The Virtue of Returning Money (Collection of 4)
Dusty memory
2024-01-17 02:12:18
Argumentative paper

The Virtue of Returning Money (1)

Virtue is everywhere in our life. Tolerance is a virtue, courage is a virtue, diligence is a virtue, firmness is a virtue, honesty is a virtue, and willingness to help others is a virtue

Today's heroine, she lives beside us. As the saying goes, "Virtue is like a flower. Virtue teenagers are praised by everyone." She is Cai Chengyi, a virtue teenager from the 56th Squadron who returns the money.

Last summer vacation, she did a good deed:

That morning, Cai Chengyi played in front of her grandfather's office. At this time, a battery car came towards her from the path, and when she passed by, Cai Chengyi saw two groups of things fall off the pedal of the battery car. Take a closer look. It's two dozen pieces of money with a face value of 100 yuan! Cai Chengyi didn't have time to think about it. She grabbed the money and ran after the battery car. But after all, she couldn't catch up with the speed of the car, so the battery car drove quickly forward and went far away. Cai Chengyi suddenly sweated heavily. Looking around, there was no one. What should I do?

Holding two bundles of money in her hand, Cai Chengyi decided to wait here for the owner to come back and find it, thinking of the owner's anxiety after he found that he had lost so much money. She went to her grandpa's office first, took a newspaper and picked up her wallet. Then she returned to the main road. She waited in the hot sun for a long time, but did not see the aunt come back. So, accompanied by grandpa, they came to the nearby police station and gave the money to the police uncle. The police uncle quickly contacted the lady who came to the police at noon that day for losing money. When the aunt hurried to the police station and learned that the money had not been lost, she firmly grasped Cai Chengyi's hand and said excitedly, "Thank you very much, little friend! Through this, I know that the world is still a good place. I will also teach my daughter to learn from you and be a good boy who returns the money. Thank you! Thank you very much! The twenty thousand yuan is really important to me. " In order to express her gratitude, the aunt also gave Cai Chengyi some money. Cai Chengyi flatly refused. She said, "This is what I should do. The teacher often teaches us to be honest. If we find something, we should hand it over to the public. We should not take it for ourselves. Any Young Pioneer will do this when it comes to such things!" Cai Chengyi's story of finding money moved everyone around, The next day, the social fax reported her return of the money. The aunt sent a thank-you letter and a banner to Cai Chengyi and the school.

Cai Chengyi is such a warm-hearted young man! In class, she is like a bosom sister. When the students are in trouble, she is always the first to help; The students are worried, and she always tries her best to solve problems for everyone... We often see her with a bright smile, studying hard and growing healthily!

The Virtue of Returning Money (2)

Nowadays, there are many salesmen in this society. Some people sell insurance and some people sell mobile phones. "It's better to stay than stay!"; Another was singing: "Give it back quickly, give it back quickly!". In the end, simply don't think about it.

I was upset about this. I couldn't eat well and sleep well. The two hundred dollar bills kept swinging in front of me. Finally one day I couldn't help it. I was relieved. I took the initiative to tell my mother. I was embarrassed to walk up to my mother and said: "Mom, I found 200 yuan. I...... Pay my husband, I don't want to, but I want to keep it for my own use, but my conscience...... What should I do?" My mother touched my head with a smile and said: "My child, I knew you had something on your mind. Think about it, would you feel happy buying things with the money you found?" "No. ”"That's right. How can you feel at ease about things that are not your own? What you have found now is money. What if it is something important to others? Think about it, will you be worried if you lose something?" "Yes, yes, I know what to do."

The next morning, I found my teacher. "Teacher, I found two hundred yuan, and now I will give it to you." I took out the two hundred yuan bills from my pocket, which made me "love and hate", and solemnly handed them to the teacher. The teacher praised me repeatedly: "You are really a good boy who never lost money!" Suddenly, I felt that a big stone in my heart finally fell to the ground, and there was no discomfort in every part of my body. Later, the teacher praised me in front of the whole class. Although I was a little embarrassed at that time, I still felt really good. I was the happiest person in the world.

Whenever I think of my mother's happy smile and the teacher's kind eyes at that time, I can't help reminding myself that I should be a good boy who returns money.

So I have decided to become a salesman who returns the money. I want to promote this virtue and let everyone on the earth have it, because only in this way can the world become more and more beautiful! And people who live on this earth will be more and more happy!

The Virtue of Returning Money (3)

On Friday, Xiao Ming came home happily after school. First, finish all the homework left by the teacher, and then he will go to the football field to play football.

Xiaoming saw a tall man in front of him on the road. He was wearing a cap, brown leather jacket, blue pants, and black shoes. His uncle was walking forward in a hurry, as if he had something urgent. As he walked forward, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat left on his forehead. He accidentally brought out his wallet, too! The wallet fell on the ground, but the uncle didn't feel it. He waved to the taxi, got on the taxi and left quickly. Behind him, Xiao Ming ran after him and shouted, "Uncle, wait a minute, your wallet has fallen off."

He heard nothing. Xiaoming took the wallet he found in his hand and thought: Usually the teacher teaches us good children to return the money. Should I give it to the police or wait for the owner? When Xiao Ming hesitated, a car suddenly stopped in front of him. The door opened, and a red faced uncle came down from the car. It was the owner. Xiaoming hurriedly ran to him and asked, "Uncle, did you lose your wallet?" His uncle couldn't wait to say, "Yes, yes, I lost it." Xiaoming immediately replied, "Here you are, uncle

Although Xiao Ming didn't play football today, he saved a person's life and did something meaningful.

The Virtue of Returning Money (4)

Virtue is everywhere in our life. Tolerance is a virtue, courage is a virtue, diligence is a virtue, firmness is a virtue, honesty is a virtue, and willingness to help others is a virtue

Today's heroine, she lives beside us. As the saying goes, "Virtue is like a flower. Virtue teenagers are praised by everyone." She is Cai Chengyi, a virtue teenager from the 56th Squadron who returns the money.

Last summer vacation, she did a good deed:

That morning, Cai Chengyi played in front of her grandfather's office. At this time, a battery car came towards her from the path, and when she passed by, Cai Chengyi saw two groups of things fall off the pedal of the battery car. Take a closer look. It's two dozen pieces of money with a face value of 100 yuan! Cai Chengyi didn't have time to think about it. She grabbed the money and ran after the battery car. But after all, she couldn't catch up with the speed of the car, so the battery car drove quickly forward and went far away. Cai Chengyi suddenly sweated heavily. Looking around, there was no one. What should I do?

Holding two bundles of money in her hand, Cai Chengyi decided to wait here for the owner to come back and find it, thinking of the owner's anxiety after he found that he had lost so much money. She went to her grandpa's office first, took a newspaper and picked up her wallet. Then she returned to the main road. She waited in the hot sun for a long time, but did not see the aunt come back. So, accompanied by grandpa, they came to the nearby police station and gave the money to the police uncle. The police uncle quickly contacted the lady who came to the police at noon that day for losing money. When the aunt hurried to the police station and learned that the money had not been lost, she firmly grasped Cai Chengyi's hand and said excitedly, "Thank you very much, little friend! Through this, I know that the world is still a good place. I will also teach my daughter to learn from you and be a good boy who returns the money. Thank you! Thank you very much! The twenty thousand yuan is really important to me. " In order to express her gratitude, the aunt also gave Cai Chengyi some money. Cai Chengyi flatly refused. She said, "This is what I should do. The teacher often teaches us to be honest. If we find something, we should hand it over to the public. We should not take it for ourselves. Any Young Pioneer will do this when it comes to such things!" Cai Chengyi's story of finding money moved everyone around, The next day, the social fax reported her return of the money. The aunt sent a thank-you letter and a banner to Cai Chengyi and the school.

Cai Chengyi is such a warm-hearted young man! In class, she is like a bosom sister. When the students are in trouble, she is always the first to help; When the students are worried, she always tries her best to solve their problems?? We often see her with a bright smile, studying hard and growing healthily!