuan!" "Wow, this guy is so pathetic!" "Wow, this kind of thing will happen!" My mother will cry out in such a fuss when encountering some strange things.

Once, my mother took me to buy new clothes. I chose a sports suit according to my mother's wishes and wore it in the fitting room. When I came out, my mother stared at me and shouted, "Wow, this suit is so beautiful!"

Hey, mom doesn't look like an exclamation point. She shouts "wow" for everything.

I'm like a comma

Why am I like a comma? Because when I do things, I always lose everything. There is no time to be complete.

After school, I walked out of the school gate and got on the bus, only to find the pencil box in the classroom. I can't do my homework without a pencil case, so I have to ask my mother to stop and turn back to get the pencil box.

When I went out in the morning, I walked for a while and found that my homework book was still lying on the desk at home, so I had to go to trouble. After locking the door, I realized that I had not brought the key and had to look back.

My mother often complained to me, "Why do you always forget things?" I said, "I am Xiao comma."