I like snow (16 popular articles)
Face with a smile
2024-04-07 01:36:56
Junior two

I like snow (1)

This morning, as soon as I woke up from my sleep, my mother said, "Son, get up. It's snowing heavily. You don't have to go to class. Play at home!"

As soon as I heard the word "snow", I got excited. I stood up with both hands and rushed to the balcony, ignoring the cold. "Wow, what a heavy snow!"

I put on my clothes, asked several classmates to play snow together, and opened the door. In front of me is a white world: small trees, tall buildings, the earth, and all things in the world are covered with a layer of white armor. My classmates and I went to the open space in front of the building to have a snowball fight. I went there first, gathered several snowballs, and flashed to the back of the car with the snowballs in my arms. I think: sneak attack them later. Several students came over and had a snowball fight on the ground, but they didn't find me "disappeared". I locked the target and threw the snowball. He was angry and thought they had played. He looked and found that these people didn't have me. He began to look for me. I held the snowball in a pile of snow, facing the door and sticking my body to the door. Because I had a lot of snow on my body, everyone didn't find me. There was no sound. I thought: should they go? I just need to get out of the snow. Unexpectedly, they set up an ambush. As soon as I came out, I was hit three times. My left foot kicked, my right foot slipped, and I slipped from a piece of ice. I got up from the snow, hit back with a snowball, and turned a classmate into a "Santa Claus".

After the snowball fight, of course, we will make a snowman.

I rolled a small snowball and another big snowball, folded them together, used a twist button as an eye, a carrot as a nose, a branch to draw a mouth, two branches as hands, and a "hat" to make a cute snowman.

I like winter, also like snow, more like playing with snow.

I like snow (2)

I like snow, very white, I like wind, very cool. The wind is blowing and the snowflakes are flying. I stand in the wind and snow, unable to extricate myself. The sky is no longer high, and snowflakes fall one by one, like feathers, flowers, and even like flocks.

It's pretty. The wind is blowing freely. I want to go where I want to go. How I want to be like her, unrestrained... I like snow, very white, I like the wind, very cool. The wind is blowing and the snowflakes are flying. I stand in the wind and snow, unable to extricate myself. The sky is no longer high, and snowflakes fall one by one, like feathers, flowers, and even like flocks.

It's pretty. The wind is blowing freely. I want to go where I want to go. How I want to be like her, to fly freely. She stroked my cheek and I felt cool at once. She seems to be inviting me to fly with her. The snow falls freely, like falling into the soil and then falling into the soil. If you want to get into your clothes and fall onto your hat, you will not care about it. The body gradually becomes light, ah, I also become the wind! I exulted in the air, my body was so light, I landed on the bird's back gently, broke the shackles of learning, gave up depression and boredom, and flew and flew, I was thinking: "Where am I going to fly?" Now, I just worry about it.

My body is gradually white, ah, I have become snow! I danced in the air and landed in her palm, becoming crystal clear and warm! I like snow, want to become crystal snow; I like the wind and want to be free!

I like snow (3)

It snowed heavily last night. Early in the morning, I opened my eyes and came out of the warm bed. Wow, it's so cold! It was so cold that my voice was trembling. When I walked out of the house, a white world came into my eyes. I immediately went back to the house and put my schoolbag on my back, ready to go to school.

The school is very lively. The students are playing happily on the crystal white ice and snow. The girls are making snowmen, and the boys are having snowball fights. Although the weather is cold, the atmosphere at this moment is very lively. Sitting in the classroom and looking out of the window at the flying snowflakes, a farming proverb came to my mind: 'A good snow augurs a good year.' This heavy snow is really good, and it will certainly bring a bumper wheat harvest next year. My heart is full of enthusiasm and joy.

At this moment, my heart is full of praise and admiration for snow. I can't help thinking of a poem I once read: Cher, just love you. I don't ask for return, but only for dedication. You appear quietly, bringing the illusion of next year, and disappear silently without leaving a trace of complaint. Disappear in the house, turn into water, disappear in the valley, solidify into ice; In this way, it slowly turned into smoke. Cher, although I can't stop your melting, I will treasure you in my heart. I will look forward to your appearance one day.

Snow is a symbol of winter. Because of the snow in winter, people like it. On the way out of school, I saw the snow covered earth everywhere, turning into a crystal fairy tale world. Rows of trees are full of silver flowers, shining purplish light in the sunlight. In the neighbor's yard, a dozen sparrows are jumping, looking for food in the snow

I like the snow in winter, its whiteness and innocence, and the joy and warmth it brings us.

I like snow (4)

It seems that the snow god heard the children's pure prayer, and poured this holy thing down leisurely. The pure spirit lit up the children's eyes, and then he shouted: "It's snowing -- go out to play --"

I like snow very much, like her purity, like her beauty, like the elegance that disappears after it surprises people, even like her cold beauty, like everything about her

Just because I like it, I want my best friend to share my joy. Yes, you're afraid of the cold, so I didn't force you out.

The next day, the temperature was still so low, but the difference was that the flawless world had been printed with countless footprints, as if the ruined flowers and willows had lost their original beauty and purity, which could no longer excite the pleasure in everyone's heart.

In PE class, I hold you and run to my secret base.

From the next moment, it is our secret base.

Your hand was tightly held by me, and the wind blowing in the face lifted the white scarf I sent you. At that moment, I suddenly felt, you are so beautiful!

Just as I expected, the noisy world below has been trampled down. This is the only pure land on the campus that still keeps its original purity, that piece of white, just because it is not noticed and will only be forgotten... But it will not be in the future, I will always remember!

On the roof of the third floor of the canteen, two little people stood holding their hands tightly. The sun began to get a little warm, and a person wrote on the pollution-free and impurity free snow:

Wei Yiping, thank you for giving me many happy memories.

You are my best friend, I will never forget you! I will never forget this day!

Remembering an oath

You write beside it:

Fang Yi, come on!

Finally, it is the palm print of both of us.

Is this a permanent contract? Even if it is not, it is also an eternal pledge!

Although the snow was damaged, it was not polluted. It bears witness to our vows that two sincere hearts call and attract each other.

Finally, when you go downstairs, you open your palm and hold a heart made of blood. It seems that a hot liquid falls from your face and drops on that heart.

With tears in my eyes, I said jokingly, "What is this? Is it round or square?"

Looking at you naively, he said, "This is clearly a heart!"

I have been holding your heart, never feeling the biting cold. On the contrary, it has been very warm, because it is your heart. I watered it with tears, nourished it, and finally, put our memories in it.

Do you know why I always hold it? Because I want it to melt slowly in my palm. It is the treasure I hold in my palm.

The snow heart has never melted, and it has always lived in my heart.

A person often goes to the third floor of the canteen. The snow never melts, and the few clanking vows on the snow are still clearly visible.

The snow never melts!

I like snow (5)

Quietly, the world turned into a peaceful white again.

The fluffy white feather floated down from the sky and covered the ground layer by layer. Mountains, grasslands, fields, trees, houses and streets are covered with snow-white quilts.

I stood in the snow and looked up at the sky occupied by snowflakes. The sky was pale, but it became active because of the arrival of the snow elves. Snowflakes dance in the sky, hand in hand, in a circle, sitting on the shoulder of the wind flying wantonly. Suddenly, a strong wind came. The wind whipped up snowflakes and rushed around at an unexpected speed. The soft snowflakes seemed to be sharp arrows, which shot rapidly in all directions. Many snowflakes swooped down towards me, fell into my eyes and melted on my face. I quickly narrowed my eyes and enjoyed the grand event of "willow catkins" flying with interest. When the wind stopped, the snowflakes no longer flew in all directions, but fell down from the sky quietly and spirally.

I took my eyes back and was surprised when I touched the scarf on my neck. I carefully held up the scarf with both hands, and saw several complete snowflakes lying quietly on the soft wool fabric. Since the scarf has no temperature and is very soft, the snowflakes neither melt nor break.

I watched these "small gifts" falling from the sky with surprise eyes. Most of them are hexagonal, and there are thin and short icicles on the ice crystals with six feet, which are in the shape of branches. How could there be such a delicate carving on such a tiny snowflake? This is really a masterpiece! In addition to hexagonal snowflakes, there are more complex and simple snowflakes. Some are in the shape of nine corners, and the ice crystals in the subtle places can be found only when people open their eyes hard; Some are quadrangular, simple and elegant; Some of them are only half. The other half of the snowflakes may have been lost in the air, but the pattern of this half is different from the previous one, which is extremely beautiful; There are also hollowed out snowflakes... It is the first time that I have seen all kinds of snowflakes with different styles.

What wonderful snowflakes!

I walked in the snow, feeling the coolness of my skin. Everything that used to be noisy is quiet and clean because of the snow. When you see it, it is always cool and pleasant white, which makes people calm.

The snow in winter is different from the summer rain which cleans the world violently, and from the spring rain which is famous for its gentleness. Unlike the autumn rain and crystal clear autumn dew celebrating harvest with tiredness, it is quiet and peaceful. It has shapes and differences. It is the most noble. In the last season and last period of the year, it sends New Year's greetings to express God's expectations and wishes for the coming year; It is the most spiritual and changeable; It brings peace and joy to people when it is coldest... In short, snow is the messenger with the richest soul and perception, and the messenger between heaven and earth.

I love the snow in winter.

I like snow (6)

My hometown is Yantian River in Macheng, where it snows every winter. I love the snow in my hometown more than flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn

The snow in my hometown is beautiful and spotless. When winter comes, snowflakes come as scheduled. The snowflakes flying all over the sky are crystal clear and come to the world. The vast snowflakes are like white butterflies flying in the air, like silver fairies playing in the air, like jade leaves and silver flowers scattered by fairies... Let your imagination continue, and take you to a fairyland.

Snow in his hometown is a selfless dresser. Look! The whole earth was covered with a silver and thick carpet. The big tree with fallen leaves was also covered with a white coat. The roof of each house, the bare well, the fields, and all the corners that can be seen from the human world are all dressed up by this selfless snow. At this time, the hometown is as beautiful as being wrapped in white jade.

The snow in our hometown is also a magic gift given to our children by nature. When it snows, our children will roll and play on the white carpet. They can also use snow to make white snowballs to fight with each other, and they can also use snow to make snowmen... At this time, laughter and laughter resound in the snow world.

I love my hometown, but I love its snow more.

I like snow (7)

The first snow in 2009 came earlier than usual. I sang and walked happily.
On the way to school, I watched the beautiful snowflakes. It was like a noble white swan gently shaking its wings, and small feathers fluttered down. It was very beautiful! With my hands outstretched, I welcomed the spirit who had fallen into the world. It was as light as catkins, as white as pearls, and just like the downy seeds of dandelion flying in the wind.
The snow is falling more and more heavily. The snowflakes are pulling and pulling in mid air. You hold me, and I hold you tight. They are like countless cotton balls that have been torn. They roll down from the sky, and are dazzled and beautiful.
When I walked into the campus, I saw that my classmates were having a snowball fight I hurriedly put my schoolbag in the classroom to join in the snowball fight. We gathered a soft snowball and aimed at my target, Ge Ge. We were ready to throw the snowball onto her shoulder, without deviation or inclination. With a "bang", it hit Ge Ge's shoulder without error. She was not willing to be outdone. She tried to throw the snowball into my hat. Ha, I was cheering when the bell rang, so we had to go to class obediently.
"The first snow in 2009 came later than usual", singing a happy song, ushered in the first snow.
Comment: The author An Haorui expresses "I"'s love for snow by describing the beauty, purity, crystal clear and the happiness that snow brings to children. In the article, he appropriately uses metaphor, parallelism and other rhetorical devices to write a fascinating winter picture.

I like snow (8)

When winter comes, the weather turns cold and the sky snows. I like winter because of the snow in winter.

When the snow stopped, the ground was like a silver carpet. I saw the snow on the roof, like putting a white hat on the house. The snow on rows of willows looks like a white wedding dress for the tree girl.

I went out to play with the children. Some of the children were making snowmen, some were having snowball fights, and some were drilling snow holes. Our hands and faces were red with cold, but we had fun!

I like winter, more like winter snow!

I like snow (9)

Miss Qiu left with light steps, and Grandpa Winter came to the world. Grandpa Winter waved to people with gusts of cold wind and greeted food with flakes of snow.

Many people say that winter is the most terrible and the coldest season of the year. However, for our children, it is the season we yearn for most. The snow came, and it was like a silver spirit dancing in the air. All of a sudden, the sky and the earth are the same color, the houses are white, and the houses are like huge refrigerators; The trees are white, and the branches are covered with fluffy snow; The ground is white, like a thick white carpet. When the snow stopped, the children swarmed out of their homes, chasing each other in the snow, having snowball fights, making snowmen, and playing with snow all over their faces and bodies, which made them very happy.

Snow covers the wheat with a "quilt" and brings people the joy of harvest. As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year." I think farmers are also eager for snow in winter. I like winter, I like winter snow, I prefer the purity and simplicity of winter snow.

I like snow (10)

People have four seasons, each season has its unique style, and I like winter, because winter has my favorite snow.

Snow, like a winter elf, dances gracefully from the sky and comes to every corner of the world. Unconsciously, it has already taken the roof, trees, grass, roads... as its own stage and rushed to perform. In a short time, the world has become white. White is so clean, white is so pure, I feel like I am in a dream world.

It often snows in winter, and every snowfall surprises me. I'm so excited!

I clearly remember the winter of last year. It was a Sunday morning. I got up and opened the door to see a vast expanse of white. I exclaimed, "Wow, what a big snow, I gave my scarf and hat to the snowman. We ran, jumped, and laughed on the snow. We forgot the time when we played. We didn't even eat lunch. When we got home, my mother saw my red hands and face, and criticized me severely. But I was not angry at all. I was happy.

I like the snow in winter and the world embraced by snow!

I like snow (11)

I like snow, every winter I always look forward to early snow. When the snow rises, the whole earth becomes a white world.

In the morning, the sky was gray, as if smeared with a layer of coal ash. It was gloomy and terrible. After a while, the snowflakes fluttered down. Like naughty children, they chased each other to the ground and settled down again like good children until they hit the ground. The white snowflakes are flying all over the sky like goose feathers, and they are getting bigger and bigger with the company of the north wind. After a while, the ground was covered with thick snow. The heaven and earth are connected, and we can't tell where the heaven is and where the earth is.

After the wind and snow, I will invite several friends to play in the snow. The snow is soft and creaking when you step on it. Snowball fights, snowballing, and snowman making are all games that make us happy. Our laughter spread far. It may also remind adults of their childhood when they opened the window to watch us play.

I like snow, because it is pure white, a symbol of innocence and beauty. I like snow because it purifies the air for us and brings hope for a bumper harvest to the vast fields. I like snow because it brings us infinite fun.

I like snow (12)

In the morning, I woke up from my sleep, rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window.

Wow! It's snowing. The goose feather like snow fell from the sky, and one snowflake after another flew all over the sky, making the whole world white. The winding path turned into a white overpass leading to the sky. The bare branches were full of fruits, and the high and low roofs were covered with a thick white quilt.

I couldn't wait to reach out my red hand to catch it, but the shy snowflake turned into crystal clear dew in the blink of an eye, cold and cold. Ah! The whole world seems to have become a world of powder and jade!

"You can play with snow!" A loud voice interrupted my thoughts. "Brother, let's play with snow!" I couldn't wait to go to the roof platform with my brother. No matter how cold the weather is and how heavy the snow is, my brother and I still braved the cold to play with snow. We had a snowball fight and made snowmen. We had a good time.

I prefer playing with snow. As the saying goes, "Snow augurs a good year", and next year will be a good year for harvest.

I like snow (13)

I love the fragrant flowers in spring, the singing birds in summer, and the fragrant fruits in autumn, but I prefer the crystal snow in winter.
In winter, small snowflakes fall from the sky. The snow is as white as jade, colorless and tasteless. First, small snowflakes slowly fall down one by one, like dancing jade butterflies. The snow kept falling, small snowflakes turned into big snowflakes, and big snowflakes turned into pieces of goose feathers, falling down in a swirl. The silver butterfly like snowflakes danced happily in the air, sometimes left or right, like a naughty child, you touch me, I touch you, until they jumped into the arms of Mother Earth, they would not be quiet.
The heavy snow covered the wheat seedlings with a thick quilt, covered the hillside with a beautiful silver dress, and dressed the pine trees with hexagonal skirts.
Snowflakes are like flowers in spring, butterflies in summer, maple leaves in autumn, and scattered flowers in winter. They are all kinds of beautiful!
I like snow very much.

I like snow (14)

If I want to say what season I like, I will say winter. If I want to say what I like, I will say winter snow. In fact, it means the same thing - I like winter snow.

The snow is white in winter. Children (including me) often play some games with snow, such as making snowmen, snowball fights, skiing... Some children who have not played these games do not know how interesting these games are. Let me tell you how to play snowmen. A snowman should prepare a lot of snow, or how to call it "making snowmen"? Pick up a small piece of snow, add the remaining snow into it, add a larger snowball, and use the same method to make a smaller snowball. Put the smaller snowball on the larger snowball, and then prepare the snowman's eyes, nose, and buttons. The two eyes can be replaced by two red bayberries, which are round and black, and the nose can be replaced by carrots, Snowman's nose is so long! The buttons can be replaced by grapes. Five or six buttons are enough. The mouth is painted by hand, and there are all kinds of expressions.

The white snow is falling on the roof. From the outside, the house is brand new. Falling on the earth, it seems that the earth is covered with a layer of white, thick cotton padded clothes, and the earth will not be cold.

I like snow (15)

I like snow, because snow not only brings a beautiful scenery, but also brings laughter and laughter to people. My mother said that snow can also purify the environment.

Although the snow will make it inconvenient for me to go to school, I like to walk in the snow with an umbrella and homework in my hand, talking and laughing all the way with my good friend Pan Bowen. The snow under my feet made a sound of "creaking, creaking". We jumped from left to right, then from right to left. This "creak, creak" sound follows us from the left to the right, and then from the right to the left. The sound of "creak, creak" may be that we are working too hard at school, so we want to sing songs for us all the way.

The day before yesterday, our upstairs child and Uncle Li made a snowman. Uncle Li and several other little boys made snowman bodies. I went to the head of the snowman with several little girls. We stood a few meters apart in the snow and rolled the snowball made by Wen Wen from side to side and from side to side. In a short time, it created a round snowball, and then made up again. As a result, the round snowball became wide and large. Wen Wen said mischievously, "If you put a body on this big snowball, you will become a big head son." "Ha ha, Wen Wen is right," Lulu said.

Uncle Red Star put the snowball on the snowman's body. We little girls have become designers again, cutting and dressing the snowman. After five or six minutes, a beautiful and lovely snowman appeared in front of us. We also took photos with the snowman.

I like the snow in winter and all the beautiful memories that winter brings us

I like snow (16)

I like the continuous rain in spring, the scorching sun in summer, and the autumn water, but I prefer the spotless snowflakes in winter.

Look! It's snowing! The snow like jade shavings swayed from left to right in the sky, and also squeezed and bumped, just like a drunken man walking in the air of the Eight Immortals' Walk. The snowflakes fluttering with the wind were pasted on the wall, on the glass, on and off, flying everywhere, like a naughty child playing hide and seek with us. Snow fell on the house, as if to put a white hat on the house; Snowflakes fall on the branches as if covered with thick white clothes; The snowflakes fell on the withered branches of flowers and plants, as if they were wearing a white scarf; The snowflakes fell on the ground, like "chocolate cream pie". Snowflakes are flying with the wind, like white elves shuttling around the world, making the earth bright and colorful. The snow is falling more and more heavily, from a little bit, into a ball, it seems that the cotton ball scattered from the sky. The snowflakes kept flying, like cotton, willow catkins, poplar flowers, flying all over the sky.

What a pure snowflake! It makes all passers-by feel its beauty and let everything have it. Overnight, the lawns, holly, flowers, stones and trees on both sides of the road all seemed to be "beautified". Looking around, there was white everywhere, which seemed to be a world of snow. The grass is covered with quilt, and the tree is covered with cotton padded jacket.

I went outside and stood in the snow flying all over the sky. In the white Qionglouyuyu, I looked up at the snowflakes falling in the sky and reached out to catch them. Of course, snowflakes are beautiful. Each small snowflake is a small pattern. They both have something in common and have their own style. Some are like bright stars, some are like thin sewing needles, some are like hexagonal petals, and some are like six open fans. But there is not a same snowflake in the world.

Snowflakes are not only beautiful, but also meaningful. She won't use her voice to express her feelings like raindrops. It is the beautiful quiet feeling of snowflakes that expresses the purity and quietness of her heart to us. Such tranquility is not only seen with our eyes, but also heard and felt with our hearts. Snowflakes are the portraits of human soul. When we see snowflakes, we see the purest side of people.

Snowflakes are beautiful, white, flawless, pure, whiter than white clouds, whiter than silver, whiter than white paper. The snowflakes are bright again. A small snowflake, you may not see anything, but a lot of snowflakes come together, bright and shining, making everything bright, white, alive and lively. Even in the dark, the snowflake will shine in the dark with her white and bright body, just as all the stars in the sky have fallen down.

Ah! Snow girl, I want to praise you. You are so selfless. You have devoted your short life to the earth. You have protected the crops and let them spend the winter in your arms. With your nourishment, they thrive. You have brought us fun. This snowy world is our paradise. Snow flower girl, your pure spirit, broad mind and selfless dedication make me deeply admire you.

Grade 5: Gong Mengling