Comments on "Master of Dragon Training"
set sail
2023-09-12 04:43:56
Grade 6
impressions of after reading

Some time ago, I watched a movie called "Master of Dragon Taming", which is still vivid in my mind.
That is a tribe, an ancient tribe, called Viking on Bok Island, with a long history. One page of the history scroll records the glorious moment, that is, they are all dragon fighters. The attack of the dragon forced them to defend themselves and made them strong and brave.
Generation after generation, the proud ethnic group relentlessly stabbed the dragon with their weapons. Because they think the dragon is the devil incarnate.
Until one day, a little boy was born in this tribe. He was Little Hiccup. He didn't have the heart to kill a dragon. People hated him, discriminated against him, and regarded him as an alternative, even if he was the son of a chief. Of course, his father is also going to give him up.
But that's not the case. He lives with the dragon in another way. In this way, they live happily together and rewrite the chapter of history. A new page is full of vitality!
Think back, what made the little boy stay with the dragon? It is love, trust and solidarity. If there is no such thing, maybe they will kill dragons repeatedly in the future. The whole day is dull and boring, and will be numb to live in the world. Of course, the boy used love, the great love between friends to solve the hatred between the dragon and human beings; Use trust to wake people up. It seems to be a simple action and a force. People write on paper with relish and talk freely. In reality, how many people use their actions to prove the exaggerated statement?
In fact, it is more important to face it with another view. They only know the ferocity and cruelty of dragons, but do not know their lovely and gentle side. If you communicate with the dragon in another way, you will get different results.
Therefore, we should not be in a blind hurry when something happens. We should try to find another idea to think about and solve it in another way, so that there will be no prejudice between people.
I hope that more understanding and tolerance, their smile in the face of everything, the world will become more beautiful!