About My Fortitude (16 refined articles)
The snow is boundless
2024-04-19 08:42:56
Junior 1

About my strength (1)

When I was young, I was a strong child.

One day when I was three years old, when I was cooking dinner, an unfortunate thing happened, which is still fresh in my memory.

I was playing in the living room while cooking dinner at the same time. My mother told me: "Never touch the hot rice cooker." But my arm was scalded as soon as my mother said.

After I was scalded, I tried not to cry. Mother used all kinds of methods, but the wound did not improve. She took me to the hospital immediately.

In the hospital, many children couldn't help crying in pain. I thought to myself: I am a man, and I must not cry. When the nurse gave me an injection, my mother saw that I was in pain and said, "It's OK to cry if you can't help it." I said to my mother, "A man can't cry." When the nurse gave me an injection, I secretly wiped away the tears in my eyes.

Through this event, I learned to be strong no matter what difficulties I encountered.

About My Fortitude (2)

Love is so great; Love is so strict; Love is so gentle. Love makes me strong.

I am a pupil who does everything carelessly.

I remember once that I wrote a word wrong because of my carelessness. Deduct "0, 5" points, that is, 0, 5 points. If I don't deduct it, I can get 90 points. It's just a wrong word, which makes me sad. So grandpa thought of a way to let me get 90 points. Method 1: You should be careful in class. Method 2: Let me finish it carefully according to the teacher's requirements every day, which is not enough. Be silent. After listening to my grandfather, I thought: I should study hard and be strong.

My grandfather taught me this method, and let me understand how easy it is to take the exam! I will use this method to study in the future.

I remember another time, when I didn't finish my homework, the teacher sent a message saying, "You

The children haven't finished their homework. " My grandfather told me, "If you don't finish it, you will have to add homework if you still can't do it tomorrow. Aren't you asking for trouble?" So, I understand that homework is something you can't do every day. "

Every time I made a mistake, Grandpa would come to educate me.

Love makes me strong.

About My Fortitude (3)

I learned to be strong

In the past, I always thought that the saying "girls are made of water" was very correct and reasonable, because I thought it was the same as that saying before. In the past, I was a fragile person, and would only cry when encountering a small setback. Crying seems to have become my specialty. I even cry several times a week. But since that incident, I have become much stronger and no longer only cry when encountering problems.

I remember that it was the autumn of one year. At that time, I lost my best friend, and I was in conflict because I couldn't understand one thing. My mood was so sad that I was listless for three or four weeks. Every time when I think of her quietly, I will cry secretly. Mother seemed to be aware of something, so she told me about my grandmother. My grandfather died in a car accident when my mother was ten years old. When my grandmother learned about it, she passed out because of excessive sadness. But when she came back to life, her grandmother supported her family with the pain of her husband's death, raised five children and let them all go to college. "What pain is comparable to the pain of losing relatives?" said the mother.

There are countless difficulties and disappointments in life. Only when we learn to be strong and brave, can we not be defeated by fate. Put away fear, cry and vulnerability, and deal with life firmly. A man should be strong.

About My Fortitude (4)

I learned to be strong 400 words

Being strong is a part of our life. Without firmness, there is no courage to overcome difficulties; Without firmness, there is no motivation to success.

That day, I followed my father to learn skating. Father bought two pairs of skates first, and then took me into the skating pool. Ah, there are so many people in the skating pool! I watched these big brothers and sisters happily skating on the skating rink. Some of them spin with one foot, like dancing "Four Little Swans"; Some spread their arms and slide quickly, like a roc spreading its wings; Some are still sliding in a wavy place, just like a boat on the sea. They have their own unique skills. I envy them!

So I asked my father to teach me quickly. My father said patiently, "First, divide your feet into eight figures, and then slide forward step by step. With me, you don't have to worry about slipping." Hearing my father's words, I can't wait to start slipping. However, just two steps away, I fell on my feet, like a turtle on the beach. I felt my sore butt, like the cabbage beaten by frost. At this time, my father's meaningful words came from my ear: "Don't lose heart, learn to be strong. Failure is the mother of success!" After listening to his words, I summoned courage and slid forward.

My kung fu pays off. I can slip away at last, and I can slip away quickly. Just as I was elated, suddenly a slope appeared in front of me. I was shocked. It was too late to brake, but I can't accept my fate, can I? My father's strong words encouraged me again. I took hold of my body, rose to the sky, and then fell down smoothly after a circle. I learned to be strong

About My Fortitude (5)

The setting sun gradually sank, leaving me alone by the lake. I walked slowly, the gentle evening wind brushed my face, and thousands of thoughts poured into my mind

How can I believe that the old man who accompanied me through countless beautiful days will leave me forever? In my memory, he was a small but strong old urchin with a crooked mouth when he smiled. In my childhood, many days without my parents' company, he turned me from a lonely and introverted girl into a sunny, lively and outgoing girl. When I thought of this, my nose became sour, and a few big tears slipped through my heart. Suddenly, I thought of that sad night again.

The whole family was asleep, and Mom's cell phone rang suddenly. After answering the phone, Mom lost control of her emotions immediately. Normally, she was modest and generous, crying while changing clothes. After repeated inquiries from her father, she choked up and said, "My mother called to say that Dad's heart disease had broken again. At the hospital, the doctor said it might, might..." At this moment, The three members of the family woke up completely from their sleep. We rushed to the hospital together before we could change our clothes.

"Ding, ding, ding" Every beat of Grandpa's heart was very clear, but the sound seemed to be getting weaker and weaker... The whole family stood in front of the hospital bed, at that moment, time seemed to freeze, and it was Grandpa who broke the silence first. "You all go out first, granddaughter, you stay," Grandpa said laboriously. "Come here, kid." He grinned, as if to let me see him in ordinary times. I couldn't help but drop some clear tears. He wiped the tears off my face with his old and weak hands, and said weakly: "My son, grandpa's time is running out. Your parents are old, so I don't need to worry about it. It's you that worries me most." I could not help sobbing. "Look, I knew you would cry. I'm leaving, and you are not allowed to shed a single tear. Go on with a strong and optimistic attitude, even without grandpa's company... Take good care of grandma, and change your cowardly self. Alas! Life is short, children, no matter what you encounter, you should be strong, smile, grandpa will always protect you, forever..." Not finished, He would sleep forever

At my grandfather's funeral, my mother was choking with tears. As a man, my father was also secretly wiping away his tears. I comforted them. My heart was full of bitterness, bitterness and longing. My strong belief supported me. I didn't shed a single tear, but my heart was crying silently, and my grandfather's words were always remembered in my mind.

Yeah! Whose life is always flat, whose life is not bumpy? Grandfather is no longer a close relative who left me, but a mentor of my soul.

Strong accompany me to grow.

About My Fortitude (6)

Today, the teacher asked us to do an activity - write with our mouth, and then we arranged it. The students wanted to have a jump test. Some students opened their eyes wide, and did not know what to do. Some of them picked up a pen to practice, and he and I were thinking about why the teacher did this, but there was no answer.

After a few minutes of practice, the teacher invited a "warrior" to challenge him. His face was full of excitement and he couldn't wait to put his hands behind him to start.

"Start the challenge!" the teacher said while pressing the stopwatch. Looking up, the "warrior" held a pen in his mouth and kept twisting his head like a small earthworm coming out of the soil. "Ha ha..." Eh? Why did the big fire laugh? I couldn't restrain my curiosity. I went to have a look. Wow! The word "dragon flying and phoenix dancing" is very "smart". The word "hand" is fragmented, and the word "brain" is also separated from our family. Even the teacher can't help laughing and breaking his breath. I saw the situation of the "Warrior" and wanted to experience it myself. So I picked up a pen and practiced on the paper. It was really not easy. If you want it to be on the left, it will run to the right. If you ask him to write horizontally, he must write vertically, as if an disobedient child were against you.

Soon after the activity ended, the teacher put on a "routine" expression and said, "Let's relax and watch TV!" "OK!" The students' voices were full of hope.

About half a minute later, a man with two amputated legs appeared on the screen. He supported himself with his hands. His healthy face was not tired, and his eyes were shining with strong light. Next, he did another shocking thing - making his body hang in the air and do push ups, one, two, three... I was stunned, and this physically defective uncle, After more than ten consecutive attempts, he broke the record at a faster speed. He defeated thousands of people with an incomplete body. The pain and fatigue, sweat and tears are unimaginable to ordinary people... Everyone around him paid attention to him one after another, respecting and worshipping him.

What makes me feel more deeply is the next paragraph.

Still a disabled person, he lost his arms, but what he did made me feel very ashamed. He used his mouth and feet to write one word after another in regular script, running smoothly. But I think what is beautiful is not the good handwriting, but the strong light from inside out, which bathes me, as if my whole person has become strong.

These two disabled and determined people do not have perfect bodies, but they have a strong sense that ordinary people do not have. This sense has transformed them from children forgotten by God into favorite children, emitting light and strength all over, which is a unique beauty!

About My Fortitude (7)

Learn to be strong, be a person full of confidence in life, do not shrink back and fear when encountering difficulties. No one can block the pain, frustration and difficulties for you, and no one will take away your strength. Everyone is a lonely walker, looking for light in the dark. However, at the beginning of looking for light, you may encounter difficulties everywhere. At this time, we should learn to be strong, never retreat in the face of difficulties, ignore gossip, and stand up again in the face of failure. Learn to be strong, the backer will fall, everyone will run, only oneself is the most reliable, come on!

Everyone will encounter difficulties in life, but I am no exception. When I was in primary school, I began to focus on some subjects. Mathematics is always bad. Mathematics is the subject I hate the most, and I am not interested in mathematics at all. Therefore, my score in every math exam is always poor, so I am very distressed. I would cry every time I met a math problem, and I would also be ridiculed by my classmates and criticized by my teachers and parents. I always attach great importance to scores, so sometimes I really want to leave this world, because I don't want to face the cruel reality, just want to hide in the forgotten corner and cry.

When I finished watching The Old Man and the Sea, I was enlightened that the old man was unafraid of all kinds of tests, such as difficulties, adversity, violence and death. People are always pursuing her. The road is long, hard and full of frustrations. But as long as you bravely and tenaciously meet the challenges with a confident heart, you will be a winner forever. So I also want to be strong, come on!

I began to adjust my mind and find the reason why I could not learn mathematics well - I was not interested in mathematics. So, I bought some guidance books. I should practice more and understand the questions I don't understand no matter what I use. In class, I will listen attentively, maintain the quality of each class, and have the habit of preview and review... Gradually, I became interested in mathematics. Who said that I would be ridiculed by my classmates and criticized by my teachers and parents? But I began to pay less attention to these things. Let others talk about it and eat your own food to make others vomit! No matter what happens, I will face it with a smile, like the old man in The Old Man and the Sea who is strong willed.

The final exam is coming, I firmly believe that I will succeed, because I learned to be strong. Even if I fail again, I will not be discouraged because I have the courage to face the ups and downs in the growth process.

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About My Fortitude (8)

I feel like a snail, whose appearance is so hard, but whose heart is so vulnerable. It is life that makes me strong.

Since childhood, I have been a happy child. I have parents who love me, as well as grandparents. I don't need to be strong, because they are my snail's shell. After being hit, I will drill into the shell. However, a sudden accident broke my shell.

It was one Monday afternoon when I came home from school. In the past, my grandma would come out to meet me and help me take my schoolbag off my shoulder, but today, she did not. The door of my home was closed. I found the key from my schoolbag (because I didn't use it often, I put it in my schoolbag) and opened the door. There was no one at home. I was surprised. However, we can't do anything but wait while doing our homework. Suddenly I heard a flurry of footsteps outside the door. I opened the door of my study and saw my mother coming back in a hurry, with an overwhelming sadness on her face. When she saw me, she pulled me out. She told me that Grandma fell down the stairs accidentally and hit her brain. Now she is almost dead. After hearing this, my brain went blank, and I kept repeating "I'm going to die soon" in my ears, so I couldn't help but quicken my pace. By the time we got to the hospital, Grandma had passed away. Her face still has the smile that I am familiar with. I don't believe, I don't believe that my grandmother who loves me so much will leave me. I looked at my father and mother. They were all choked with tears. My grandpa's face was full of tears. I don't know what to do. Everything that was beautiful changed overnight.

Since the death of Grandma, Grandpa has been too sad to get sick. While parents not only have to work, but also take care of their grandfather who can't afford to fall ill. They also have to travel around for his illness and seek medical treatment everywhere. They seem to be ten years older. My snail shell is broken. What should I do without its protection? This sudden accident not only broke my snail's shell, but also gave me a heavy blow. Should I continue to escape? Do you want to add some trouble to your parents? Can't do this, I must be strong, no snail shell protection, I should be stronger. I can't continue to escape, because I have no room to escape. I must face this heavy blow, I must bear this heavy blow. Because I still have fragments of snail shells.

Life has taught me how to be strong and let me get out of the snail's shell to meet the heaviest blow with the softest body.

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About My Fortitude (9)

Everyone has his own personality tag; Some people are eager to learn, some work hard, some are naughty, and some are generous. My personality tag is strong. It has to start from that time

Today is Monday. The third class is physical education, which is used to test the 20XX meter dash. Before the sprint, we had to warm up. Unfortunately, I sprained my ankle on the way, and a sharp pain spread all over my body. I had no choice but to stop and prepare to ask the teacher for leave. On second thought, the 20XX meter sprint test will be included in the final score. Why should an accident happen at this time! My luck is really bad! Just when I wanted to give up, an idea flashed in my mind - if I gave up this test, I would be laughed at by my classmates. I can't give up. In this way, I ran the unbearable 20XX meters with injuries.

Although my performance is not very ideal, I tried hard, and I did not leave any regret, but very happy. The students also gave me a thumbs up and affectionately called me "Strong Yuxuan". Since then, I have taken the word "strong" as my label and stuck it deeply in my mind.

This time, because I had to prepare for the shot put match in the city, I practiced my throwing skills day and night. Finally, my hand was dislocated, which was more sad the night before the game. But for the honor of the whole school, for not being a deserter, for not being laughed at by others, I bite my teeth, endure pain, and still insist on participating in the competition. I didn't think I would win at first. After all, the continuous pain in my wrist affected my normal play, but the result was mixed with joy and surprise - I won the first place in the shot put competition in the city. I was very excited, because this is the ranking I gained by my own strength, and more importantly, I will fight with injuries! I insist on not giving up, I am a real "strong Yuxuan".

This is me. Do you recognize my strength?

About My Fortitude (10)

Being strong is a kind of magical thing. It can't be explained clearly or touched, but it exists all the time. When a person who was once not strong enough becomes strong after hard work, he often turns back and finds how strong is worth praising

For me, strong once far away from me. When I was young, when people asked me questions, they always got a nervous face and a vague answer.

Fortunately, when I was in the fourth grade of primary school, I had a very strict but kind math teacher. In her class, the class is always quiet, lest she treat herself severely. At that time, I didn't dare to look at her directly, but once I accidentally walked into her office.

That is something that changed my timidity. In fact, I had nothing to do with my homework. It was just a logic problem that I didn't solve. My mother wrote under the problem and asked the teacher to help me. This is a very easy and ordinary thing now. At that time, I was very afraid. The teacher saw my mother's message and asked me to find her in her office after class. I walked to the office with my feet as heavy as lead. My head looked back from time to time, hoping that something or someone would save me. Then I turned back. The teacher was waiting at the door. She looked serious. I had to follow her into the office. She sat down on the chair, looked at my frightened expression, and slowly calmed down; My hands were sweating. The homework book I handed her was pinched and spoiled because of my hands' overexertion. My nose was sweating and ran down the bridge of my nose to my lips. My chest was rising and falling rapidly, my heart was jumping, and my legs were shaking slowly; The teacher spoke in a soft voice, patiently speaking to me who was nervous and helpless, and finally I suddenly understood. Suddenly I felt that the teacher was very kind and my timidity disappeared. A magical and light feeling filled my whole body, and the tense mood was replaced. I boldly thanked the teacher politely and walked back to the class smoothly.

Since then, I am no longer afraid of these things. I am more comfortable to communicate with my classmates and teachers. At the same time, I also put this light mood into everything. I become stronger, I just like a new person, a new, more brave and strong person.

Sometimes I also think that what makes me stronger should be experience. It was done with the help of some people and things. In this way, I become stronger and stronger.

About My Fortitude (11)

Time goes by, and time goes by quickly. Two years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. For two years, I always felt that I was in a big cage all the time. In the cage, what gave me was endless darkness and endless panic

In it, some people can control themselves to keep clean, while others have to darken themselves to blend into the darkness to protect themselves. I thought that we were all sheep and would fall into the mouth of the wolf if we were not careful.

When I just arrived at middle school, I always thought it was OK. Anyway, everyone was classmates. Therefore, I am more and more afraid of more and more troubles. Even in teachers, I will feel cold.

Cold, fear, suffering... I have thought about what will happen to me when this happens? Maybe I will also transfer to another school. I will run away from home, or I will go out drinking with a group of people all day. I always feel that no matter where I go, someone will stare at me and make fun of my incompetence and cowardice. I dare not go to the canteen or the canteen alone. Don't dare to take out the garbage alone

On the second day of junior high school, I am no longer the innocent me. I have already been surrounded by the desire around me, and a beating heart has already been bruised all over. In my heart, I am full of scheming. I always want to plot against others to protect myself, but others plot against me. I don't know how many nights, I covered myself in the quilt and cried. Obviously, I hate those who pretend to be forced, and finally I have to disguise myself. I'm crazy, and I'm afraid.

I want to escape, but I can't escape. I want to give up, but I don't even have the courage to give up. I can only live bravely. As a result, only home can get a moment of relaxation.

Until this morning, I went to water the cactus and found that the soil in the flowerpot had dried, but the cactus still played a circle. At the top of the cactus, another touch of green decorated this small flowerpot. I reached over to touch its thorn, and the pain made me withdraw my hand. Yes, its thorns are not soft, but hard, strong and unyielding. Because it must protect itself.

I suddenly woke up from that nightmare. If you want to protect yourself, you must be strong enough to grow without enough water. If people don't offend me, I will not offend. That is the rule in the nightmare. Everyone has a layer of their own protective color, why not leave some bottom line for themselves? I can no longer give up myself, can no longer be weak, I still have my family and friends. Yes, I, very important! Even for them, I will not give up, will not be weak, will not say a word of "fear"! Since then, I have shed the last tear in my life

If not brave, who will be strong for me? Cold, fear, suffering in my heart has been hollowed out of nothing. Because, I want to fight hard!

About My Fortitude (12)

Life is realistic, life is cruel, but anyway, it is life that taught me to be strong.

As long as you are willing to live, you must have enough courage and tenacious perseverance, as well as a firm belief in your heart that supports you along the way - specifically for yourself.

I think that the reason why I was able to stagger along in the difficult and hardship is far from the wisdom and belief of such a life that life has taught me over the years. I know what it's like to be in the wind and rain. I know what it's like when the wind and rain hit. I know what it's like to break through the wind and rain. I know, I know all about it. Therefore, I don't have the fear of unknowability for the ups and downs that will occur in life. It's because of the joy of ushering in the sun after the wind and rain.

The heart that has experienced in the wind and rain can keep a calm and indifferent at any time, because those are the things that must be experienced by most people on the road of life, and that's the case when you know it. What else can be excited? Resentment and joy are all too ignorant of their reason, because life is like this.

However, in order to live on, we must have a valid reason to support ourselves. Therefore, I am willing to think of a beautiful thing outside the storm, such as flowers blooming in spring, grass covered with green shade in summer, and a beautiful sunset that can bring people endless reverie, And the imagined endless beautiful prairie, I think, only in this way can I make my monotonous life bright.

Because of the hope for beauty, I will be more determined to go on, because with those beautiful temptations, the road of life seems not so sad. Because everything is the gift of life, no matter true or false.

Therefore, if you are willing to live, you must learn to be strong, and only life can truly give you this strength. Because it is life that has taught me to be strong and face everything.

About My Fortitude (13)

I'm beautiful because I'm strong

I am a flower seed. When the morning sun woke me up, I found myself lying in a small pit on the soil by the river.

One day, two days, three days

When the soil covered me, I fell asleep unconsciously in the dark world underground. When I woke up again, I found that I had roots and sprouts, my roots slowly extended to the ground and around, and the desire to see the sun in my heart made me desperate to push up, but I could not escape the shackles of darkness, because I was strong, I finally stuck out my head.

Ah, it's sunshine, the sunshine I've always dreamed of. I stretch my body and enjoy the sunshine to the full, but the sparrow who sneers at me for being insignificant covers my body with dung.

What does this count for

Because I am strong, I have overcome the difficulties again. In this way, the quiet life has returned to my side. I began to grow up.

At the eleventh dusk, I met the challenge of life again. Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky and the storm poured down. I was vulnerable before the storm until I was crippled by the rain. I think my life has come to an end. On the edge of life and death, it is strong that calls me. Because I am strong, I choose to fight hard.

When the storm stops, the rainbow comes out. Yes, without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. The rainbow makes me feel that my choice is correct.

I began to grow again until I grew buds. I tried my best to take care of them. One morning, the dew on the flowers fell off and broke into several petals on the small bluestone beside the flowers - the flowers finally opened.

I admire them with excitement and pride. Yes, how many storms make me wander, but because I am strong, I have survived time and time again. Being strong makes me understand life. Strong, strong, let me go forward in the challenges of life forever, let me show my beauty on the stage of life.

I am also beautiful because I am strong.

I'm beautiful because I'm strong

The word "strong" may not be necessary for many people because they are always protected. It may not be necessary for them to be strong. But I am strong but have profound experience and understanding. So that I feel strong in my side is unavoidable.

In 20xx, the market was 8. The earthquake of magnitude 0 destroyed our home and took away my grandmother, who had taken care of me for ten years. It was she who brought me up. Before I could say "thank you" or "I love you" in a hurry, he had left me and left me forever. In those ten years, my grandmother never let me suffer any harm. She is like an umbrella, helping me keep out the wind and rain, so that my young bud can grow healthily.

However, I know that my sheltering harbor is no longer. I am like a lonely bird, looking for my family and partners in the rain. On the evening of May 12, it began to rain cats and dogs. My parents were in the hospital, and only my grandfather slept in the tricycle. The rain was dripping down like a big bean on the ground, as if it was dripping into my heart, which made me uneasy. The rain ran over my ankle, and endless sadness ran over my heart. I want to cry, but I told myself in my heart: I can't cry, I want to be strong, I can't cry, I want to be strong

It rained all night long. I huddled in the corner and listened to the sound of raindrops. I have been counting the time. I really hope that after I count the last second, Grandma will appear in front of me safely.

The sound of firecrackers came from afar. Mom and Dad came back. The hunched grandmother in the car was stiff and stopped breathing. I wanted to cry, but a voice came from my heart, telling me not to cry, not to cry

Grandma left, and my life recovered its former calm, but I know that "strong" is coming to me silently, so that my young bud can grow into the present big tree.

If one day someone asks me what I am most proud of, I will say that it helps me learn to be strong, because being strong allows me to break through difficulties when I am in difficulty. It is strong that allows me to find the intersection to the sunshine when I am lost. Because I am strong, I think I am beautiful.

I'm beautiful because I'm strong

A person's beauty is not only shown in his face, it is only a small part, but also in his heart, that kind of strong will. I am beautiful because I am strong.

When I was a child, my favorite uncle died because of a sudden car accident. Everyone was very sad at that time, especially my mother, who cried her eyes swollen every day. My heart is very sad. I feel how cold and heartless the world is, and I suddenly lose confidence in life. But I think of those harder people. They are much harder than my life. They are strong enough to survive, let alone me? Although we are sad to leave our loved ones, but things have come to this, I can only choose to be strong. I planted a strong seed in my own psychology, and from then on it encouraged me to face life bravely.

In the face of difficulties, I never bow my head. When encountering difficulties, I will be strong to meet them.

What I fear most is that I failed in the exam. One time, I failed to write a correct answer to the math exam, and the score of the whole question was lost. I failed in the next few exams. The teacher severely criticized, the parents were sad and disappointed, and I felt regretful and lost. I told myself in my heart that I must cheer up again. I studied hard, faced up firmly, and forgot about the exam. Through hard work, I have achieved good results. I fell on the road on my bike, so I went to the hospital to bandage myself. Sister nurses said I was strong; When the teacher criticized me, I didn't answer back

Take the initiative to admit to the teacher after class. Of course, sometimes I cry, but this is not a weak performance. Being strong makes my life more exciting and makes me more beautiful. Being strong is the representative of a person's character and the expression of a person's soul. I am beautiful because I am strong. Only when a person learns to be strong can her life be more meaningful. I hope my life will become more and more beautiful because of being strong. I am beautiful because I am strong.

About My Fortitude (14)

There is a composition about how I learned to be strong 1:

Qu Yuan once said, "The road is long, and I will go up and down to search!"! The road of life is very long, in the long way we gradually grow up and learn to be strong.

That time, we went to the base for training. On Thursday, we agreed to go to Dasha River for a visit, but it was a pity that the weather was not beautiful and it began to drizzle.

We walked and played along the way, and the rain became heavier and heavier with us. Just arrived at Dasha River and was ready to play for a while, but the supervisor suddenly informed: It's raining heavily, so hurry to go back. I felt as if I had received the "death certificate", and my mood fell to the bottom in an instant.

I reluctantly walked back. Along the way, there were bright peach blossoms beside us, but my mood was not happy, and my pace was getting heavier and heavier... When I thought about coming, I had walked so far, and I had to return before I had a rest. My physical strength was really unsustainable, and my legs seemed to be filled with lead, which was really difficult to move.

I said in my heart more than once: Come on! Don't give up, it's coming soon; You are the best, you must persist! But I still want to cry. It's really hard. When I saw the teacher beside me enjoying the beautiful scenery while walking excitedly, I asked the teacher: "Teacher, are you not tired?" "Not tired!" I saw that the teacher and most of the students could insist on walking back, and thought: I must also insist on it.

Finally, we arrived at the base. The instructor told us that we walked 10.43 kilometers in three and a half hours. I have never walked such a long way before. I silently praised myself in my heart!

The road of life is very long, learn to self-reliance to take every step of life!

Composition about I learned to be strong 2:

In the constant growth, also learned more knowledge. I used to be a weak little girl, but now I have become a strong and brave girl. Time really changes people. As I grew up, I finally learned to be strong.

When I first stepped into the middle school, I faced this unknown world. For a while, I really couldn't adapt. The study life in middle school is really tense. I can't keep up with the pace of learning of teachers and students. I kept telling myself that it was normal. That may be the case when I just entered middle school. However, I failed again and again, and fell down again and again, which made me lose confidence. I like a little turtle began to retract its shell. Even sometimes, I hide in the corner and cry secretly.

Look at the students' study life is so relaxed and comfortable, and then look at your own face. I seem to stand in the dark while they stand in the light. These are two completely different worlds. In the light, the sun shines down, full of vitality. In the dark, it can only be accompanied by the faint moonlight and starlight.

Back home, face the steaming food on the table. I still have no appetite. I often have nightmares when I sleep at night. I finally, I can no longer stand this pain, no happy life. I decided that I must get out of the shadow and face the rising sun tomorrow.

I began to summon up the courage to tell my father about my suffering. I cried so bitterly when I talked. I think my difficulties are so great. Later, my father kindly told me that people will encounter many difficulties when they are alive. They can't lose themselves and their happiness because they can't overcome them. You should try to solve it and be strong.

It was also in that conversation that I crossed the darkness again and saw the sun at dawn. I'm very excited. The next life will be so happy, relaxed and comfortable. I like this feeling, like this carefree, sunny feeling. Maybe this is what I hope.

The next morning, I became a strong girl. I'm happy about that. Remembering the feeling of eating me and complaining about my pain. I think it is not so difficult to be strong.

Growing up, I learned to be strong. Now, I feel so wonderful and colorful when facing the learning life in middle school.

Growth makes me strong and lets me see the colorful light again.

About My Fortitude (15)

I choose to be strong

The road of life is not only full of singing birds and fragrant flowers, but also full of ups and downs and potholes. When facing setbacks, choosing to be strong will add a heavy touch to life.

The test papers are handed out! The expectation in the eyes turned to amazement, and then to disappointment. I failed again. What should I do? Helpless, I stared out of the window at the extra blue sky, and my thoughts drifted back to the past

I used to be so enviable that I always ranked top in every exam. I never thought of the taste of failure. Pride and satisfaction filled my body. Finally, everything has become unsatisfactory. The failure of exams has hit my self-confidence heavily, and the feeling of falling from the cliff to the bottom is really uncomfortable. And I am a competitive person, eager to climb, but again and again fall, I feel very sad. Now, it is another failure in the exam, which makes me depressed to the extreme.

When I got home, I turned on the TV lazily. Yushu disaster area appears on the screen, 85% of the residents

The house collapsed, and rescue workers are trying to search and rescue. A third grade Tibetan boy shuttled in the rescue tent to care for the injured people meticulously. This scene shocked me: the boy did not care about the post earthquake pain and the danger of aftershocks, and he helped people without hesitation. What courage and incomparable strong faith is needed! I also saw that Sichuan people who had just come out of the aftershock also extended a friendly hand to Yushu: more than 30 taxis with Sichuan license plates were organized spontaneously and traveled a long way to the disaster area to wait for dispatch. People's firmness and fraternity have created a brilliant future for China!

Look, my heart has been deeply touched. No matter how cloudy the weather is, it can not stop people's eager hopes. No matter how far the road is, it can not stop people's strong steps! In comparison, my frustration is so small! The fall of a star can not dim the whole sky, and the withering and desolation of a flower can not last for the whole spring! At this moment, I should choose to be strong! Reunite and set sail with full confidence!

I choose to be strong

She didn't cry, she told herself to be strong!

Hearing that the teacher asked them to help check the test paper, she was very happy. After all, can only this time prove that she is working hard? She thought to herself that only this time could she make up for her past sorrow

She hurried to finish her meal and sat there, imagining and longing that she could show her prestige again in the English department. She wanted to give some comfort to the English teacher. After all, she failed in the English competition and had already made a mark in the teacher's heart, too deep, too deep. She plucked up the courage and said to herself: I can do it!

Soon, she came to the school. She read her English test paper in a hurry, checked her composition, and the presentation of 9 points brought her a sense of peace. Fortunately, her heart was whispering! But she didn't think, she didn't think, it would be like this: the number of two red lines on the scroll was devouring her hope, and it failed again. The wind and rain would further cripple her will. She felt suddenly painful in her heart, she was confused, she felt that she could not rely on her side, and she ended up like this. She was extremely sad, stayed up late, summarized, reviewed, and so on! But instead of crying, she chose to be strong!

She was immediately afraid. The shadow around her was swirling in her heart. How would the teacher treat her achievements? The students in the class did well in the exam this time. How will they look at her? She is in a mess She checked the test paper quickly, and then she was the first to leave the classroom. She could not face the reality. Seeing the teacher recording scores excitedly, she came out``````

As time went by minute by minute, she pondered outside. Later, she heard from her classmates that when she read her score, the teacher responded, "Can you mispronounce it?" The reality after "No" was so sad. The teacher's eyes were dim, and she knew that the reality was inextricably warm and forgot her, and the cold wind was blowing against her.

How should she face the English class tomorrow? She told herself: Don't cry, cry, nothing crowded, but the heart is rippling, confused, how to go? She forgot, she just wanted to go on like this, forget everything

I choose to be strong

On the road to success in life, if you come across a section of road full of thorns later, there is a notice board that says: 1. Give up, stop and don't go forward (you will not have the next pain); 2. Be strong and keep going (your every step will be hard and painful). How would you choose?

I have read two short stories: Digging a Well and Applause for the Last One. Why didn't the well diggers get water? Why did the athlete win a round of applause when he ran last? Because the well digger chose to give up on the way, and in the end, nothing was gained. The athlete firmly believes that he also has a pair of invisible wings. He wants to run strongly. Although he won't have a place, he has tried hard, so he won't regret it! I also think that on the road of life, everyone will not have a smooth life, and may encounter various misfortunes anytime, anywhere. In spite of this, don't give up. Be a strong person, so that you won't let yourself down.

So, now let me answer my question at the beginning: I will choose to be strong and go on forever!

In the first week of school, the teacher asked us to run 20xx meters on the playground in the physical education class, so as to lay the foundation for the physical education in the middle school entrance examination. When I ran the last lap, I felt that I was going to vomit on the track, my whole body was sore and my legs were weak. I wanted to stop and take two steps to rest. However, I did not stop, but continued to run at the same speed as before. When I was running, I felt more like vomiting. My heart was beating fast and my throat was sore. It feels as if life has been taken away by God bit by bit, and finally it has done its best

However, when I wanted to stop, the two stories came to my mind, and I couldn't help saying to myself: "I can't stop. The end is not far away from me, and I can't give up. I don't want to be the well digger. I want to learn from the athlete, and I believe I can do it!" Finally, when I reached the end, I finally defeated myself!

I firmly believe that in the future, no difficulty can frighten me, whether in life or on the road to success, because I will challenge them, and will never bow down easily again. Come on! Don't give up, the dawn is always out of your sight.

I want to tell the students that if one day you also encounter such a choice on the way to your own success in life, remember to choose to be strong!

About My Fortitude (16)

The breeze is gentle and refreshing. Wind girl is touching the earth. While enjoying life, the flowers and plants in the nature also experience strong winds and waves and twists and turns. They have learned to grow strong in adversity.

I am just a dandelion, a small dandelion, but I represent more than that. I represent the freedom that people yearn for, the most touching tenacity, and the frightening confusion about the future.

Just like the mission that every dandelion is born with, when our bodies are strong, Wind Girl will send away children who are about to enter the society like trains and planes. When we left the warm embrace of our parents, we faced another two word problem of "independence", and we were forced to be at a loss.

Every dandelion's life will not be successful. I was sent to a place I didn't like at all. Later, I learned that it was a place called mire, but I wanted to be strong. I kept struggling and finally climbed out. At this time, Miss Feng became kind. She let me get on the right train and I was sent to a good place.

After experiencing heavy rain and wind, I found that I must cherish everything you have, especially the beauty you have. Don't regret until everything around you suddenly disappears. So, I kept saying hello to the scenery around me: Hello, green grass, I love your verdant, love your boundless; Hello, the trickling brook, I love your clarity, love your ceaseless flow... I begin to love everything around me, love the beauty they bring.

When you have experienced setbacks, you must cheer up to experience the different beauty.