Sand sculpture suitable for sending to friends circle to talk about copywriting (super funny friends circle to talk about copywriting)
Persimmon blossoms
2023-08-03 15:03:12
Complete sentences

1. Now I don't even want to set a password for my bank card. I'm tired of using six digits to protect my two digit deposit.

2. I have a showdown. Actually, I have a boyfriend, but he is not stable at present. Sometimes I can't dream of him

3. My favorite month of the year is February. This month, I only need to be single for 28 days.

4. The baby beside me kept crying when I was having dinner with a friend, which made me very upset that it was not easy for my friend to say so. Let me think about it from another perspective. Now I sit in the stroller, still feel a bit bored.

5. As long as I persist in not sending friends, I will become a star, and I will be 0 update.

6. If you like me, please tell me. In your life, you must experience the feeling of being rejected by beautiful women.

7. My future is not a dream, my future is a nightmare.

8. I'm hungry. I'm honest, reliable, humorous, gentle, good, just, considerate, cute, simple, innocent, romantic, generous, interesting, smart, warm, sweet, elegant, beautiful, and can't be eaten as a meal.

9. Suddenly I found that I had the same beginning for all my future plans. When I had money.

10. Will it destroy the ecological balance if I am a rich woman?

11. I can't solve any problems that can be solved with money.

12. The meat can be reduced when it grows, but those snacks can't be eaten when they are expired.

13. When I am angry, I want to buy something. When I buy something, I have to spend money. When I spend money, I have less money. When I spend less money, I get angry.

14. The salary is like an aunt, once a month, and it will disappear in a week or so.

15. If you can't learn it, it's just five vowels. You have a cell phone in your hand, a fool in your heart, and a teaser nearby. Your IQ is not in the service area, and there is an excavator outside the window.

16. The older generation plays tricks while the younger generation plays chicken.

17. Today, I'm a little annoyed. I don't know how to describe it.

18. If life betrays me, I hope it is selling by catty.

19. I am a feeling controller. I feel that I will marry Yi Shuai Qianxi in the future.

20. Just now, a very beautiful girl met me for a long time and no one broke the peace. I slowly put down the mirror until my hands were tired.

21. Free fortune telling. Just take a selfie to help you test whether my future girlfriend is very accurate.

22. May someone treat you as if you were loved at the beginning and never let you down.

23. God is fair. If he gives you an ugly face, he will definitely give you a family without money.

24. If you have money, you will lose your family. If you have no money, you will worship God.

25. I'm not really fat, but Nuwa used more earth when she made me.

26. I had just finished my homework for five minutes when my mobile phone became jealous, so I coaxed it for two hours.

27. Posing is a symbol of vitality, and vanity is a symbol of youth!

28. My bag was stolen yesterday. I cried all night. I really can't figure out where my bag is inferior to mine.

29. Everyone is a princess. Why are you sick?

30. Someone said that my circle of friends has no nutrition. How can you stew bone soup in the circle of friends?